Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1921, p. 7

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.IJ" ‘ 000.000 feet of standing timber. AUTO REPAIR PARTS for most makes and models of cars. Your bid. broken or worn-out parts rib- replaced. \\'rito or wire us tips int: What you want. “'5 carry the largest and most complete stock in Canada of slightly used or new parts and automobile equipment. We ship 00.1). anywhere in Canada. Satis~ factory or refund in full our motto. Shaw’l Auto Salvage Part Supply, 923-931 Dufierm St.. Toronto, Ont. Vancouver’s Tonnage Eclipses ‘ All Records. Twelve thousand vessels with a tonnage of 9.281.000 visitcd the port'of Vancouver last year, according to the report of \\'. J. lliake \Vilson. retiring president of the Vancouver Iioard of Trade. shattering all previous ship- ping records for a twelve months period. "A number of new lines of transpor- tation were inaugurated." he said. “Vancouver is now linked with the Orient by ten lines of steamships, with Europe via the l’anztma (‘anttl by nine lines. with Australia by two. with Iirir tish Indies and the East Indies by two. Port facilities are rapidly being en- larged. The Government rushing completion of the new Ilallanlync pier, which shottld be finished by next year. The new Canadian Pacific Railway pier also is nearing completion. "Total value of lumber cut in Bri- tish Columbia was $02.628.SOT. against $70,285,904 the previous year. It is estimated the province has 350,000,- The present Output is practically 2.000.000.- 000 feet a year. The demand will con- tinue to increase with depletion of standing timber in other countries. is Therefore steps should be taken to- elitninate waste in forest. Pulp and pap-er products were valued at $21,- 611,081. against $12.554.257 the pre- ceding year. "Minerals produced in the, province had a value of $20,530.62; an increase of $2,284.312. Manufacturing indus- tries now number 2.000. with an an- nual pay-roll of $50,100,000. and 46,350 employees." Canada has most extensive fishing groun-dsâ€"â€"5,000 miles on the Atlantic, 7.000 miles on the Pacific and 220.000 square miles fresh water. Minard's Linlment Relieves Distemper I Surnames and 'lThdr Origin W’here the Queen Lives. If I wtrv a number of the lit/333‘. l-‘amily. raj.» .t l.‘nlillt‘ii writti‘ and.‘ for my pmt‘ l :.:n glad that I am int 1 wllI‘lll'l l'tJIji .t i' titlitui-L (tilll jt)‘ dowu all tho human-us rtzuarks that \\'l'l" ma l-- to law. .‘is it I». mt.-t tvft thcsc i‘cin'tiks are lost, llltl llic ftw th't are lit,.' have to bc t-,tpttti'c.l by attentive reporters and journalists. I \‘.::s not ptc~tnt myself when tic Qurrn vis‘icl a certain ct'llllul in an intlu:trial ('t'llll‘t‘ the othcr day. but I thank the brotht r~journalist who was on the spot and who preseertl in his notebook this i'ragmcnt. "Whetc do you live?” asked a little girl, “In l’ullt'r's ltcnts." rt-plictl the child. ".‘tnd where do you live?" The Queen laughcl and I‘F;ili"!li "()h. not fur from Victoria Htatioir~ you llllli‘l ctme and sec me with your mother some day." “ I wonder whether will be act-opted? Quccn Mary‘s mod- cst description of where she lived struck a contrary note to the tlcscrip- tion given by an ex-dultc. who said he was always to be found at the Savoy liolel.‘ He spent his days» on the curb outside! the Qucca the invitation _a:o____. __ A SPLENDED lllEBltIlilll Wit TiiE ClillilREN Baby‘s Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They )are a mild laxative which quickly regulate the bowels and stom- ach and are guaranteed to be entirely free from any injurious dmgs. Con- cerning them Mrs. A. D. \Vest. Lore- bttrn. Sask., writeszâ€"“Baby's Own Tablets have given me more satisfac- tion than anything else I have ever given my children. They are easily taken; always work well and though I have given quite a few to my baby they seem to work as well now as at first. which is something other,laxa- tives seldom do.” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. \Vil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Gerald Dickens: grandson of the great novelist. its a captain in the Britâ€" ish navy. CLAY Variationsâ€"Clayer, Claire. Marler. Racial Originâ€"English. Sourceâ€"An occupation or locality. We are inclined to suspect that names like this are not what they seem. particularly when we remember that such a name as Hay has nothing whatever to do with our word “hay.” In this case. however, the suspicion proves unfounded. for the family name of clay. famous in American history of statesmanship, is in fact the same Cleyere, as our word clay. (flay was to the farmer of the mid- d‘le ages in England what nitrates are to the modern farmer. That is to say. itwas most important as a fertilizer, and the people who owned clay depos- its or traded in the commodity were almost certain to be persons of great importance in their communities. not to say of wealth. Not all who hear the name. 110w- ever. are necessarily descended from clay owners or traders. though it is fair to assume that the majority are,. for the mime was often descriptive of the locality in which the bearer re- sided, as well as his occupation. In one of the old records an "Alice in le Clay” is referred to. A more usual fortn was “de in Cley." Of course the form “1e Cleyere" nearly always re- presented the occupation. “Marle” was another name for clay. It is more common in the term “marl- lng." which means mixing clay with the soil. Hence the family name Mar- ler. which. however. is not very com~ mon to-day. CAHILL Variationsâ€"Lowe, Quick, O’Cahill. Racial Originâ€"Irish. Sourceâ€"A given name. Historical record is the basis for including Lowe and Quick as varia- tions of the Irish family name of Ca- hill. for, strictly speaking. they are not the same name at all. though both Lowe and Quick. when of Irish origin. are traceable back to the same per- son. The Irish form of the family name is “O'Cathail.” which. it should be re- membered. is not pronounced with a. "tit" like that in English. but more like the English spelling which actual- ly is used in representing it. The Irish family name is derived from the given name of “Cathal.” which means “valor.” For the most part the “O‘Cathalis” were descendants of 01' followers of Cathal. the son of Conor. nicknamed Conor na Luinge Luaithe." or “Coti- nor of Chieftain prominent history. Subsequent to the English conquest of lreland the native families in many in ancient Irish sections were compelled by law to adopt English surnames. As a rule they did not pick them at random. choosing rather an English translation of the Irish family name or an Engâ€" lish name which sounded as much as possible like it. In this manner some of the O'Ca- thails adopted the name of Quick. from the Irish word of that meaning in l the title of the historical “Conor na Luinge Luaithe," while others adopt- ed the name of Lowe from its simi- larin in sound to "Luaithe." 7719rels More 772612 Flat/or Many foodswhile pleasing to taste, contain but little nourishment. Grape=Nuts 31;; combines with its rich. sweet flavor the full nutriment of wheat and malted barley which makes it an ideal food. It has been the favorite ready-to-eat cereal for a oparter of a century. _ "There’s a Reason" Not by lubbing. But by Enrich- ing the Blood. (ll"(il'tlt‘l‘ Hf the tilt/lilo “liIxil tilt‘ lhoumal i.» m is a blood. It attacks .blotnl is overchaer with acid and imâ€" purities. thus St‘lilllL‘. up inflammation. \\'wt wrath- the is not .1.ntljoint<. \Vt‘fllllti’ may iliiumtitism. in! it in tlic must-ll .(ir t'tlltl tortures cf .tlic t‘litl:t‘. Victims of this malady have every rea- son to t'car the tirst dull iltlll‘ in the limbs and joints. lillttWt‘tl by >lllii‘1t ipains through tliv lll‘rll anl muscles; :thcsc are the symptoms of poison in ,tlie blood. which will shortly lczivc the ‘,victim p:lilli‘ht'l{t‘:l and helpless. Lini- ‘mcnts. hot applications and rubbing lmay give tcmporuiy casc. but cannot possibly root the trouble out of the .systcm. That can only be done by l‘ll‘ riching the blood. This new blood drives out the poisonous impurities. and the rheumatism (lisappcars. you are a suffcrcr from this painful malady. begin the use of Dr. \\'illiams' l’ink l’ills and sec how soon the pains (\l' st 11’! Among those who havc benefitted by like use of these pills is Mr. Freeman Irving. Baxter Harbor, N.S.. who says: "Some time ago my blood was in a terrible condition. leaving me very much rtm down. and with boils break- iing out on my body. To add to my misery rheumatism set In. and I not only suffered greatly from the pain, bttt could only get around with the greatest difficulty. After trying sev- eral medicines without much success. I decided to give Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills a trial. as they had been warmly recommended to me. I think I used nine boxes altogether, but the results met my every expectation. as both the Naturally I feel that I cannot praise the pills too highly.“ You can get Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 front The Dr. Williams’ Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Power Progress in Canada. While the increase in power de- velopment in Canada in 1920 was sub- stantial, in many portions of the Do- minion new installations and develop ment have not yet cattght up with the ever-increasing demand for hydro- electric energy. Increase in power development naturally accompanies 1‘ expansion of industries. The pulp and paper industry has undoubtedly atâ€" tracted the greatest attention during lthe past year. but a large number of smaller industries and the ever-in- creasing uses of electricity for power and domestic purposes, both in urban and rural communities. are important factors in the increasing power de- mand. \Vlrile the total waterâ€"power installation of the Dominion at the commencement of 1920 was some 2,- 500,000 hp. the ultimate capacity of undertakings. either completed during the past year I or under actual con- struction, will increase this total by some 840.000 h.p. This figure includes the 500.000 h.p. (‘hippawa develop- ment of the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission. Additional pro- jects aggregating some 360,000 h.p. are the Swifter Sailing Ship." a, . 501118 also under consideration. The Province of Ontario leads with 6:30.000 tip. in undertakings. which are either under construction or completed; Quebec shows 140.000 l1.p.; the Maritime Provinces. 30,000 hp; Manitoba. 30.000 hp. Undertakings which are projected for the near future aggregate some 200.000 lip in Quebec; 15.000 h.p. in Ontario and 20.000 hp. in the Mari- time I’rovinces, while one project alone in British Columbia involves some 125,000 h.p. Wisps of ‘Wisdom. Look ahead or you won't get ahead. Those. who have no taste for discip- main single. The best time to hold on is when you reach the point where the aver- age fellow would fall off. < Don‘t depend on others. or by and by you won't be able to depend on yourself *nor will anyone else. Cheerfulness is the rubber tyre of life's vehicle. many bumps and rough places. It may be true that the willing horse . gets the heaviest load. But once in a while he also gets the most oats. Your employer may determine your salary. but you yourself determine your worth. To get more, make your- self worth more. There is nothing as elastic as the human mind. Like imprisoned steam. the more it is pressed the more it rises to resist the pressure. The more we are obliged to do. the more we are able to accomplish. .3 r Camila has the only two coal re- Tlic cause is in tho liltitltl.‘ 1t, and stiffness of the joints fade away; boils and the rheumatism disappeared. . line. sacrifice. or service had better rep It helps us to pass over , l diliiiiii Strategy. "You smm fond of the tlrnfzgist's llillt' litty.” 5 "Yes. he kin git all the pills he ‘\\':llti\ for our airg‘uns." As Viewed From the Air. l“cma‘o Illinrt‘lilft'l' in aeroplane some of is": up t-xciitzlly 7 oh, please. won't you go down? I‘ve just dropped my pearl t'lliilfldtttiiil” "t‘aim yourself. madam that‘s ‘your cuil‘viuitton. that‘s Lakc l‘lrie.” ‘tlittu-unds “l’lt ‘l‘t‘. not 4 What Pa Said. "So you have twins at your house. Johnnie?" "Yt-s‘m. two of 'em." "What have you named them?" "Thunder and Lightning. That's what pa said when they came to the house." . The Regimental Lyre. A number of stars on the cuff of a 7soldier aroused the fair visitor's curiosity. “He's the battalion astronomer." exâ€" plained her escort, gravely. “Most useful man. Guides us home by the stars when we've lost ottr way on night manoeuvres.“ “How interesting." said the maiden. Then. noting his bandsman's badge. the representation of an ancient stringed instrument. she exclaimed. slyly: “I suppose that thing on your arm means that you're the regimental lyre?” y The Miner's Joke. . A party of professors undertook to merit-irate into the depths of a Cornish mine. The lowering apparatus was the primitive rope and bucket. When they had finished their explorations they were hauled tip in the bttcket two at a time. As the last was slowly as- 1cending. with a miner as a fellow pas- senger, he perceived unmistakable symptoms of frailty in the rope. “How often do you change your ropes. my good man?" he inquired. when about half way from the bottom of the awful abyss. “Every three months. sir," reâ€" plied the man in the bucket; “and we shall change this one toâ€"morrow if we get up safe." - o.o__._ _. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. His First Chance. “What do you men know of women's work?” fiercely queried the lady ora- tor. “Is there a man here,‘ she continued, folding her arms, “who has. day after day. got up in the morning. gone quiet- ly downstairs. made the fire. cooked his own breakfast, sewed the missing buttons on the children‘s clothes. cleaned the pots and kettles. and swept the kitchen? If there is such a man in the audience let him rise up. I should like to see him.” In the rear of the hall a mild-looking man in spectacles timitlly arose. He was the husband of the eloquent speaker. This was the first chance ever had to assert himself. he had For years I have never considered my stock of household remedies complete unless a. bottle of Miti:11'd's Liniment was included. For burns. bruises. sprains. i‘l'ostbites or chilblains it ex- cels. and I know of no better remedy ,for a smere cold in the head, or that will .give more immediate relief, than to in- hale from the bottle through the nasal organ. And as to my supply of veterinary remedies it is essential. as it has in very many instances provcn its value. A re- cent experience in reclaiming what was supposed to be a lost section of a valu- ‘able cow's udder has again demonstrated its great worth and prompts me to re- who liznc a herd of cows. large or small. I think I am safe in saying among all covers as large a field of usefulness as does Minard’s Liniinent. A real trueism good tor man or beast. CHAS. K. ROBBINS. Cheboguc I’oint. NS Dog Remedial Book on 000 DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad~ dress by the Author. EJCIBy Glover 00.. no. 118 West Slat Street New York. U.B.A. America's Pioneer CORNS Lift Right Off '. 1 without Pain ' '\-'\/\-".".I‘-"-I‘-!‘~I'U'v'u'u'u‘\.'l.'\.‘\.’ unruninn‘. Magic! ian aching corn. instantly .stOps hurting. then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. bit. Your tiruggist sells a tiny bottle of gions on the scacoast of North Am- “Freezcnc” for a few cents, sufficient erica. and controls one-fifth of the to remove every hard corn. soft corn, world‘s coal resources. or corn between the toes, and calluses. l WW.-. commend It in the highest terms to all; the patent medicines there is none that? Drop a little “Fi'eezciie” on that com ‘ Doesn't hurt l tssué No.18râ€"‘21. Classified Advertisements. -W._R.~.v~ ‘. AGENTS WANTED. l\'i~:.\'r .\l‘l'l-i\.l:l.\ti l..\Iv\' 'rt- .\t"t‘ .L :..< -nr l't‘;'lr\v'ill.tll\t* ll.ll‘~r-lllllu;;._ \i:r:'ll liIlt‘ u; t.\t stiltri: :ii’lit'lcs. ‘\\'rlt-- .\n.!.i~t'i .‘.1-.:...:.tctuitn;: <‘o:n~ i-.l‘\ [t'mt :.. illildll‘ t}l'..\'l‘$ \\’.»\.\"l‘l'l7| |1l.l.\'S NATIVE} 1v r the roll t‘ of Innii;:>.--tit.:i. lilliuu:~i|t-Si. lllzt-utnatism l{itlnt~y 'l‘rwtzitlvs. It i! I\"ll-l.iill\\'ll. Inning lwvn « \tr-usivelv ad- \crtist-ti. since it \\'\s first mantit‘aciurcd in tin. by tilsttihtn‘on oi‘“,.:r‘ quanti- ‘tlcs of Almanacs. Fink lilo-ks. llnalth ilionks. etc. which are t'tirnlsltctl to agents free of charge. The twain-tiles are sold at a price that allows ngt-nts to dnubin tht‘ir money. \\'ritn Alonzo O. .Rliss Medical Co., 121 St l‘aul St. East. Montreal. Mention this paper. 14“ llt'll:< is a rcnitutv K‘l‘ll‘liltallt‘ll. ‘ My Prayer. 0 (lad. my God. \\‘li"i‘t"t‘l‘ 'l‘liou ‘l{t‘t‘1i my bclovcd in Thy lit-wt; art. ‘imiu m 'rm- llcal'l that tum-t 5.. lxz'i1lt 'llc'tl him nitli 'l‘lxy mm: gcntlu Lg‘ht. :\Iltl slat-o 'I‘ltou mall‘s? i'iwi":t*'.ltiliif:.:. .1-‘txrurv; uhato'm- ’i‘hziu lizai'si Ililil. . {And since Thou inad'st t'I'iucznbcring. Remember cvcry lovcly thing. And thcn. my (Lul. lI'.ill down and see .And. pitying. remember me. o o..~.__ _ ‘Minard's Linlm2rt for Dandruff. .‘s , Clever Baby. Mother-J‘liobbie. your Aunt Edith has got a new baby boy. I shall be his atmt. Daddy his uncle. and you will '- be his little cousin." he been quick in deciding who's to be which?” ASflfilN IS Only “Bayer” Genuine Warning! Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin at all. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer pack- age for Colds. Headache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Earache. Toothache. anbago and for Pain. Then you will be following the directions and dosage worked out by physicians during twenty-one years anti proved safe by millions. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger pack- ages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of lilonoacetlc‘ acidester of Salicylicacid. litigant; nit“ ACHES Alli) PAlilS Any man or woman who keeps Sloan‘s handy will tell you that same thing SPECIALLY those frequently E attacked by rheumatic twinges. A counterdrritant, Sloan’s Lini- ment scatters the congestion and pcnm i tralcs without rubbing to the afflicted ' part, soon relieving the ache and pain. Kept handy and used everywhere for reducing and finally eliminating the pains and aches of lumbago, neuralgia, muscle strain, joint stiffness, sprains, bruises, and the results of exposure. Youjust know from its stimulating; healthy odor that it will do you good I Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug-4 gistsâ€"35c, 70c, $1.40. Linimen V I Luxuriant Hair Promoted By Cuticura Cuticura kills dandruff. stops itching. the cause of dry. thin and failing hair. Treatment: Gently rub Cuticura Oint- ment with the end of the finger. on spots of dandruff and itching. Follow nun morning with a hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. Repeat in two weeks. Nothing better than these fragrant. super-creamy emollients for all skin and scalp troubles SupZSc. Ohhentlsund 50c. TulcmZSc. Sold throughouttheDomimon. CanadianDepot: l. I. Linked. 344 St. ha] 51.. 01.. Mutual. Cuficm Soapuhave. without mug. Bobbieâ€"~“My word. mother, hasn't '

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