Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Apr 1921, p. 3

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91115 purpose. a 'course of events used it often ad‘ The family name of Rose. simple as it seems, is one that is full of com- plexities. While there is one source from which it appears reasonably cer- tain that a, very large proporion of the families which bear it can trace it, there are many other possibilities pre- sented upon which little light can be thrown. In the case where the word is combined with another in the forma- tion of a family name the tracing 9: u]? source is simple, though thefrail -- :â€" T'awai «M a . ‘ leads in an opposite direction so 01- ten as to make it doubtful how often don’t want to interfere, but why not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.’ My husband got me a supply of these pills and after taking a few boxes I was able to go about with the use of one crutch. Continuing the use of the pills I was able to discard the other crutch as well, and was as active as ever I had been. There are many in this neighborhood who know what my con- dition was when I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and who know What this medicine did for me, and I hope my experience may help some other sufferer.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, 01' may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes Little Idle G'round There. Nearly 90 per cent. of the soil in Bedfordshire, England, is under culti- ‘vation. Medicine C in ar‘ much to be husba street He :1: tendix 01‘ Pills, which have a direct action on the blood, and through the blood on me nervous system. That a fair use of this medicine will bring satisfac- tory results is shown by xhe experi- ence of Mrs. Marsh, Bass River, N.S., who says: "Following a run down con- dition, I became practically a nervous wreck. ‘ The doctor who was called in said the trouble was inflammation of the nerves: It grew so bad that practically I had no control of mv their eyes are sunken and their limbs]? tremble; appetite is poor and memory often fails. This nervous exhaustion is one of the most serious evils af- fecting men and women of 10-day. The only way to bring back sound, vigorous health is to feed the starved nerves, which are clamoring for better I blood. This new blood can be had through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which have a. direct action on the blood, am] through the blood on tremble; appetit often falls. Th is one of the 1 fecting men a The only way vigorous health Hex-yes, which at blood. This 116 tude ness pr EXTREME MESERY I BAY ANE) mam Follows ome ROSE ial Originâ€"English. rceâ€"A flower or color. )ugh @VAVMVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAvfifi rms 111 € wing better. met an age (1 told him l my husba] me, and WIN It to interfe PQSTUM CEREAL Is IN FAVQR CUS with thousands who can not drink tea or coffee. They are champions of POSTUM becau5e “rt helped them out of trou- ble â€" back to comfort POSTUM is a Cereal beverage of at- tractive flavor. free from any harmâ€" ful element. Economicalâ€"Satisfying "Here's a fieason'for Postum Nervous System. certain ams’ Pink Pills are in medicine, 01' may 50 cents a box or 51‘ from The Dr. V10., Brockville, Ont. 1D 1 a small family and a baby ‘0 care forA and I became uraged, as I did not appear ng better. One evening my et an aged doctor on the DI tom of tradz erecting slg s of busine 1‘ than worc' R (f Breakdown of the )1 nd WWAWVAVWMAVNAV‘M/fi Surnames and Their Grigin mounds. .593??? 9f 0f tradesn' ion tortu ommon U slgr ak the n. tradesm 11 31d said: “I but why not gracing 0,1 1 the trai. ion 50 of how otter ay be had six boxes VViIliams‘ as 8. SUI he lame tot 39:6; LS. Eb: 2511.149,ng 311 ancient but small clan in S'c‘ofland, "yet the ‘n'a‘m'é does fiot appear to be of Gaelic origin. Indeed, authorities differ as to the or- igin of the clan itself, the ancient home of which was in Nairnshire, some accounts declaring that the nainé iv'as originally, “de R005,” and that the clan was of Norman-French origin. Others declare it to be of Norwegian origin, and claim that it first used the name clan first appears in of King Alexander I monargh 0: Scotlana of the thirteehih cel In some ins how often is : tion) the name of the 01d wor name, or had the speech of tomers. Halifax and Quebec are the only two Camadi-an cities that have Citadel's. They once were important defences, but are now rendered obsolete by mudern gunnery. The hurrying heed The year’s 1 But goldenly It flashed on I The town was bitter with the cold The pane was dim With frost; Oh, blithe and bold! Oh, bravely gold! - The valiant color crossed. YOUI The daffo fem molw for “Cabbage anld beets are the best, but a variety is sometimes necessary. I have also found greenâ€"cured alfalfa or clover hay to be excellent, after it has been boiled. 'Sbrouted oats make another good food. For the sake of variety, I often feed pumpkins to my hens. This makes them produce. Beets and cabbage must be picked before they become dry, and stored in a good collar or buried in the ground. I have had no trouble in getting cats to sprout, as I have 'a good warm cellllar. I soak the cats over night in water, then I spread them on the floor of the cellar about an inch deep. They do not take long to sprout in this way, and in a short time I can begin feedimg them. To get the ‘best results with g‘ree; -cu1‘ed alfalfa 01' clover. I Let winte Here is her (It shall be having feeding“. “Caybk a va-rie1 have a] or claw iv “Before the Sévall )ul'CE I} and Chang which flashed on me~â€" AII April in a flower shall be mine) A yellow daffodil some instances, no doubt, (but often is a question for specula- the name is a changed spelling 19 old word for “1'ed,"’ which has I us such names as Russell, Rou- and Ross, and the word russet, or ange dspelling of the name Ross Jch, in its turn, however, is not ys certainly derived from this Whe 1p ‘I‘eE HQ hem Ihz triumphant hour 33". Hens ignâ€" are important defences, The Immortal William. rendered obsolete by At a dinner in England the principal my guest was Kaiser Wilhelm II. Accordâ€" ing to the late Lionel Brough, some . . one remarked, in the course of the conversation, “As the immortal Wil- liam said, "There is a tide in the af- , fairs of nien,’ et cetera.” it thru/st upon them in The kaiser turned to the speaker their neighbors and cus- and asked, “Did I say that? I don't re- member.” bring in the spring frown at Will, folk scarce stooped to TC yof e of Geddes-. The n history the time 111., the my: Celtic (1, Edward the close antury. nld 11‘ time to 1 luy'mg well in vemcome this by *5 at hand for ow Dares” I Strike. IC I0 K41 anv Some men never recognize portunity unless it is labelled. '_I‘_h§1'<g yould be no gnarlle if the going {115 was not fifhiil Flattery is the best cure f0 neck. It will turn almost any Thqsve who have never been the depths of suffering canm [the height of joy. speech; They are from April’s children fresh and fair. “I have just wakened,” said the maid» ell-hair, " Replying e the whisper of the beech; “And I,” the anemone murmured, “do beseech * Where the bee is, if he has left his lair?" When the story was repeated at one evening, amid the general la] ter one lady said with a pitying sm Send Ol‘d er. “l,” the stream tinkled, “must away to be Part of the restless and awaiting sea”; “I,” the bird carolled, as it preened its breast, ‘ Intent upon some fond approaching call, “Look for my mate; it is Love’s time to nest!" And April smiled to hear and see them all. clergyman in the South the company of an illi who professéd to desp and who 'remarked: Mlnard’s Llnlment Relieves Distemper “Hey, Macaroni, wh key?” Quick as a. flash th( o-ese yelled back: “I give him a day of! think he’s taken his be riding in a second-hand “Of course it was his they meant.” He had a young lady with him, and â€"to show offâ€"he yelled out to the Italian: v A Nut for the Monkey. An Italian was amongst a party of men workng on a road, when a smart- ]y-dressed young ,fellow in a motor- car went by slowly. ’em aw ed ’em! thing nigh before retiring The next (1; could not find to her maid: “I am thankful that the Lord has opened my mouth to preach Without learning.” “A similar event occu'rred in Ba- laam’s time," was the retort. Not as Bad The principal t original copy of same, brought by “Miss G.â€"Jame doctor he only hal he was alright he said he had a doc air, Making melodi< each, As sibyls did W you may hear frail voices in t A lady who 1r ure, mum lWZiY. ant The Precendent‘ very cultured and a( th Amer -f 100,00‘ Wisps of Wisdom. MONEY ORDERS. a Dominion Express Money They are payable everywhere. maid uts th And Very Nice, Too! 11d : wh EUR April Voices. 1m, and yez and I did, n Ito ica has a white popula- ).000. had been giving to put away all at were left on t‘ ' to bed. did lious 1mes dident have any had measles in 2 days he made a misake and doctor. Mrs. H “yours forever” be'st cure '11 almost a) 'e never bee 1ffering can dair of old in T} where your mon- the brawny Gen . illiter despise off, mister,/and I best girl out joy- nd car!” s excu pupil: dident az told me to put mum, and enjoy- answer each red“; in risi: . .--:>‘;.,.,.- x. iiphifl "work. giving a party ay all the re- t on the table ing, the lady as, and called complished as once in ate person education Lg smile; vndfather v u 8 hro 1.1L stiff 1g regularly. This will pri constipation or colic and Well, The Tablets are so cine dealers or by mail a1 »box from The Dr. VVillian Col, Brockville, Ont. Warning! Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or 011 .tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu- matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and- for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell larger packages. Made gists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manu- facture of Mo‘noaceticacidester of Sall- cylicacid. Tl' The first Visit to Canada Of a mem- ber of the Royal House of Guelph was in 1787, when the Duke of Clarence came. The Duke of Kent (Queen Vic- toria‘s father) Stayed in Canada three years, 1791-94, and again in 1799, as oommamd‘er-imehief at Halifax. King Edward, as Prince of Wales, visited Canada. in 1860; Prince Alfred in 1861 and 1878; Prince Leopold» in 1890; the Duke of York (King George V.) in 1901; and the Prince of Wales in 1919. In th: fiorty ‘0} The Spring is a time of anxiety to mothers who have little ones in the home. Conditions make it necessary to keep the baby indoors. He is often confined to overheated, badly ventl. lated rooms and catches colds which rack his whole system. To‘ guard against this a box of Baby’s Own Tab- lets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working BABY’S REALM IN THE .SPRENG a fis marl- BRINGS HAPPY EASE Amorlca’sfirPloneer Dog Remedies n I Book on A GOOD THING. RUB IT HESSâ€"G‘ Mommas Don’t Endure Pain. Apply A Kidney Remedy Kidney troubles are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtake: the“: organs to eliminate the irritant acids formed. Help your stomach to properly digest the food by taking 151m 30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold as Mother Scigel’s Curalive Syrup, and your kidney disorder will promptly din- appear. Get the genuine. 7 SS 111 {1‘ il'iti ASPlRIN Oil on the Sea. and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. I. Clay Glovur 00.."1nc. 113 West alstflsfltreet This will prevent cold ablets are sold by 31' by mail at 25 ( a Dr. VVilliamsY M1 ft BUG DISEASES 1m Raw 'Ybrk. {1.3.}. only Genuine 11d 1m are 1‘65 fllr Great F 1m 11‘ keep is often y venti- 5 which )’ guard 3.11 mni 19H 31‘ i ‘ 66‘" 0 Q‘ at 53mm enemy ii “HI say iris! 111 ling Cc the days. Talking cc by Wisdom. He who In to take one. It is not ev The worst habits. Be wise an a liar. “One of the Minard's Lrnlment for Dandruff. dist M ‘, ,Y (HDIA hlul WHEN you want qulzk oom- forfing relief from any ‘extema?’ pain. use Sloan‘s Liniment. Itdoesthejob with- out staining, rubbing, bandag- inz. Usefreeluforrheumatinm. neuralgia. aches and pains. sprains and strains. backache. sore muscles re br fluen “Small red Pimples and black- heads began on my face and my face was badly disfigured. Some of the pimples fes- tered while others scaled ) overandtherewereplaces where the pimples were ' . \ in blotches. They used to itch and burn terribly. “I saw an advenise- ment for Cuticura and I tried them. FaceWas Badly Disfigured . Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. §§§€§§§LES HWE‘SE Afi {BREED amly ri A DIES WAN time )1’ A Little Wisdom. icularfls. Montreal ISSUE No. 15â€"â€"'21. HELP VIANTIZD every LEONARD habit truer; 25 and 50:. Sold 30311 on. CanadianDep : d. St. Paul SL. Mantra Soup nh-vel without mug. inc TED TO DO PLAIN '1ng at home; whole or pay; work sent any 3m annm 13's bee lple that is the 5 none of t ure .\I Llst s proof of 1T is a pair, habit of such as Lge and der the say silent tur~

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