Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1921, p. 8

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{ z gLLIOTW Yongv- and Charles 515., Toronto. ‘ Is we'.l known throughout Canada for high grade work. Sealer. Famous In This Specialy, Cal'ed To Toronto I41 ll. Sn-o-lr-y ril'('lrir'nglr;rrrr1 I’llilu- lrlelphiu, thc- nolml trnsq expert. “ill L1n-r.~rurmlly lrt' at the King I‘idwnrd llllll‘l nnd \vill lt'lllfllll in Toronto this Moniluv, 'I‘uvsduy, \\'ednv~dxy and Arcnunt'rnr-y. slenngrrrphy, typru writing lllltl gl'lH‘Hll improve-- llH'lll. Courses ; much pom n:rl :rlte-ntil'n givrn tustuderrls: yrurduutl-s r(-.ulil_v (.ht rln r-rrrirltuyrr.elrt,. Opt-vlr :Ill veur. \Vritv Lo-(my. ' for prmpvctus. Hwy»: "The Sprrnrntic Shield will not. only retain rrny (THSI' of rupture pmâ€" . . ‘fectlv, but r-orrtrrrcts the opening in 10 E““"' ""y “m'i'. any; on lhr‘ Irverugn case. living n W, .1. ELLIOTT. l"'ir""'l3“1- ‘vust :rdvancenn-nt over n11 former i rrretlrodsv~exvrnplifying instantaneous immediately «ppre-r-iuhlv and '1 l . 7': ‘ (‘lIects ' - ‘ withstanding any strain or prrsltlnll. ' _ $~ ' q l This instrurrrr-nt received the only n- Ul ilwurd in England mill in Spain pro- ldm-ing results without surgr-ry. irrâ€" llt-ctitirrs, medical trentmrlnt ,or' prrâ€" lscriptimrs. Mr. Sevley has documents \vmrmnmvi”:ll“'5‘““1"“:’"i‘kHiiiil from the United States liov'r-rrnents. your needs In P‘l‘l)’ “H " “1‘ ‘ ' \Vushingmn[).C.,fur-inspertion. All ,‘"urk. and “'1” 1’0 PING“! ‘0 SW you . charity ('usr-s ifirhont rhnrgv. or if any '-‘ legllld 1“ interested cull, hr- will he glad to :how . . . 18711110 without r~1r rrge- or lit tln-rn if 411-- Metal ROOIIHg. Metal Sldlng. sired, Business dr-rnunds prevent Metal Garages, Etc. stopping rrt, any other plin- in this Station. I’vS.-1‘Ivmy s! rlr'nwnl in this native rrs \V('11°:|§ lms llt‘t’ll ve-rilii'il ln‘rl‘urr’ ‘llle' Fl'tlt‘l'lll r and Sterti- (hurls. 1‘.'1<‘y. Eave Troughing. Furnace and “(HMO Office, 117 Not tll\1)r‘3lllrrl:l SL, V 1 (Chicago. (leieral Repair \l‘ork. (l)tllf‘i|):llr(1>l'l'lti :rlirllll your-Spring ‘ l . E‘: «a ran-WW: Public Notice \\'nr'.; nmv. Hrop rrr-xl to the Shoe Factory, in in A[ old 8 wk Building. TEETZEL ofSalt in barrels and sacks arrived. It's a matter of shoe repairsâ€"- let ROLFE (‘10 it .4... ourchford '5 Call 1\ Ieal. .â€" . Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. AlfiO‘fl‘g’Md Supply of N0. 1 Feed Corn. ~~and it will be done right. . I ‘ Pustry and Purity Irour a]- A. ROLFE Ways on hand. Boot and Shoe Repairer. Prompt Service ‘ Neat Work Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea South of Shoe Factory Lioal. Also Hemlo:k Slabs l - a ' -â€" at the Elevator. l rrm'rns ‘ l Purnia Scratchfeed. i I. D. Ramer l Bur!.r.r.\'onuâ€"'1‘n Mr. :rnd Mrs. Iiny Brillingur, :rt Gorrnley, tillrlxi‘dll'll 2."). 1921, :r (idliglllr‘l', Velnn Ruth. 1 HARRIlGlCS ‘ l‘hursdirv April 1, 5». ll. 7, 1‘I1‘.St‘t'1l-\ ‘ w lRllPTURE EXPERT HEREI ROLERROLFER MINsTiR * ‘ APRIL 14., 15 R 16 HIGHLAND LAKE FA Ilt‘l'd with. AVONDAIII‘: l’UN'I'IAl' ICI'IIU (under 1t .rsr-L :r smi r-l MAY ECIIU SYLVIA. the ivrrhl‘s lust record row for milk produc- tion and (KrnudirrnRecordforlnrttv-r.41lhs. 01er one (vlhrr 11-11». hull in (':rrr:rd:r. Our llt'ltl of on:- lrundn-d inr-ludrs nr-nrl a 33.31.1h son of the great. KING SI‘IlilS, lirnl ln-r to {hr- sill-s r-t' llll‘l‘t' world's record cowsâ€"mull” e 50.05. Sr. 4‘Y1'.'”1‘I4U.Rl.nll'. 4-vr.»n1d ll) 21".: Hrs. Junior herd sire, KING SI'JUIS PONTIAC CANADA. it half brother to AVONI)AI;E PONTIAC1C(111().out of :. lit) lhs, Sr-gis row. If this cmnlrinution of lrrl-rding interests you. write for “P is for SHIP. pr res-s on either nrulrs or ft‘lllillf'S. FARM AT STOP 5.3. YUXHL; ST, HADIA [, R. W. E. Burnaby .- Drain and thoroughly clean the crank-case of your motor ('Etl‘ every 500 miles, then relill with fresh Imperidl Polarine. Do this and you vvill reduce your opt-mu inc (-xpt‘nrc\ Irlnrav-t a half and will cursilv double the life (If your motor. i :Ul nrotori-‘s “r: invited to thc our Crankâ€"Case _‘ ‘ rut}: (he Crank-case is not 3 plurmrn' j')1),1l‘.1i\lr'slmllllc‘ glad to do it for you prnrnptl}. absolutely frcc of charge zrurl in an L'ch'l‘l (lll'l \‘.ul'l~ rurulilu‘ liLli :3. lo .khmv our upprcchriiozr ol your Irrtronrrgz‘. \YC scil furl it. om‘ucnrl Imperial l‘oluinc and 11.r\ t; the right 3: r1; tor ;uur car. RICHMOND HILL GARAGE W. G. Baldock, Prop. y titty daughters r‘l Jefferson, Ont. ELS l 1 "qtâ€".â€"__._ r RMS’ t' unit:wllritnl-Jâ€"At the lronr- of the, Hr ide’s parents. the lillt‘ .lohn Heisuj and Annie 11(‘1\-'_ t'f (iormleyy lIVl Hider l). \V. Hr-iso. on \Vt‘dnl'sduy. l M:rr-elr23.1i121, MRS Efi‘lc I‘lvisi- «2L (iornrley to Mr. joseph (‘oliur 02' Vict-rrirt Square. .,.V - , ,._, DEATHS MCKENKIICâ€"Ou Sundry. March 237,? 1921, at Victoria Square, Mrs. Mary Hnlrnrrh McKenzie. in her (3911) year. Interment at. Victoria Square. PARRYâ€"At Elgin Mills, Tuesday, March 29. 1921, “"illiurn Errhey. Service in St. Mary‘s church. Riel» rnond Hill. Friday. at 10 :r. rrr. In‘ torment in 'l‘horrrhill R. L‘. Church ’ Cemetery. ‘ (ASHLEYâ€"(hr the 2nd of Vuuglurn, ‘ west :rf Jefferson, urr'l‘uvsdry,Mouch 2121. 1921, Henry Clrsvle-y. Interment in Aurora (k-rnetcr'y. Friday after- noon. .._ 7,,,,,Al Used Cars For Sale 1 1920 Gray-Dort Special ini A 1 condition. 1921 license. bumper, new tires and 1t spare tire. I 1 1916 Ford Touring. newly; overhauled and in good condition. ‘ RICHMOND HILL 1 GARAGE l W. G. Baldock - Prop. ' Vaughan Council? “he next meeting of the (‘nuneil of the Municipality of Vaughan will he held in the Town Hall. \'(-ll.rre. on I‘JONDAY, APR. 4:. 1921 at 10 a. nr. .l. R. Air-Luna \‘l.-r'.t lg ilil'l Mfii‘u’,‘ runniniy of service. i economy ‘ \I. .l \‘.-r . (.11i1‘(1‘.t(11[.'3 liiclt 1:: is found in lire 5‘" cur: viruriiox 1‘ I Lhcvrolci itirrur' __ r . ' > -v~ ' r July: “we 1 or 5.3 :ll'lll-Dl'fl't: I‘rur-I“. (‘Uili-‘f Ii speclion. \ ' lain to you how it 1 ,'1 . \Hrl servo you . cr' _il[l(1 husiucss to grow. I DAVID HILL & CO. ("-ix‘l‘fllltrl‘i and. 511111‘l1l1:(f.~11-‘i all it your (‘i‘lllt‘ill inâ€" help your First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer on all kinds of boot! and shoes. 'Guaranteeto give you Value for Your Money. The Working Man's Friend. ARNOLD STREET Next Door to Jones Lumber Company Wmm’r Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE is lrt-rrl-y given that l‘.0RLUCY Bram. of ill» (‘in of Ton mo. in the ('onnly «f Yolk, in tlw Province of Ontario, \vrll :rpplv ll. the I’urlinnrr-nt nl‘ (“nu-Id.| Hi the new Session illl‘ll'l l' for :r hill of (livmtv from her |‘.:sll:rrrll VVrrlkrr Harden- Iir'll. ol‘ 'leIrriilr», :rt'nrl'suid. ('rlll-m-l in Ills Mujvslv'i Forces, l'lr ll.r- ground of llllllllt‘lV. - Dated at the ('itv of'l'orrrrr'o, in the (‘nuntv of York. this 1511i. rln)‘ (If [)1‘Cf'llllN'l‘, 193”. Ill'liiA l.l'(‘Y111'iI.I.. liv hut-Solicitors. Ilt'llllrlllll. (.‘Illlillrrll h & Morrdilh, Illlli ('. 1’. II. lirrilllimr. 26 ll) THRONI'U. Notice of Application for Divorce Nll'l'll‘vli is livrelly given thrrt .\III’Lorricx'crc Ix'rcrrx.‘.N. (if the lily ..l‘ 'l‘tirl-lrili. in the (lurily (1. York and 2 Prm inrl- of ()ntnl in, Married \Vt'lrmll, \villnpplylolle1’:Irli:inrr-Irtrif(‘;rn:vll-r :«t ter nr'xt Session lllf'll‘lil‘,rl'1'r'|Iii” of lll\lil|'l' in in lll‘l' hush:er ALIHJH'I' linuxvirn 1(1-21‘2N.\.\', t‘nrnu-rly «t 1320 (lily l-l 'l'olnnlo. now of the 'l'rmn r t' } Ningtlrn 1“:rli~. in llu- (‘Ulllll‘Vl‘f \\'r I'» *’ :rrrd :Ind I’rovinre «‘1' UN rrio. on thr- grrvunds of :rdullr'rv :inal r‘r-wrlinn. Ilnlrrl at Toronto. this .3111 rlzryal‘ .Innrmrv, 11121. AIlA I"l.Ul’.IC.\‘(‘I‘T Iv’l‘IICNAN BY )llilll’ll‘r' 6:1)llNAlil), 13“ liny Sill-it, IIVHIUIIII‘. in r Solicitors hurl-in. 231133 mmumn i J Notice of Application for Divorce i NUTH'IC i~ lrr-rr-lry giuzn that llrr.n.MAY FREEMAN, r l t1rw('rlj:uf'1‘r lOll‘cU. in {llr' County MI 'r'orlc, :rnd l’r‘ovlrrcort' ()rrt.:r‘iw. .\l.rrr‘il-d Him-In, will apply to t1 1‘ I’nr human! A Il'rlrrrLM :rt llrr-nvxl >l'.~\ll'll (hurt-Hf for :r liill l‘liI)l\tI1“” I'lllllllll‘l‘lill‘il‘flllll.(‘II.\11I.1'1$.\Ilt'11.\l‘11. tlrv ground oi'ndlrltvry. ' I).ltwl at Toronto, I’rminr‘e ol 1 Fruit-LIIAN, ll" llw City will in mo. in the County ll" Yl-rk. .\1olorrr::rn, on ()rrlnrio. this 'l‘hirly-iirstrlny rlJarrlr~ u.rr_v, 1021. Ili'l’illlih’ 3; Atv‘AII. 73 (gluon Stimt \\ psi, Toronto. Ontario. Solii‘itr rs It‘I‘ llri- Applicant. :2 14 IllI.Il.-\ MAY FREEMAN. WWMJE Noiice to Application for Divorce . NOTICE is hervlry given that Arr-‘rrrcn lrlrrx‘r-zs'r Ml'umnmc. of tlrr- . (lily it Toronto. in thr- (‘onntyrf i; York. Aritnnruhile Mechanic. will :lDlil)‘ to llit‘ I’urllrrrrwnt t f ('zlnndrr. at tho next .Nl'S.~ll'll thereof for Ir Bill ol’ Divorce t'rorrl his \vil'r, STELLA ‘. )II'l-llllzllli, of Bundle. S.r.~k:rlr-lrr-w:rn, )Irrrrird \Vnmnrr. on thr- grnunds of :idulti-ry and desrr'tion. [)1th at 'l'nrunlo. Province l f ()nL urio, this .‘lr-d drry of Fehnrrry. A. I). 1931. Ill'l-‘HICS & AGAl’r 72 Queen Htrrrt, \Vr-sl, Toronto, Ont. Sr'lit'ilrl's‘ for the Applicant. 5:331 Aerrran l‘iHNliS'l'MIUIHDHE. l Noticeoi Application for Diwrce \\ oR'rlr li.\lt.\'l{.\’_(Il-{110(‘llylil‘T0rnn- to. in the ('rluntv I-t’ York. Srrilr‘r. will apply to tho- Parliament l.f(‘;rn.'\d‘r :rt [lll‘ next scsxiuu thi-rel-I fur :r Bill of lllVUH'H from his wife. (‘.\RR1I~: BARNES, of the mid (‘ity of'I'r-rmrlo. in tlu- County of York. Mnrri vol “cur-in, nn 1er grounds of adultery and desuti in. Dzrterl :rt Tt‘rnntn, Provirlcr- or (lntnr in, this 2811Mthol'MIrrch,;\.IJ. 1921. 2‘ NUTICI". is her-why give-n that WENT I i I 11 I'll H 198 & AliAli. 73 (grit-en Street. \Vl-st, found”, 0an ' St lir'iliils for" 4:) ii \\'i _\"r\vorrrrr 13.\?..\l-2w'. .m.‘ Valuable Farm for Sale ’1‘1'I’11‘3I'2|llt'>lnllr‘lllt‘ \‘IllllzlldQ llrr lvl prnpr-rtysilrutld «n Imt S. (Uh. :1, Murklrnrflf containing (5'; 4 :rr :I-s. Soil rich I-Iny livnrn. grunt i'Plrt‘t'K. \vl-llunderdminml.15 :n'res :rr-r‘rd. N :Il'lt‘) t'rll \“lrv‘nt .rml 213 :rv-re-s r: tidy tor spring r-rop. l"'\$l'>~llill April 11.021. Buildings- 7(lv ml 7 rm~rn frrrnre h mun hunk Irrrn S‘v‘.’ .v fit; (rlt stone wall. <lhlll'llll‘llSllr"11,11: L'Jlllt’. 5 l!(1$‘\. Irv sir-ills, r lr'. I Lilly? carrier. \Vnti-r throughout stride, also silo. irn- plL-nn-nt shed. driving 11(‘rllil‘, hug pen. i.~-\cl tailing supply nl‘ spring water. lilrnrles from 'I'n‘rurdn '3 mile from gnu-d rnrda. V (‘onvo-hiwrt to church rrnrl schools. For ll-rnn. elr‘. Apply \V. (’7. GuiliN, (inrrrllov, Um. or \\‘\r. I“.1)'lrooxl~:, P». R. No. "J, (h rrnlt'y. l‘in’L‘lllhlshf 1h:- 42,1119 1-." W’ l. Brooke. 37-3“!

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