Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1921, p. 8

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FRIDAY, MARCH 18â€"FHl-m stuck and ilnplementa, (-nn. 4. \th Yolk. Duwnsview. lhe pruperty 0f D. Struthdee. Sula at. 15. Tel-"137 inontlw.,J. H. Prentice. Auct. SATURfiAY. MARCH 19~Furm stock. implvments etc.. 101: 7. Cuq. 5. Markham. the pruperty of Gen. Mchty.” Sula at l. 8 mouth 5. J. H. Prentice, Anct. :QATURDAY. MARCH lQâ€"Vt-hiclns. fur- niture and stun-a gomls. Teston, the property of T. _[~. Wilsun. Sale at 1. 'Kel-ms 8 months. Saigecn‘ and Walkiugtnn, Aucks. MONDAY, MARCH 21â€"Fm-Iu stm-k, imâ€" ments at"... ML 1!). NHL 4. Mnlkhum, the properly of Huqh Lewf. Sale at 1. 8,1mmLha. _l. H. Pu-ntice. TEETZEL BROS Auct. MONDAY. MARCH 21â€"Fan‘m stuck and implements. Ivl ll. con. 3. Vnughgm. {prnpvrty of R-‘sfl Gunn. Sale at 1. TPI'IIIS 8 qunnthL Snigron and Eave Troughing, Furnace and General Repair Work. Auct. Moxnxv. MARCH 2kâ€"Fm-m «Lu-k implements'. lot 57. (-nn 1. Vang Yungc Slreot, Metrnpnlihln S’tu] (the pi'nperty of Gen. Neill. at 1 n'clnck. Terms 8 mm Public Notice! ELLIOTT I {5%J/mflwg iu gugd pusitiuns. I‘m-re are thnus \nds of upcnings in Toronto each year and no nu: Q'ftl'rd upun to fill umre': than we cam. Open all VHII'. Eulerat uu-y lime. Circu- year. I! lnrs {we Ynnge and Cnnlles Sm. Tm- This Schm-l t njuys u grvnt u- Linn fur mpmiur wqu and placing the grnduatm qu WVulkingLon, Aunt“. I JESDAY, MARCH 22â€"Fm-m gncgc and. implemente, lot 6. cnn Wuughun, (he ‘propmty of Ja \Voods, Sale "I. 1. Ton-ms 8 mm: Snigcon and \Valkinglon, Auct: ommY, MARCH 28â€"Fan-m stock. plenumts etc.. kit 28, con. (i, M lmm. the property uf Wm. Sale at 1. S uanhs. J. H. L‘u-n \‘etal Rcofing. Metal Siding. Meta! Garages, Etc. Saigeon YBSDAY, implefim iine. Mu EASTER TERM OPENS MARZZ‘Hh p next to the Shoe Fuctm old Bank Building. outln. JilI. PI DNESDAY. MAm nplements etc.. ml. the [H’Opt rang. Suleatl rentice. Auct. ~ YRSDAY, MARC! Jplemenls elm, :urhorn. [he I rmstwng. th MP ’9 now in a pnsilion to look needs in every line -of n and will be pleased tusee aid to n and see us about your Spring n'clnck. Terms 5 In on u'nd \Valkington.‘t&uu n', BIARCH filmâ€"Farm ’mcnts etc.. lot. 21. 4th con? Murkhnn, glue properly {v Boyntnn’. Sale at In. J. H. Pmnticn, Auct. ESDAY. MARCH atlâ€"Fnrm rentice ELLIm'r, Principal \Vot-k now etc.. Jot, pmpprtg 3|] as well as Register Auc [ZSâ€"Gash Sale of . Blythwuud Road. R. the prprny of . Cox. Sal-1 at. 2 enticz-, Auct. )pelty at l. Sm, Toronto ‘arm stock and .n. 6. Vaughan. 1 (human. 1‘1!- =. Suigt-uuund month (‘le} 'mu of James 8 months. quivkly ll) pntu Rule on ths. in th )ll. m etul \nn uk ,H CanneltStove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of N0. 1 Feed Corn. Ami TAKE NOTICE um, uftnr Stu-h last mentioned (lulE‘, lhv Ad- lninistrntr-r will prmwed to di>trihnle the assets of the said decrnsed "mung the pm‘livs entitled thmetu. having reguulunly to the clainn of which they shall then have nv-tics', und lhnt lhe Administrator Will non ha linhlv for the said assets or any part thereof funny pensnn «r ierwns of \vhuse claim noticr shrill mt, hn‘e lll'Pn re. ceiwd hv him at, the time of allt'h (125‘ lrihutiun. Dated nt,']‘unmt(). this 8th day of March, 1921. ‘ J, H. NAUGHTON, 28 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Snlicilm-fnr the S'|id Adminisuatur. 37-39 HERBERT JOHN CLAFFY. A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Julin L‘lzzil'vy. l.-ti- hf [hr Village 01 Richmond Hill, in the Cumty of Ymk, 'Mumn, flew-used. NUTIUI‘I is hmle giiien, puisunnt tn Svclinu 50. (f the Trustee-5’ Arr. ll. 3. O. lllll, Chapter 121. Lhut flll (:wditms uml nllmrs having claims m denmnrla against lhv Pfit‘llt‘ of (hp said John (llutfey, whn (lied on or about lhr- 9th day l‘KFPlH'Hnry. 1921, at lllt‘ Village of liichmnml Hill. in the Cmmiy of Yolk, zu'c I-vquirml m: m- lmf-n-o the 15th (lay of: April, 1921, Lu svnd lxy post. prepuid m- dt'll‘ er to j.H. Naughtnn, 28 Adelaide St. WPSD. Tu- rnnto. Suliuilntor {'01- the Alminis lrntnr of the Estnu- of the said Llec‘easâ€" ed, their Christian) names and sur- na'm-s, :uldrewses and descx-ipliuns. full pnrtirnlnrs in writing of the-ir claims. statement. of their accounts, and the nutme nf ihe securily. if any. lu-lddhy them. A-.. -.._m-nn .u A m , (:wditms denmmh John Clu [hr 9(h (1 Village 0 IN THE MATTER OF L! Public Notice Blachford’s Calf Meal. Purnia Scratch Feed. I. D. Ramer Notice To Cre liters ate IHECHLAND LAKE FARMS H 11 ll] Its v ll} l'OlE't Ontario Referendum Conimittee Let us shut the door to imported “ Booze Herd SIIP. A\'O.\'I.)A LIC PONTIAC ECHO (undm‘ I( asr‘). :1 50 MAY ECHO SYLVIA. [he wrxl 1‘: In at record cow fur milk pm» Mon and Canadiqu Rerunl for IHIIIM'. 41 Ihe. only one (-tlu'r Il-ll). in Canada. Our hm-d uf one Lum'lcd includes n -.-uly fitty‘fluughlpu :l 33.3Llh sun of the great KING hMHS. hlnthI‘ [,0 the shes r-If Ll wmld‘s l'PL'Old cowsâ€"mature 5011“. Sr. 4-yr.-nld 46.84. Jr. Lynn-old 4 lhs. .Illlliu‘l‘ hFId sin-u KING SEGIS PONT-I AU CANADA. :1 hmthm- to AVONDA LE PONTIAC ECHO. out nf .a 301m. St-gis c He- ié for SHIP. If this cmnhinalinn of breeding inn-rests you, write prices nn either males 01- femulu-s. Vote â€" and Vote, “Ye s” )1} DAVID HILL & CO. ‘HE â€"â€"Before and after the Federal war-time Order- in-Council prohibiting importationgof liquor into Ontario was rescinded: ‘ Commitments for Commitments for Drunkenness. All Crimes. 1919 .......... 3.415 1919 ........ 13,096 1920 .......... 4,511 , 1920 ...... 14,736 Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxi- cating liquor into the province be prohibited? 1101 HILE importation of intoxicating liquors into “dry” provinces was forbidden by war-time Order-in-Council, Ontario‘s jails were half empty. Since that order was rescinded, imported “Booze” has been filling them up again. Imported “Booze” is demoralizing social cor.â€" ditions, breeding a disregard of law, endanger- ing the home and menacing the youth of this province. Imported “Booze” is defea‘jng the expressed will of the people. 7 Net increase, 1,096. IIIBID DDei‘t . Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont. 11' Imported, “Booze” filade in Canada Jail Commitments AT STOP 55. YONGE ST. RADIAI when 1 Chevrolet model )11 11' is an endurin )oint teristic 11121115 Sllllt 3111'- ow pmce tor certaiht)‘ : of C 116V- Its addi- nt All Crimes. 1919 ........ 13,096 1920 ...... 14,736 Net increase, 1.660. it )ltlS l( ll). hv’zll w: 40. (in Ilf NOTH Muluno 1 ' Cunnly Ontario, In “19 next, 50 Divm-ce Veumic: NOTICE is hm-shy giu'n Hm! DORA LUCY BELL «f Illa City nf 'l'x-n um. in the (‘uunly «f York, in [h- Province of Ontuliu. wull apply to the Pgrliament of Canada ut lhv "PM Session lhl'l'mvf fun- at hiIl of divorce frnm her husband Walker “nude-n- Bell. of Tm-untn, aforesaid, Culunel in His Mnjvsly's Forces, on [he grnund of ndnllery. ~ Dated at, the City uf Turnntn, in the County of Ymk, (his 15th. day UK Decmnhor, 192”. :Ldnltm'v, Dated nl vantn in 111‘ t f Ontario, this 71h du)’ of 1920. Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE is hum-by gin-n that Jllllle‘! Mnlum- nf lhv City (If Tun nm in the (Juunly of York and Plovince (~1 ()ntnlin, ermned Salmon “illa-ppl} In Uw Paulinva (If (‘zlnudu at Uh lth session lhme‘of for a Bill 01 Divorce from his “He Agulhn V'Hnnicn Catherine Malnnv. of [h Cin of Halifax in the Plovnm! 0| Nova Scoliu. am the ground 01 DORA LUCY BELL. By hen-Solicitors. Hellmulh. Cutlamu-h & Meredith, Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is lll-‘lehy givrn thul ADA FLORENCE KEENAN, vf the City uf 'l‘mnnm, in the Ucunty (-f Ymk and vainue of Ontario, Married \Vmuan. will apply Ln (he Pun-liamenc of Cunndu at the next, Sesslnn [hen-emf. for n Bill of Dium-e fun“ but husband ALBERT EDWARD KEENAN. formerly of tho City of Tmonto. now of [he Tuwn of Niagara, Falls. in the Churn); of \Vell- and and Pnovince of Ontario, on the grounds of sulultm-bnnd desextion. ‘- Dated at Toronto: [his 5th (~luyof January. 1921. ADA FLORENCE KEENAN BY MURPHY 61 DONALD. 120 Bay Sheet. Toxonto. hm- Sulicitms helein. 29 43 Notice of NOTICE is hereby given that HILDA MAY FREEMAN, «\f the City of Toronto. in the County of York, and Province of Ontarifi, Mmripd \Vnumn. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at thenexl session thereof for n. Bill (-f Dimme- fmm her husband, CHARLES MICHAEL FREEMAN, of the City nf Toronto. in the Countv of York. Molonuan, on the gropud of ndnltel y. Ducted at ’l'oronth, Prmince of Ontnrio, this Thirty-first day 0f Janu- uury. 1921. Notice of Application for Divorce Mike to Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that ALFRED ERNEST MUGRIDGE. bf 1hr City of Toronto. in the Cnunby of York. Aulomuhile Mechanic, will apply tn the Parliament of Canada at the. next seSsion there-0f for a Bill of Divorce frnn‘ his wife. STELle MUHIHDGE, of Bradle. Szukulchewun, Married \Vnman. on the grounds 9f adultery and desortiun. I Duth at Turnmo. vaince nf Ont- m-iH, [his 3rd day of Fchxu try, A. D. well undmdmined. 15 acres seeded. b‘ acnes full wheat and 35 acres ready for spring crop. l’trssessiml April 11921. Buildingsâ€"Grim] '7 rnnm frame house, hunk bm-n 92 x 33 on stone wall. slanchions tie up 12 cattle. 5 hulses. box stalls, ('té. Litter carrier. Water throughout stuhlp, also silo. im- plement; shed. driving house, hug pen, m-vekfuilin/g supply of spring water. 10 miles from ’l‘monlo 1} mile lrnm gond roads. Convenipnl to church and schools. 1701- tcrms. etc. Apply W. C. Gomx, Gnuulny, Onl. or Wu. F HRnnKR. 1LR. N0 2. Gurmley. your. Ourh-iends lion) day to day. But never shall the one we Inc From memory pass away. He bade no one a lust fart:de Ho said gnud~hye In none, The Heavenly gates were opened wid A loving Voice said COHIP, And with farmvvlls unspoken He gladly entered home. â€"\Vife, Son and Daugth 192 Tu close an estate the vulnnhl pl-uperly situated on Lot; 8, c Markham, cuntuining 66 aules Soil fivh clay Imnn, good 1 well undmdl'nined. 15 acres see acnes full wheat and 35 acres rva spring crop. l’trssessinn April Buildingsâ€"Gum] '7 room frame hunk bm'n 92 x 33 on stone But, one “e tlied to save. Hi3 weary hullls and days If pni His troubled nights are passvd His ever-pngient Wm n-ont frnmt hnsl) plPlll The m( PARKER. (‘LAH K AND HART B'mk of Hnnnilhm Btlilding._fl‘nl(-ntr 21 38 Sulicilurs fur‘lhe 'Applivnnl URTISâ€"In lm'ing memory of my do: husband. Wm. lurlis, wlm died plPln-nvpneumonia. March 15, 1918 he mnnn :11le stars are shining Ona lone and silent grave, enenlh sleeps nn» we all love. But, one “e tiled to save. Hus fofmd swcv‘t rvst at Ins: :c wmld may change from Valuable Farm For My : ham 11 HILDA MAY FREEMAN HUGHES &AGAR. , 72 Qut en Stlee-t VVsrst. Tmonln, Ontario. Solicitnrs for the Appfiumt 1106 U. P, H. Building. Solicitor ALFRED Application for Divorce tn l.\ “RHOIHAM HUGHES 26 40 TORONTO '2 Queen “1] 11mm, cstuic ES 8.: AGAR en Street, West, Torontv, Ont. for the Appljbam. RNES’I‘ MI-milDuE. he l lhv PI'IH‘IIN'u y ul' December. nod fences, s seeded. : rs ready for April 11921‘ :une house. stone wall nullle fun f pain ale CUI of

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