Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1921, p. 5

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Voting on the Referendum next Monday will take place 111 the Masonic Hall, troin 8 a. in. to 5 p. in. 1 Mr. T. (Iliatburn has sold his hotel property at Elgin Mills to Mr. Bridget I of North Toronto. The new proprietor" L’tki's possession on the Uth of May. Special at Slo;rir'.~ Drug Store rl’l'ltlrl LA I’liANt‘l'} h.»\\'th (‘AS'l‘lLlC 3‘UA 1’, about 3 oirlrtes each, ticukt-sl for 215 cents, Saturday only. Rev. A. McNeill and Rev. M. Hay, had an exchange of pulpits last Sunday, morning. Dotti ministers spoke in frvr‘r' of Prohibition with iro uncertain Bound. Mark your ballot next Monday with an X after the word Yes. Bydoing this you will help to stop the Importation of intoxicating liquor into ttrc l’iov» ince. A number of our citizens went I the. City last evening arid listened to tanipcranrc addresses by Hon. N. \V. Rowell. Hon. G. E. Foster. and Hon. E. C. Drur‘y in the Area 1. Bills are being distributed announc- ing the Byron Stalilfer lecture in the Methodist, church Monday April 23. Tickets at Mr. E. ner’s, or The Liberal oflice. evening. It. For t- Mr. James McLean. President of the. Agricultural Society has secured a promise from Dr. \Vaugb. President oftlreUntario EthicalinrralAssociation. to open the Richmond Hill Fair on the 21th of May. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Dunlop are spend- ing a Week or t\vo across thelines. Mr. Dunlop will visit. soirre of the Flower Exhibitions iir Massachusetts, and Mrs. Dithlr-p pnr poses \ isiting her old hotne it) New Hampshire. A Banquet. will be given to the Richmond Hill Hockey Team iii the Masonic Hall. on Monday Evening April 2.3. All members oftbe club arid others interested are cordially iir\ ited. Tickets $1.00. The executive of the Hockey Club h.t\e asked that all the players tur n in llreir'swnaters and socks at once. iir order that. they packed away. comply at once. may he properly \Vrll player's please Children‘s week which first came to Ontario in 1917, will be observed this year. Sunday. April 21, and Sunday. May 1. Special sermons emphasizing the ne ofreligious edu- cation for children will lm preached|in many of the churches in the. province. endingr Mr. James McLean who sold his 150 acre farm last week has purchased the brick residence on Arnold St. owned and occupied by Mrs. F. Lvrrett, Our citizens are pleased to - Welcome Mr. McLean and family to our village. The Toronto \Vorld ceased publicaâ€" tion on Saturday. The Mail and Ein- pire has purchased the plant, equip- ment and circulation lists of the Daily and Sunday \Voild. Present sub- scribers of The \Vorld will receive the Daily Mail and Empire during their unexpired term. Frightened by the noise of a motor- cycle' on Saturday in the village Mr. Brown‘s horses, Victoria Square. ran down the street. broke the axle of the wagon and got into the ditch over the railway track. On Monday Mr. Barker’s horse. Hcadford. played a similar game by running over the same course and smashing the buggy. The Thorirhill Branch of the \Vomen's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. O. l). Bales, Lansing. on Thursday April 21. at 2.30 p. in. There will be an address by Mrs. H. V. . Lairght~n, Secretary of the Big Sister Association on her work. Also an address by Rev. .1. \V. McDonald. recitatioirs by Mrs. Thompson. and music by Mrs. F. J. Gallanough. Mrs. E. Fletcher. Miss C. Butt. and Mrs. Jose. all of Toronto, and Mrs. Glass of Richmond Hill. York Ranger Cadets Cadets will parade at the Park on Salli day afternoon. The Senior and Junior Baseball Teams of the company have he rr organized. The mothers of the Cadets will kindly phone Mrs. “'nr. Duncan let their assistance with the refitting of the uniforms. Mrs. \Voodlread aird Mrs. Patton are working zealously for the Cadets in this regard and beg to re- quest further support. The. authorization of the. company has been officiallv gazetted as D company Y. R. C. C. The U. U. will shortly inaugurate early morning physical drill parade iii the Park at (5.30. Details of mothers Day parade will follow later. Misa Jessie Coniisky has honoured the column}; by accepting the ap- pointment. of pianist thereof for the coming C-rdetvconcert. The following will be the company guests for the evening. The Colonel and Mrs Dunhum To onto. The Reeve and councillors. The ctrairirran and officers of the School Boards. The Rev. Mr. Buokler. the Rev. Mr. Hay, the Rev. Mr. McNeill. the Rev. Father Kelly. . the organization work. Division Court. will be held ne.\" Tuesday, April 11}, corninerrcingar £1.43 a. in. no Roler-Boler Minstrels Don‘t forget to be in your seats promptly at 5.1.3 as the show will start sharp on tiire so as to give those from in distance a chance to (‘alrh cars etc. Bring along your lrandkei-cliiet' as we guarantee to make you r-itln r laugh or cry. Rememberâ€"3.1.3 sharp. â€"-_...â€"% Fowl Sto'en I) B. liirrell, proprietor ofthe York Milra llotel, had his lieu roost, bur-glar- i7.ed one night. last week. thirty five fowls being irrissing when he paid his usual visit the next irroirrmg. He, immediately communicated with the police, but so far there is no ll'Ht't' of the culprits. Chicken thieves are reâ€" ported to be \ery common in the district just now, and residents will do well to exercise a little cloa-rsuper- VlSltrli. -â€"â€"-â€"r roo-_h._ Properties Sold Mr. 11. A. Nicholls. Real Estate. has sold during the week Mrs. Lynett's beautiful residence and grounds on Arnold St. to Mr. jarrics McLean. The Brick clad house. and lot. on Church Street known the. Tyndall property to Mr. Samuel Fur-her. J. H. Dunlop & Co's expert pipe filter; the frame house owned by the late Mrs. Garlisle oir Arnold Street to Mr. Peter Lawrence. Mr. Nicholls has still a few good properties for sale. as ‘00-;â€" Address in P. S. A rare treat is in store for the boys and girls of Richmond niii. Mr. 71‘. D. Dockray, of pleasant recollection in connection with the Horticultural Fall Show last Septerrrber. will give an address in the Public School. next Tuesday afternoon at 2.30. The aim is to help boys and gii Is obtain good products in their gardens and good results for the fall fair. Mr. Dorkray asks for the attendance of parents and friends at this meeting. .-o>-â€"_ - Horticultu al The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society. will be held iii the High Schrfol on Tuesday evening. Business meeting will commence at 8 o'clock sharp. Public meeting Wlll open at 8.30 when Mr. T. I). Dockray, District Director. will give an address on "Making the Most of a Small Garden.” A topic. of general interest at this season. Meet ing open to all good citizens. ~â€"7 7 ‘.oâ€"-â€"~â€" St. Mary's Church (Anglican) SERVICES 3RD St‘NDAY AFTER EASTER. 17th April. Celebration of the Holy Communion 8 ii. iii. Morning Prayer, Litany and Sermon 11 a. in. Sunday School 3 p. in. Baptisms 4.15 p. m. Evensnng and Sermon 7. p. m. \Vednesday evening. _2t)th April, Evensong and Address 7.30 p. m. Choir practice in church Friday evening. 8 p. m. T. \‘V. BL'CKLEE, Priest-in-charge. .â€"..â€"Qo ‘Richmond Hill School Report Names in order of merit. First Bookâ€"Norman Hammond. Dorothy Duncan. May I’lewrnair. Roy Plewman, Adele Savage. Hazel. Hunter, Etrle Patterson. Tcddy Phil- pot, George \Vlrite, Jack Newton. Mary Brillinger, Nellie Hammond, Aileen Grant. Mac Sheppard. absent. Primer ta.) -rl\'t-lyn \V:rde.' Melville Burns. Audrey Grainger. Marjorv Sanderson, John Wallace, Iris \Vood- head, jean Deadinan, Leo Shepherd. Noreen Hawoith, absent. Pl‘llthI‘ (b.)â€"l‘lva. Thomas. Murial Clark. Bobbie Davis. Alice \Villougby, Victor Morris. Albert Mortson. Billyi Rumble, Norman Sackville. Daisy Manley. M. L. McCONAoHY. teacher. â€"__...-- Lacrosse Meeting 1 The lacrosse rrreeliirg held on Mon-1 day evening last was “'t'il attended,by a number of those interested in lacrosse, ‘ His \Vorship Reeve Trench, very kindly taking tlrechair. and conducting the business. Odicers were elected and various questions explained regarding The follow- ing are the ofiicers. Hon. Patrons: (I. A. Skeele. Frank Sims. \V. ‘11. Pugsley. Arm Savage. D. Iniig, W. 0. Savage. \V. Benson. Chas. Glover. Harry Glover. Dr. Langstafl'. Fred . Gruinger. Hon. Presidentâ€"Thor}. H. Trench Hon Vice-Presidentâ€"John Glass. Sr. Presidentâ€"Dr. L. R. Bell I lst. Vice-Presâ€"E. Graiuger I 2nd Vice-Presâ€"Geo. S. Sims Secretaryâ€"E. \V. Davi- Treasurerâ€"H. Morden Managerâ€"F. Coomhs. Executive Committeeâ€"qus. L. Clement, E. Sliney. Chris. L. Teetzel, \V. G. Baldock. Allison, (lowie. . to r leu or t h Have the best decorated home, in your neighborhood :1 The character of the neighborhood in which we live and the. appearance of the houses in which we (lwcll have a Vital influence upon our own personality, our social and busrness character and in moulding the character of our children 9 I For the Exterior Exterior decoration calls for paint made of and durable colors so combined as to insure the greatest covering and the choicest irmtcri'rls protecting power. Her exposure to give best results. able color. 1 Dr. Speer’s Address Rev. Dr. 1. C. Speer- of Tor. nto \\ ho has taken an :lt‘ll\e part iii the Refer- endinrr‘campwign gave an interesting address in the Masonic Hall \Vednes-l day Her ing of last weelv. The Dr. grvo facts and ligures in lawn ol'I Prohibition \vrir-h t'ttllltl not b- iron- tradieted The opinions of medical llH‘ll, fraternal and 1H~11";Itit‘t‘ bodies arid o' hers acquaint: d with the Win k oftlre liipinrtralfir: were all in fvuoi ol :1 Sril)”l' people, The speaker lookâ€" A. ICHMO D HILL ed for a victory at the polls on the? lSilr. hâ€"o.._.__. Hackey and Baseball Meeting A meeting of the Richmond llill Hockey club was held in the. Stei lint,r Bank on Friday evening last, the 8th iust. The President, Mr. Percy Hill. occupied the chair, and the 'l'reasurer, Mr. (jet il Hui-ding. pits-'lltl'tl his duly audited report, reporting a surplus of $151.49 ,for the season, ulriclr was latrdahiv receiurd, $500” was later Voted by a spi't'lnl subscription to the newly organized baseball team, and a comrrrittee was also appointed to go into the matter t f :i l'ltt'l pr‘eserrt'll ion (‘Jlt'll of the 1921), 1921, season players, the propos 11 being for each ainl \\'lllt'll carried unanimously. The following nine elected officers for the B;i..seball (‘lub l'or tlrcvseason. 1"esideiitâ€"l’. C. .Hill. Vice Pies.â€"Lloyd llill. Secretaryâ€"N. Batty. ler-ctrliVe Comrnittceâ€" Bt‘l t Cr ok, K. resolution was Blanchard. ti. N. Sloan. I‘l. \\'. Davis. 3 ’ OMOWOMOON â€"~_â€"â€"â€"ocy» Interesting Debate ’l‘lll‘ Church _ in: when the return debate betwetir Victoria Square and Richmond Hill Leagues took [)l.ICr-, The subjett was “Resolved that the Con- solirlaletl School Pi'olrleiri.” atfii nrative was ably supported by 12‘. R. Fortner, Marjorie \Vi-iglrt and \\'. A. Follies, while the negative was auditorium of the Methodist :r lie pin. i was well filled Monday c\'eii-‘ Th“ . cleverly handled by l-larvev ('..ll;ird.. Miss (iii rrblc and L. Nichol“. The audience was greatly rlelightr d “ith the many facts introduced in frvor of each side, and with the good-natured ’ smart \Vhile E. Elliott and and witty replies of opponents. the judgtsâ€"E. Hitchcock. T. Rev. B. McKeeâ€"were figuring up the Points. Itcv. N. \Vell- - ' Wood. as critic. coarpliiireirtcd the (le- bateis, and offered severalsuggestions ' tending to help the young orators. he judges decided the debate. Was .llghtly in favor of the affirmative Refreshments were afterwards served in the School Room, and a iocial hoar- spent. The former debate was won by The Squarch Standard norm? is the paint that has: been proved by years of “High Standard” Liquid Paint comes ready for use in every desir- For every paint purposeâ€"inside and outâ€"there is a Lowe Brothers “High Standard” Finish Linduroâ€"zrn enduring enamel. desired finish. “Little Blue Flag" Varnisbesâ€"remarkable for their uniform quality depth oflustre and general efficiency. . ’ We are exclusive agents for Lowe Brothers Enamels and Stains. For the Interior In selecting the finish for interior walls and ceil< ings remember that gives the most beautiful effects in soft, Hat colors that are permanent, washable and sanitaryâ€"the most satisfactory of all interior finishes. McllotoncH gives a pure white finish or choice of many delicate litres, as “soft as the rainbow tints.” uMcllotone" will lighten and brighten your whole home. Nonâ€"Fading Oil Stainsâ€"for staining woods in any _ “High Standard" Paints, Vamishes, i Come in and see color cards and sample finishes. BtiitiitNG tors :30-l't. Lot on Roseview Ave. $250. 50 ft. Lot on Baker Ave. $400. Acreage Lots, Markham Road. East of Railway at low prices and easy terms. Cheap stone for foundations. * We have houses for sale in North Toronto and North Yonge St. up to Aurora. W. .1. Lawrence 1974 Yong’e St. Phones Bel. 1515 & 1470 ROLER-BOLER MINSTRELS APRIL 14, 15 & 16 O WOOOOWWOOOONM : § : «oommowmom o : Flivi- LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS AUTOMOBILEâ€"FIRE, THEFT. [.lABILITY PLATE GLASS BURGLARY ‘ 'l‘arill' and .\'on 'l'at‘il‘f Ratings and all l‘olicics give tlc pro- tection they are, intended for and at the minimum rates. liet our rates before. looking elsewhere. Tlre confederation Lil'e Asso. issues a new policy without medical examination for $1000, also a policy called the Family Policy, which is striking for its protection on man aird his wife and many good features, Ask for the pamphlet, which explains all. This should appeal to all married men and women. because the coirrpany carries a small risk on the wife also. and costs nothing. 7' No medical examination for the wife is required P. G. SAVAGE 8." SON Agent for All kinds of Insurance WOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOi 0m.c at the Post Oriice. Rlcbmond fllll QOOOOOOOOM i

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