Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Feb 1921, p. 8

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n_..___ First-class .{epairer on all kinds of boot,r and shoes. Guarantee to give vou Value. for Your Money. The Working Man's Friend. ARNOLD ST REET :Next Door to Jones Lumber Company W- * " grim“ THORNHILL RINK "i'ltchrornhillRink will lo (111'!) for Skating i-vcr'y Monday Afternoon From :3 to 1.30 o'i lurk. Admission 11) cents. Saturday Evening From 7.30 to 10 p. or. Admission 2.3 cents. =(‘hililii-n. under 11. 10 cents. .‘l'hind on Saturday Evenings. turneandénjoy this healthful exercise. 3.1. E. TEESON. ('airtakcr. 'Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the Estate and Edward Dixon, late of the Village of Richmond Hill. in the County of Kim-k, Gentleman, Deceased. I t’URSUANT t0 the Statutes in that ‘lrct‘mlf. notice is hereby given that. all .garties having claims against the Estate of Edward Dixon. late of the "Viltruze of Richmond Hill. who died on the 9th day of January. 1921. are re- ~iutitvisd to send to the imder'srgned, Executors of the said Estate, on or ‘11er”? the. 21st day of March next, t. statement of their claims. under .ififidavit with their names and addresses. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Exccutors after the last merrâ€" tinned date will proceed to. distribute the assets among the parties errtitliul thereto. having regard only to such claims as they shall then have received notice. . .I) rted tlrisITrh day of FebruaryJD‘ZI. _.lanic:. Dixi-n. R. R. ytiol mley, orAlt'i-ed 1‘). Mason 51Davisvillc. Ave. 31.4 Toronto. No ice of Application for Divorce is hereby given that of NOTICE [ALFRED ERNEST MUGRIDGE. tin- (‘ity of ’I‘orouto. in the County will , York. Automobile Mechanic. apply to the Parliament of Canada a t. the next session thereof for a Bill of ilivorcc from his wife. M rumours, of fieadle. Saskatchewan, Starr-led \Vornan. on the grounds of «lottery and desertion. Dated at Toronto. Province of (lotâ€" nsrio, this 21rd day of February. A. D. £3921. HUGHES 8: AGAR 7‘2 Queen Street. West, Toronto, Ont. Solicitors for the Applicant. .33 :11 ALFRED ERNEST Mt unrno‘E. RICHMOND HILL SKATING RINK OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. Boot and Shoe 1 various EAS I‘ER TERM OPENS MAR.29th liirilil for siicccss by attending i l Yonge anl (‘narlos his, Toronto. '1 his School i'njoys :i grout lieptrtm [ion for supi-rior work and for p :tcing the graduaer quickly in good positions. I‘hcre- illt' l tl.ousrntlsot'opi-uinrs in Toronto l racl: year and \\t' arc callvd upon ‘ tolillmorethan xvi-can. Open all yiar. l‘luli-rat any time. Circu- lars fir-c. W. J.'r"r‘, Principal. l â€" Strong Position ofStandard Bank During: the period of industrial rc- riil_iiI~triii-rri. such :is‘ ('rinada, in t"iil|1~ mou with 111“ other countries of the world. is now striti'rncnts of lllt’ hailing banks ol‘ now l'orivaiiiuii,r its annual 1111011 to shriri-holilcrs and it, (lisi'iosos ,1 prisi. lion that will llt‘ found particularly “assuring. Thi' stteuglh of tin- (‘arrailiari banking sysli Irr>\‘ iii-Vrr riroro ill-ally t‘i‘trvi-(i than (luring.r thu- war llt‘l'll'tl. At tli‘i- pit-\t‘llt time thi- ildvfllllflgl'li (I Ibt’ >.\'.\It‘111 1111' Hi‘lll 1wng l‘t'fiel'lt'll try ihi- manner in \\’hich thr- lu-riks are gorlirig back into the ordinary liries"of1rusinoss and lending constructive assistance to the trade and commerce of the country. Tho business of every St‘('1li|ll of the Dominion is growing’ and [hi- Standard Bank is making provision to harrdlc ii still larger amount of the business in its territory by in- creasing both its (‘apital and lie. servos. During tho war pi-riod thrift campaigns were car» reid out. It is evident that they have had a good effect on the Canadian people. Even during the past ycar the Standard Bank is able to r‘r-‘pot'l a substantial gain in savings (It'â€" posits. not “ithstanding the fact that in the earlier part of the year large withdrawals \vere undoubtedly made by people who had made purchasers in connection with the last Victory Loan campaign. Careful and conservative manage policy it must be particularly satis- factory to shareholders to know that the management have found it puisib e to recommend to the B mr-d of Direct- ors an increase in the dividend dis- tribution from 13 to 14 per cc t. “With the larger resources at its dis- uosai, the Standard Bank should to ble to play H. still more important part in the devolprnent of the district which _it serveS'nnd at the same time pay a. good return on capital to its many Canadian shareholders. ment has always been the policy of , the Standard Bank and in view of this i passing through. Illt‘i tiri- (ountry have a spi‘i‘ial sig-i Illili‘ilnt‘t'. The- Standard llirik ol' Cinada is ‘ businch of the war period. No in has i l Country. Islantiai gain oi as riiuih as ‘11 Substantial Increase in Savings D Canadian The strong position of The Stand lrllil Rank of Canada is strikingly rc- llct‘tt‘d ly the annual report for tho Il>i'ill yo rr to Jinn,” v Ilist, now going l'or‘n‘ard ti) slrari-lioliii-rs. During tho p-ist year there- 1| 1? teen M gradual swing iniik on thcpartof ('auadim banks in in tho Spl‘l'llll llll(1(‘1'- ‘takiugs :Issllllird during thi- war for- thc Dominion (iil\('lllllll rit‘l[lltliâ€" itii .‘\t tl‘ipsauwiirur 111!‘!6'11.’t<1li'f’11 illl :ti'tivi- lcmarnl for :ri'i'ornrrroilalion from tho Illitllllfilt'llllt'lfi and liaisinius oiganixaiiom of Mir i'i‘llIrIl _v. This situation has llt‘l‘ll rriil “illi- oiit impairing the usual >tIongp~<iâ€" tior: of the Bank and liquid rr\_\r‘[.~“ are i-qual to so ot'liziliiliticsto pub-,i lir. \vlrilo ni'lilal t'it\l| on hand is,l 4 equal to ovi-i 2|) 1 of putrlii li:il ilitii‘s. A ili‘volopnn'nt \\hich irnlit‘atiwl that the unions thrift t'fllllpfl‘iUIIS‘ llrl\'l' hall a Sl1'11'tly ill'wt on the (Yiiriiiliaii [H-nplr- is >1|i)\\'l| by 1111' allllv‘ in ‘ savings deposits, rlrt‘so now standing at Sfiil,tlll,i'l7, up from $111,010,255” a: , llll‘t'lldtll'111(’111't‘\llll|s)‘l'ill'. Increase in Capital. As :i result of the steadily expand. lug 1'll\llll'3$i‘1‘111t‘1ii|lik,ill‘lilllgi’lllt111i l 1r:i\i~ been made for larger ('apital and ‘ Iii-solve. \\'ilh lhe myroents aim-ad)" made. the t'iprtal now starul~ at $3.- tUZJlUI, .-orn|raii-il with $31,7rtlt'.t)llilariil tho Reserve Fund at $1.500,t0|l, as i om-l pill't'tl with $4,5UOJltlll, \Vith the adjustment of the sporiall been a reduction in the dopmits in‘ (‘entral tiolil Reserve: to $2.ttltl,i)t,t),; down from $3600.01“). whili: holdings} of ('anridian Municipal Securities and British Foreign and Colonial 1’ublii' Securities have llt'Pn rotlirccd from sszoasoa to $15,816,973. The withdrawal of special (ioveiii-‘ lllPIlt funds \voulil also 896‘!“ to ac- count for the change in deposits not hearing interest, which now stand at $14,377,712, down from 824.078.6423. At the same time biliinces (1110 by other banks have increased to $1.- 1180,053, up from $820,221. “Illlt‘ chrques on olher banks have gained to $4,230,348. as against. :3.(533,129. In line with the deflation in business that is occurring throughout the; a reduction occurs in the notes of the Bank in circulation and these now amount to $6,134.00”, as compared with $6,786,218 at the end i s A large number of delegates are in co mention in Massey IIall. previous to the taking of the referendum on the 18lh of April. STELLA . X. . Chirrolt't “FR 50" Touring Car, Illade in Canada IIE possession of a Chevrolet model - “FB 50" Touring Car is investment in satisfaction. Built into it is an economy of opcraiion {tilt of service which is (-lraractcri rolct products everywhere. tional refinements of appointments, corn- fort and appearance ilistirrg ily as a car of i - 9 its 'aluc. DAVID HILL 051m /. _â€"___'_._â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" inusually low price for V#’ n ’__.____â€"_\/_\==â€"______» POsition Maintained By Standard Bank of Canada»: eposits Indicates Thrifty Peopleâ€"Arrangements to Increase Capital and Reserve to Handle Growing Requirements of Customers. of the preiious ymr. Total lilllllllllll to $90,153,979. l Increase in Profits. 1 01‘ special will 11!“ I’rolit and 115% >iilll‘lllt‘lll. result of ii l1ll‘ rrgiilai‘ (11\'1(1t‘tl(1 of ylhe Bank has iii-on increased from ill 110 ll pi-r ('l'lll. \Villi tho larger ('upi- [WI and liosi-rvi' at. its t1l*ll'l~-il. [llt‘lt' is a substantial guru illllt‘1111l|111<. and for the your [hr-so amounted to j-‘t47\1.${l?1*, tip from $770.31” in tin- pi‘r'Vltdl“ year. Aililid to the prolits for thi- year was a balance- C-‘IIllt'il forward of $Iltit|,52l7. “1111" illt‘lt‘ was lt‘('('1\t‘l1 l'ronr pr-i-rniuru on iii-iv stoi 1; $226.51)”. These amounts made tho tiilul aurounl :ivailriblo lur‘ dis- lrihuiion $i.1171,-1(l7, This was ilistriluui-d as follows: Dividends at the ["10 it it per :llllllllll........$192,7211 War Tax on Note ('11- I'lllillll)“ 35.01:; Iimi‘r'u‘ l'or Dominion 111L'l11116‘ Tux . . . . . . . . . . . 111,0”) ('nritriluittil to (ltllvcrs' l’r-rision l-‘iinil , . . . . . . . 2.7,tlllt) \Viitti ll oll' llirik Frenzy iros Account ltirl_t'i(:0 'l'runsl'i-rri‘il to 1(t'~0'1'\i' 1"iiriil .. . . . . . . , . . . , .‘iillldltltl $992,763 Lin-Mini; :i lnlauce to be carried forward 4'1 $375.1513i. Steady Expansion. The Standard Bank has 1min mak- ing very steady expansion during the past few years. just how mark- r-il has been its growth is indicated by a comparison of the statement at the N111 of 19211 with tli'it issued at the end (‘1' rho liscal year of 1915. During that [ll'lilltl the assets of the Bank have increased to $90.193.979 from $33,823.1‘ll; deposits hearing interest now stand at $53.1l11,5lll7. compared with $Ilii.9>i(i.til(3 and de- pisits not. hearing interest at. $14.- 377,712, compared with 39.111434. lurrcnt loans and discounts in Can- ada now amount to $50,896,884. against $33,749,339: (lanadian Munici- pal Securities and British. Foreign and Colonial Public Securities $6,â€" 816.9723, up from 31.313.527. and Doâ€" rniniou and PI'O\iIIL'1Ml Government Securities $4.1titl,23ll, compared with $1,311,877. â€"â€" Rev. J. O. L. Spracklin testified in his orvn defence at Sandwich assizes yesterday. '1 he verdict will be given by the jury Lo-daV. an enduring l a certainty stic of Chev- Its adtli- I iiish it read- s ., & CO. l a, Our. u" iISSt‘Ii interest to slrrirrliuldi-rs. 1w illi- milinliui‘tnr‘y ('11HIAL‘1t‘1' ('1‘, As a ‘ amount ' 1 Notice oiApplication for Divorce .\O'I‘ii‘lii is lmi-liv given that Jonx r)“'_.\n;u KELLY of [he (‘itv of Town» to. I!) iln- t‘ountv if York, and l’rovirrci- of ()ntirio. I-‘ir'i-mari. will Habits of ‘ :ipp._v to tho Parliament of Canada ai tho rirxt Sissiorr thereof for a Bill of ‘ Divorce fri in his wife. ELSIE KELLY. ,lot the t‘rry of Toronto. 1111.11l‘(‘l)llll(‘”' of York, Marin-d “'oman, on tin- g‘r'ournl of :ltlllli"l}'. Dali-i1 at 'I‘oiirito, l‘riniuio of Uiilririii, llii~' l\\t‘lil_\*111111 iliiy t'i- Novi'rrrlii‘r'. 1!".‘11. lll'tilllflfi' i‘v‘ AHA“. 71’. (Qui-rrr leei-t, \\'o~‘t. 'l'ororito. tlntario. Solicitors fiir' rho :rpplzi-urit, .lUllN1‘11)\\‘.‘.111)KELLY. Ni 25: w yawâ€"wow“. .Noticc oiApplication for Divorce l .\(l'l'1"l". is 111'111I_\' giicn that FLORENt‘i‘I (illlll. of the (‘ily of Toronto. in 111v ('oiintv of York. in tho l’roviruo of (lutrilio. married \voman. will apply to the Parliaioont oft'anada at llre Iii-XL session thi'rcof for a liill I~f1)l\lllt'P from her husband HENRY 11A \'i‘ll.t)(‘1\' (111113. former- ly of llri'sriid ('rly of 'loronlo, now lirlii-vvd llllt‘\‘1lll‘llltllt‘('ll)’ of \':in- couver in 111’ Privvirri-e- of British Columbia. ('li-ik. on the ground of :iilirlIi-rv :Illt1tlt‘s‘l'llllill. DATED at Toronto in the Province of Ontario. this Utlr day of Novom'rr'r'. .\.11._ 1920. FLORENCE (illill, by 114 r Siilii'ilol' W'll.l.lA.\l l’litll'lll’tltl'l‘. Jr. 13 liiihmi-nd St. “dbl. 'l‘i'roiiti». Notice oi Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby gii on that r\1.\ rc- iunn'r Swaxs’rox NEVILLE. of 1110 (‘ity of Torontr. in the County of Yor k. Province of Unlarit‘, married woman wrll apply to the Par'liarui-nt of (lain-(11 at the next Session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband Edward Ne\illo. or" the (‘ity of Toronto, in tho ('ounty of York. Sheet Metal \Vinkrr, on the grounds of adultery and deseru 'lnn. DATED at Toronto. in the Provinci- of Ontario. the twenty-seventh day of Novrml-i-r, A. D. 19211. (‘l'lIIlY & \VALLACE. Solicitors tor. the applicant, 26 Queen Street East. 23 37 Toronto. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICIC is hereby givi-n that janre's Malone of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario, Returned Soldier. will apply to the Parliament of (‘anada at the next session thereof for a Bill or‘ Divorce from his wife Agatha Veronica (hither-inc Mali-no. of the City of Halifax in the Provncs of Nova Scotia. on the ground of itdiilterv. Dated at. Toronto in the PriivinCe of Ontario, this 7th day of December, 1920. PARKER. CLARK AND HART Bank of Hamilton Building. Toronto. 21 388olicitors for the Applicant. m Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE is here-by given that DORA LUCY BELL of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario, wrli apply to the Parliament of Canada :it the next Session thereof for a hill of divorce- from her husband Walker lliirden~ Bell. of Toronto, aforesaid. (‘oloncl in His Majesty's Forces, on tho ground of adultery. » Dated at the City of Toronto, in the (‘ounty of York, this 15th. day of December, 1920. DORA LI'CY BELL. By her Solicitors. llellrnuth. Catlunacii Sc Meredith. i P. R. Building. 1106 (3. 26 it) TORONTO. â€"-â€"_â€"r_â€"- Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that ADA FLORENCE KICENAN. of the City of Toronto. in the County of York and Province of Ontario, Married \Voman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next, Session thereof, fora Bill of Divorce fro it her husband ALBERT EDWARD KEdXAX. formerly of Iht‘ City of Toronto. now of the Town of Niagara Falls. in the County of \Ve1‘~ and and Province of Ontario. on the grounds of adultery and desertion. Dath at Toronto. this 5th daon January. 1921. . ADA FLORENCE KEENAN BY l MURPHY a; DONALD. 120 Bay Streit. Toronto. her Solicitors herein. 29 43 Notice of Application for Divorce NO'I‘lt'E is hereby given that H11.D..\I.\Y Fur-:raan, of the L‘ity of Toronto. in the County of York. and Provinceof Ontario. Married \Voman. will apply to tl c Parliament (iftlanada at the next svuion thereof for it Bill of D1“h!‘(‘r from her husband. CHARLES MICHAEL FREEMAN, of the City of Toronto. in the County of York. Motorman, on the ground of adultery. _ Dated at Toronto. Province i-l‘ Ontario. this Thirty-first day of Januâ€" iriry. 1921. HI'UHES & AGAR. 72 Queen Street \Vest. Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors tor the Applicant. 1;: 14 MILDA MAY FREEMAN.

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