Special attention given to sales 0! every description. Farms and farm stock sales a speciu'lty. Farms bought, and sold nu commission. All salt-s ut- lended to on shurtest notice, and con- ducted by the Innscnpproved methods. Patronage solicited. LICENSED AUCTIONEER run COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Calls by phone m- otherwise promptly responded to Residence address ViCLOI'iu Square JOHN R. CAMPBELL Branches at Thornhill and Willowdale. V. D. OLLIVER, Manager Licensed Auctiuneor for the Unnnlyof York. Sales attended to un shortest; notice, and at reusunahle rates. Patronage solicited MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarben Pupils passed ful‘ Consmvntory Ex- mninnlmns. DECORATOR, PA PER-HANG ER GRAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GORMLEY R. R. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick VOL. XLIII. S'I‘UDmâ€"HOTE LERICH MON D. CAPITAL AND RESERVES $35,000,000 TDTAL RESOURCES - $535,000,000 625 BRANCHES The Bank follows a liberal policy in extending Credits to Farmers. This Is an invitallon to call at the Royal Bank the next. ume you are in town. If you are going to need a loan to buy seed or live- stock, see the Manager of the nearest branch of the Royal Bank early about your requirgments. The Royal Bank at Banada VETERINARY SURGEON, ’rhoruhill. 55x50 per annum, in advanced LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE covrrv 01? YORK Pntrunuqannd influence respectfully solicited 415 B:l“iul St†Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 . S. SHEPHERD J. T. SAIGEOLN LATE 01" MA I’LE J inches in Phone 47 ll Maple Richmond Hill. Pre :1 (ice UH slNS, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in 18 and :10 inct lvngth) P. 0. address G0rmley.1(. R . plmn by the loud nhfl M ll] Maple. poles f rgel )l‘ Tel. M. 8681 HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BEREBFORD Ava. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will reCs-ive prompt attention. A. _Car_r;ero_1;_ “MaggNaughton WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHIL]. AND UNIONVILLE [ Munarch Bldg. 26-28 Ofï¬ces, Hide 5L. West. Toronto. ~ ' Nuughtun Biqck, Auror Solicitor far: The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of l\VhiLvhnr1-11 The Imperial Bank uf Unmida, Ai J. M. \Vulmn. 8: Cu. Amara Desires tn announce that he has estab- “$th himsvlf in Dmtnl l’rnclicv in Richmond Hill. who dnnr south of the Stundmd Bank. lloursQu.m. u» 5.30 p.m. ()peu evenings by appointun-ut. 0mg: hunts -â€"9 in p. m. ‘ Ofï¬ce and residuum Richmond Hill. Ph‘ Barristers. Solicmrs. &c} MANNING ARCADE. 2% KING ST. WEST. Tonowro. U TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: "Dedo" VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COl'N'l‘Y .01: YURK Nuthing L00 gli‘fltâ€"Nulhing tun sum“. TERMS REASONABLE. Ordersleft with Mr. Flank Atkinsnn will receive prompt attention. Alsnagent for the Hinman Stand-AH] Milken Phone Aurora 8013. “'alter S. Jenkins j. Hun y Naughlon Rev. Phnne Res. I‘Zlgin Milk Hill. 5043 lites. Plume 44.4 Dentoy, Macdonald 6: Benton 1 large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at..l,he above places [Hank Danton H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC E. SANDERSGN PLUMBING AND TINSM [THING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST ‘mnmissinner, Unm‘eyuncm', Etc Insurance and Rea-ll Estate Issuer of Maniuge Lice-nsvs. Barristers Solicitor Notaries TelephOue Main 2777 Richmond Hill NAUGHTON & JENKINS RICHMOND HILL . HEWISON MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME TIIORNHILL, ONT RICHMOND HILL. ()NT.. THURSDAY. MAR- NOTA RY PI'BLH CONVEYANCING . L. R. BELL . HENDERSON Arthur A.M:1cdonuld . P VVILSON ISSUE}: OF DENT‘ST “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty newâ€"Ynnge Street Phuue Nu. 24 emu. 6 [n 8 \NADA Amora Adel The wedding march was play: (1 Ivy Miss Durnlhy Case. sister 1 f the gronm, while Miss Alice Realdun. of 'l‘montn, sang "Love Divine.†Tne arch ribbons Wen: druwn by Miss Mustuuce Mmtsmx :und Mnatm Gem-g9 Parks, cousins of the l rid». The groom’s gift to the bride was a sunburst of pearls let with a diamond. to the hrideinmid a. g Ild pendant set with pearls, to the best man a set, of pearl cut’ftlinks. to the pianist, a gold pill set with penis. Uasv. of Imperial. S‘Nk" hy va. Kmm (rt 'I‘m'ontn. assisted by RC Dunlnp of King. The hl'idv whu Wu: given .‘l\\‘:her futhl‘, IUUde chmming. (11 in whih- suLin, over dress n-I' Imit- ed with neurls and wore the I veil, carryingu lmuqnet of whim- in thII- snlin, ()\'(‘l’dl(‘531:frill7t' svvd- ed with Dem-ls and worn the bridal veil. carryingu lmuqnet uf whin- rnsns. The bride was amended by her SIS- tel', Miss Annie. who wow u dress of pink snlinzmd carried a ht-IIqm-L of cznnutiuhs of the same Shudt'. The groom was attended by his lunLhel' Mr. \Villium Case of Toronto. n stern warning cf the that will await all who temperance legislatiï¬n. I Over eighty friends and relatives were pxesent, including the groom‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. \Villium Case of Anrnra. Onl., and muny costly gifts were received by the young cuuplo, showing the hiin esteem .in which lhev were held, A buffet luncheon w“ S$‘l‘\‘€d in the dining-mum which waw beautifully decorated wi'h flowers. The gmom responded tn the [01st tn the bride which was prop|svd by Rev. F. C. Kenn]. nixed at the hme of Mr. an james Slewmt. leflmu Vuuglmn‘ when theil ymmgvst: tcr, Velnm Adeline Helena was in \Vcdluck to Mr. \Vilflid G Case. of Imperial. S‘h‘k" by RM Amid shmve-rs of confetti and gum] wishvs the happy (:1 uple left by motor to Ton-tutu when: Hwy Uztlk the train for a sin rt trip tr) \VesLe-rn Ontario cities. the luids- truxelling in a suit of navy hlm- serge with 11 u. [0 match. [)1in of The Lilu-x-ul Sil: Relief fun†the blight, (ind curse of the liquor trafï¬c is one i f lhu great, gifts by which bind mm ks the New Em that has come, to Mass hqu IniLy. The temperance wmkers of hurt!) America have been Bud's agents to bring this blessing to the world natiuns. Each Vote and H‘fl'lendlllll has been a link in the chain hf :uztiuns by which the gift was bestowed. is now wurld wide. Our friends in the United Stuns will he iclieved from the di>grnceful violation of their law h_\' nur citizens. Scofch and English temperance wmkeri, (hose (f every ennnlry in Europe, :is ulsn all the uthernvei-sens dominiuns will lw cheered and enâ€" couraged to go fuiwurd LU success. Our Quebec friends who have suffewd greatly at the hands of liquor mun will know that our victory will soon be shared by them, and the politicians who have their ears to the giound will take notice, that. it serve: them with Righter" yems ago we \vs-lecalled upon to vote upnn :m unfairly luadcd referendum upnn this same quesliun of pruhihiliun of the liquor trnï¬ic. It was lili‘ll us it is nnw, .1 handicap placed upon the temperance forces by politicians who Wished [0 placate [be liquur interests at the t-xpense (if the penple, to do which [hwy delayed the over lhmw uf the cx‘ilnilml lrutï¬c that had [won so long and 5‘) nflen cun- dmned by the votes uftlle electorate. This ï¬nal vote 9f our elcctm-s will he the successful culmination nf u long series of ï¬ghts for pruhibitinn. \Ve need [1» beau- in mind how fur leach- ing our success will he. The immediate gain Lu our own people will be \he ï¬rst fluits uf its beneï¬ts, the ï¬ght There. is one important ditfewnce betw2en the referendum: of 1902 and that of tu-duy. The fm nu-r requixed n. prupux‘tiun‘lte mnjmily beyond what we could hope h) nblum while the mu- nnw llr'fnlt’ us enables lhv true 9x- puwsian (f the pcoplm wisst Lx) plmuil. Olll"leflt'llllllel)t ngainstthe piossiun if [he pcopici wishes to plmuil. Our resentment ngainstthe pulilicuns did not prvvsâ€"nt us fimn hiking up llld light lâ€) behalf of the 1902 iefeleiidum tui- which we wun n grunt mme \iclm'y. tliuugb we failed to SPCul'e u lvgal success. Later we ileulL nut justivc to the politicians who had betrayed us. For these eighteen yen-us 0f delay there :ue ulllul' pulilicinns \vlmnlsu sold thetempeinmce interests fm lint-Sses of puttage. they also will receive culd jualice in good time. The Referendum Vote pretty woddiI-g Case â€" Stewart HENRY MOYLE and the politicians to the glound will serve: thvm with f the punishment [I iflu r with Sole-mâ€" nl Mus. Farm, daugh- united hllï¬Q-‘ld by Consult us as to your Bonds and other Securities. COR YONGE AND ARNOLD STS. RICHMOND HILL 7 Melinda St., Toronto, Ont. Investment Brokers A Michigan Central from Chicago tn Town Hock signal,» \yjls ems Branch Ofliceâ€"Rirhmuud Hill ever \lenesdny :nflm'noon at, Liberal Ofï¬ce. Licensed Auctioneers fur Tul'nnlu and UN (.‘uunties of ank. Peel and Simcoe Phunu 950 Wuudbridge. BOOT & SHOE REPAIRER PROMPT SERVICE NEAT WORK Yurk Céllll Tnirly-ï¬n- | many mole A. E. Osler & Co. Tow-um Ofï¬ces â€"'_Continontnl_ Life Bldg. “Um. Buy and Richmond 5!. Tumult“. THE JONES LUMBER AND COAL £0. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. Purchases Made on all Exchanges; South of Shoe Factory J. K. MCEWEN & SON Investments Government Bonds Bought and Sold. A. ROLFE THESTERLING BANK in all things, Charity.’ WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE The Sterling Bank in your town is more than a repository for funds. Itis the representative of an institution whose officers are always prepared to take a personal interest in your business and to assist you in every possible way. Advice regarding ï¬nancial or investment matters and information dealing with farm problems is freely given. If information along theselines is desired which we do not possess. every eï¬ort is made to obtain it. Bra m'h Are you getting the benefits of this personal Banking Service in the business and ï¬nancial matters dealing with your farm? 44 PE1{S()N AL BANKING SERVICE Munm' tn I reople' injmcd Central [ruin running tn Tomnw. derailed by u. was crashed by a New Express and upwards bf )ple \Vcre killed, and us 40 Ri: hnumd Hill. szwirk. Lansing, Thornhill and Newton Bl'OUk. an. 1921 OF CANADA Pater Taylor} B.A. E. W. Rhodes. B.A. To]. A'loluid ‘59:; BARRISTER. Soucrron, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce. Richmond Buildings 323 Richmond Street. \Vest. N. C. Shaver. B.A Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday for-moon. Maple, Thursday afternnon. Woodhridqe. Saturjday fox-ennon. PIANIST Teac 191‘ of Piano-Playing at the Tm-nntn- Conservatory of Music and St. Maugawt‘s Collvge. Richmond Hillâ€"Wednesdays and Saturdays. Money to Loan at Current Ratea' REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL HE Victory Loan campaigns served a mutual good by bringing the public in such close contact with the Banks of Canada as to realize their human side. It is the one desire of this Bank to be of personal service. Make it a point to remember that we are always willing to extend you friendly and authoritative counsel on ï¬nancial matters. STANDARB BANK nmmissionel'. Cnnveyancer. Etc, CID“, Surplu- and Undivided Proï¬ts $8,360,537.09. RICHMOND HILL BRA'V’CH Shaver Taylor & Rhodes . EARLE NEWTCN J. R. HERRINGTON, MANAGER J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC [Single copies, 3 cts. WILLIAM COOK Cooperation OF CANADA Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. THE Emmilton Tnuxb Bld : Room: 303-305 Opnmite Cltv Hall 57 Queen St. West Toronto Eveninza_ Manor Poul North Toront o