Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1921, p. 7

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,/__.a- ,..,._~..-.-....â€"â€"r , he Leading Markets. Toronto. Manitoba wheatâ€"N0. 1 Northern, $13614; No. 2 Northern, $1.931.“ N0. 3 Northern, $18914; No. 4 wheat. $1.82%. I Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 2 CW, 50140; No. 3 CW, 460; extra No. 1 feed, 460; No. 1 feed, 44c; extra No. 2 feed, 41c. . .. .......wi,..i....-.. Manitoba barleyâ€"No. 3 CW, 851/2c; N0. 4 CW, 74c; rejected, 63c; feed, ‘ u ‘ ' * t W hi 1 E G. d E l“ wil’lllligno’lf the aboxc in stort a . u Ai’I‘eiiéfé‘m °°133L738§iipm’2%‘3”‘“1' , ' v :35de (mtgâ€"DWI)? “'va 4‘5 ‘0 _ HERE. IS much more than mere routme . C. . . 0mm" “meatâ€"N"- 2 Wm” “90 i to the elaborate system of Inspection to $1.95 per car lot; No. 2 Spring, : . ' V . ‘ I 'h t, ' ‘- $35512tflitgsghgginép$?§€§,§lc§fd- Whlch guards the supreme quaiity of the ' t f 'lt. wishâ€"3‘35 12, $1.55 to $1.65. . Cray-Dort car. _ . Bal‘liyfh’ialtingt. to 85¢; accord- B .1 . . 'd f t I sue. . . “‘gB,2k,5§‘.§ti§3, 3, $1.05 to $1.10, . u1.t1nto every cal IS e pri e0 at:1 orgaIn mi‘z‘fiim. 2, $1.57 to $1.621, nominal, lzation over Slxty years experlence 1n .tne aciii‘ii’igbii"fligiffliiié’iltiif; $10.70; production of satisfactory transportation. second patent, $10.20, bulk, seaboard. . ,ogpgario “WYâ€"$85“ M“ “3' -â€"each skilled craftsman looks upon the " dâ€"Dl‘ d. M t-l ° riggiiifebags inciu‘iiifii Bran, pi? iii, Gray-Dort as 1313 personal product, by $133131?iiifiis’éfiésmla$3.558 $333 which he be judged in the eyes of the b . agtfifiW'I"â€"Car lots, per ton, $12, world, . traC', oronto. ' o . . tigifiilghtif per t°"’ $23 t" m The result 18 a carefulnessfla preCISionâ€" .â€"â€"N,l-.32t 33; - - - , twiii‘sieqsii toeilc;3:§iipi§ts.t33 (i0 3515/; of construction which 18 matched only by 1d,l-‘ ,34t *; , '1, . . . io 3525-6 0 L o “ “S 2 ‘ the fineness of the materlals w1th Which Butterâ€"Fresh dairy, choice, 48 to 490; creainery, No. 7, 571/; to (301/2c; our men work_ fresh, 59 to 62c. 1 igi’ggfiggiifsfjfigr 47a; new The final result is freedom from .ordinary aB'ezms Canaéian. handmicked‘ per motor car troubles and the long life which iii-3335;553:1931: 335731131112? fizd‘iégfcat: comes only with perfect harmony in every wii/iaifiigaiifgigiisggfiipiz1’33 imp. workin rt gal., $3.40 to $3.50; per 5 imp. gals, g pa ' $3.25 to $3.40. Maple sugar, 1b., 20 to 25c- Compared with other cars, the Gray-Dort Honeyâ€"GO-30-lb. tins. 22 to 23¢ ‘ 1b.; 5-217éâ€"ll). t. , 23 t 2"c ' .- . ' _' _ {E} o,,,,,.,,, comb 1,131,505., $73,, 58,1135 1s worth much more than ltS fan made in section case. ' Smoked ineatsâ€"Hamshmed” 35 to 7 Canada prlce‘ 38c; heavy, 27 to 29c; cooked, 52 to 570:1‘0115v31t0326: cottage rolls-33 The difficulty in Securing a Gray-Dort to 34c; breakfast bacon. 43 to 46c; . . fancy breakfast Won, 53 t0 56“: Wlll increase as the season advances. See plain, bone in, 47 to 500; boneless, 51 d , 1 to 55¢. Cured meatsâ€"Long clear bacon, 27 " the GrayflDort - ea er now. to 28c; clear bellies, 26 to 27c. .utsfiri’nPis‘actt‘ss:fiat. W. G. BALDOCK, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. prints, 21% to 221/2c. Shortening, ité‘f°§a§ s: :2 ~ g A. A. BRiLLINGER, THORNl-llLL, 0N1. 151/20. Choice heavy-“steers. $9 to $10.50; good heavy steers, $8.50 to $9; ‘but- chers' cattle, choice, $9 to $10; do, good, $8 to $9; do, med., $6 to $8; do, com., $4 to $6; butchers‘ bulls, choice, $7 to $7.50: do good, $6 to $7; do, com., $4, to $5; butchers’ cows, choice, $8 to $9; do, good, $6.25 to $7; do, c0111., $4 to $5; feeders, $7.75 to $8.75; ' do, 900 lbs., $7.25 to $8.25; do, 800 lbs., $5.75 to $6.75; do, coin., $5 to $6; canners and cutters, $2.50 to $4.50; milkers, good to choice, $85 to $120; do, com. to med, $50 to $60; choice springers, $90 to $130; lambs, yearl- ings. $9 to $9.50; do. spring, $12 to $13; calves, good to choice, $14.50 to $15.50; sheep, $5 to $8.50; hogs, fed and watered, $14.75 to $15; do, weigh- ed 01? cars. $15 to $15.25; do. f.o.b., $13.75 to $14; do, country paints $13.50 to $13.75. ‘ Montreal. Oats, NO. '2 CW, 07 to “80; No. 3 CW, 03 to 64c. Flour, Man. siirinf;r wheat patents, firsts, $10.50. Rolled} oats, bag, 00 lbs., $3.40. Bran, $35,125. Shorts, $36.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $24 to $25. Cheese, finest easteriis. 29V; to 29%c. Butter. choicest creamery. 5617-5 to 57c. Eggs, fresh, 45c. Pota- ‘oes, per bag. car lots, $1 to $1.05. Good steers. $11.25; light Steers and heifers, $8.50; common cows, SH; â€"- good veal. $11.50 to $12; ined.. $1.0 ri$11. Sheep, $8; lambs, $12. Hits. 7 M O T Q R S : Iccts, $15.50; sows, $11.50. ' " ' â€" A‘~o¢ What War Will Costâ€" Canada in 1921-19212.1 ~ irrale “a, “I. I '» H I E D _. HAM, ONTARIO W ~ i l i - . u l . n i . . - du'vr v11 i }. ,-.1 in woodswui; ' ' ' * s“ l: . *ss s ‘>~ r \t.» \\ icn. a. the LOIltlllblUll (l1 1 i. -0, “I )e iangu A dESpntCh from Ottawa 5“"5:_ ‘3" I“ f‘ut 1“ ‘(UHH L . ll] 1“ 'ei . .1 i r ..‘¢~ I. '1 J - '7 f 1‘ th murder on C-iiinda will have to 11‘0\':{n f ‘ ‘ than when he took the w.tiicss ililllli ( mwns, case. )IOiitalicu Bosnia put .ai on tlllt - o_ .e (i i i “L “I my in the afternoon. gtlie prisoner in the hex. Norman told January 20 of Benjamin Johnston. a terest and expenditure resulting from; the war during the tiscal year of 1021-! i ' It was with much dift'ii'ulix' ili'it,.i remarkable story and although he local confectioner. He was sentenced ' l I v; d i’ . , . . . . 22 as follows- Brothers Robbed Store of Ben the courtroom and t'tl'l‘ltlt‘": ‘."L".'L“ was very nti'x'mis at the first he soon1 to death lieu Fi Ida} afteinoon by Hi. Interest s140.;:» 1,": Johnston _ Younger Con- (it‘lll'ml in order to permit id" iiie :'e- .stttlt-d down and narrate-.1 the wents Justice holly: he heard the words Pe ‘ ~ A I ' i i i i i i ' i i ' i ' ' ' 3 ' Ali-1,05? - mqu of the Iii'isollt'l’ hat-l; to the iii" the fateful night when Ben John- that sealed his doom he sighed slight- Solilsilfinb i i i i i :ti‘blhuif'i' v“:th Of maDSIaUghten 1""l 'l‘h's is the firs“ tir‘“ ii' thirty stoi: was killed. '1‘. 2i cool and :ollti-,- iV. while his jaw tightened just a lit- ‘5 an -..e cmen. -.n.UIT.t it . " “ ' ‘ ‘ ~ ~ - . . i ' ' . . '- . 9.,» Soldieps’ Civil Re_ ‘ A despatch from \Votulstot-h >L1\'~Z*' 3' v is that a murder trial her ll'ti re: (ll nianiici'. Lp to this poin- dicic Ilc. A>1<l£ fiom this he made no >l,_,l., :v. The ‘i-«d been very little with-nu- ‘hat was lie walked from the court room stead- ago whtn nth hand the day before in the L'11:C' ily and without casting a glance to ' against Demon. The lél'xlt'l‘ him-‘th left or right. ii iii :i verdict of , . misc was thirty yea .ld Birchall was i'utind _ > . ~ . _ 1931000“, Norman Garfield was on 'l‘idii'sdzi)” inig'ht found Q'tllll)‘ of the charge 01“ Totals . . . . . ' . ‘ ‘ . _ ~ . S23“ 737.05.7‘ having murdered Ben .luillléifll. while Retain: establishment __.. . 1 “hill-.9: his store on the "E:"*‘ of and afterwards hanged iii the f-.. «in let' stand tnid practically the .‘Zlillt' l)ont0n Garfield. aged 20, found 3 I ilsinuai‘y 2011i. i‘ni‘ thn- murder ot'flie yuuny: liiuz'l‘s'm story as he ind in tin cuiitcssmii. ll»: :mlty of’ manslaughter. Itaced Mr. “omen Maglsuates The jiiiv retired at 0.10 uni :2: ‘.ll,‘ maiz. Fwd Bv!‘.\\'i‘ll. \“115 lll‘tlllfl'llf 1111’) WU“ Sl‘Ul‘llF 11”” JUSUCC belly tollowniL’ hll‘ lll'Oihol'n‘ in Ontario Cities “murm'd m ll“? L“'UYU’UOI‘L i ‘ Mrizv dramatic iimidt-nts iii;.:'l;u-i Nu!‘21.2._‘i and. plat-mi in the (l'lxK tic- \\'lllltll'u\\'zll, and was >t‘lllt‘llL‘IJd to L"; the da s prim edii 1‘iil‘.<-:'. l’ \\'.l> the tirs.‘ .i-eti. years‘ imprisonment. Demon, 12.5. .-\ despatch from Toy-mm, S:,\-S._ ‘ tlcrk of the coui". rose and aslad flit (,;;i:ii-i of i‘llt"lil:4i‘llt‘l:5 tor i-‘JlIJ'V dine. nlélilllztl‘liril a ralin' Iil‘llli‘uT'it',‘itll’l '1') Municipalities of more than ltd-(Ultm jury it they lltlil agreed on a \"t‘.'d‘.i\. (1' n rinaii .- viztwi lifsirioiu-r str'..:‘:. trace n. t-mritiur. uas zipparciti. population are in have woman p01,“, ‘ “We have." was the response and Wit, lirl rob. I: ' > __._.;. magistrates it thuy wan: theirU‘f“ 'nnrn. foreman (‘3' the ‘_\‘. ?ii~ ht‘utiirrz Tim! ' W“; No: that it makes any differ-13w, in a clear voice i‘e;:‘l thw hour recess, .11 ‘ follows: ‘ he inetiihers of 135:? ",r)‘ are unanimous in iindirx: the u glance inwards whom no hall I (U saw.- hiins m of NI l".1..: ‘ r IVELU‘C‘ her ‘1 ha: how mat-ii. we wonder. has it ~ farmer Kaiser “'iihclm (‘Ollll‘lli :xv. ' 1 film support '4‘ European war it"llli‘ :.~.‘ Legislation to that ctl‘cr: was ii.:i'.._ i :1?‘ duced in the House by lion. W. .1, Raney. The :ippointiiiei:t is minim-i for by a requisizion of the mar. _- _x .1 " 2"”:3’ on the L’llill'L'C of iii:i1'- . “s “5‘5 I~' 5”“ “3‘ llik‘W fulhl 10 we 3‘3 1.111 council. 'I‘Eq yr 'nnci~ \t’t‘nicl :inat'ta't- 1i. girl. The 11m. d:;ii;..: ‘ :1 t‘:c A\'_;,,,;,:, 1,;- mi. i;;,n‘1i_g1_ “Lid “1.7.3:, .A;

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