Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1921, p. 4

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LADIES’ AND GENTS’ TAILOR RICHMOND HILL ‘ PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR CREDIT VV. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill; Pumps \Virv Flume Filter Plaster Cutting Buxe-s Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. all and see the samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. gent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham Wagon on hand. The Signs of an Early Spring seem all around us, and you will soon have to throw off your overcoat, and will be wanting a new suit. I have over 300 samplesâ€"Tweeds, Worsted, Blue and Black Serges. Prices reasonable for both Ladies and Gents. First orderedâ€"first made. Don’t 'wait to the last â€"â€"order now. On and after May lst We have dec1 our business on a strictly cash basi better giving service than keeping solicit your patronage and ask 30.11” in this respect as it will enable us to Service at Lower Prices. armem’ Suppliss 1916 Ford Touring Car, in good mechar condition, $250. 1920 Gray-Dort Special, gcod as I absolutely perfect, $1250. 1914 Ford Car, will make good truck Good Bargain. Richmond Hill Garage W. G. Baldock - Prop. E. R. FORTNER USED CARS FOR SA SAMSON TRACTORâ€"Flows and Dis: n Demonstration. Lowest priced tractor n the market when quality and equipment are considered. All working parts enclosed and running in oil. Price $1275 .00 with one year guarantee. Sign of Spring FARMERS ATTENTION Ladders Scuapers Hydrated Lime Ruhbm-R mfi lg FULL LINE 0? lst We have decided to run strictly cash basis. We are :e than keeping books. We ge and ask 3011‘ co-Operation vill enable us to give Better DAVID HILL 8: CO. \th-H [run I" [{IHIL I) llw.1y< nil hum] “A LE mechanical Hm l'l‘l Ists Him-rs ne W , Hes going: lridge 10m]! hung I \viIh WWWOOOOOWWOW I I v I , W9”WOOMW”OOO¢OQMMM he had fur l yontuinvd in s oanpo of Hm :1 char M Split \vhnleWM tho (‘nml ruin w [I almy of showeth I has so: n of thvsvm Psalmk almy ( which hi~~ (-is Whit'h duyx‘ (I mulinn stage \VhI-n home, the \ illLt'l untif Bring us your tires and tubes for repairs. Made as good as new by our Haywood Vulcanizer. Now is the time to have your tires put in good Shape for the warm weather. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. nut. The New Hardware Store C. N. COOPER 11ml Hm Continued frum he ‘IHS In hie hnnav thow (‘nv p'ng of th rncks. he or is the for we ‘ m Inns frmn post, in post "t mm» the mny inland munm‘l" yance and are most restful. nsvs are ull built of coral. I. went, igh C(\\' pf Teetzei Bros. just IhF find Vuicanizing UH S:I\VS Ill mild Ivar. lhe‘ him in l‘lnr rm [£6 his suit his Trench Block s mnk lllocks Spades, Shovels, Forks, Galvanâ€" ized Pails, Graniteware Tinware Stovepiping, Brooms, Brushes. in tlwm 4 \91V thew is hlt Poultry Netting, Building (H in has 7H] Paints, Oils, Varnishes. for (he First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer on all kinds of boot and shoes. Guarantee to give you Value for Your Money. The Working Man’s Friend. ARNOLD STREET Next Door to Jones Lumber Company ELP \\'AN'1‘ED‘â€"Neut. nppeaxing lady 0| gI-nlleman tn :ncL :Is our nâ€"prescnlutive iutmduuing lint.- of fast selling articles, “'rite Audcrsun Manufacturing & Rubber Company, 432 \Vellingtou \Vest, TUI'UIIU). 44-4 OR SALEâ€"H. 45 McLaughlin Touring Car. Perfect. conditinv. N0 w-«mzonnblta nifer refused. Apply A. Vnnh-Irne, R. R. 3. Gormley P. U. or Harry Thomas. Richmnnd Hill. 44-2 E: OR SALEâ€"Almut. twenty five hag: uf gnud cntht-r pntntues. STEPHEN THOMPSON. Thornhlll. 44 l FOR SALEâ€"Register, jersey Bull 2} Wm ks old. T. \VHH‘E. Slop 45‘ Yonge St. 44 1 \‘70VEN WIRE FEACESwBuilder Canadian Steel and American Hinge. Also Iron gates and staples. J. H. ESPEY. Elgin Mills. 4112 liond Hill Paper, Roofing. \Védm (‘Plphrminn nf the U (Ynnununinn and Sen: Sunday School Ba; t, ~nzs Tho \\'. '(7. T. 1 home nf Mls. l’h nfm-rnnon. Tim mvelin “Mother's .will In: of :s Addn-s's “'i Humiltnn a st-Ivcliuns l) L. \Vright. J\ ensnng and Adm-ms! MAY 5th AsrnxsmN DAY ‘Oluhmtinn nf 'lm Univ} ‘ ‘mnmuhinv‘ and SI'I'mnn J flmiu practice in Chm-('11 Friday Ig:11-‘$p.ll). Baseballs. L. WADE u inn . Mary's Church (Anglican S UNDA Y AFTEI Richmond Hill u the nn'nllwrsofth ill W. C. T. JVPIIIHK [ Addy-95s I \Gill he: in 'lings‘" De' 'ul intone \‘U( the 11( M .\ Y “‘m \V. RI'('K P1 iesL-In Bnlty and min] ilhil )lv Y Dr. I. stuum 44H IIIHHH 3U will MI illl I11" lhr III ll] III II] ll) on 0R SALEâ€"One heavy draught home 9 years. one G. P. hoxse 8 ymrs, one set of Brass Mounted team harness. one farm wagon nearly new. G. WILLOUGBY. Oxford Street. Elgin Mills. 44 1 OR SALEâ€"On easy telms 100 acres lot 28.‘cnn. 5, Markham. Brick house. Bank Burn. driving shedsnnd other Buildings. all new wire fenced lots of good water for stock without pumping lt. School across the road. good clay Lnum, Fall wheat in, and seeding will he completed, would give pnssessinn this spling or next, fall. Apply owner. JOHN VVOUDB, Union- ville, R. R. No. 1. Ontario. tf FOR SALEâ€"One good milch‘cow. due to calve about, May 10. GEO. ALLISON, Richmond St‘, Richmond Hill. 44 2 ETURNED SOLDIERâ€"\V’ishes in \ qualifyumler Land Settlement Scheuw, by apprenticeship to an experienced farmer in Markham m' Vaughan Township. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE ‘ 432 SPARAGUS â€" Young Asparagus Roots for sale. H. DAVIS. M in St. Richmond Hill. 43~2 F‘ OR SALEâ€"Mixed grain, hulf nuts nnd half [ml-19y. PERKIXS, Gonnley H. R. 2 Phone 9101. OR SALEâ€"Raspberry and Straw- hen-y plants, first-class stm-k. lot: 27, con. 3, Vaughan. at, $2 per hundn-d. (I. B. DEFERARI, Maple R. R. Mount Clement, Faum. 43 2 vvniences. Stu; \V. H. I’ROCTOR 0R SALEâ€"Delawl sépamtoxfiNn. twelve. team harness, single harness, book case, seed drill. cutter. HINES, Stnp 51;. 423 OR SALEâ€"“'0 wish to remind our customers and others who am planning to lay out gmdens, floral hr fruit, we are prepamd to supplv your orders with a large variety (if perennials, English violets. bulbs. Canterbury bells. pink and red peonies, rose bushes, Catulpas, wrung» bios- soms. etc.. lilucs, Muck and red cur- rzmts. young cherry u‘ees, gunseâ€" berries, etc. at. reasonable prices. Order early and take your choice. AMOS \VRIGHTS, Cur. Yunge and Richmond Sts. 42-4» T of beads OFFICE. Centre and Elizulmlh Sheets. Richmond Hill. Apply A. E. MAC- LEAN 524 Markhnm Street Turnntn or O RENT â€" General Store and Dwelling. formally known as Dollar P. 0. Possesfinn May lst 192l. Apply W. G. Golm, Ummley R. R, 2. 42-3 GGS FOR HATCHINGâ€"Fx-mu bred-to-Iuv white \Vyanduttes. Guild strain. $2.00seuing. Applytu QUANTZ BROS. Richmond Hill, R. R. No. l. 42 2 from Yonge St. good hunk [nu stahling under, 2 frame llnusvs, gm "I‘Chnrd, mum-es hush, land in gm: cvuditinn. Pnssvsfionut oncv. \\'i help buyer to put in srwding. Fl quick sale nuly $60 per new. 6 Rmmu brick house on Rusevivw Avu. mumrd brick house on Mill St. \V F. CARTER. 42:5 ARRED ROCK EGGSâ€"Spm'i \Vinter layers $1.50 per seLlén PmLpoT. Stop 48 Yunge St. 42 V ANTEDâ€"Money to on first mortnqes‘ tn px-opelties. \Va 5 application signed by 1 “ml you plnrn- the» 1m ymu- lawyer or cnnvvyal pvnse to yourself. \Vri what you have In 1( L.\\\'REN( Bel. 1515. OR SALEâ€"Tm; fresh milk cows both young and quiet. willsell with or with nut culvvs. J. H. HEISE. lot 3, cm). 3. \Vhit.clmlul), Gurmley Ont, thw 6314. 41 3 PWOR SALEâ€"200 :u~re farm, being late 28:1nd :39, mm. 2, Vaughan. Will Sell in bulk, or divide tho farm. JOHN SLINEY. Richmond Hill, Bell Phone, ‘OR SALEâ€"~One McGill Autn I’mvcr Attnchnn-nt for Ford cur nearly new. I will sell it cheap. as l have :1 Tm‘ctor. D. U. MURRAY, anlc Out. 39 4 B. FINCHâ€"juh Cupen pairs and Alton-Minus. ture lepaired. Elizztlwth 'St mom] “in, Box 109. 4 O'l‘lUEâ€"E. Sliney is pl-epnlod Lu J, do all kinds nf {rm-king and muting in Riulunnnd Hill and vicinity. Patronage sulicilcd. I‘hune Richmond Hill 98. 42 1f MISS O. MCDUN TOR SA LEâ€"Ih OUSE OUNDâ€"In Richmond Hill a string OR SALEâ€"200 Acres 1} Five ‘Vant Adsg FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" 1-001115 and bath all con- b‘top 30 Lansing. Aflplz 1' (11' cnnvvyancel', ourself. \Vrite u have In 1mm. , 1974 Yonge St‘ Enquiront THE LIBERAL 42-3 )rwy to 1mm at 7”; ortnqes. NOI'Ih Town \Ve send you an n] by the borrower. the money through nnvvyaucer, at no ex- f. \Vrite us 5 'lting use and lot cnnmr 0f U Richmnnd Hiil tf. pent! 411 Mtf \V nlmub thie R. E miles hm n good 4&2 Ind "m-ni Riuh \Yill \

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