his.smilâ€"os as the em dAropged his ponspipuc hi: m. SW tha_ floor a pantomime statement. “Most e: that; names and addresses, and all that‘balderdash. Man lugged away to guardroom and me t'urnin’ up at the 'club with no hat. Damn ridiculous spectacle at my time 0’ life.†"Quite so,†said Harley soothingly; “I appreciate your annoyance, but I am utterly at a less 120 understand why you have come here and what all this has to do with Mr. DeLana of the Stock Exchange.†“He fell out of the window!" shoutâ€" ed the major. , “Fell out of a window?" “Out of a window, sir, a second floor yyirfloW ten yards up a side street! while. your stru man was in p fell out of a me the street?†_“_Right!†shou sir jot ed am am “Out of a window, sir, a second floor 'inflow ten yards up a side street! itched on his skullâ€"marvel he 'asn’t killed outright!†A [faint expression of interest be- an to creep into Harley’s glance. I understand you to mean, Major Lag-staff," he said deliberately. “that vhile. your struggle with the drunken Ian was in progress Mr. De Lana all out of a neighboring window into while Baby’tells him how nice his beard feels and how sweet itsmells. The secret is the morning wash with Baby‘s Own Soapâ€"the soap 1V10ther USES Roses of France perfxï¬nés give the ii you have not tried it, send us a pos sample, stating the price you now pa Black, Grasp m' Iï¬ixcg 'I‘ggn édqreséi n BABY‘S; 1E ‘My dear sir." said Harley patient- “I don‘t dispute that point; but at on earth do you want of me?†‘I don't know what I want!’: roar- the major, beginning to walk up 1 down the room, “but I know I L’t satisï¬ed, not easy in my mind, Do yc N eve! Whim HM but the he )amn crow rm’ and be randfaithexf smiles you know this Mr. De Lana?†ver heard of him in my life the accident occurred.’ Seems the poor devil leaned out to lo fun and overbalanced. Felt gems A31 The 0 W \V a S Ju Ierse nd inJulge designed poor devxl n and overt , only natu Hc shouted the maj< For Purits windo above Dame- ' Do PART II I said things to him be repeated in court. ‘ and likewise hoofed t was completely done 'd collected, hearin’ me llowin’. Police an‘ all nd address-es, and all Man lugged away to me t-urnin’ un "at the Harle instance '2†!†shouted the ma- 1 out, but the \point morning wash With >â€"~the soap Niother LC} for the children. and other natural ir aroma to 3.1.2: wh el‘c lable to c ited 01d lid he art of in ,hir ved the major. the head with kings to him ‘al, and 6 o’c10( illu sald T18 tea shop 1e. Place name of soldieI 11‘ 11‘ 011 send us a post card for a. free :2 you now pay and_ zigou use .hi Flavour and Aroma. lbe no bill, Major Ragstaï¬,†he said; ,“but if I can see any possible line ‘of inquiry I will pursue it and re-‘ port the result to you.†.V . . “What do you make of it, Harley?†I asked. Paul Harley returned a work of reference to its shelf and stood starâ€" ing absently across the study. “Our late visitor's history does not help us much,†he replied. “A somewhat disâ€" :ting‘uishe‘d army career, and so forth, and his only daughter, Sibyl Mar- garet, married the ï¬fth Marquis of Ireton. She is, therefore, the noted society beauty, the Marchione‘s‘svof lIreton. Does this suggest anything 1to your mind?†I “Nothing Whatever,†I said blankly. “Nor to mine,†murmured Harley. it J Wok e In “In a word, you suspect foul play‘!" “I don’t suspect anything!†cried the other excitedly, “but some one mentioned your name to me at the clubâ€"said you could see through con- crete and all thatâ€"and here I am. There’s something wrong, radically wrong. Find out what it is and send the bill to ‘me. Then perhaps I’ll be able to sleep in peace.†He paused and, again taking out the large silk handkerchief, blew his nose loudly. Hailey glanced at me in rather an odd way. “.‘There will be no bill, Major_ Ragstaï¬,†he said; “but if I can see any possible line the ( menti Chibâ€" crete There The telephone bell rang. “Hullo!†called Harley. “Yes. That you, Wessex? Have you got the ad- dress? Good. No, I shall remember it. Many thanks. Goodbye.†‘ He _turned to me. “I suggest, Knox," he said, “that we make our call and then m‘oceed to dinner as arranged.†before two b leads throu was Situated at no great, distance from Kennington Park, and, telling the cabman to wait, Harley and I ‘walked up a narrow, paved. path, mounted a flight of steps and rang the bell beside a somewhat time-worn door, above which was an old-fash- ioned fanlight dimly illuminated within. v A considerable interval elapsed be- fore the door was opened by a marâ€" velously untidy servant girl, who had apparently been interrupted in the act of blackleading her face. Partly opening the door, she stared at us agape, pushing back wisps_of her nortu apparently be act of blackle opening the ( agape, pushix hair from he] movement dau terious black countenance. ley have HESS. :“Yus, j his supper 0116 An .m: ‘cï¬liar air The house rd hund took 111i?T loudly {e up of again." Treating us to 1d leaving us 5 All hat 1 wake devxl’s ment. maid (in ‘ ‘easy fork) er Bridge often wir house for whic ituated at no Kennington P: xbman to wai1 1 up a narrox hl-him that two friend alled on rather import lor Mr. Bamp Wh right h‘o'tel l 0W1} n13 h Cl‘O' was ht," 581‘ at name is malacca cane and beat 1 the tableâ€""I haven’t a night dreamin’ I heard Ly unu u. yvu “av Salada,’1‘ot‘onto come 31 1' alway studyi media wing nar eyes, and {vith every ng more of some'mys- substance upon her she 056 Od( B716 By Sax Rohmer night hearin’ the we crashed on the all wrong.- I’ve eath yells, but"â€" 2ca cane and beat way v13. say two fr tely uéhfare with its 5 houses the b1 gloon my frien‘dfls agreed, and lights of the our cab Was slope whigh 011 DY asked 1C3! {he Implay pe sof forbid an op- 1111911160 mum-m “gait; I. 00A -Iaced celve arette into the grate, nodded ; “You haven’t told me your nan said, “but I think I can tell business.†He ceased smiling. look here, I ion‘t want any moi licity. If you think you are gc make a funny newspaper story me change your mind as qu you like. I’ll never get anotlr in London as it is. If you dr any furtherinto the limelig never get another job in Englai “My dear fellow," replied soothingly, at the same time 6 ing his cigarette case, “you prehend the cbiect of my call. a m He spok his eyes fl: but, althou‘ 1y startled, in his strz took a c the act < what the Minard's Lin mchair .111 What My 11‘ ampto Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS ' c. J. CLIFF - TORONTO have no COARSE SALT L A N D SA LT (Continued in n'éxt issue.) Smc crimlr , funny ne ange you :e. I'll n H( he orter an‘ I‘e ta} COS i]( iment Relieves Colds, etc â€™ï¬ 1h [W the end of his cig- Tate, nodded grimly. 1‘ me your name,†he nk I can tell your cased smiling. “Now, , want any more pub- ink you are‘ going to wspaper story out of mind as quick as 1‘9 ‘but ampton, pm a cigarette a you?" aul Marie astig'ator.†who ith 1pon l‘epl‘iéd Harley Le time extend- a -: "you misapâ€" my call. I am you two ques- l'ed. “No. 1: sh _Major Rag- ‘. 2: How much Harley 1‘ e m 1t you CODY covere 71 young 11' ht kne anc Then H m Job I’ll m Feet That Never Seed Mércbants. Established 1850 .- a u I s'loo . 3.50 ........ . 3.00 Délxath White. Australian \Vhite King Phillip Red. " Prices are per bushcl herc.. cotton bags uscd 50c.. new (we, each c. No. 2. G. S. of above SLOD per bushel less. and 82.00 par bushel less than a . and 5‘ Freeâ€"Write for our 128 pagepamlogue of Seeds. Plants. Bulbs. Garden Supplies etc- Special Grain List Issued every two Weeks. Free on applicmion gmwm Emg‘m WNW ‘ Cheï¬reat Sweetener" Send for Book of Recipes, Fakes every dishâ€"even bread pudding --â€"-more popular with children and grown folks. Rich, pure, wholesome, economical. JOHN A. BRUCE 8: COMPANY, LIMIIED THE CANADA STARCH ( To be had at all Grocers LXMITED, MONTE} HAMILTTON, ONTARIO 2, 5, and IO-Ib. THIS ubjecuo helnz unaon implements‘ Podltry 239