,r' , ’ Vw'...< . Vmww A number of vacancies in Reliance I (iaiinI-nts factory. See adv, "" _*'- l Read the adv. “The (‘voniing Referenâ€" dum" in another roluiiiliand cast your vote for sobriety when the time comes. Special at Sloan's Drug,' Store. Satur-. 7.3 cents a pound, Saturday 59 cents. day only. Neilsoii’s Chocolates iegulart A meeting of the Ilicniend Hill 1'. F. 0. will he held in the Council (ihilllllll'l‘ next 'l‘nrsrlay iifit-ilioon_ March 5’, at 2 o'clock. A Meeting of the Directois ol'tbe Richmond Hill Agricultuiai Society will be held in the Council Chanda-r. on Satiiiday March 5th at 2.30 o'clock. Under the ans‘pi :es of the \Vninen's League of Canada. an Irish Conceit will be held in the Masonic Hall on the evening of the 17th of March. Further particulars later. The Christian Endeavour Dept. will have. charge of the programme next Monday evening at the Epworth League. The 'I'opic \\ ill be “Cliristian Graces." A good musical programme will also be given. The \Vomens Institute will meet at the home. of Mrs. W. A. Wright. on \Vednesday March 9th at 3 o'clock. Dr. Hamilton will give a. talk on “A stitch in time or Preventive medi- cine." Solos by Mrs. J. Palmer. Mrs. N. J. Glass. Co'. Dunhani came up Sunday cvrn- ing and inspected the Cadets in the Public School. He addressed the boys saying he was well pleased with the piogi-eSs they \vcie making under Lieiit. Mordeii. Oï¬h-ci-s and cadets afterwards attended set'vicc in the Presbyterian Church. â€"â€".0 St. Mary's Church (Anglican) March 6th. 1921. 4th Sunday in Lent. Holy Communion and Sermon 11 ab). Sunday School 3 p. in. \Vedneadny evening. March 9th. Evensitng. Litany and address 7.30 pm. Continuation class at iesidence of Mr. Carter. 8 p. in. Thursday evening. (‘hoir practice at the residence of Mr. Hick, S. p. in. Friday evening. T. W. BUCKLEE. Pi iest-in-Chui-ge. Geography By Lantern In connection with the campaign here to teach geography in the public school by the illustrated method, a "magic lantern" lesson was given in the school room of the Methodist Church Monday night. by Inspector Elliott of Toronto. The Inspector “taught.†his audience Australia. and children were fully persuaded of the advantages of the new system. Miss Constance Boultoii of Toronto l'lll- phasizcd the importance of teaching geography by a method which made instruction a pleasure to the children. Principal Vardon of the public school also spoke. Mr. E. It. Fortner pit-’â€" sided. 9.- Richmond Hill School Report ‘Dcnrrtes loss of standing through . illness. CbiSs V.â€"â€"Iaek Bowlden. Toni Bovd, Roy Plewmzin, Adele. Savage. Dorothy Duncan, Norman Hammond. Hazel Hunter. Nellie H-iiiiiiioiid, May I’lcw- man. Teddy Pliilpot. Aileen Grant, George \\'hite. Marjory Sandcisen, ’l‘hi'le Patterson, 'Eddie Yewer. john Wallace. Absent, Mae Sheppard. Class l\'.â€".la«:k Newton. Evelyn \Vade. Mary Brilliiigei'.‘ Melville Burns. Audrey Grainger, Albeit Mort- son. Alice Willoughby, *Noreen Ha- woith. 'I‘Iva Thomas. Class III.-â€"-Murial Claik, Bobbie Davis, liis “'oodhead. jean Deadliian. ‘ “Nouian S Ickficld, Leo Shepherd. Billy Rumble Victor Morris Norma Saul. Class ILâ€"Itonnie Finch. Allin Hassett, John Hunter. Mary Newport. Gladys Roe, Lillian Boyd. “Fred Kendall. *Leslie Kendall. “Phyllis \Vliite. Doreen Milne. absent. Class l.â€".\Iaigaret Lawrence. Sandy Kelly. Marjory Lowery. Billy Vander- burgb. Carrie Allen. Mary Gilliiigs. Harry Kuzk. Absent. Betty Innes. Ulive \\'i]son. IIugh (.‘arter. Edna Rand. Marguerite Uliss, Grave Brillinger. -â€"~â€"-~ -0- Meeting re Referendum An organization meeting in Corinne» [ion with the referendum vote to be taken on the 18th of April was held in lllt‘I‘t‘vlllli'll Chamber Friday Evening. Mr. Kettleivell. Toronto, stated that there would be ll‘) revision of the lists. Voters in cities and towns would ieg- istei', but in small villages and rural districts two months iesidence in the Province previous to Feb. I was all thit Would he required. The following oliiceh~ weio elected: Chairiiiaiiâ€"ltev. N. “'ellwood SecretaryAA. )l'ihony Assistant~.\lis. .\lv.\lahou ’I‘I‘BZISlllt‘l‘iliellly .‘Iovle Finaiu-e committee-731i. .\Ii'. (iret-ue, .\Iis. \VatsUu Mrs. oils: Ir unis dwr-iderl to divide the village into ism-irons. \\ i~h Yonge and ('vritir- stun-is as Ilie div nllllg lines. vasser< \veie .Ippomted to c tlchtSS the \‘(-l )i ’I‘m- .viii «us and the resident minis- ters aic to be the Executive (‘.1lllllill' NW. The next met-ting at the call of the chairman. Nich- l Fliiilzt‘l. and can», Hockey Notes Thrncday night. in the Tlroi'nhill iink, \Vellarid girls lost to Thoruliill girls by 3â€"4 after a shai p contest. visitois. Bedfol'd l’aik visited Richmond Hill Friday night. The \isitors were deâ€" feated 7â€"5. In Scliomberg on heavy ice Monday evening. Richmond Hill lost to the home lPillll l-Il. Aui-oia and Newmaiket played a match at Aurora Tuesday evening. in the Metiopolitan League. Score 3'0 in favor of Aurora. After strenuous play Thmnbill dc- feated Redford Park Monday evening by 5 2. I score was 8â€"1. in favor of the â€"-#~ â€"o. (MIRMIJ‘ZY Mr. (Li. Biodic. who bonth tle farm owned by Mr. John Steele. lots 3i and 35, 2nd eon.. Markham, had an extensive. timber sale on Feb. 22nd. Theie were many buyers present and good prices \verie realized. The liybt snow fall has brought ac- tivity intothis neighborhood. Farmers are busy getting their wood in. Daniel Byer of Kindersley Sask. who has been visiting in this vicinity for some time expects to leave now for- Kansas and Cal. Mr. L. G. Lyons is busy filling up the home recently bought by Mr. Lv-vi Hoover from Geo. W. Lyons. \Ve are looking for something doing before long. Joe Jones has moved on to Ben Climenhaga's farm and per-(1y Ciher has taken his place as foreman for Mr. Geo. Collard. o.â€" Horneâ€"Crook At highnonn. \Vednesday. March the 2nd. at the Methodist parsonage Maple. a very quiet but pretty wed- ding was solcninized, when Myrtle Adele. Youngest. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ciook was married to Joseph Litchï¬eld Horne of Toronto. The Rev. T. \V. Leggott performed the ceremony. The bride Wis unattended and worn a. suit of navy blue tricotine with hat to match, a beautiful beaver cape, the gift of the groom, completing her costume. Afterward the happy couple motored toToront-rand left on the evening train for Two Harbour, Minn.. and other Western points. Upon their return _in early April, Mr. and Mrs. Home will reside at 94 Midland Crescent, Toronto. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€".-.â€" - MAPLE The fourth team of the Ladies’ Aid purpose having a Hot Iiiin Supper hi the vestry of the Methodist church on the evening of Thursday. the Hill t f March. Tea will be sci-ved from 5 to 8 o'clock. Tickets 2.") cents. The members of the lodge of I. O. F. held an oyster supper at the Jones" hotel last Fiiday evening. After the supper a programme was given in which the following took part. Hai vey Lloyd, comedian. Miss Brown, Mrs. Sceley. Dr. Fletcher and Mr. Scott. all of Toronto. Music was furnished by \Vhite’s orchestra, for a dance in the hall at the (low of the evening's entertainment. A number of boys from Trionto tool; a lorry firm) the station on Sunâ€" day but were caught when they ariived at Concord. § A progressive clichi'e party was held Friday evening at the home of M r. and Mrs. Lawson \Vilson. The winners of the ï¬rst prizes were Miss Annie Rumble and Mr. Elmo Keffer. 'llie members of the Masonic Lodge were entertained in the hall la~t Wednesday evening by Rev. S. It. Robinson and Mr. '1‘. Cousins upon the occasion of their birthdays. Mr. E. H. Taylor arrived home last week after spending several months. with friends in England. BRILLINGERâ€"In loving memory of Marion Annetln Rumble Harry Brillinper. who passed away Maicli 3, l9l9. "I‘will not be long dear Nettie. Till we meet on yonder slioie, \Ve may linger a little longer. Then we'll meet to part no more. Mother, Father, Sister and Brother. \VooDsâ€"ln loving mommy of our dear daughter. Esther V. \Voods, who 1 died Feb. 1920. age 5 ycais (5 days. We. miss you at a thousand turns . Alt 1);; life's weary way; Yearii for thy true and gentle lit'll'li Long for your bright smile to see. I. Sleep on. dear Esther and take thy rest. ‘ For God Likes those whom he loves liesl, I Thy vouthful days were sweet to us. 'l‘oo soon wore we .leprind of thee. I You stiller-ed iatieiitly and (purely: And in his arms you sank to l't‘si: ; You bid no one: last farewell. You said good-bye to none. The heavenly gates were open wide. A loving voice said come. And with farewells unspoken You gently entered home. Father and .‘Iother. Veiughan Council The next meeting «if the ('olinell oi ll 9 .‘Illlllt'lll’llllY .‘f Vaughan will le ’ hell in ill" '1'. \\ll liall. \iriir l'. I Ii iMONDAY.MAR.T.hml at III 11. Ill. J. B. ZIICLEAN, Clerk 'l‘hoiuhill played Schoinberg ini Schoinbei-g iink Friday evening. The wife of , I “L, WADE Publich‘lotioel. l l v i '-â€"â€" I . . . . . \\ l‘ till" now in .z [iiiillll'll to look alter N ~\‘oiir Iltl'tl\' iIi t‘\1‘l }’ llllt' if llll‘lill bhoc ‘ \voi k, and will br- pleased to see you ‘ First-class Boot and _ Repairer on all kinds of boot.r i m “gm t†and shoes. : I Metal Garages, Etc. Guarantee to give you Value for Your l\rloney. ‘ us well as I The Working Man's l'ii'icritlï¬ï¬mc Troughing’ Furnace and 1 General Repair Work. i Metal Roofing. Metal Siding. I » i(‘rillil‘ in and we us about your Spiing‘ I \\'oil; now. i ARNOLD STREET 3 Shop nod to the Shoe Fat-tel _\',\Ln the old Bank Building. 1 EETZEL BROS. Next Door to Jones Lumber Company ‘yl‘UlIiI‘lriV Wiilr'iidiri. niu~iea| embellishment and .i'riiiipt-lliiig love tale. I). \\'. ,of enthralling griiillviir, I'Mlll'llt .speci..l _ Way Down East I) Vt (v‘iil‘iiih‘s~ womb-r spectacle ill with ils wealth of s'eiiv' liriffith rt llP’IHll’l (‘l.lll)l‘lIlllll of "\\'.i_\' llowu liast'~ \vIll lu- \Ji‘li IUI‘ iiist Illll" in (‘aliarli the lloyal Alexandra tliealie l‘r I'onlo with a I't't'tiitl I-‘r success su- passiiig. if po~sible. that. attained b} "The Hilth Ufa Nation†tiul “Biokrn liliws‘oiih," ()I the iiiiii_\‘ l'ir‘toi" [hit ‘I-uiei iiilv- thr- sweeping "norms of this picluirmlion. _ than the holy rein iik nble vii inn 'r in Iiorie i~ mow I‘lt'll|>‘lli :l whirl) the [Il'rultit‘t'i hr< mide. l In the appeal and eoiiipelli'n: int nest, lt‘\'I'l'~’ in]; around the love talo of .\lill‘l Moo: i- and I)t‘l\ill Bartlett. \Vith its all did an? snow stoiui and ice gorge scenes llii- ~iril_\' Ul- inspiring love is nilli mt Ili-ubt Il‘r‘ charm. ’l'limy- is a marina-.- presentation cash (la) 1L3 and {in evening bhnviurz at sis. Tim iuu~ic4| piogiani t'nrnishrv by an auguwntwl on linutv-a is not lli least il\lPll'.\llllL! featuir- of this Iiiiusur presentation. Twit-.- lhily 2:l5 an 8:1?) foi a limited engagement, only ictrola Whenever you feel like dancing, when a few friends stop in. when soldier and sailor boys are home on furlough, the Victrola is always ready with the music. and yet so accessible that you can have dance at any time. are a constant invitation ,to danceâ€"a source some pleasure. have a Victi‘ola at once by our plan of deferred payments. RICHMOND HILL . HARDWARE CO. { a†BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRER DOMINION HOUSE RICHMOND HILL I Iside door ,I , Patronage Solicited Prices Right ' George Bull " ’ ‘ MERCHANT TAILOR Eggs avant your suit. Get More Winter I By l:\l$lllgl|f’\\'.\ltii‘h from a ll‘li- i I able Strain of Barred Rocks. The [I LIFE good for all purpose Breed. l PEN .\'o. l. l â€" s . ‘ ls lll:llll‘ up of selm-ted yearling ' lll‘llS of I). A. t‘. strain. Thu-so biids have proved lllt’lt)>(‘l\'e< heavy layers. Pen is headed by a Guild I230 » g2 strain) (‘4 ekerel. :r specimen bird in erei v \\'a_\'. This pen v “daily Iiialeil as a pullel L bremluig pen. Price per \t'IlIll‘: oi lit I‘gg\ $3.4“ .3†eggs $6,Ito_ PEN N0. 2 v ls made up from the best pullers bred from my last yr-ais pen of l). A. (i'. strain birds. Pen headed by a Guild I220 egg sti .iin)L‘ockt-rel. All puller: in rbi< pen (‘t nunenced to lay when 6 to 7 months old. I J Price poi Setting of )3 eggs 81.30 rates before looking elsewhere. issues a new policv \vitliout medic wife alsj, and costs nothing. No is requirei, l .30 eggs 35.00. i WM. GREEN Richmond St. - i O i 0 i3 3 on man and his wife and iiianv 1‘ paiirplilct, which explains all. Tli l i i i AUTOMOBILEâ€"FIRE, T iili FT, LIABILITY 'l‘ai'ill‘aiid Non Tarilf Ratings and all Policies give ti 0 prm tectiuii they are intended for and : al exaiiiiiration I'oi‘ SIUOU. also a policy called the Family Policy, which is striking for its protection men and women. because the company carries a small risk on the P. G. SAVAGE 8: SON Agent for All kinds cl Insurance Office at the Post Office. Richmond Hill Music so superb as to take the place of an. orchestra, an impromptu Everywhere the Victrola and Victor Dance Records of keen whole- Comc in and let us give you a demonstration. and show you how you can ARRIVED FROM PARIS Will the Ladies and Gents kindly take notice that I have received my Spring Styles from Paris and am able to i go on with Spring Suits and Coats. I vantage to order early, as Easter is in March, and you will It will be to your ad- Thanking you for last Season's Patronage. I E. R. FORTNER- RICHMOND HILL 60â€â€œ QMWWOMOMOOMNWMW IDENT SICKNESS BURGLARY (let our Assn. n the minimum rates. Tic (‘I'Iiii'edei'ation Life for the married good features. Ask is should appeal to all inolir-al examination for the wife i E i i 3 § § . Richmond 1"" ; memow