Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Apr 1921, p. 8

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PEN No. 2â€" [8 made up from the beat, pullets bred from my last. years pen of O. A. 0. strain birds. Pen headed by a Guild (220 egg strain) Cooker-9|. All ppllc‘trs in this pen cummencod to lay‘ when 6 to 7 Innnms old. Price per setting of 13 eggs 81.50 50 eggs $5.007 By mising new stock from a reli- able strain of Barred Rocks. The 800d for all purpose Breed. PEN No. 1.â€" 13 made up of selected yearling hens of 0. A. C. strain. These birds have proved themselves heavy layers. Pen is headed by a Guild (220 egg strain) Unckerel. A , specimen bird in every way. This pen specially mated as n pullet breeding pen. Price per setting at 13 eggs $2.00. 50 eggs $0.00. SATURDAY MAY 7â€"Aucliuu sale of hOUSPhOId furniture at Vinturin Square, the pmme of James Sever. Sale ul. 1 u'clm-k. Tex-ms cash. AlsntheGI-nmu brick huuse, and lot. '1‘. G. Lynn, Auct. Chic Sfimmer Dress Hats are of Swiss Mohair Braid, Organ- dy, Leghorn and Milan. Also a great variety of Tagel and Lisera shapes of various shades for Misses and Child- ren. with smart tailor trim- med and dress hats for Matrons. Moderately Priced THORNHILL MILLINERY STORE Richmond St. It's a matter of shce repairsâ€" lhn Eng May. June and July the stone will cluse \Vednesduy afternoon, at 1 o’clock. SKTURDAY. April I'mâ€"Audion sale of houSehold furniture. lot, 11. con. 3, Markham, Dollar, the prr-pé-rly nf Mm. C. ankP. Sulu- Ml. unp 0'4:lork. .'l'vl'u)s cash. .1. ll. Pll'llLll9. Aurt. \VEDNESDAY, MAY 4â€"Auctinn sale of farm sunck and implmm-ntx, con. 1, Vaughan. {:imile south nf Richmond Hill, thv pl-Opel ty of James McLean. Sale at lo'cluck. Terme months. $aigenn & Walkington, Aucls. Mill Su'eet. $1500 dotvn. Ahouse modeln in every respect with beautiful grounds surrounding. One (-f the new, cmnfmtulllu uf nuth Yonge St. Prire right. FOR SALE-4M)» of lln- bennty spots of Rithlnnnd Hill: llm‘ 1-mi- (lence nnd nne ncru I'Ptft‘ntly m-unpied hy Mr. G. F. Allen, whu has decided to live permanmtly in California, On Ynnao Sty. just south of the High Sclluol. 4Zâ€"lf -â€"and it will be done right: A. ROLFE Boot and Shoe Repairer. Prompt Service Neat Work - South of Shoe Factory 2} Acres on Bulhm‘st St. near Richmond Hill. House, slahlv, or- chard, etc. $27IK). Frame House. Crnlw St. East. gnud lol. fruit. etc. Frame Home, 7 rooms Yunge St. South, Lot 43x165. 34’» Acres gnrdnn land. gnud house and bank lmrn la min from Elgiu Millz, Man'shmu 'l‘p. for $6300. let {a well known throughout Canada for hlgh grade work. Accryuntnm-y. slenngrnphy, type- wriLiug and gum-ml imprnw- nwnL cuuxsvs ; numh persnnal Intention ghvn t‘lSHldelllb: praduutrs leAdily uht-nin H. A. NICHOLL", Real Estate onge and Charles Sm. 'I‘m-untn More Winter Eggs emplnyumnh ()‘pl‘ll all your. \VliU‘ Lu-duy fur prnapq-clus. Enter any time. I. J. ELLIOTT, Princile ROLFE do it AUCTION SALES WM. GREEN ELLIOTT IF For Sale - Pen is headed by a strain) Unckel‘el. A in every way. This mated as a pullet Rlchmond Hll w, 7 l‘mmm. mt'hnd. on NOONWOWNOWWOOOOOOWONM owooommmouomuomomomwoomm McLAUGHLIN Stuck fur Made another record winning at the lmdiug shnws 1920 and 1921. 87 birds showing, 83 under the ribbons, these binds are all kepL in separate pens. Bred to lay strain, hons lh n lav 256 and 268 a year, thé‘ will lay and pay. 1 use trnp'ncsts, my stock hus stood lh is slill In the land. Stop 51 1-2 Yonge St. Samson Tractors Richmond Hill Likea new issue of coinage comes the nequmdel of the McLaughlin Gar. p The title "Canada’s Stnnulard Cm ” was not self-impose]. By muny thousands the McLaughlin hnlds the preference in Canada mer curs of the better make. The famed McLaughlin-Buick \‘Alvminâ€"hand motorâ€"the ‘rug- ged sure working engineâ€"gives tn ench of the seven Master Six models the staunch leputuhon of [1 llslworthinesa. So when the McLaughlin appears in a new mndol. it but adds a distinctive character to an accepted standard of excdlence. Especially attractiveure the new closed bodies not only he- cnuse 01‘ their added comfort, but. because they are decidedly the vnge for both winter and summer driving. Olpingtmn \Vhike ()Ipinglnns Black Ringlvt Banned Rocks RUM" Culnh Rhnde Island R- d Partridge \Vyandotlrs Mnnunuth Pekin Duck Single Comb White Leghorn Eggs for Hatching from Imported Bred to Lay Stock. Price per Setting $2.50 Special Rates for large quantities. We invite you to call and inspect our stcck. P. 0. Box 18 Imperial Ringlet Barred Plymouth Rocks EGGS FOR HATCHING EGGS FOR HATCHING lU McLaughlin Motor Car Company, Limited PEERLESS FENCING PUre-Bred White Mammoth Pekin Ducks \V iros “ ires W ires Wires \‘Vires \Vires Wires sale after June 15 to make mum for Lr plice un stuck. Pure-Bred Pekin Duck Eggs For Sale. Fencing Prices are" as follows:â€" All No. 9 Gauge Wire All these birds are Owned ~uxd Bred by D. HILL 8: CO. 50 J. W. Bowman W. J. BILLING & SON Bm b Wire $6 20 far 80 md spool in in in in in C. McMahon Aurora, Ont., Qanada Steel Fence Posts 600. Price per Setting of 15 high high high high high high high Local Dealers Local Agent stays stays stays stays stays stays stays pt'l‘ pm- per le' pvr pm' 22 22 16,5 ‘2". 16.5 srtting $5 sclting $5 setting $3 setting $3 Svtliug $3 two milling Iwu setting twu setting two selling M-lting of 11 eggs $1.50 in in in each. apart apart npul t apart, upnrt "part, apart Chevrolet Cars Phone 44 r 11 ‘ lung stock 75c. 901: . 80c. 58c. 620. 680. 700. Phone 96 w Tyler St. selling fm setting for setting fur selling Iur th: kind that [ha test and per per per per per per pm- rod rod rnd rod [0d rod rod \Vlile $8 Divorce from his wif9. CARRIE BARNES, of the said City of Tlvl'vntn. in the County of ank. Mmried woman, on the grounds of aduln-Iy and d'esel tinn. NOTICE is here-by giwen that WENT VVURTII BARNES, of the City of Toron- to. in the County of Ym-k. Sallvn will apply to the Parliament, of Canada at the next session then-sot fur a Bill of Notice of Application for Divorce Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Furnia Scratch Feed. Canne], Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. ‘ V X MOMONWWWWW A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of N0. 1 Feed Corn. Deposit Your Coupons Richmond Hill Branch : 1974 Yonge St. Phones Bel. 1515 & I470 Public Notice I. D. Ramer 50 ft. Lot on Acreage Lots, Markham Road. East of Railway at low prices and easy terms. 50 ft. Lot on We have houses for sale in North Toronto and North Yonge St. up to Aurora. BUILDING LOTS WHEN you cut the cou ons from your Victory Bonds or other securities, t e logical place to put them is into your savings account. At any branch of this Bank, you can open a saving. account with your coupons, or we will cash them for you without making any charge. Let the interest from your investment earn more interact in the "Standard". W. J. Lawrence Cheap stone for foundations. STAN DA RD BAN K TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Roseview Ave. $250. Baker Ave. $400. OF CANADA THE NOTICE is hPrehy given that ALFRED ERNEST MUGRIDUE. of the City of Tm-ontn. in the Cunnty nf Ymk. Automobile Mechanic. will apply to Hue Parliament of Canada at the next spssinn lhel-Htf for a Billof Divorce flhn‘ his wifv. STELLA MUGHIDGE, nf Beadle. Saskatchvwnn, Mal-lied \anan. on the grounds of adultery nnd desertinn. aria, [his 3rd day If Feblllnly, 1921. Dated at Turnnh-. Prmim‘e Ontario, HHS 'l‘hirly-firsl day t f J2 uury. 1921. Nofice to Application for Divorce NOTICE is hewhy given that HILDA MAY FREEMAN, nfthe City nf Toronto. in thu- (Iounty “1' York, and Provim-enf Ontnrin. Mmried \\'o|u:nn. will apply lo the Parliament M'Cunada at, Mr nw-xt, se‘ssiun lhpre-nl’ for at Bill hf Din-rte flnm Im- husband. CHARLES MICHAEL FREEMAN, nf lha City uf’l‘ornnto. in the County nf York. Mulonunn, (m the grnmul of ndnlu-Iy. Notice of Application for Divorce DuLPd J. R. Harrington, Manager. 7']. Queen Stwet \VI-st, Tulontn, Ontalin. Solicitors for [ht- Applicant-y. l4 lIlLDA MAY FREEMAN 72 Queen Street. West, Tmontn, Ont. Solicitors for the Applicant. ALFRED ERNEST Ml “RIDGE. at, Tug-unto. Plnvincp (If Ont III'GHES & AGAR HUGHES & AGAR fJunu

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