Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1921, p. 1

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(M115 by phone or otherwise promptly ' responded to The Maple! Sand. vael and Brick Company, Lt’d. have on hand for sale. Cement, druin tile. 3, 4. 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15.18 and 20 inch (30 inches in louglh) Also Cement; Brick. Sand or (h-uvelsuld by the loud or in carJols. Cedar pus‘s and {vb-phone poles for sale. Branch Offit‘Pâ€"Riuhmund >Hill 9\8[‘"‘ Tuesday unernuon at, Liberal 1 Uflice. l LICENSED AUCTIONEER run COUNTY «m YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given tn sales ut every dt‘SCl'lleOll. Farms and farm stuck sales n. specialty. Fun-ms lmught and sold on commission. All sales nt- lended to on shun-Lest notice, and eun- elucted by the mnstuppruved methods. Pnimnnge solicited. DECORATOR, PAPER-HANG ER GRAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GORMLEY R. R. Residence.- addwas VicLoriu Square JOHN R. CAMPBELL ’I‘urmm) Ofllces Bldg. Unr. H Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Snlesntrlendud to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Putronnge sulicited MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarben Pupils passed fur Ctulst‘ll‘fltol'y Ex- aminaliuns. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. VOL. XLIII .1. II. l’ren five STU DIO â€"HO'1‘E L RIC H MON D. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I‘hox‘uhill. LICENSED AUCTIONEER F011 THE COUNTY OF YORK Pun-(mums and influence respectfully solicited . S. SHEPHERD 415 Bulliol Sh. Tul'unttl. thw Belmnnt 1317 J. T. SAIGEQLV Maple The ROYAL BANK 0f CANADA YOUR HNCGME TAX 50 per annum, in advance.] {ices â€"â€" Continent“ Life 1'. Buy and Riuhmund St. Toronto. T. COYSINS. Phone 4741 Rivhmund Hill E: OF MAPLE the Bank are reminded to file their Income Tax Returns for 1920 before April 30 at the office named on the formâ€"otherwise a penalty will be incurred. Pres. and Mulnlger. Muplv. USTOMERS and Friends of P. 0. address Gunnley. It“. from any Post Office 'orms may be obtained ' The Town of Aurora. The Township 0! King [‘he Township of \Vhinthun'h 'I'he lmpen’nl Bank of Canada, Amom J. M.\anmn. & Cu. Aumm fManan-h Bldg. 26-28 I Officesr- aide St" \Veal, Toronto. {Naughhm Block. Aumr: Solicnor {m- : Office Trench “Vultu- S. Jenkins Re“. Phl‘llt,‘ Hill. 5048 Bxilish Crown Assurance Cm-pnrution. Eagle. Star. and British Dnluiuions Insurance Company Blitish Nonh Western Insurance Company Barristers Solicitor Notaries TelephOne Main 2777 Richmond Hill DENTIST ce Trench Block, two doors north of ‘ Stnnduld B‘ulk. Hour-59.1."). In 5.30 p.111. 0an evenings by appointment. JOHN T. ANDERSON NAUGHTON & JENKINS MARRIAG E LICENSES Fire A. J. HUME NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCI NG RICHMOND HILL. ONT._. THURSDAY APRII PIANO TUNER . L. R. BELL Telephone 32 ISSUERTOF Ree. Ph‘lme 44.4. _l. Hurry Naughton flee. 1313i" Mina Autmunhile In Essentialc, Unity; in Adel a. hand rake and gather up the fragments, and \ en we crime buck ou the other side we would have one row done. It would he ahout lunch time. \Vln-n the harvest commenced the grain Would he cut on the stulnpy fields with n cradle. and on the clmlred fields with a new Cimndinn ieuper built by Patterson Bros. My father would engage Peter Boyuton 01’ Dollar and his Brother William to do the cutting. They would out. eight acres in half n. day; we would drive and the other would stund in it rack he- hind, and throw it otf in sheaves. A mun would he placed at each corner of the field. and a fifth one to commence on the second round todo the binding. and when the cutting was done the binding was done. Of cmnsu they put in more than eight hours it day then. Now as soon :is E-tster is p:th we hear the tractors humming over the fields with the ,cultivntor whirling nfter them. Suddenly we hem- n commotion in the air and looking up we see a machine going through the air. In the evening after milking hi4 rows and separating the cream the farmer gets out his car and takes wife and family out. for it run. When hayintr time. comes he. gets out his mower and cuts dmvn a few acres. Then gets out the tedder nnd shakes it up then hitches to his side delivery rakes and puts it into winiows the-n hitches to his wagon and has the hay loader following to put it onto the wagon nnd drives to the burn. and with the hay fork takes the load offinnfew minutes. \Vhen harvest time comes he. hitches to his hinder and with one active mun he. soon has his field in stocks. \Vho would wish to gohnck to pioneer days? jndgvs, “or. S. R. Rubinwn, Miss Um-vy and Mr. T. McUnI-nLu-k gave lhi‘il douisinn as :1 tie. warvshmmts wrre S(‘l\'€(1 11‘, the clown. The committee nf management have purchased :1 new \Vilka pi mu for use in Lhe Mmhndist Suhth School. A l-u'ge nmnhm- of ynung p~0ple wm-n entertuined lust. Frid ly evpning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Huh:- snn. The ovenng wus pl ~15 mt'y spent with games and music. Mr. Editor, liltls- space in} will givv your l'l‘COHPCIiUHG of and eight yoms farm now mvl lwgul Miss Ruml Tht-ru V Epwm-Lh vvenuuz. 1|i\‘{ ht The Old And New Way tlic By ELDER H. R. Hmsr tor, If you will allow 1m- :t e in 3MH' \‘ulnahlP papal" I your loaders :1 little of my us of a life of three snore yoms. I was raised mI-the ' nwnod by L B. Heise. Square. Sixty years ‘ ago pun 3 Wellingtnn PIE'SL and N Non-Essentials. Liberty ; in all things, Charity.“ MAPLE L many lwlh .- Itt (ta-why. on" and pnis sill} young p~0ple ridty (“fining Mrs. C. Rube- 'us plulsmt'y ()ll n Graham, Miss Annie [minis “ere vs, "ml the inmn. Miss Im-v ML the n Sntnudny ammo \vu Mi>é ffirnmliu- m-y, Miss “as May 1h lhk Mr. H. Moer was presmlt and addressed the Council nu behalf nf the subject noted in the Municipal Hydro Electric Cmmuuaicutiun which was laid on the tabla. The ()uumril met in the Clerk's ulfice on April 7. 1921. Present the Reeve and Councillors. llill. Luuuu. and Batty. Minutvs of previous meeting rend and enufinmd. The following cnmniunicntiuns were read from Mr. H. Mordenaakiug fur ths 1mm of 1?. rifiei. for u shnrt timv, fur the senior cadet corps. From Mr. Y: B. Trncy, asking the usenf the skating link for Tuxis Boys prurtice. fruni E. Nurumn and \V. W. Lu Chance re erection of skating rinks from the Municipal Hydro Electric Asmrcintiun and the Ontario Municipal Awn;i:~tiun. Tan Mr. Tracy's Hquest for the me of the rink be granted. That Mr. Mmdrn's xeqm-st for the loan of rifles be granted, he to give a guarantee to! their sufe keeping. The Auditm '5 report was presunted and on motion was adopted and the clerk was instructed to have 100 cnpies printed for distribution. Barristers. Solicmrs, &c, MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, ( 'l‘ELEPHnNE MAINE 3” Cable Addless: "Dedo" annk Deutnn Tel. M. 3681 On motion it was lecided to jo'n the Ontario Municipal Association for the yaw-1' with the cleuk us delegate. A hy-law No. 305 to :1pp1int n solici- tor_ was given its sun-ml leadings Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Consult us as to your Bonds and other Securities. 7 Melinda St., Toronto, Ont. Investment Brokers A- 9&148r911...Ma_9Naught0n A. E. Osler & Co. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG..18‘KING STREET “'EST Purchases Made on all Exchanges. Investments Government Bonds Bought and Sold. At any Branch of the Sterling Bank you mayâ€" Purchasc Money Orders. Buy or sell securities through our Bond Department. Open :1 Savings Account. Obtain advice regarding financial or investment matters. and information dealing with farm problems. Transact anyother Banking business you desire. And no mutter what your 'business may lw. you will always find a spirit of friendly interest and careful Confldcrntion on the part 0! our officersâ€"which adds to the pleasure and szltlsl'nctlon of dolng business with this bunk. 50 THE Smmm BANK COMPLETE BANIiKNG SERVICE r'll Arthur A. Mncdonaid Village Council (‘hesnlz Rithnwnd Hill, Keawick. QIN‘CHSVHIU Thm-nhi‘l H 1921 OF CANADA Lansing, Newtun COR YONOE AND ARNOLD STS. RICH “0ND HILL 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. BARRISTEE. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office. Richmond Buildings 3’5 Richmond Street, \Vests Richmond Hill Ofiice (‘ Liberal Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday afternoon. Woodhridqe. Saturday/foremmn. Money to Loan at Current Ratefi Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. / Tent Ier r-f Piano-Playing at, the Toronto Conservatory uf Music: and St Margaret‘s College. Rivhmuntl Hillâ€"\Vednesdnys and Saturdays. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL N. C‘ Shaver. BA Peter Taylor; BA; E. W. Rhodes. BA. Tel. A lelaixl 59'“ THE JONES LUMBER AND COAL C0. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissinner, ConVPyuncer, Et Insurancu and Ben! Estate Issuer of Mauiuge Licenses. 'nmmissinner. ( Shaver Taylor & Rhodes GEO. KIDD RICHMOND HILL J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK [Single copies, 3 cts EARLE NEWTON WE SOLICI'I Brook PATRONAGE Barrlslcrs. Solicitors Notarles. Etc. PIANIST YOUR ‘nm’eyancu Hamilton Tun: Hl‘lz Rooms 3325 305 Opposite Cxtv Hall 57 Queen St. West Toronto Alix-rm Eveningfi Manor Road North ’l'orbut L No. 42

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