' ti..\S I‘ER TERM OPENS MAR129ih r. Build lor success hy attending i. *0 ELLIOW léw:ï¬w Youge and Cna'iles Sts.. Toronto. This School rnjoys a great reputaâ€" tion for superior \volk and for placing the graduates quickly in good positions. There ale l'u‘nmsvllidsof openings ill Toronto "ltil‘. eiiralld “e are (-al'i-d upon tolill more than \V(‘ can. Open all yw'ir. Enter-at any IltllP.. Clll‘tl- Ia rs free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Register 1 1 claims. statellient. MARCH 10--Fai'm stock, lulpleluelits i-lc., lot 10, Con. 4, Scurhoro. the properly of Jas. Henderson. Sale atlo'clock. Terllis'l 33' months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. li‘il.lD.n', MARCH llâ€"Farm stock. imple- ments e.th lotzo, con. 8. Markham, the piopi-l-ty ot G. \V. Clashy. Sal»- at 1 o'clock. 8 months. J. H. Prentice, Aunt. FRlDAY, MARl'il llâ€"F.uin stock, im- plelneuts rtlu. lot 2|, coil. 2. \Yest York, tlle propelty of Walter Grey. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms cash. J. H. Prentice. Auct. SATURDAY, MARCH 12 â€"F.lrm stock. implements etu, lot 13, con. 2, Vaughan, tliopropelly 01 Belt. Bost- . on. Sale at lo'clock. Terms ll months. J. 1‘. Saigvl’ili. Ant-t. SATURDAY. MARoll Illâ€"Iran“ Sim-k. llliplelnents rte. lot 55, ,:ou. l. Vaughan, the property of Chas. Hal-t. Sale. at 1 o'clock. Tel-ins 8 months. J. II. Prentice. Auct. MrianY. MARCH llâ€"Furnitul‘c sale. at Thornllill, the, property of Challcs Atkinson. Terms cash. Sale at 1 o‘clock. .I. H. Prentice. Auct. TUESDAY, DIARCH l5â€"Fal'lu stock. and implements, lot 35, tear of 2nd Coo. Vaughan, the property of Chas. 1'}. \Villiallls. Terms 9 months. Sale at 1 o’clock. Snigeon 81 Walkingtuu. Aucts. THURSDAY. TUESDAY. MARCH 15â€"Farm stock, llllpleulents l-tc.. Dan Road. near Todlnordell, the property of Alex. 1 Anderson. Sale at. 1 o‘clock. 'Terius ‘l ‘3 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. WEDNESDAY. MARCii 16â€"Farln slot-k. implement etc., lot 41 con. l.r Vaughan, the. plopeity of \Vui, Hord. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms: 5 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16â€"Fal-lu stock and implements. lot 10. con. 2, King, 1 pioperty of’l‘. Marshall. Sale at l. I Terms 8 months. Saigein and \Valkingtoll. Aucts. TALL'RSDAY. MAaml l7AFiu'm stock alid implements, lot 13. con. 5'), Vaughan. property of It. Colquhoun. Terms 8 months. Sale at l. Saigeou and \Valkington. Aucts. VI'HURSDAY. MAncn 17â€"Fm-m stock. im- 1mm, Dixon R R (.m mlp pltâ€"‘Illt’lltï¬ etc.,lot1. con. ‘2, Vaughan ‘ ° _' ', ‘ ' 5†Town Line. the property of Tony (“Amid I‘l- Mils‘m Ferlito. Salcat 1 o'clock. 8 months. 51 Davisvillc. A\(‘. J. H. Prentice, Auct. ï¬ll-4 Toronto. “FRIDAY, MARCH 18â€"-Farill stock and iillpleiiioiils. roll. 4. \Yost Yolk, 'Dulvnsview, the property of D. Strathdee. Sale at 12. Terins‘? llloiltlls. J. I1. Plentice. Auct. FRIDAY, MARCH 18~Farnl stock and iulplellieuts, lot 4, con. ti, Vaughan, property of D. McKionon. Sile at l. Telms 8 months. Saigeon and \Valkiuqton. Aucts. .33 \TLTRDA\"' MARCH lQâ€"Vehicles, fur- niture and store goods, Teston, the property of T. J. Wilson. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. Saigeou and “Valkington, Aucts. .B'OXDAY, MARCH 21â€"Farul stock, illi- inents ct"... lot 1Q. non. 4. Mal-khalli, the property of Hillle Leaf. Sale at 1. 8 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. MONDAY. MARCH 21â€"Farin stock and implements. lot ll. con. 3. Vaughan. property of Russ Gunn. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months.- Saigeoli and VValkington, Aucts. TUESDAY, MARmI 22â€"Farill stock, implements etc.. lot 26. con. 2. Marks ham. the property of Thos. Allison. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. TUESDAY, MARCH 22â€"Farm stock and implements, lot 20. con. G, Vaughan, property of Chas. Hesp. Sale. at 1. Terms 8 iuonths. Saigeon and \Valkington, Aucts. WEDNESDAY, MARl‘ll23â€"l7arm stock and implements, lot 1!), run. 9. Vaughan. property of Fred \‘acher. Sale at 1. and Walkingtoii, Aucts. WEDNESDAY. MAle illâ€"Farm stock, implements etc.. lot 31, con. 6. Markham. the property of R. F. Lutton. 3 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. THURSDAY. MARCH 2tâ€"Dispersinn sale. of High Bred Catalogued Holstein cattle. on lot 2. con. 7, Markham. Sale ntl o'clock. Cata- logues will he sent on application. J. H. Prentice. Auct. FnloAv, MARrH 25â€"Farlu stock andl iilipleluenls, lot 26. con. ti, Vaughan. the property of John (‘owau at 1. 'l‘ei lus 5 months. \Valkington, Aucts S\T('RDAY. MAan 26â€"01in Stop R. Cook and A. Cox. o'clock. J. 11. Plt‘lllll‘t‘, Aunt. S \‘l‘t'RDAY. MAin'ii and implements, Vaughan, the \\'oods. Sale at. l. Saigcou and \Valkingtoli, AuctS. Tl'EsDAv, MAeri "JET-vFarin Stiii'li lot ti, Con. 3 line, Markham, the plopeity ot II \Veslev months. implements ete.. lot 21. 4th Concession 1 lioyiltoll. J. H. Prentice. Ain‘t. i addresses. > claims as they shall then have leceivcd Terms b' months. Saigeoll .. Sale. at. 1:3 o'clock. Terms Sale I Saigeou and ‘ sale of‘; horses and Cattle. BIytliWood Road. l 19. Met. It. It. the property of Sale at '2. 2t‘iâ€"Fal‘ili stock f property of James. 'I‘eiius 511101’.lll~‘. l sillt‘ at l. Notice To Creditors I.\ THE MATI ER OI" the li<tite Of.’ John Clalfvy late, of the Village ot ilcllllltllld Hill, in the County of \ oi k, Mason, deceased. NOTICE is llt'l“ll_\' given. piiisualit to Section D“. of the Trustees' Act. It. S. O, 1911, (‘haplel 121. that all lt’t'dllllls illltl others h lving claims ol dt‘lll’llltli against the t‘St'lLt‘. of the s:ll(l John (‘1.itfey, who (lied on or about. the Still day of Feliliiary. 1921, at. lllt‘ Village of Richmond Hill. iii the County of Yolk, ale required on or tit-fore the 15lllt1.ty of April. 1921, to send hy post prepaid or delher to J.H. Nailgllton, 2“ Adelaide St. West. To. l'ollto, Solicltnlol' for the Adluillis , trator of the Estate of the said deceas- t'd, their Christian names iilld sur- lnames, addresses and descriptions. full particulars lll writing of their of lllt‘ll accounts, ‘ and the nature of the secuiity. if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after ‘surh last mentioned date, the Ad- llziuistrntol- will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the pal-lies entitled tlleleto. having legitld only to the. claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the Administrator will not he. liahle , for the said assets or any part thereof of whose to any person or persons 'clailll notice shall not have llt'l‘l‘l re- ceived hy him at the time of such dis- trihution. Datedat'I‘ol-olitu. this 3th day of 5 March, 1921. J. 11. NAUGIITON, 28 Adelaide Sh. \Vest. Tololito, Soliciiol'for the said Adliiinistlator. 37-39 HERBERT Jon): Cl..\l=l>\'. Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Edward Dixon, late of the Village of Richmond Hill. in the County of Yolk, Gentleman, Deceased. PURSUANT to the Statutes ill that behalf. notice, is helehy given that all paxtil-s having claims against the Estate of Edward Dixon. late of the‘ Village of Richmond Hill. who died on the 9tlldayof January. 1921. ale re- quired to send to the undersigned, Executmsof the said Estate, on or before the 2lst day of March next. a statement of their claims, under aï¬idalit with their names and 2 AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Executors after the last men- tioned date will proceed to distribute, the assets among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to such notice. Dated thislTIh day of Feln'llary,1921. i’Hl it 3331-“) am of the great KING Nl‘ltilh‘. liloihl-i' to the isiies He is for Sale. plices on either males or females. FARM A'i‘ S’ror 5.3. YOXGE S'r. llADiAl. R. W. E. Burnaby ~ TheLaW as amended Nov. 10, 1919 amended by Dominion Parliament. words of the law, it follows: 1 “No person shall import. send, take or transport ' into such province any intoxicating liquor. 2 “No person shall. either directly or indirectly, manu- ' facturc or sell. or contract or agree to manufacture or sell, any intoxicating liquor to be unlawfully imported, sent, taken or transported into such province. 3 “The carriage or importation of intoxicating liquor ' through such province shall only be by means of a common carrier by water or by railway and not other- wise, and during the time any intoxicating liquor is be- ing so transported or carried no person shall open or break or allow to be opened or broken, any package or vessel containing such intoxicating liquor, or drink. or use or allow to be drunk or used any intoxicating liquor therefrom.†permitted to be sold by the laws of the Province. the Province be forbidden?" Close the door to imported “booze†i GHLAND LAKE FARMS Herd ‘iIlt‘, AVON-DALE PONTIAC l‘lt'llU Hinder It :l$(‘l, a son of MAY l‘lt‘llt) SYIA IA, thi- \\‘i ilil's In ~t lorord row for milk pioduv- lion and t'iilailian Rei'ulil for llllllt‘l. ll Ills. Only one other ll-ll'. hilll in Canada. ()ul hold .if Ullt' lilllltllt'll includes ill-ally litlv danglters of of three world's recmd CU\§'S~â€"lll:lllll‘t‘ 50.158. Sr. 4-yr.-olillti.81. Jr. -l.-yl'.-old 4.0.32 lhs. Junior held sire. KING SEUIS PONTIAC CANADA, :1 half brother to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out of :. Ill) lhx. Sepia cow. If this coliihinatiou of lil‘l'E‘dlllg interests you. \Vlite for Jefferson, Ont- THIS Referendum on April 18 is to ratify a new federal law, namely. the Canada Temperance Act. as recently If a majority of the people of Ontario vote in favor of the Canada Temperance Act as amended. then. in the exact NOTEâ€"This law does not prohibit importation of liquors to be. used for sacramental. medicinal, manufacturing or com- merClal purposes, or the importation of such liquors as are "Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxicating liquors into Vote â€" and Vote, “ Ye s†Ontario Referendum Committee I “ Made in Canada IIE possession of a Chevrolet illodel "TB 507' Touring Car is an enduring investment in satisfaction. Built into it isâ€" au economy of operation and a certainty of service which is characteristic of Chev- Its addi- tional l‘cï¬lielllents of appointments. com- i'olcl products (‘\'('l')‘Wll€1‘£‘. fort and appearance distinguish it read- ily as a car of unusually low price for its value. 4. £"l DAVID HILL 8: CO. ; Notice oiApplication for Divorce NO'I‘II'I“. is lawn-Irv fliVI'll that Jon M ‘Evaitn K131 v of thr- (‘ity ol Toron to. in llll‘ i'miutv if Yotk, and Province of Oiitilim l-‘ilivluaii. \vi'Jl .nltil'y lo the l’ailinilir-llt of Canada at. the next Session lllt‘tt'tlf fora Bill of Ilivm'r‘e from his wife. ELSIE KELLY, of the ('ity of Toronto. ill the County of Yolk, Mariietl \Yoinali, on lllt‘ ground of :ulultely. llati-ll at. Ti'l't li’i', ()vitnlio. lhi: t.\lolil_\~l<lltli November, 1920. HI'GHICS Si AGAR. 715 Queen Street, “East. Toronto. Ulllalio, Solicitors for the applicant. JOHN ICINYARD KELLY. 233m Province of (lay i-f Notice of Application for E ivorcc NOTICE is herehy gileii that M Alt- GARET SWANS'I‘ON NEVILLE. (.t' the (lily of TOIUIIU‘. iii the Countyof Yoi k. Province of Ontario, married woman. will apply to the Pallialuent of Canada. at the next Session llieleof. fur a Bill of Divorce fioni her husband EquItI Nelille, of the City of Tolonto, ill the. County of York, Shch Metal \Vol ker, on the grounds of adultery and (lt‘St‘l - lion. 3 DATED at Tut't'llln. ill the Prm “We of Ontario, the l.\\'6‘llly-Sl’\t'nlll (lay of Novelliher, A. H.192â€. CURIQ’ & \VAI.I.A(‘E. Solicitols lot the iippliu'nizl, ‘36 Queen Street I‘labl. 23 37 Tolonto, Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is llt‘l‘Plly given that James Malone of the City of Toronto ill the County if York and Province of Ontalio, Returned Soldier. will apply to the Palliiilnent of Canada at tho next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Agatha. Veloiliea Catherine Malone. othv City of Halifax in the PIOVHUP of Nova SCUIIN. on the ground of :ldillterv. Dated at Tt-H‘llttl ill the Province (f Ontario, this 7th day of Dcceluher. 1921i. PARKER. CLARK AND HART dank of Hamilton Building. Tolooto. 21 38 Solicitivis for the. Applicant. WI Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE is lierehy given that DORA Lvl‘Y BELL of the City of Toronto. ill the County of York, in the Provilit'“ of Ontario, “'1†apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a hill of divorce from her husband Walker Htltdi'n- Bell. of Toronto, afolesaid. Colonel. in His Majesty's Forces, on t1..- gi-lallld of adultery. o-‘Dated at the City of Toronto, in the County of York. this 1551'). (lay of I)t’C(’lliliel‘, 1920. | DORA Lt't‘Y BELL. By her Solicitors. Hellluuth. Calllallilt'h & Meredith, 1106 C. P. R. Building. 26 ~10 TORONTO. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is helehy given that ADA FLORENCE KEENAN, of the City of 'I‘olonto, ill the County of York and Province of Ontalio, Married \Voman. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof, for a Bill of Di\orre from her husband ALBERT EDWARD KEENAA‘, formerly of thl' City of Tomato. now of the Town or Ningala Falls. in the County of “'ell- and and Pi0\'ince of Ontario. on the grounds of adultery and deseition. Dated at Torrnto. this 5th dayol‘ January. 1921. ADA FLORENCE [{EENAN BY MURPHY 8: DONALD. 120 Bay Stlert. Tolollio, ht r Solicilols ht‘lt‘ln. 29 43 M. .4 -7â€" Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is heli-hy given that HILDA MAY FREEMAN, of the t‘ity of Tolonto.’ in the County of York, and Province of Ontario. Malried \Volllall. will apply to tie Parliament ofCanada at thenext session thereof for a. Bill of Divorce fion'i her hushalid, CHARLES MICHAEL FREEMAN, of the City of Toronto. in the County of York. Motorman, on the ground of adultely. Dated at Toronto, Province of Ontalio. this Thirty-firstday l-f Janu- uiily. 1921. IIL'GHES & AGAR. 7‘.’ Queen Street \Vesl. Tolonto. Ontaiio. Solicitors for the Applicant. 1 2:2 14 HILDA MAY FREEMAN. mâ€"m‘. Notice to Application for Divorce liei-oliy gin-ll that Mt'GRlDGE, of tin- 'l'olouto, in the County of Autoiliohile Mechanic. will apply to the Pall-aiiieiit of Canada at the Ilt'Xl se>siou tlit-lt-of for a Billm‘ 3I)i\orrr flow his wife. S‘l'l-ZIJA l( 1-2 i< liil x1551" Mt'oillimlz, (-t Beadle. Sinknlcllewnll, Maliitd \Yi-lnali. on the grounds it I adultery and llest-l-tioli. J Dated :-i"l'oroluo, I’lovince (if (nil, ifllll‘, this iil‘(1 day of I"elilllill)'. A. l'. . 15131. i lii'GHHs & AoAil I T.’ Qili (‘ll Stlei-t, Wen, ‘ '1'l~loiiti-,t_)lil. Solicitors for the Applicant, 1'33?! Al i also l-Zi:.\‘i's'i' All i.i:lln.l~:.