Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Mar 1921, p. 1

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t .. ,,»M $1.50 per annum, in advance” “ In Essentials, y Unity,- in Non-Essentials , Liberty; in all things. Charity,” [Single copies, 3 cts. XLIII. -VOL. . RICHMOND HILL. ON'I'.. THURSDAY. MAP- 10. No. 37 E. SANDERSONâ€": VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fon THE COUNTY OF YORK Nothing too greatâ€"Nothing too small. TERMS REASONABLE. - Ordaisleft with Mr. Frank Atkinson will receive prompt attention. ' of Alsoagent for the Hinmnn Standard ! Milkel'. Phone Aurora 8013. Open Savings AC‘ DR.’L. R. counts for each one , of your children. DENT'ST Insist upon regular Desires to announce that he has estab- depOSiISfI‘OIll pocket lib;th himself in Dental Practice in money. Thrift will Richmond Hill. one door south of the gradually become a Standard Built. . _ Hour-59mm. to 5.30 pm. strong trait 111 each ’ Open evenings by appointment. child's character. ‘ A. C. HENDERSON ' PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING 'i : HOT VVA’I‘ER HEATING l There is n branch of this Rank near you and 3 Savings Department at every Branch. ANiiGENEitAL REPAIRS l The Royal Bank r - i I; 1 IIOIINHILL ONT. 1 at Canada ? l ‘ DR. J. P VVILSON Office hours >7!) | ; p. in. '5’ (Elba ; Ofiiceand rosidcnccâ€"Yon St‘ - L . Richmond Ilill. rummmféi’ [M H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper, Hanger. l'.’ a.iii. Branches at Thornhill and Willowdale. V. D. OLLIVER. Manager 3 LIZ" HZ p;;f.;;.’.:..e 415 Ballitil St. Toronto. Phone Behriont1347 WRI ., . LICENSED AUCTIONEER ‘ GH'I BROS- EUR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Undertakers and Emballners Special attention given to sales or RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL‘ every description. Farms and farm AND stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission All s'iles ‘lt- 3 large star-1‘ ~ - ' _ ~' ' a . . ' 3f F i \ ~ tended to on shortest notice. and con- Kept at [the $11,111:] Tsicrégmhmg ducted by the rnostappi-Oved methods. ‘ l I p ‘ Patronage solicited. \Valter S. Jenkins J. Hari-v Nari hton . Res. ijimm Res. Er'gin Min. ? Hill. OOIS Res. Phone 44.7! NAUGHTON Si JENKINS ' Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 J. T. SAIGEOIN Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the Countyof York. Sales attendth to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 Adel. l I. A. True“ who Golden Wedding Brighteirt-d with [lowers sent. by . organizations like the \V. C. T. U. and the \V. 8.. as \VPII as by relatives and friends. the hospitable homtI (if Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hopper, 160 Mavety St. Toronto, presented a liver scene on the occasion t-f their golden weddingori March Isl. Mr. Hopper is it member of tho YorkPioiicers fraternity. which is signitir-ant of Yorkshire origin, his pimple st-tlled in the thou ftii'rs‘t wilderness. genera- tions ago. Mrs. Hopper was one of the Agar-s, of Newtotibitiik, WIIOSI- name was familiar in Toronto, and its environs from the beginning of things. Sum-ally and jointly they have been lea-dais in all kinds of socral. cominunttv and church work for very many years. Given somewhat to globeâ€"trotting iheiroutlook has always been :1 io- frcshing wide one, and their circle of friends truly extensive. Time. was, too, when in the season. lllt'll'S were onlyless familiar figures at(‘hautanqna N. Y. than that of Bishop Vincent hirnselflof late however, they have spent less strenuous summers in Man- koka. Mrs. Hooper-’s contribtitatroos to literature. have been many and. serviceable; horliook on “Old Time Primitive Mi'tliodism in Canada” be- ing specially Ilt‘it'WUI‘lll)‘. ‘ The Wedding march of course, intro- duced the proceedings. After a sump- tous i'epast. Ri-V. \V. II. Adams, who had pastoralovcrsight of the happy couple during part of two Centuries. rand who wrote 655 in tho ni-w hymn book; askcd the company to join in a thanksgiving hymn written for the occasion. and which :ippt‘rtt's else where. Then followed the toast and Speeches. Dr. ,1). M. SI‘IIH‘I'VIIIE'. oi . I‘liicago,\vlio lll.‘ll'lII-(I the only daugh- ter of the late Ri‘v. john Agar. brother of the lviidr; Rev. (3. J, Dobson. who married the groom's Middleton and Mr. . married sisters of the bride. supplied a high order of sister: Rev. 13. ‘ post-prandial orntot y. Exquisitt- original [ltK'uIS were also road by Mrs. (Rein) \\'. H. Adams and Mrs. (Rent It). Middleton, and by the latter-’5 son.‘ Mr. J. Ii. Middleton, who. has a safe place ainoiig the pools of Canada. Mr. L. .l. Uli‘il'km who is one if thi- oldest living friends i of the l'airrily, on behalf of tho coin- parry assembled, presented Mr. and Mrs. Hopper, with a purse of gold. Letters rind telegrams poured in (Int ing the day. and are still arriving. May the happy couple live to set thi- tIiainond in the w Id. I fr-4--â€"Â¥_ Village Council Offices airlo Sr” \vesh T w, I The council met in the clerk's ot’lhc J. S. Naughtnn Block.‘ All‘l‘tijll'zt \v“d““-‘dily E‘mllng- March 2- Th9 [ATE OF M‘pLE Shlimtm, fl". . mi-mhers were all picsrtit. ‘ The- Tim." of Adm“. ‘ l Mr. John Gr-ahgitiruvas present 'llltI DECOR ATOR' pAPER-HANG ER The TOWDSMP M King , addressed the council wrth retort-nor: Ellie Township of VVhitiihiirt-h ' o imperial Bank of Canada , Ant ' J. M.\Valton. & Co. Aurora ! 0m GRAINIER ETC. 'HEADFORI). (IORMLEY R. It. Phone 4741 JOHN T. ANDERSON i I to the condition Of a sewer. adjoining his residence. and asked that the present conditions may be improved. . The council assured Mr. Graham that the matter would be attended to. Adt‘plltilllllll of ladies. repiesenting the \V. C. 'l‘. L'. waited on the Council PIANO TUNER 200 BRRESFORD AVE... WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE II mail orders will receive prompt attention. H. 'A. NIGHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, ('onvoyancer, I‘lti'. Insurance and Real Estate Issuer ot Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL MISS BEATRICE IIOWELL TORONTO TeaCher of Fletcher Method A Musical Kindergarten Pupils passed for Conseivatory Ex- aniinalions. STUDioâ€"-HOTEL]RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. 1‘. G. LYON LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or YORK Patrolman and influence respectfully solicited Residence address P. O. addr-e Victoria Square Gorinley. ILR. JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornliil]. lull; by phone 01‘ otherwise promptly ’ responded to ' Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick. l Tue .‘Iriplo Rind. Gravel and Britk, t oiripanv. I.t'd, Il{l\'l' on hand for >:II(‘.: lt‘IIIt'III. (II’HIII tile. 3. l, 5. ti and S in. titivcrt lilo 1:. LB. 15 and 2t) Itit‘ll Richmond H1“ (15-) inches in Ii-rrgtlir - Also (“ement Brick. Hind or (Gravel sole by the hall or C II luli. t'-‘d II‘ pus ; A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister. Solicitor. Notary, Etc. IIFFICEASI‘ITI’. ill. TORONTO 'i; .‘lIlLI li-h'phono pulr-s ITit VI '13 WWI-VS- I DAILY sTAir BI.DG., IS KING l’rvs. and )I III igt-I. > S'anET WEST Ilr't‘lt“ I‘-l. )1. arm ' with a view to having a curme law put into t)p('l"llloli in this niuiiiciprtlty. rMi'i. McMahon and Mrs. Phipps ad- i Ji-essvd the council On the suhiect, arid 'thr- council promised to give the matter its sorlous consideration. Mr. lR. Eiidr-air headed a deptitition (it tritizcns and addressed the council with reference to the possibility of havinga new skating rink erected: ‘ after hearing the views of several of v the gentlemen. the Cullucil agret‘d to . consider the matter. I Accounts totalling $8II.58 read and ordci‘ed to he paid. ‘ Conimunicatians were read from ‘ Mr. MOt'dr-u. from the Ontario Safety League and fiom C. H. Burgess to which the clerk was instructed to reply. Dr. Langstafi‘ wrote the council resigning his position as medical l health otiirer. this letter was laid ovoi- forthe present. Moved and carried that the Wood recently cut down on the mill propeily shall be Sold at the rate of SLUU pt‘l‘ con! on the ground. I Committee ire-engaging a solicitor for Ithc village, reported having,r inter {vie-wed a gentleman, who would ‘laccept that position at :i salary of 1 $200.00 per year. That IIII‘ clerk he iristiuctt-d to prepare a by-l.i.w to make the :ippoiirtiiicnl. It “'HS de< Icidedth-r'. the council should micr- ;\'ie\v the Agiicnlturnl Society. with {a view to obtaining the society's co- I l were 55 Benton, Macdonald at Denton Barristers. Solictors, 6m] MANNING ARCADE. ZIKING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cabli- Address: "Dedo" Frank Danton Arthur A..\Iacdon-ild A. J. HUME NOTARY PI'BI.I(' CONVEYANL‘INU ISN'T?“ 0F MARRIAGE LII‘IiNSIih‘ opi~i':ttiotiiii tho i-iertititr of :t rrww 2~k.rtirig tiirk. r-»- Piano Retital l . The I.IIIIlt‘> Aid will givean mitt-i- trtirrirn-nt in thi- Mr-thodisd ('htii-ih. Newton Brook Finlay t‘\'t‘l|lllg, Mair-h l\. lt-t'ital by pupils of .‘Iiss Ruby Stephenson, assist-1d by Miss I’lrylis 'IIiYIY'dI, _\Ir'. Stirritrirr andr-thi-is. I i I IConsult us as to your ‘Bonds. P [{OTECT YOUR SAX’INGS Money that is not absolutely necessary for the small ex- penses of running the farm should not be kept about the house. You run the risk of losing It. having it stolenâ€"â€" destroyed by a fire. Open 3 Savings Account in the nearest Branch of the Sterling Bank. Your moneyâ€"instead of remaining idleu will be earning you a profit. You may enjoy the con- venience of paying your monthly accounts by cheque. You will have the feeling of security which comes from knowing that your money is absolutely safe. See our Manager next time you are in town. Tin: STERLING BANK ‘ or CANADA and Newton Brook. Binncht'snl: Richmond Hill. Koswit-k, Lansing. Thorirhill. ‘5 I’IANIST Tedt‘Wt of PiaierIaying at the Toronto Conservatory of Music and St. Margaret's ('Olhgr‘. Richmond IIilIâ€"\Vodocsdnys and Saturdays. and other Securities. Purchases Made on all . EXChanges- I N. C. Shaver. ILA. I, Peter Tavlor. B. -\. ll. W. flhodes. ILA. Evenings Manor Ronni North Torou a: Shaver Taylor & Rhodes Barrlsters. Solicitors Notaries, Etc. Hamilton Trust. Hi I : Rooms Sift-:10? (ipnosite L'itv Hull 57 Queen St. West . Toronto Government Bonds Bought and Sold. Tel. A {6.3.1 .'(.'i A. E'Osier 8: CO. 7 Melinda St., Toronto, Ont. Investment Brokers WILLIAM COOK BARirisTEir. SOLICITOR. NOTARY Err: Toronto Office, Richmond Building.H 33 Richmond Street. “'cst. Richmond Hill ()Ii‘lce (‘ Liberal. ()t‘flcel. evcry Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodbrir-lue. Saturday for t‘Illlon. Money to Loan at Current Ilatm GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRLSTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. Offices â€"~'_(}ontini-irtal Lilr- Ut-r. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Toronto _ Bldg. Branch Ofiicvâ€"ltichmond Hill every \Vcdnesday afternoon at Liberal ' ‘ h Ofiice. J. EDWARD FRAiVLIb NOTARY PUBLIC ('ouririissiont-i‘. Couvvyancrl'. Etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Money to Loan. W WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE THE JONES LUMBER AND COAI. I30. COR YONOE AND ARNOLD STS. RICHMOND HILL G'EO: 'KIDDP Boot and Shoe Repairer; All Kinds of Boots and i Shoes Repaired. u Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. THORNIIILL Habits PENDING is a habit easily acquired but difficult to relinquish. The saving habit is just as easy to acquire, and, onve formed, is not readily given up. 2Docrs South of Bakery on Yonge St. , Our Savtngs Dept. helps to make it easy for you to become thrifty. STANDARD BANK I Cavital. Surplus and Hde “08:” Saying Farewell On Thursday ei crrirrg Mai I'll it, Il)(‘lii eighty young proph- gathn It"i iii. the hoint: of Mr. Mrs. Jiilrws Stewai t. tit-rit- King thy. to bid hit-well in M1. and Mrs. \V. H. (Wise. and to [\lt'st‘lri. [lit‘lll with a Innrtrtifiil Ilialllt’l ll‘r-‘k Air .idtltt’ss was lt‘.|II Iiy )Ii. \Valkingtoir OF CANADA 55.360.537.09. showing t‘.in ostvem iii \‘leIllI the young t't'tllllt‘ uto- hold in the (\‘III- muniiy. 'l‘hr- pi»~si*i.t.«tior. tv is Iliiltlt‘ .RICHMOND HILL BRA"ICH Iiy )Ii-s. \Villiutis. An .ipiiropiliti- [liligltlllrlllt‘ w It»:lll'|ngt‘tl. and it iri.i~t J- Pu HERRINGTON‘ “WAGE? civil valiii‘ evening liigutlit-i . separating with host wishws it I I"i"r a lappinc» (ind Elli sp ii‘j. >;)”l.l

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