-TORONTO éacher of Fletcher Method {Musical Kindergarten ‘KLICENSED AUCTIONEER' ‘ {FOR THE COUNTY 01:- YORK ' Putmnnqennd influence respectfully solicited aidence Address P. 0. add gun-m Squaw. Gm-mlvy. 1:. \ LATE 0F MAPLE CCORA'I‘OR, PAPER-HANGER GRAINER ETC. EADFORD. GORMLEY R. n. “x lem 4741 { he Mnle Sand. Gravel :md Brick npany, Lt'd. hm-v on hand t'm- sale. uth dl'uin tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. verb tile 12. 15.18 um] :20 im-h L (30 inches in ISO Cement Brick 'llld or Gnu‘el sold av lots. radar posï¬s and [91 \MISS BEATRICE HOWELL ls by phune or otherwise promptly raspondod to nch Ofl‘nzuâ€"Richmund Wednesday “harm on at, Ofï¬ce. ildg I LICENSED AUCTIONEER RRCOUNTY 0F YORK AND ONTARIO ‘pm in! :nttvnfinn given to sales 0! ery dvsvnplion. Farms and farm wk _ ales :1 spcciullv. Farms hnugbt (I 5131‘) nu connuisiiun. All sales at- nded '0 on slum-test notice. and cun- lClPd by the must approved lnuLhods. lCl'OIHl ,e solicited. and, Gravel, Tile and Brick sense“ Auctioneer for the Ummtynf u-k. ï¬ules attended to nn shmtesb ,liue, and at reasonable rates. ; quronuge solicited GREGORY GOODERHAM 8: CAMPBELL ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. (1 501.3}! ‘ nded "o clad b ï¬mnn g unln Ofï¬ces \STU DIOâ€"HOTJ‘I L _RIUH MOND KETERINAEY SURGEON, ‘ ’l‘horuhill. ls pussvd HN R. CAMPBELL VOL. XLIII S. SHEPHERD 415 Bulliul Sr... Turtlntn. Phnne Belmont 1347 II. l’ron Live The ROYAL BANK of CANADA M! YOUR HNCOME TAX 50 per annum, in advance.] flees â€" Continental Life 1'. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. T. S AIGEOIV T. COUSINS. Pros. and M‘umgel 7 Maple. l fur Unnselvatory Ex- mninulinns. Richmnnd Hill Maple Richmund Hill mery the Bank are reminded to ï¬le their Income Tax Returns for 1920 before April 30 at the ofï¬ce named on the formâ€"otherwise a pénalty will be incurred. CUSTOMERS and Friends of n-plmne poles 13 and lnngth) JOIN P. 0. address GurmluyJLK. by the load 01 Forms may be obtained from any Post Ofï¬ce. inch ll 200 anxsronn AVE, W251 TORONTO Phone Junctxon 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail order. will receive prqupL attention. Snlicltor for : The ann of Aumra The Township of King l‘he Township uf “'hilchun‘h The Impel in] Bank of Cnnudu, J. .'\I.\\'nh.(\u. & Cu. Aumm {Monarch Bldg. 26-28 A Ofï¬ces â€" aidv St" \Vest. Tun-(mm. [Naughtun Block. Aumm \Valtm' S. Jenkins Ree. Phnne Hill. 5048 HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Ufl1ue and rv: Richmond Hill LOCAL AGENT â€"RI(‘HMOND HIL WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND ,UNIONVILLE Ofï¬ce Trenc A lzu‘ British Crown Assurance. Corpmatiun. 3 lgle. Star, and British Innuinivns lnsuruuco Company British North Western Insurance Company OPï¬L-L- hours In. Richmond Hill Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 PLUMBING AND TINSMITHIN( ' HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER NAUGHTON & JENKINS . ELVIN WELLWOOD ca Trench Block, two doors m Stnnduld Bunk. Ham-59mm. in 5.30 p.m. 0an evenings by nppoinlnu ISSL‘ER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES D R. J. P WILSON A. J. HUME ge stock of Kept- at th: ll‘e NOTARY PUBLH CONVEYANCINL; TIIORNHILL, ONT L R. BELL RICHMOND HILL. ONT of Funeral Furnishing the above places DENT'ST "Gaâ€"Yong? Stxve Phnne I‘m. 24 Automnbil J. Hany Naughton Res. Elgin Mills lies. Plume 44.1 In Essentials, Unity; ERSON m. 6 [r Am 01 a. 0N1 Adel nt I'th 0f Mr. E. Banks has lmught a farm at. RJYQHShOF. and with his family is moving [hate this week. On Tuesday evening of last week several uf the yuung ladies of the village gave a party in the Mnsunic Hall to quite a number of their fliends. A gnnd time was spent by all presrnl‘ Music fur the dance was supplied by White's Orchestra. Mr. Howard Manning purpuses loa wing Monday ovenng for \Vinnips-g. On Saturday evening' thv ofï¬cers and )eacln-rs «If the Methodist S. S. hold a smrial gathering at, the hnmeof Mr. and Mls. C. Robeson. After lunch was served. Mr.~Rol)eSun read an address to Mr. and Mrs. A. Marlin and Miss Lottie Martin who are moving to Rich- mund Hill, showing appreciatinn of their “(n-k in the Sabbath School and the respect in which they are held ai citizens. The address was any w- sponded to by all three. and in the speeches n hich followed legret was expressed at. losing Mr. Martin and family from our village. The Epworlh Lvague purpnsrs hold< ing a social evening on Saturday Apr il 9. There will be special music, and a debate on, Resolved that Canada dm-s more for Great Britain. than India dues. A silver collection will be t Iken. qurybody welcome. _. " ‘ "'I'P’V' The 0. U. is arranging for Mulher's Day, lllk‘ first Sunday in May, to he xevvrenlly uhserved by the cudetw. A sprain] church paxade will he held and each cadet of the (:nmpnuy after pur- ndv. will present- lo his mother, the pink carnation, as also reginwmally hnnnuring her in the presentation. \Vould (he nmlhm-s nflhecudch {hole- fure honour the (‘nmpuny by their Dime-nee nn parade for this cove- monialâ€"demils thereuf will he an- nounced by tho 0. C. later. AcumpIete hnSEhuH kit has [Men m-drred hy the 0. C. The following appointments are madeâ€"Cadet Scrgt. Cadet, Blaney. Uildt‘t CUI‘pOI'fllSâ€"Undt'f Allan Arur strung. (‘udel Rand Phipps. The 0. U. is arranging for Mother's Day, lln- ï¬rst Sunday in May, to he 'Ihe‘unifnrms haVu univod he reï¬tth for the cadets \Vnndheud, who will ask assist Inca uf the mothers of] in this regard. ‘I Thnmsnn, Alfie- S Kemwth F1 ishy, Jimmie. (h'ningcr, Davis, \Vinnir: Lonvh. Arthur Lo Lyle Umnt. 1st ClilRS (H)â€"J0lm V Tuck, Mildle Jinnd. l; Wulte-r Yungv, Cluiro Saunders. lurk Gmh Rumble. Phillip Gruhu Phyllis \Vhitv, M;xt'."l anMen, Ucorge Tn“ Names in on)†of] 2nd class â€"-Mam~ice HHPP. (‘luytun sum, \antm- Kendall. D. Ly le m. t’aul's l’roshyterinn churrh choir, assisted by St. Paul's Qum tone. gave an excellent program it: {he Prvshytenian church hare Monday erening. under (I)? dime-Linn of Mr. l Earle Newton. Thar, nwlodious mnâ€" lnrio. “I‘ho Prodignlb‘un“: was listvnod tn with marked :lttmnlion. us well as theoran selectiuus by Mr. Newton. The lending parts in the orator-m were jukon by Miss Vlulot Johnston, sn- prann: Miss Gertrude Sins. contraltn: Mr. Erm-stBushne-ll, twin“ and Mr. (‘harles Slimmer. baritone. Bcfm'y closing. RH’. Mr. Iluv llmnkml Mr. Newton and his ('llnll‘ fur their kind- m-ss in CHIHng up fun“ the city uml giving :1 Hichumnd Hill uudionrl- such an unjuyuhlom'rnlng. St. Paul's Proshyteriun choir, assisted by St. Paul's Q gave an excellent prngrum Presbyterian church hvre was n plmninent member of the dist Church. A sun, Ilmhmt ton of Tornntn, and :1 daughu Alexander Douglas (f Mu survive. The funeral tlmk pin; tho lesfflmwm-f his sunâ€"irhluw a 1mm on Tlh‘SdaV. my One (If the 01¢ dist! ict, pnssed :u' whvn John Boy ypaxx Ha cums district from F Hu-n John Bnyntun died in his 87th Par. Ha came In the Mmklmm istl'icl from Engl‘md when eight (an-s of :Igu and was for many yams n umer, reï¬ning a few years ngn. Ho Richmond Hill School Report n-d Willie Konam York Ranger Cadets who will alsk ft!" the ' ‘f_the mothers of the cadets in Non-Essentials, L Choir Concert he HIHPI'HI tImL' emf his souâ€"in-l ‘duV. ISHhUI MAPLE Kendall, Mmgueriu e- Stung, Reggie Rand] ally, Bzullvlt Smith gar, Jen-m Hull, Nola; ic (ï¬llings, Dorothy ' Leach, (Jim-dun Prtch M. ANDERSON, [Puchcl‘ Illlldu 11 away he: 0 on L Markham oldest» residents of this (1f merit lhflnl Elli . THURSDAY APRIL 7 n “'ilsun, Austin (I. Elmmm' Drux'y. fro 700k, Morley mhum. Elizabeth uhum, Tum Bny‘l. -. ’l‘ennywn, Jack vausvnd, Eddie N . ul (:Leu n P;th en. Tummy Tt-ddy Bennett, nuld Tennyson, Ilmheit Bnyn- daughtm'. Mrs. (f Mmklmm. lmk plaice {rum ‘n-luw at Mank- 1nd will by Ms. Iulmnio Willie guerite Mmlm made his noundsu in the morning.l County Gunsluble George Thompson Hf Richmtnd Hill. who recently: made a spectacular round-up of! chicken thieves operating in lhe‘l vicinity of AHHII", is walking on the Mum and "lifted" 2.3 chickens. The savory SHIP“ of hams curing in the smokehousc "mu by attracted their at- tention with the IQSlllL that several hams and (Wu or tlncc slmuldersuf purl} wvre missing when Mr, Hushel Early Saturday Visited {hp hen ums me going fast. to 1123030". and fum- seats were ta night lho plan mas tape lhe time to act. if yuu goud seats. Tlu- pmgrnx and promises tn fumisl) and laugh, lint foruellim Sn Conn» pIepnu-d to A laugh Ruler-Bdlér Miuslro< to he used to get Cnslumes, Nu. fur next ywu’s entertainment, and all ],)I'I\I:PPdS uvor that amount will he turnt-(l m-vr tn the Treasurer of the Manl'ial Fund for Richnmnd Hill. The resurwd SPKHS tn be- given in thw Mnsmm nights. April 14. 15 mu] used as fulluwszâ€"Une hnu win he doposirvd tn then-m1 1". 21.1111 Dentun Tel. M. 3631 Dentop, Alagdonala 6: [‘enton Liberty ; in all things, Charity 7 Melinda St., Toronto, Ont. Investment Brokers Consult us as to your Binds and other Securities. Barristei‘s. Salicturs. am, MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. CANADA ’l‘ELEPunNE MAINE 3H ('uble Address: "Dedu" n 'l_'he pl nceudg - Pï¬jéï¬rqn. .Mawaughkn Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc; H OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST U'll Purchases Made on all Exchanges. Investments [ j. EARLIL NEWTON“ [hp hen wusLs nf Elmer Hushs-l. cr living jllut hack uflhe Jail md "lifted" 2.3 chickens. The an)?“ of hams curing in the Gogemngent Bonds Bonght and Sold. Ruler-Boler Minstrels ’E‘HE Smmm BANK . Osler & C0. Arthur A..\Iucdun:lld me ,m. .i IULCHt arrival Ill this district? Would you like information dealing with farm problems in this part of the countryâ€"or advice regarding ï¬nancial matters? Any Sterling Bank Manager will be glad to meet youâ€"to talk over your plans~io assist you in every possible way. And if you desire information of a farming or ï¬nancial nature which he has not on hand. he will make every effort to obtain it for you. This Service is freely given. It is simply part of our policy of “Personal Service." Do not hesitate to call on our Manager at any iime. M 'l HURNHILL Are you a recent arrival in information dealing with i the countryâ€"or advice regs! ch he.- (-xnct ()m- hundrni were tnkru the ï¬rst nas upenml, so now is if yuu wish tn sen-um pl ngrnm is CuulplPtt’d fumisl) manv a thrill melting the (-dd Lear; -d lo either wm-n m: M" the Minstrel Shmv ERSONAL ACNIiING SERVICE [iISUIIiL’ Hull HIH'P 5 and 16. will-ho w. bundled d-Hms the arm-mint of the Pls to Me used to nmrninu Ricrhnmml Hill. ICPSWiUk. Quuéusvill 'l‘lwmhiH, Lancing, Newton Brouk. dug [hie-veg [mez- Hushs-l. k (If [he Jail werp m; 1921 OF CANADA } COR YONGE AND ARNOLD STS. ' RICHMOND HILL Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. THE JONES ’ LUMBER AND COAL C0. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL this district? Would you BARRISTER. SOLICIToR. NOTARY E'rc ’I‘m-nnto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Baildings 33 Richmond Sire-9t, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aftm'nnun. Wood bridge, Saturday forenoon. Money to me at, Unn-cnt Rates N. C. Shaver. ILA. Peter Taylur. BA. E. W. Rhodes. BA Tel. A Ielahl ’l‘enc 7191’ «If Pi‘ Turnntr- (Jam and SLMM Richmund Hi1 Saturdays. ‘ommissif‘ner, Unnvoynncer, E Insurance and Re-al Estate Issuer of Muninge Licenses 'mnmissinner GEO. KIDD T. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Shaver Taylor . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK PAT RONAGE WE SOLICI'I [Single copies, 3 cts Barristers, Solicitors Notaries. Etc. Hamilton ’l‘nnt BL Rooms 302L305 Opnosire Untv Hull 57 Queen ‘St. West 59H ‘ Toronto YOU R 1’1:um~£’laying :It the Muse-rmtnry of Music \Imgawl‘s ('ergv. Iiill+\"e(1nes(f;ws ant Phuupfflaying ¢vnservntnry :W PIANIST 6: Rhodes Evenings Manor Road 'ortn Toront No.41 I)‘s at Hi