JOHN R. CAMPBELL ind sold on co'mmission. All sales ut- vended to on shm'Lest notice, and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Patronage solicited. - LICENSED AUCTIONEER won COUNTY 01" YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 01 every descnpt'on. Farms and farm flock sales .1, sp cieflty. Fu_rpls bought, License-t] Auctinnoor fur {hr Ummty of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage sulicited Pupils passod MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TO RC‘N‘I‘O Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klnderggrten Rvsidence address Victoria Squat-‘0 'I‘hornhill. Calls by phnne ux' othr-rwise pmmplly responded to DECOR A'I‘OR, PAPERâ€"HANG ER GRAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GQRHLEY R. R‘ ‘ P110110 4741 Branches at Thornhill and Willowdale. V. D. OLLIVER, Manager Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick (30 inches in lvngth) Also Cement: Brick. Sand 01‘ Gravel sold by the load 01‘ n car lots. L‘Hdm‘ pos‘s and (Flt-phone poles fun VOL. XLIII. The Maple Sand. G nmpam'. LL'nl, haw ‘ement, drain tile, 3. 'nlvert, tile 12. 15. .1. 1-1. 131‘011 tice STUDIO-HOTEMRICHMOND. Richmond Hill. VETERINARY SURGEON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited The Royal Bank at Canada 415 Bulliul Sh. Torontn. Phone Belmont, 1347 . S. SHEPHERD Open Savings Ac- counts for each one of your children. Insist upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift will gradually become a strong trait in each child’s character. There is a branch of this Bank near you and 21 Savings Department at every Branch. Teach Your Children the Value of Money J. TO SAIGEOLN Maple 50 per annum, in advance.] LATE OF M A PLE fur Gunsm Amory ‘uninul inns. T. (‘OL'SINS. Pros. and Mmmger Maple . mvel and Brick on hand for sale. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. 18 and ‘20 inch P. 0. adle Gm-mley. RR After a discussinn it WM decided in advertise for a Primary tenchm at a salary hf $300, .0 begin April 4. and Lrusleqs Sims. [nnes :uul Mct‘ugue were appuintcd to procure desks. seats and the necessary equipment. Afterpussing accounts :ummming to $138 the Bond udjuurncd. under 35 years of .1 been attending the Ymk County. at ‘ compelitiou to he I on the 23rd of Ma dance 76. ‘ Px-incip \l denn uf the school also read his report. Mr an expected that after Ea: lowest mam would bu crowd suggested nut-[hex- mum Lore“ situation. ‘ :Il'P givx lmll calf under 2: . HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE 01mm; In Town of March. P1 incip handed showed dance 7 The Board met in the Publi on the evening of March 9. A nnte from the village c1 lead st.1(ing, that Mr. Garnet had been elected 1’. S. t: usteo year. ~ Mr. J. A. Greene resigned f Public Library Board, and M Stirling was appointed for suing three years. puinted vainci Ofl‘iuze hours if) m p. In. Ofï¬ce and rusidunr‘a Richmond Hill. Phl 1 large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept M the above places DENTIST Desirm to announce that he has esluh- liuhod hirnsplf in Dental Pruclirm in Richmond Hill. une dour south of the Stundald Bunk. mer'59n.m. to 5.30 p.m. ()px-n evenings by appointment. W. HEW’iSQN- FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Nothing mo m-entâ€"Nuthing tnu sn TERMS REASONABLE. Ordeis left with Mr. Frank At‘kir will race-h e prompt attention. Also agent for the Hinman Stunt Milken Phone Aurora 8013. RUDIbâ€"At his late l‘e‘sidence. Maple-4 Out, on Tuesday, March the Lid), 1921. Caleb Crook. beloved husband of Margaret Linâ€"we. in his 67lh year. FunPI-al Friday. 18th inst., at 2 p. m. Interment in Maple Cemetery. 1 (I. O. F. service.) The Rh PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS ne ( A. C. HENDERSON DR. J. 3 WILSON ‘. SANDERSON "‘01) [0 VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER Ill ixrllis renm t f 73 on the m THORNH ILL, ONT RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. MAR 99. ye 1mm hmnnd Hill Board of Educa ion , L. R. BELL Farmers Club l prizc Elli ears. an, Mr. elegalte rustePs the .la DEATHS the held 1! rch. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Hull Farmers lE‘Eiutt'l'Od Hul tn farmers: :9, who have short cum-s [‘hnue {Vi} Nicholls. Was up- to attend the Convention to be it. three days of flht‘ Frank Atkinson at 1V (II‘HZ High school :hruul y. It Bulge antenâ€" «An. 6 to 8 e clelk w wt Dunc {star IS: sons, V0 lmt use in jydxzing Public Vani- ter the d. and ve the suht md:u d Street small. \(‘iln one in i ? I l l i Form 1. 1 M. Fun-ester. 81 2 J. McLean, 79 3 1. (anio. 78 4 A. \Vilsnn, 77(1; 5 F. Gee. 76 (i M. Mackiv, 75 (h 7 1. Hoover, 74 8 A. Snider. 74 9 M. Boadman, .71 10 U. McCluskey, 71 11 S. Mnckie, 7H ‘ 12 G. Lynn. 69 (l) 13 M. Pricn, 69 14 S. Sissnns. 68 (1’ 15 O. quis. 68 (l) 16 B. McDona‘.d, 68 17 P. Stt‘phoflQ, 68 t'.’ 18 B. Grant, 67 (13> 19 J Hopper" 07 (l) 67 66 20 A. Leary. 21 A. Dennis, The 511mm! business meeting n1: birch.- \Vnsheld ut the home of Hn_\‘les,.]un. S.‘ The yum-[y l( tinn. Th? cilcle hvld lvn meetings duringlhe yrul‘, omitting April and june mevtings. Tht' work of the circle fur the year. Dunntiuus us fulluws $25; to the Sick Children Huspital. $25 \Vestnn Snnituium. ‘10 Star Fresh AirFund. $25 Fred‘ ictm‘ Missinn, Tux-nut“, $5 to Dom Furncmuhe for thnsick and needy, hand for goods, hrmd. etc, hungle for Mrs. Smith. $13 91, us \\ all us clulhing. The ï¬nish- ed work of the circle was forwarded to the Fred Vivtor M1ssiun, Turonto. The circle prvsemed Mrs. Eluwr Orr, (the newly wed nwmher) with the J. Helmkay, V. ‘Leatherdale and (‘. Laugstufl“. wrote only put of the the examination. The ï¬gure in brack indicates lhv numb which the pupil has $13 91, us \\ ell us clothing. The ï¬nish- ed work of the circle was forwarded to the Fred Virtor Mission, Tumnto. The circle presented Mrs. Elmer Orr, (the newly wed member) with the customary gift, a comforter. at, the Aug. meeting. There was a must, hemltiful sunï¬urst of pearls. presented to the secretary and treasurer ilt the September meeting, by the members nf the circle, which is highly prized hy the secretary fut-the sincerity in which it was given. Number of members present during the year, 118. Number; of visitors present dilring the year 46. Total attendance. 161. Number on roll thirty-[\vu. Amount carried forward from previnus year : _ $ 66 01 Fee money received 5 ()0 Table cullectiuns 67 20 Atticlw sold fur the circle shirts. etc'. 25 Donation for Mrs. Smith 50 on 29 E 31) G. 31 R. 32 G. 33 C. 10 r 35 36 37 38 U 39 S. 40 L Balance. cuih on hand Avemge collection $6 Thomas. Pro-5., Anni Treus. Sewing ci rlce ex pmm-s 4G GENERAL EXAMINATION, MARCH 1921 ls pn-smt [1920 we m. 'l‘lw Fonn II Plesidomâ€"C. Roe Vice-Presâ€"U. Scott Secretaryâ€"J. Lvnelt- Treasurerâ€"G. Sloan V. Leary. (55 G. McCague, (ii I. Dmvney. 66 E Kenswell. 65 (I) M. Mulluy, 64, m A. Gluhine. (34 (l) E. Muushridge. U3 (2" \V. Gwhzun. 63 (1) M. Bluwn, 62 (2) H. Leutherdale. 62 (.1) G. Killnugh. (51(1) A. Armstrong. (-58) (2) ALMCUHszuv, _58 (3‘ R. Marsh, 56 (2‘! F. Bowes, 50 (3) j. Starling. 49 (1) A. Dennis, 66 L. Harding. 66 II Ahruh’ams. (55 M.A|u-nhums, 64 (l) \V. Vundvrhvnt, (H H NIchnls. 63 (I) E. Diblu, 50 (5) E. Young, 49 (I) U. McDonald, 49 (2» S. Moxim-ly, 43 (3) L. Mmphy, 40 (7| Horn†wrou- rm only Rsuhjvcts Richmond Hill High School Geo, 84 mum, Roler-Boler Minstrel: H< pe Sewing Circle ISiIIPSS meeting hf {he at the home of Mls. " The yum-1y report md ndnpwd. Ofï¬cers 'e-elecled by ucclanm- I $15.72. Mrs. t Annie Hhvles, SC failed Afl'er subject 146 120 name ‘1: in Liberty ; in all things, Charity." in the‘séhunl 1-0 rm of the M :Lhndi‘t chul'thhnrsduy cvvniug under the auspices of the \V. C. T. U. The Presidgnt. Mrs. Phipps presided. and the spenkel of lhc evening was Mrs. B. 11.jnhnstun uf TOI‘tHlL-L Musical selections were given by Mrs. N. J. Glass, Lauder and Jack Glass and Mrs. D. \ansnn. The speaker, who urged men and women Lu work and vote THE JONES LUMBER AND COAL C0. COR YONGE AND ARNOLD STS. RICHMOND HILL Toronto Ofï¬ces ~Bldg. Cor. E Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship'. Prompt Service. 2 Doers Sou‘th of Bakery on Yonge St. Brunch Ofï¬cn~Richumnd Hill Pvexy “yes†in the nefm-endum, ed a he u-ly vutc nf thanks ments were served at the r A. E. Osler-& C0. Ionsult us as to your Bonds and other Securities. 8: CAMPBELL a ' BARRESTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. Melinda St., Toronto, Ont. Investment Brokersfl \Vednesdny afternoon at, Liberal Ufl'icr. ‘ GREGORY GOODERHAM [BARmsmm s GEO. KIDD Investments ‘urchases Made on all Exchanges. Government Bonds Bought and Sold. ‘ If it should be lost, u new one can he obtained without delay. A receipt is given at the time of purchase. Then when the Money Order is cashed. it constitutes :1 permanent receipt for the money. Sterling Bank Money Orders can be obtained at any of our Branches. in a few moments. 46 THE STERLING BANK Branches m successful meeting w.“ WE SOLICIT When sending money to friendsâ€"t0 business institutionsâ€"anywhereâ€"use :1 Sterling Bank Money Order. It is readily cashed fox-its full value at any Char- tered Bank in Canada (except in the Yukon district.) PATRONAGE B'ION E’Y ORDIS Money to Loan Public Meeting ï¬ces â€" Continental Life- ’r. Bay and Richmond b‘l. Tmoutu. YOUR Riclmwnd Hill. Keswick. Lansing. Thumbill and Newton Brook. 1921 OF'CANADA ! accm-dv Reflesh- BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternnun. “700d bridge. Saturday forcnnon. Mohey (,0 Loan at Our rent. Rates PIANIS'I‘ Tent: aer of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory uf Music «and St. Margaret's Collvge. Richmond Hillâ€"W'ednesduys and Saturdays. N. C. Bhlvor. BA Peter Timylofl BA. 11. W. Rhodes. BA. Tel. A islnid REAL ESTATE AM) INSURANCE THORNHlLL ' MANY a man has laid the foundation of wealth and prosperity, by starting a savings account with small sums early in life. . Even the saving of your twenty ï¬ve 'cent pieces may start- you on the road to a successful future. n dollar will open an account for you m our Savmgs Department. STANDARD BANK Commissioher.(‘on veyuncer. Eu Capital, Surplus and Undivided Proï¬t. $8,360,537.09. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Shaver Taylor & Rhodes Small Beginnings . EARLE N E WTON J. R. HERRINGTON. MANAGE» J. EDWARD .FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAMJZOOK [Single copies, 3 cts OF CANADA Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. THE Hamilton Tum 3121; Rooms 303-305 Opposite Cltv Hull 57 Queen St. Wen Toronto Evenings Manor Road North Torout 339