ï¬liiiiiiiiicilinisui Historians" DEVEtthlt’lENl nun: uni tllmliESS til; May Beat Estimate by 16 Months in Having, Power Ready for Delivery by September First of This “iv ear Largest Power Development in the World Will Then be Owned by the People of Ontario. Niagara Falls, ()nt., P‘cb. 20.â€"- used. The scene changes :tl!)}0>l’ d..'.l_v. Some time last summer tllv prediction and mm September when the water was made that. the Chippewaâ€"Queens? turned into the canal the pmplc of, ten Hydroâ€"electric development couliltliitario will have for themselves thcl not. be completed before January,largest individual power development? 1923, and only by the utmost good in the world. and one that, dcspdc, fortune could two units of 55.000lthc handicaps ot‘ high labor and mm, horsepowar each be installed and in tcrial will' supply electrical; operation three months prior to that - energy at. it reasonable (tipltiil costs, date. The influence of this on the wealthv At the time that forecast was made and prosperity 01' the community willl there was an acute power shortage be measured more effectively by the; over the entire Hydro-electric systenn maximum amount of power produced, The city of Toronto was vitally con-I than by considering the powcr itself; cerned, in view of the prospectivc ac: as the ultimate Commodity. \‘vlu-n] quisition of the street railway on the? he development fully cci‘nplctcd, ï¬rst of September next. To taxi there will be nine units (it‘ 55000, the Niagara system with another 40,â€"; horserowcr each, and it is hoped thatj these will have a combined capacityi I irobublj,’ moonlit cost s, is 000 horsepower customer was beyond reason, apart from meeting the,undcr full head of steadily increasing demands {orthorscpowcu power from all districts. A word about the men uho are beâ€" It was then that the challenge was! hind the project. From the incep- made to the engineers to beat the; tion Sir Adam Beck has never wav- prophecy by 16 months, that is, to! ered in his faith that the Chippewa; have two units each generating 55,-i development would be the same-suc-g 000 horsepower installed and in op-l cess that the whole Hydro enterprisel oration by the ï¬rst of September has been. The scheme is Canadian in, next. That also meant; to ï¬nish theE its conception and is Canadian in its excavation of the power canal, tolsturdiness and execution. l It is interâ€" erect the power-house at Queenston, esting to observe also that the Uni-i install generating and transformer versity of Toronto has supplied mosti equipment, and do a million other of the engineering ‘brains employed, things. The engineering staff accept- on the work. Mr. F. A. Gaby, Chief ed the challenge and set about to deâ€" Engineer of the Hydro~elcctric Power mand from the entire organization a Commission, is. a graduate of the scheduled performance from day to‘Univcrsity of Toronto; Mr. H. G. (1337- Acres, Chief Hydraulic Engineer, is The open winter has been most fav- another Toronto graduate. It is stated arable for rapid progress. Concrete that 75 per cent. of the entire engin- is being poured daily, and altogether coring staff received their training ati some "400,000 yards of this will be'thc Provincial university. OUGHT TO REMAIN A PROTECTORATE' British Comment on Lord Mil- ner’s Report on Egyptian Question. London, Feb. 20.â€"Comment of Lord Milncr’s report advocating self- determination for Egypt, shows that‘ the Imperialists are dead against' such a measure of independence to, Egypt. on the ground that it is the? key to India and ought to remain within the orb of the British Empire.‘ The Premier’s object in publishing, it; is obviously an effort on his part to sound out the country. The school teachers’ strike her: is ended, all the teachers having been reinstated by the School Board. The. Teachers’ Association is now recog- nized by tlieboard as representing the city's teachers. Schools will re- open Monday niorninig. after being; closed one week. Salaries will bel adjusted by a joint committee of the board and the association, and in case of disagreement provisions are made for arbitration. It was agreed that a strike or lockout would be the last, resort, and thirty days' notice must‘ be given of such action. Airplane Polic: For French FrontierI The Morning Post cries for a ‘ s - / ....:~ ... . .,__'r , “rightly administered, courageously 1.1:: (15“léltillrflonltp‘fâ€Â° ,‘lh" . . . Q . -, ., asserted†protectorate, because to c 0 9 “men 15 6‘ a) him†several airplane squadrons to guard the frontier. These. squadrons will be known as the “custo is police," and will aid the customs authorities in enforcing the revenue laws. They will be under. the direction and command of the police authorities, however, and will be utilized whenever necessary to chase fugitives from justice. Weekly Ma rliet Report per 1b.; Ontario comb honey. at $7.50 per 15-section case; 5té-21é-lb. tins.! gra'nt: self-determination ‘to Egypt must involve the gravest peril to what is the key to a strategic position for the British Empire.†New Westminster Teachers Win Their Fight New Westminster, B.C., Feb. 20.â€"â€" Toronto. Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, $1.91; No. 2 Northern, $1.88; No. 23 to 25c per lb. 3 Northern, $1.84; No. 4 wheat, Smoked meatsâ€"Hams. med. 40 to $1.79, 41c; heavy, 37 to 39c; cooked, 53 to Manitoba oatsâ€"~No. 2 CW, 49%c; 570; rolls, 32 to tide; cottage rolls, 35 No. 3 CW, 457/3; extra No. 1 feed, 45%c; No. 1 feed, 4335c; No. 2 feed, 40%c. Manitoba barleyâ€"No. 3' CW, Sol/ï¬e; No. 4 CW, 70%c; rejected, 601.1%; feed, 60%c. * All of the above in store at Fort William. to 36c; breakfast bacon, 45to 49c; fancy breakfast bacon. 53 to 56c; backs, plain, bone in, 49 to 54c; bone- less. 55 to 59c. Cured meatsâ€"Long clear bacon. '37 to 28c; clear bellies, 26 to 27c. i Lardâ€"Pure, tierces, 21%; to 22ml tubs, 22% to 2352c; pails, 2‘2 to 230; American com 93C, non-1,, prints, 23 to 24c. Shortening. 14 to Toronto, prompt shipment. {14%0; tUbSi 151a to lï¬lit‘; Pails.- 10%. Ontario oatsâ€"No. 2 white, 47 to 49c. ' t0 180; Prints, 15 t0 170- i Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 Winter, $1.85 Good heavy steers. $9 to $10; but-‘ to $130 per car lot; No. 2 Spring’ cher steers, choice, $8.50 to $9.50; do, t track, . Reds NOW ALL TOGETHERâ€"HEAVE H0. MY'HEARTIES! sroepsn inisu A EMIGRANTS AT DOCK Raid in Liverpool is Alleged Work of Sinn Fein “Government.†London, Feb. 20.â€"â€"Scnsational deâ€" velopment of alleged Sinn Fein activ-' ity broke out. in Liverpool last. night, iNew Taxes Announced by Ontario Government Two-mill tax on all real estate transfers. One-quarter of one per cent. tax on all bank reserve funds. . lxtension of amusement tax to billiard parlors and pool rooms. Railway taxation increased from $25 to $40 per mile. Increased taxes under Mining lTax Act. - Estimated Increased Revenue: Property tax . . . . . . . 250,000 ,Bank reserve fund tax 450,000 when armed iron in civilian clothes. raided several boarding houses near the docks and took passports and steamship tickets from a number of Irishmen due to sail to America in a few days and ordered them to return to Ireland. The inference is that the numbered from twelve to twenty men, and at least in one case are said to have represented themselves to be Liverpool police. They worked so quickly and efï¬ciently that the neigh-. borhood was completely surprised.l - 0.0â€"â€" Stefansson’s Services Acknowledged by Dominion A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" sued a formal vote of thanks to Vil- hjalmar Stefausson. the Arctic ex- plorer, acknowledging on behalf of the Canadian Government the service which Mr. Stefansson has rendered the nation in exploring uncharted Can- adian lands. The statement observes that in three expeditions in the last eleven years the explorer “has added greatly to our knowledge of lands alâ€" ready known to exist and has discov- ered lands of large area previously tied the raiders had escaped. So far‘ only one. arrest on suspicion has been' made. Some of the raiders wore smoked glasses. The mystery of the motive was deepened by a remark of one raider. “I've seen you in the Black and iTans." The man denied this but ad- mitted he had been in the British, army in Ireland. The police investigation handiâ€" capped because nobody in the district, either through sympathy or tear. will. give a description of the raiders. daries of Canada.†.9â€".â€"â€"â€"_- Mr. John Stanï¬eld, Colchester, N. S., has been appointed to the Senator- ship left vacant by the death of Sen- ator William Dennis, of Halifax, N.S. -0; «_ a- .._. To Rebuild Forts in the Valleys A despatch from Paris sayszâ€"The 1 TWO DROWNED WHEN Sinn Fein “government†is carrying. - . ‘ . ‘ r on a campaign to prevent Irish emiâ€" Bllllald P511101 tdx ' " 280’000 gration from weakening the poten- Hallway tax ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ 420’000 tial strength of the “Irish Republican llhmng ACt lax - i - - - ~ 100,000 Army“ in its ï¬ght against the British ~â€""â€"-, Government. The raiding parties Total increase ...$1,500,000 and by the time the police were noti‘l The Pl'li'." COMIC“ Of Canada has is“ unknown, thereby extending the boun-l .g _--_ ‘ WATER MAIN BURSTS ‘Damage of Over $100,000; l 28 Persons Injured in Montreal. l‘vlontveal. lib. 20 â€"Two boys were tlIO\‘.’llL‘-.l, damage estimated at over $100,000 done. thirteen families were rendered homeless and :28 persons were taken to Montreal General Hos- pital as the result of a bust high preSsurc water main feeding the east end of the city. which occurred at ithe corner of St. Urbain and Dora clicstcr streets early this morning. ‘Of the 2% taken to the hospital only two were seriously enough injured to be admitted to wards. The dead arc: Issac Schachtcr, 3, of 215 St. Urbain Street; Abel Schaclitcr, 2, of the same address. The injured in hospital are: Isaac Slatzky, 42. with severely cut hands; Mrs. Sarah Slatzsky, 40, with severe nervous shock. S. Fortin. assistant director of pub- lic works, said to-night that the water main which burst was a bad piece of piping which had broken frequent- ly in the past three or four y'ars. It carried a pressure of between eighty and eighty-ï¬ve pounds to the square inch. The water worked its way into the houses. ï¬lling the cellars and rising to the next floor, and spouted, up- ,wards with such force that the ten- ements collapsed under the pressure. l o o London University Appoints Woman to Chair A despatch from London says:â€" The London University Senate has appointed Miss Aime Louise McIlroy to the University chair of obstetrics and gynaecology at the London School of Medicine for Women. Miss McIlroy was educated at the Universities of Glasgow, London, Berlin, Vienna and . Paris. 0 Speaker of the British Columbia Legislature. “I'llllfllll Manson who hag. been ap- pointed Speaker by the Legislature. Mrs. Ralph Smith declined the an pointinent. General Stafl" of the French Army has decided in the reconstruction of its frontier'forts to place them all in valleys instead, as formerly, on thel . . . . . summits 0t hills. This radical change! in all preconceived ideas of military} ' fortiï¬cations has been made as the: result of their experience in the late’ Reparations D0 NOt InCll-Ide L ' Ships Which is Included in B stituent of Claim is Arno Pensions “'21 l‘. ,w c _, .. on Tiflis City . fâ€"C' . . A despatch from London says:â€" A lléspi’ftm him“ lonitammople, The total amount of Canada's claim Silii§:_rlfllsf capital 01 the Republic) for reparations against Germany, with ol “Golg’m’ds lbfeatemldlbdl. a BESS“ " the exception of losses involved in Armenian Soviet army. the been the Sinking Of- Shipsy which are in_ cluded in the British total, has been gian Government has tied. $1.75 to $1.80; No. Goose wheat, g‘OOd. $7150 10 $3.50; 00 mean $650 to $1.75 to $1.80, shippin points. accord-isnéo; butcher heifers, choice $8.50 to; in to freight. l$9-00; (it). med. 37 to $8; do. com.. $45 arleyâ€"80 to 850. toito $6.50; butcher cows. choice. $8 to, s) .4 Q. accoiding‘ freights outside. $9; do. med. $5 to $7; canners and. BuckwheatuNo. 3, 05c to $1, nom- CUth‘S‘ $350 to $4; butchcr bulls.’ inal. 300d. $0 to $8; do, fair, $5.50 to $6;' Ryeâ€"No. 8, $1.50 to $1.65. nominal. d0 COm-y $4 t0 $5; feeder , good, 900 according to freights outside, ‘11)?†$7 to $3; ‘10, 800 11m. $050 to $7M Manitoba flourâ€"-â€"$10.70, bulk. sea- mllkers 311d Spl‘lllgel'sy Cl10169, >3100 fol board $150; calves. choice, $15 to $15.50; do: Ontario flourâ€"$8.50, bulk. seabJardJmEdn $13 t0 $14; do, 60111-- to $10;‘ Millfeed â€" Delivered. Montran lambs. $11 to $12: sheep. choice. $6l freight, bags included: Bran. per ton,i ‘0 $7.50;.d0. 11"." 811d burl“. $4 to $5? $38.40~ shorts, per ton, $37 to $38;§ do- )‘earllng‘S. $10 to $10.50; hogs, fed good f’eed flour, $2.35 to $2.50 per bag, ; and watered. $13.75; do. ofl‘ cars. $1.4;l CheesFNew, large, 30 to 31c;§do, t.o.b.. $12.75: do. to the Immoral twins, 31 to 32c; triplets. 3177‘; tolSI‘J-SO. " 32%0; old, large, 32 to 35c; do, twinsfl 32% to 351/éc. Butterâ€"Fresh dairy, 50c; creamery, No. 1, 05 58 to 61¢. S l Montreal. Oats. No. 2 CW, 98c; No. 3 CW. 64c.i Choice, 49 togFlour. Man. Spring wheat patents; to 59c; fresh‘fflrsts. $10.70. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs, I$3.40. Bran, $88.25. Shorts, $38.25. ! n r l V V . Eggsâ€"N13“, lauds 48 to 90,3; new-H033, 1‘40. 2, per ton. tar lots. $26 to. s i; ' i c- . laid, 111 cartons, 51 to 53c. l Beansâ€"Canadian, band-picked, bus..l Cheese, ï¬nest casterns, 2:8 to 28’75c. $3.75 to $4;‘ primes, $3 to 3350. Jan! Butter, choicest. crcaniery, 53 to 585-50. pans, 8c; Limas, Madagascar. 10léc;.Eggl-% fl‘gï¬Ã©h: 480 P°l3i°95~ Per 1938. ’car ots, c. California Limes. 12%0. ! Med. cows and heifers. $6.50 to t Maple productsâ€"Syrup. per imp. _ $7.00; camera, 53; bulls, $5 to $6.50. get, $3.40 to $8.50; or o imp. gals. Good veal $14 to $16; med.. $12 to $3.25 to $3.40. Maps sugar, lb., to 25., 31°. Lambs od $1251» com 9r ' ‘ _ t. , . ., . t Honey~00 and SOâ€"lb. tins, ‘22 to ‘31: $7. 3023. Siam“. $1“: S'DWS. $12.0 0 forwarded to the Reparations Com- ,mission by the Canadian Government. When the marine lossos are added, Canada’s claim will amount in all to about one billion dollars. This en- ormous sum. however. is not regard- ed as a practical ï¬gure, inasmuch as l i l i . crable under the settlement. the amount paid out, or to be paid out, by the Canada Pensions Board, which, as capitalized, is assessed at ; peace .' l l i dollars. t been added. charge for the expenses of the Can- adian portion of the army of occupa~ tion. This is a deï¬nite ï¬gure, but not a large one, as the Canadian troops remained on the Rhine for only a few i _ i’months. ‘ Smuts the oiplomat. , The Canadian marine losses, as at- PI‘leeI‘ 0! the Union of SCtlill Ail: tread? gtated, are not separately men- ca, who states that he i» tends, . siiirg . & General Hex-11mg. hi< Xurim‘alfst and . unsuccessful rival, The Im- : I‘Dm'a‘ ("r-sic once. ‘ 1." CTN? ..o:‘ pounds. i It would appearamti it will be but one of the items in the‘ "moral" damages due from Gcrniany.; rather than the actug amount recov-f conference‘ Its largest constituent isiL . slightly over ï¬ve hundred millions of, For separation allowance? ‘another hundred million dollars haslcountry of registry rather than to‘j A third item is thelthe country of ownership, especiallyI l hills CLAIM For Bltlltlll ‘ m S AGAlNS’l GERMANY osses Involved in Sinking of. ritish Claim â€"â€" Largest Con- unt Expended by Canada Board. a considerable difï¬culty may later de‘ velop over the apportionment of the sums recovered from Germany under this head. This money is not to be paid over to the companies which owned the lost ships, since they were reimburs- ed by the payment of the insurance, lnor to the insurance companies, since ;tlicy proï¬ted from the war prem- ; iums, but will become the property of lthe taxpayers and to be used by the irespective governments of the Mother, Country and the Doniinions for pub, lic expenditures. The difï¬culty, which promises to arise ts over, the question of vessels owned in one part of the Empire and registered in another. In the case of the Canadian Paciï¬c vesâ€" , sels, for instance, which are owned in, “Canada but registered in Great Bri-; tain, the contention advanced here is! that reparation should be made to the, as so much C.P.R. stock is held in th‘ United Kingdom. This is a View which will scarcely be popular in Canada. How Canada and the other parts of; the Empire are tr; 53:5 in tho rwentv- .. a... -<- -._V‘ two pei cent. of the total Germaï¬ aymen’c for reparation which Grea been is to receive has not yet be {oned in the Dominion Government's decided. This will probabl be a an statement. being included in the Bri- jcct for discussion and , i total cf over seven hundred mil-' the Conference of Premiere in Lo ecision bit don in J one.