Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Mar 1921, p. 8

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EASTER TERM OPENS MAR..29th Build for success by attending [‘9 Yonga and Charles Sm. Toronto. This Sclrooltnjuys a great reputa- tion for superior work and for placing the graduates/ urnrkly at good positions. Then: are thousurds (-fopenings in Toronto each your and “e are. ral'r-d upon '.o It“ more than in: can. Open all year. Entcrut any time. Circu- lar-s free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Register FRIDAY, MAncH 23â€"Farnr stud; and implenrhrts, lot 25, con. 6. Vaughan. the property of John (Iowan. SHIP Saigeun and at 1. Terms 8 months. \Vulkington, Aucta. SrTUBDAY. MAncrI tedâ€"Cash Sale of horses and (lattle. Blythwoorl Road. Stop 19. Met. R. R. the property of Sale at 2 R. Cook and A. Cox. (r'clbck. J. H. Prentice, Auct. S't'rURDAY. MAIroII 26-â€"F‘urm stock and implements, lot (i, con. 3. Vaughan, the. prnperty of James Woods. Snleatl. TernrsBrnordhs. Snigeon and \Valkington, Arrcts. MONDAY, MARCH 28â€"Far-m stock, im- plements etc.. lot ZR, con. 6. Mark- ham. the property of Wm. Ley. Sale at 1. 8 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. MONDAY, IAROH 28â€"17.“ In stock and implcrner ts. lot 57. con 1. Vaughan. Yongo Street. Metropolitan Stop 53, the, property of Gun. Neill. Sale at: 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. Saigeon and \Valkington. Aucts. TUESDAY, MARCH arrâ€"rum stock. implamentsetc.. lot 21. 4th concession line, Markham, the property of H. Wesley Boynton. Sale at 1. 8 months. J. H. PrentiCe. Auct. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30â€"Farrn stock, implements eta. lot 8, con. 6, Mark- ham. the property of L. H. Arrn- strong. Sale at. 1. 8 months. I. H. Prentice. Auct. WEstnDAY. MARCH Tillâ€"Irma! stock and implements, lot 10, von, 5, - Vaughan. the property of “'In. H. Malon. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Saigeon and “'alkiugton, Aucts. THURSDAY, Murat {iiâ€"Farm stock. implements etc, lot 3.3, (on. D. Scar-horo, the property of 'i‘. B. Armstrong. Sale at l. 8 months. T. H. Prentice, Auct. Public N 0 tie. e ! “Vi are. now in :1 position to root; after your needs in mot-y line of metal on: k. and will be pleased to we you \ t, twgrtltl lo ¢ Metal Roofing, Metal Siding. Metal Garages, Etc. as well as time Troughing. Furnace and (ieieral Repair Work. fame in and see us about your Spring \Votk now. S'rap next to the Shoe Factory. in the old Bank Building. TEETZEL BROS. r “Iiiâ€"once The removal of ladders or tools or any other articles from the Fire Hall without permission of the Council is hereby prohibited under pen- alty of prosecution. 1f the ladder which was taken from the Fire Hall some two months ago is not re- turned within ten days, legal proceedings will be taken for its recovery forthwith. By order T. H. TRENCH. Reeve. IF a matter of shoe repairsâ€"â€" ROLFE do it »â€"and it will be done right: it's It: A. ROLFE Boot and Shoe Repairer. Prompt Service Neat Work South of Shoe Factory Notice To Creditors I.\ THE MATTER OF the Estate If John L‘vlatl‘ey late of the Villurzr! of Richmond Hill, in the County of YoIk, Mason, deer-used. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant toScctiou 56. of the 'l‘r'usteen’ Act. H. S. 0.. l9“, Chapter 1'31. that all creditors and others h rving claims or demands against the estate of the said John (ilrrlfey, who died on 01‘ about, Ihe 9th day of IR-hru rry. 1931, at. the Village of Richmond Hill. ill tht‘ (Bounty of York, are required on or hernm'the lStlI’day of April, 1921, it. send by post prepaid or deli\ or to J.H, Naughtun, 2* Adelaide St. \Vesr. i'I‘o- mnto. Solicitator for the Admrurs truth!" 0! the Estate of the said deceas- ml, their Christian nanns and sur- "amt-S, addresses and descriptions. full particulars lll writing ot iht‘ll' claims. statement of their :u:r-nrrnte, and the nature of the St’Ctlllly. it' any. held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date, the_ Adâ€" ministrator will proceed to distribute Ihe assets of the said deceased among the. parties entitch thereto“ having lexilld only to the claims ot which they shall then have notice, and that the Administrator will not. be liable for the said assets or any par t [hr-reef to any person or vaSons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by him at the time of su- h dis- tr-ihution. Dated atToI-outo, this 8th day of March. 1921. J. H. NAUGHTON, 28 Adelaide SL. \\'ent. Toronto, Solicitor for the said Administrator. 3739 HERBERT .IUHN ULAFI-‘Y: Public Notice Acar of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Mr 211 on hand. I Also a good supply of No. 1 Feed Corn. Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour alâ€" ways on hand. Purnia Scratch Feed . Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea E Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs: at the Elevator. I. D. Ramer lfllGHlIAND LAKE FARMS IIerd sire, AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO (under lease). a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the \vrrld's that record cow for milk produc- tion and Canadian Record for burn-r. ll llw. Only one other 41.11.. bull in Canada. Our h! Id of one hundred includes nearly titty daughters of a 33.31-“1 son of the great KIN“ NICHIS. lunlhr'l’ to the Sims of [hm-r. world’s record cowsâ€"mature 50.68. Sr. 4-yr.-oln«16.84. Jr. nl-yr-.-old {-0.32 lbs. Junior herd sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA. a half brother to AVONllALE t’UNTIAU ICUHU. out of r. Kl) lbs. Segia Cow. Hr- is for sale. If this combination of breeding interests you. write for pr ices on either males or females. t FAarr AT STOP 55. Yoxor: S'r. RADIAL R. W. E. Burnaby ~ Jefferson, Ont» orted “Booze” Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxi- cating liquor into the province be prohibited? HILE importation of intoxicating liquors into “dry” provinces was forbidden by war-time Order-in-Council, Ontario’s jails were half empty. Since that order was rescinded. imported “Booze” has been filling them up again. Jail Commitments ~Before and after the Federal war-time Order- in-Council prohibiting importation of liquor into Ontario was rescinded: Commitments for All Crimes. [A1919 ........ 13.096 1920 ...... 14,756 Net increase, 1.660. Commitments for Drunkenness. 1919 .......... 3.415 1920 .......... 4.511 Net increase. 1,096. Imported “Booze” is demoralizing social con- ‘ditions, breeding a disregard of law. endanger- ing the home and menacing the youth of this province. Imported “Booze” is defeating the expressed will of the people. Vote "Falld Vote, “Yes” i Let us shut, the door to Imported “ Booze” _ 7 ~ 7 l â€" â€"â€"â€"-;7 H 4: 8 . {Wade in Canada . i I iii-Ii". some (-ei'tainly of service. of ectrrrorny oi operation and sturdincsb' oi constructimr that, characterizes all Clrex‘mlct products 15 found 111 the Chev- rolet ‘(hrc-yi‘on \‘Corm-Drir'c Truck. ,{ . I o I H o O ‘ (nine lit and give It your critical 1n- spcction. Let u»; explain to you how 11: r will serve you better and help your ~ ,r business to grow. . ° . x ~ ' DAVID HILL &;co. _. l First-class Boot and SITOC Repairer on all kinds of boot." and shoes. Guarantee to give you Value for Your Money. The Working Man's Friend. ARNOLD STREET Next Door to Jones Lumber Company W Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE is hem-by Riven that DORA Lt'cv BELL ot’ the City of Toronto. in tho ("minty of YOI-k, in the Provinc:I of Ontario, “‘rll apply to the. Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a hill of divorce from her husband Walker Harden- Bell. of Toronto, aforesaid. Colonel in His Majesty's Forces, on tI-L‘ ground of adultery. - Dath at the (lily of Toronto, in the County of York, this 15th. day of December, 1930. DORA LUCY BELL. Bv hm- Solicitors. Hellrnuth. Cattanath & Meredith, lltlfi t‘-. 1’, P». Rui'dinz. 2840 TORONTO. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that ADA FLORENCE KEENAN. of the City of Toronto, in the, County of York and Fun int-(- of Ontario, Married “'onran. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof. for a Bill of Dina-re from her husband ALBERT EDWARD Krzrchx. formerly of the City of Toronto. now of the Town ol Niagara Falls. in the Countyof \Vell- and and Province of Ontario. on tht~ grounds of adultery and desertion. Datr'tl at Toronto. this 5th day of Jaurrarv. 1921. ADA FLORENCE KEENAN BY‘ MURPHY & DONALD. IZII Bay Street. Toronto. her Solicitors heroin. 29 43 Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE i< ilt‘lt'hy given that HILDA MAY FREEMAN, of the (Irty of Toronto. in rhi- (,‘ounty of York, and Provinceot' Ontario. Married “'onrarr. will apply to H e I‘ar lirrrrrent oft‘anatla at (hr-next session thereof for a Bill of I)l\(‘1‘('t' front her husband. ('II.\IrI.r:s MICHAEL FREEMAN, ol' the City or Toronto. in the Countv of York. Motorrrran, on the ground of adultery. Dated at Toronto, Province of Ontario, this 'I‘lrirty-firsulay of Janu- uuy. lQ‘ll. III'GHES & AGAR. 72 Queen Street \Vesi. Toronto, Ontario, Solicitors for the Applicant. 3'). 14 HILDA MAY FREEMAN. w NOTICE is hereby given that Acrnrco ERNEST MUGRIDUE. of tin- (‘,ity of Toronto. in the County of York. Automobile Mechanic, will flapply to the Parlrament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of , Divorcc from his wife. STELLA MUUTHDUE, of Leadle. Saskatchewan. Married \Voman. on the grounds of adultery and descrtion. Dated at Toronto. Province of Outâ€" ario, this 3rd day of February, A. D. 19:11. III'GHES & AGAR 72 Queen Street. West, Toronto, Ont. Solicitors for the Applicant. 2:3 31 ALFRED ERNEST MIIGRIDGE. i’aluablc Farm For Sale , 5â€"â€" , To close an estate the valuable farm property situated on Lot. 8, con. 3. MRI klmnr, containing 66 acres. Soil rich clay loam. good fences. ; well underdraincd. 15 acres seeded, 3 acres fail wheat and 35 acres r'cady for spring crop. Possession April 11921. Buildingsâ€"~Good 7 roonr frame house. bank born 92 x 33 on stone wall. stanchions tie up 12 cattle. 5 horses. box stalls, r-tc. Littcr carrier. Water throughout stable, also silo. im- plcrne‘nt shed, driving house, hog pen. 3 never failing supply of spring water. 511) miles from Toronto :3 mile from Ignod roads. ('onveniI'Irt to church I“ and schools. For terms. etc. Apply l \V. C. GMIIN. (iorrolev. Ont. or “'31. F. Brmokrt. It. R. No. 2, Grrr'mlcy. lixer-ntorsof the estate of \V. ,l. lirookc. 37-39 ‘ BIRTHS \It‘l't'ill-iin-T'u .‘Il'. and Mrs. Hugh I .\Iii(.IIr-ll. at Oil; Itidgcs. on March ‘ llllh, II‘ZI. a son (Robert Stewart). jl .: , *â€" *1 : ,- DEATHS v llrir.r.r~rrt)n Mondav, March :11, 15121. i at the rI-sirlt-Irce of her sonâ€"in law, .I. ‘ A. Pearson, 'I'lrornlrill. Mary Ross. r relic! of tlrr- late H‘illi llll Mellish, in her 79th year. 1 Funeral on WeJrrIsdav. Man II 23rd. at 3 p. In. t I'l‘hornlrill ‘.’crn~- [wry iNoiiteTflppâ€"licationtor Divorce r ‘\ "M.- «"‘.,.- MAw-n-hn ., A, rut . n-‘w‘vâ€"‘I‘J‘KI -‘ NV,

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