u A number of mad, gravel and general accouan were ordered to be paid. Astutemeut read showcd the ï¬nâ€" ances to be in a satinfactsry condi- tion. At the end of 1919 there was a deï¬cit. of over 83.000; at the end of 1920 there \vanaeurplua of $5,679.95. Next. meeting of council Monday, April 4. The Audition-5' report. of the Treas- urer’s accounts wm‘e presented and adopted. and the clerk was instructed Io huve 200 copies printed for dismi- hution. Mr. Henry Burnett presented A claim fur $25 for :1 registered hunb killed by dogs. being two-thirds Its value. The treasurer was aulhmized [0 gay Ehe sglue. Apetition wus presented request- ing the cuuncil to obtain from the Hydro POM-1' Commission an esti- mate of cost, to supply electric light and power to residents of the [own- ship. Members all present. namely, J. G. Whitmore. xecve: j.T.Suigeon and \V. U. McDonald. duputy reeves; G. Kel- huu and J._ H. Robson, councillors. Mr. C. Farr, representing the Latter Day Saints, asked permission to use the Township Hall for a public meeting. 'l‘herequrst was not granted. Posters will soon llé out for the second nnnunl shuw of the RoleluBolvr Minsm‘ols to he held nbuut the second week in April. The talent is all local and some sizzling numbers are prnm- ised. The chm-uses are to he equipde with shock absni-heu s and Kelly Spring. ï¬eld tires, sn Lhev will be strong and able to go the entire route Without a breakdown. The joke“, local and otherwise, are laugh-genera and pain- less chm'tleextmctH-s. Remember the rush last year and match fur the bills. L. Hines. Gem‘ge Clmthnrn. Iâ€"K. Hndgins, A. Burnett, M. Viatls. SR. PR.â€"A. Beynnn. V. Taylor. J. Gamhlo. N. Burnett. JR. PR.â€"T. Hurt, I). Hart. S. Burn- PLt. E. \Vurman. A. McNuir, GA \Vatls, J. Kelswell. D. Kerswell. The council held their monthly meetingiu‘the Township Hall. Vel- lnre. on Monday. JR. IIIâ€"M. Burnaby, F. Hines, C. Dihh, V. Park, D. qu'mun. C. Jones. SR. Hâ€"B. Gamble, E. \Vurnmn. B. Watts. L. Hudgins, H. Topper N. Osborne. J_R. llâ€"F. Rickwood, G. Rickwond, “Camping OuL Along The C. P. R." is the title of ll. splendidly illustrated story by F. V. \Vllliums in the March issue of Rod and Gun in Canada. This addition to stories there are six others of o'qunl interest by such wall knuwn Nature writers as George R. Belton. Hany M. Show. Harry “K Lnughy and E. T. Martin. The ï¬ra arms permit. law is dealt, with editor- ially und in a strong appeal to Lhr sportsman by Ira l‘inhley entitled ‘ Alillndigesud nndlndigeslible Law." lVâ€"Z. Tuppev. V. \Vutts. SR IIIâ€"H. Burnaby, M. Juhnstnn. M. Hodgins, I. Pilson. D. Dihh, G Murphy, J. Clnhine, D. McClnskey. The Hm‘ticl in the High evening. The Directhl‘s nf the R. H. A. S. met, Sutunduy, reviSe-d the prize list. appcinted jlldg1’8. and made urn-tinge- menu {or the Fair and Concert to he held on the 24th of May. The Society promise-d support fur a nr-w skating rink and for Agricultural purposes. Mr. Hohelt Millvn’s driving shed. 2nd can. Vaughan. \rnshmnerl Mon- day night. with all his implements except a binder and a mower: also his mutm- our; The origin of the fire is a mysLory. Miss \Vnddell. of Gunrgolown. south Carolina. Miss Margaret “’addell, of Alum Collvgv. St. Thomas and Mr. Clive Jo-nkins. of Woodstock, were gueslsuf-Mrs. Slonus over Sunday. Muxw lu-duy Regular meeting of Richmond Lodge. A. F. & A. M. next \Vaduesdny exen- ing. The chairs will be occupied by Past Masters. A pearl necklace “11‘: found in the vnllnge and may be Sun) at, the Libm'al Ofï¬ce. .Maple Farmers Club will give a banquet. in Juncs’ Hmol tnâ€"nmrrow. Friday vvvninz. Gnod speakers and good entertainment. A sum†purse cum-aiming :1 sum If money was found and left, at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. Our 01.195 Mr. \V. F. Cnrlm n are acting as jur Jefferson School Report Hurticult u M] VALE-HAN COUNCIL Watch For The Bills Jest, citizen, Mrs. Susanna cvlcbratos hl'l' llULh birthday Rod And Gun M. COOPER, teacher um] Mr. H. Jack men in the City «:iety will meet next Tlxesduy A public meeting under the auspices of the \V. U. T. U. will be held in the School Room of the Methodist church to-night (Thursduy) March 10th at, eight o‘clock. Mrs. Blanche Reed Johnston of Toronto. it well known W. C. T. U. woiker will give an ad- dress. Mls. Johnston comes Lo us very highly recommended, and we hope the ‘geneml public will take advantage of this opportunity f hearing her present the claims of [he Referendum which will be taken the 18th of April. Vocal solos will be rendeied by Mesdumes Watson, Bully and Glass, a duethy Lauder and Jack Glass. and Miss Barker will give Arecit‘ation. Light refreshments will he served. \Ve would like to see the School room we†ï¬lled, and extend a hearty invitation to the public [0 attend. A silver col- lection of ten cents and upwards will be taken in aid of the campaign fund. Richmond Hill. March 1. 192I. Dean- Sir : Knowing that you han the interest of our village at heart. will you please publish the enclosed letter received by me from Dr. Rolph Lungstaff. Health Inspector for the village. It has reference to a. sample bottle of milk sent by him to he an- ulysed bv the Provincial Health De- partment. and was taken from my ordinary supply for the doctor‘s own family use, and it shows that the milk supplied by me to the people of Richmond Hill, is pure. clean and unadulterated and is fully up to the standard set by the Provincial Health authorities. Thanking you for your kindness in making this public. I remain yours sinceerly. CHAS. H. Cowm. Richmond Hill. Feb. 28, 1921. Dear Sir: A snmple of milk from your dniry examined by the Provin- cial Board of Health. Feb. 2lst, 1921. showed 3.4% fut which is above the usual requirement. From the stand- point of cleanliness. the sample Was good as shown by a low bacterial count. > SR. IVâ€"Bealrice Smith, (H.) May Gl'éene. (H.) Muriel Watson, Got-dun Sn‘phensun, Elmore Harding. Harold Mahoney. Penn-l Robinson. Edward Robinsnn. Alberta Hewisnn, Gladys Grant. Margaret Mitchell. andu Stung. Queen Smith. Ivy Smith, Jenn Lashvr. James Newport, Stanley Wuodhead. Roswell Gould. John Hurt. JR. IVâ€"Lorraine Duulop. (H.) Marion Grainger, (H.) Lewis Sims, (H.) equal Frances Duury, (H.) Francis Batty. Donald Brnwley, \Villiam Mylks. Alchie Dickenson. Mary Hunter. Sadie ane, \Villiam Heurn, Ev». Maynard. Linn Sheppard, George Pztlton,1\'luriun lRumer, Aileen Atkinwn, Evelyn Gra- mm. Please tnke nutice that, hereafter the services of St. Mary's church. will he mmning and evening every Sun- dny. Report of mum I. Nunes in order meliL. Chnir prurclice will he held in the church on Friday evening at 8. p. m. A good attendance is desired. MI‘TH. Austin, of Pickering, sant the week-end at the home of his dupghter. Mrs. Ruben Rankin. W a moat inspiling address on 'TThe Powel- VViLhin Us," In a very largo cmagl‘cguliun. 5th SUNDAY 1N LENTâ€"l3th March Morning Prayer and Svrnmn 11 n. m. Sunday School and Bible Glass 3. p.m. Erenwng and Sermon 7 p. m. The Right. Reverend \‘V. D. Brew, Assistant, Bishop, of Tm'ontu Dincvsv, will administer the Sacrament, of (Jon- ï¬rmation uu \Vedueeday evening, March 16Lh, at 7.30 p. m. r Continuation service was held 07) Sunday at St. John‘s church. conduct- ed by Bishop Reeves, of Tmunln, when 10 candidates were presented for conï¬rnmtion. Afl_m_' which he gave Mr, 1. Manny has bevn 01f duty. owing}! an attack f»f_pnf'lnpnnia. Mr. Juhn Bayles. has been nary ill during lhe pnsL few days, but is lmw somewhat, better. , 8 o'clock, when Mr. A. H. McLennan. vegv-thle specialist, from [he Provin- cial Agricultural Dept]. Toronto, will give an illustratth talk on paldeuing in general. The juuiur society extends nu invitatiuu to the general public to enjuy this treat. Thmnhill Juninr Multicultural Society will huld their zegular monthly nmelingun Monday evening next, March HLh, in Victul-in Hall at T Richmond Hili School Report St. Mary’s Church (Anglican) METHODIST CHURCH Public Meeting T. W. BUCKLEE. Priest-in-Cha rge. ‘o The Liberal OAK RIDGES R. L. LANGSTAFF. THURNHILL T. VARDON, Principal BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRER Get More Winter Eggs PEN No. 2â€" 18 made up fmm the stt pullets bred fmm my last years pen (If 0. A. C. strain birds. Pen headed by a Guild (220 egg strain)C-uckerel. All pullets in this pen cummenced [n lay when 6 to 7 mnnths old. Price per setting of l3 eggs 81.50 50 eggs $5.00. Richmond St. Guarantee to give you Value for Your Money. The Working Man’s Friend. First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer on all kinds of bootr and shoes. Next Door to Jones Lumber Company Is made up of selectm‘l yearling hens of 0. A. C. strain. Tin-so hil'ds have proved themselves lwm‘y layers. Pen is headed by a Guild (220 rgz strain) Unukerrl. u specimen bird in every way. This pen suwinily umted as n pullet breeding pen. Price pz'l' setting u-f 13 ngs $2.00. 5091,1115 $6.00. By mising new stock from a 1'9“- uble strain of Bun-ed Rocks. The good ï¬ll all pul'pnse Breed. George Bull ARNOLD STREET L. WADE Patronage Solicited Prices Right DOMINION HOUSE RICHMOND HILL (side door) WM. GREEN Richmond Hill wWill the Ladies and Gents kindly take notice that I have received my Spring Styles from Paris and am able to go on with Spring Suits and Coats. It will be to your adâ€" vantage to order early, as Easter is in March, and you wil‘ want your suit. TEETZEL BROS. Slmp next to the Shne Fuctv old Bank Building. Oume in and see us about, yolu Eave Troughing. Furnace and General Repair Work. work. and in regard to MONMWWWOOMW bWWWMOOW “'0 me now in your needs in Public Notioelf Public Notice Metal Roofing, Metal Siding. Metal Garages, Etc. 'l‘aritfand Non Tariff Ratings and all Policies give the pro- tection they are intended for and at the minimum rates. Get our rates before looking elsewhere. The ('onl'ederation Life Aeso. issues a new policy without medical examination for $1000, also a policy called the Family Policy, which is striking for its protection on man and his wife and many good features, Ask for the pamphlet, which explains all. This should appeal to all married men and women. because the company carries a small risk on the wife also, and costs nothing. No medical examination for the wife ii require‘l, FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS AUTOMOBILEâ€"FIRE, THEFT, LIABILITY PLATE GLASS BURGLARY Thanking you for last Season’s Patronage. MERCHANT TAILOR RICHMOND HILL needs III and “'1†ARRIVED FROM PARIS P. G. SAVAGE & SON \Vm-l‘. uuw as well position E. R. FORTNER (nice at the Post Ofllce. Richmond HUI Agent for All kinds of Insurance lin( in the Ill prmg l A car of Salt in barrels and } sacks arrived. l Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal 5 on hand. ; Also a good supply of No. l l; Feed Corn. ‘ Blachford’s Calf Meal. l : Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. i Purnia Scratch Feed. iCannel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. I 1 I amer