Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 May 1921, p. 1

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JOHN R. CAMPBELL Branch Ot‘fi sale The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Lu'mpanv. Lt'd. have on hand for sale. (‘ement dmin tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12.. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in lt-ngth) Also Cement Brick. Sand ()I‘Gl'flVel euld by the loud or in car lots. Cedar posts and tvlvphone poies fur A u Residence address Victoria Square Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Licensed Auctioneer for limounntyof York. Sulesutlemlvd Ln un shmlesl notice, and at reusanablv rnte‘l. Patronage Sulicited MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Te Lcher of FletchexfiMethod Musicml Kmdergarcen Pupils passed fur Conservatory Ex- aminnlinna. and salt! on cn'mmissivun. All sales OM; lendrd to nu shut-test nutice. and con- ducted by the InustuppI-uved methods. Pazx-nnage snliciu-d. '1‘. (in 14 X” () N Special attention given tu‘ sales at every chCl‘lptiOll. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Fu_r_l_us {Jnught LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO '«Ironto Bldg. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETL‘. s by VETERINARY SURGEON, ‘i‘horuhill. STUDIOâ€"HOTE L RICHMOND. VOL. XLIII. ch Officeâ€"Richmond Hill nvmy Tuesday afternoon at Libel-:11 Office. LICENSED AUCTIONEER mm THE COUNTY or YORK] Patronage and influence l'espt’clfully solicited Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale 415 Btlliul 3L. Turnntn. Phone Belmont 13-17 The Royal Bank of Canada J. T. SAIGEOIV Open Savings Ac- counts for each one of your children. Insis? upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift will gradually become a strong trait in each child‘s character. There is a branch of this Bank near you and a Savings Department at every Branch. .50 per annum, in advance. Teach Your Childten the Value of Money Mm flees â€" Continental L 1'. Bay and Richnmnd St. Toroulu. T. COL'SINS. Maple ur otherwise promptly Richmond Hill 131-0 :1 {ice Pres. and Manager. Mapl». :UJ H P. 0. address Gurmley. R . R . ‘ifk REAL ESTATE AND INSL'RANCE THORNHILL Orders left. with Mr. Gen. Harding will receive prompt utLPntiun. Also "gent for‘llle Himmm Standard Milken: Phone Anrum 8013. PIANO :TUNER 200 BERESFORD Ava. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 7‘2. TWENTY-FWE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail ordeu will receive prompt, attention. Noming tuo greatâ€"Nothing too small! The Tuwn of Aurora. The Township of King The Township of “’hilrlmrch The [{levriul Bank pf Canada. {Monarch Bldg. 26-28 Adel- Ol’flcesiâ€"laidu 81., West. anonlu. Nanghtun Block. Aux-0m Solicitor for: v \Valtex- S. Jenkins J. Hum y Naughtt‘n Ree. Phone Hrs. Elgin Milk Hill. 5048 lit-s. Phone 44.4 W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Office hours â€"â€"9 to p. In. Office and rv-sidenmâ€" Richmond Hill. Phn WRIGHT BROS. Undertaken and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE .1 larxe stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept 2le the above places LOCAL AGENT â€"RI(‘HMO.\'I) HILL. ()N’l‘. Biilish Crown Aqsurauce Corporal inn. Eagle. Slur. and British Innuiniuns lnsurmu‘e Cumpnny BxiLish Nullh Woslm-n Insulancv (.‘mupnny DENTIST Office Trench Block, two doors nm-th of Stnndmd Bunk. Hours 9mm. In 5.5!) p.m. 0pm evenings by nppointumnt. M. \Valtou.7&qC-«V’; ARISE; FOR THE (‘DL'NT Y 0}“ F. ELVIN WELLWOOD . R; SAN DERSGN PLUMBING AND TINSMITH ING Richmond Hill Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 JOHN T. ANDERSON mmissioner VANDOR F L. LICENSED AUCTIONEER NAUGHTON & JENKINS J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC A. C. HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYA NUING ISSUER 0F MARRIAG E LICENSE-S HOT \VA'I‘ER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS A. J. HUME Viv u TERMS REASONABLE THORNH ILL, ONT RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY MAY 5 . L. R. BELL -J. P. WILSON Telvphnne 3'1 Conveyance]: Etc Autnmuhile ;)~xn_\'{.)|gul Street Phone IV“. 21 “In Essentiak, Unity,- in Non- 12 Win. 6 to 8 Ida, Aurom YORK In conclusion. can we wundorat penpkl coming from farund near, some fur u vacation and others to spend the evening of lile “far from the nmdding crowd", where the hunk of the automobile, the gang and raltlc of the street. car and the shriek of the factory whistle are never heard to dislml) their morning slumhws, tn thls place of antiquated quiet in which the cardinal in his beautifully hued plumage. amongst. his many hird (-ulls. is often heard rmlllnsz. Last \Vt‘ek the doctor in out party was called to we a little L’()lul‘t't‘l boy who had his knee very badly cut to the bone in a bicycle accidentâ€"we ant with him away over the hills fiom the main road to the little cabin and must say that as we gazed on the daik little temn-d face. on his pure white bed and his kindly looking mother lunklng on. we feltnmst grate- ful tor this. another impression of the haven of rest that these dark skinned people have found in Bermuda. “’0 stepped out of the little dertqu while the doctor was dressing the wound and were shown into thi- little- patlor in which [ht‘ bare floor. the plain wooden chairs and the tiny centertahle wen- spnle-ssty cleanâ€"the [alts-r with a number of good books and a dictionary on top, all of which had evidently been very much in use. In the fat-corner of the room, stood an. old Moment-nth and Lnrhbeler piano, the keys of which we“: uneven and yellow with ageâ€"Aha whole thing in n tumble down Condition. yet these people are such [nu-rs of "lush: thnt no matter how ancient the instrument they art- able to while away the evening hours in bringing out satisfying zit-- companiments to their hymns and ditties. As we tot-k our leave, lsnid in faimveil greetings to the motherâ€"l am quite sun: that with good carv, your boy shalt soon he wellâ€"sho- answeied swectly in n low voiceâ€"“l am trusting." Her ferventtrust has brought its rewardâ€"the favor has gone from the littlo body nnd the wound that looked so angry is getting wall. About, two thilds of the population of these islands is of colorcd people and seemingly. tlwyare must law abiding, lespectfnl lo the white people and respected. Everyone speaks to them at meeting on the highways and me always answeied nicely in a shoe-iful voiceâ€"“aning Sir" or Morning Mu'am. Theie seems to be very little [)tfl't‘l‘lY amongst then» and they are all wvll dressed. especiallv the children, therefore the. Poor 'l‘ax being the only tax on propPi-ty. ritizvns arr nut over Lurdt-ned with taxes, ([‘oritineed from last work.) We have had many lovely drivrs midut natural beauty in native ml cedar and (oral rut-ks, fields «f Easter Lilies and llt'Sll Vegr't'tlllPS and beautiful homes, l-ut'h one (if the lnttrr ll“ indirnlnal pir'tme of snow white loveliness, rel- bzutk from the. r and in mast vases amongst, cedar and variuns other trees. lulllflltd with whirb. are In lm seen, huge rubber trees, the pridu nf India. now cuvvleil with a sun t su-nted lilac like lrlnssuui. ‘ after “hit-h fulluws the berry that is so much favored fnr use in strings uf beads. loyal pninciana and the Christmas puiniettia. hutli lnnking lnvely in the calm (if their summer rest. the latter still tipped withscarlet. Calabash, an occasional orange tree, munkey puzzle, sagu and date palms and the graceful candelabra cactus. Berrulii’ul hibiscus in red and pink, roses in many shades, honeysuckle, Easter Lilies, lu-gunins, geraniums and all sorts r f annuals are in bloom in the beds and borders and moxt every kitchen garden has a patch of banana plants and a few piuvpaw trees. have had bananas most erer day in ‘ some shape ur form and pawpaw sulnd ‘ several tirnrs from "Seawmd" garden. alsu the. latter grown from seed brought from Rit-hmnn-l Hill by Dr. Pentland, native fresh strawberries and ripe tomatoes. \Ve have also had some glorious walks amongst: the rucks. through the wilds and uverthe hills without hear ur snakes-there never has been one seen on the Islandâ€"if there ever were any, it is thuught that they must have ht-en all eaten up by quantites (it “ild hugs that ware found by Sir Gen. S-')IH(‘IS and party, when ship-wrecked on the north coast in 1609. Vegetables seem to be the chief i-xpnrt and us frust is un- known the crops are continuous and of splendid quuhtyâ€"the latter-nttained frum mother Natures wundi-rful kindness in pruriding thrsersnlated petrple “ith an abundance of St‘tl weed fnr the fertilizing If their little farim. New pntatnes, heels. carrots and parsley arenmw leing shipped into New Yulk and are bringing high pl‘lCt‘S. 0." Trip VTa New York To Bermuda morning slumhms, to of antiquated quiet in H‘dillfll in his beautifully g9. nunougst, his many is often heard calling. r' '-â€"-"Don’t won-y"? Axx A. Drumn ssentials. Liberty; in all things, Charity The Richmond Hill llnckvy Club held a banquet at Hotel Richmond Monday evening after which n sucinl hour was spent. .Ulont 45 "numbers and fliends Were present. Each of the players of the pnst season was presented with a lie pin, Rveva T. H. Tiench making the plesr‘ntntlhll. Several of [he mtizens nunth shmt spechos, Cun- gmlulnting Ihe [(‘Mlu nn thir round. and linpwl fur heth results next sensnn. Mr. Livingston, Presidont of the Meci-upulimn Leagnv. and Mr. Mutt. nn linnumry I’H‘sltlc‘ut, also spukv. making i-cfrrenuv to the (le- simhility of u lurgvr link. In the "bet-note hf tlu- Prosidvnt, Mr. P. G. Hill. whu was ill. the chair was taken by Mr. Gmdon Slum). Mrs. Gmlmm, lucvived in the Lodge mom. and alter menting each 63thPI' all x-epuiiod to the hall below where an enjuyuhln ll)|lSlC.|l plogramme was given. 'l‘lmse- wlm took part, were the nuted t'lltmluinm'. Ben Hokml of Tur- onln; the Missvs Dawson of Uninnville; Mr. Shawn-r of ’l‘umnbn, and Miss Mau'jmie \Vrighl. and Mr. qu'le New- ton. Tlleclmirwns taken hy Mr. J. H. Dunlap. vinre ulnsing. a vote of thanks muved by Mrs, McMahon and Mrs. Phipps was tendered by the ladies I“ [he lH'l'lhl‘I'n fur the very pleasant entoxtuimnunt. Bull‘s-l: le- freshnu-nts were served. and :he ynungsr Dnrlinn of those present, pul- ticipnted in a claim». Th9 hall wus beautifullydeem-"ted hy flowers and plants from tlu- Rlchnmnd llill green- lu-uses. Ever lndy pl'é‘svnt was pre- sented with u huuquL-L (f uses or some nther gift. Slindny S Bupkisms Evensan Thonwmbers of Richmnnd Lodge. theil-inoâ€"s and Indy friends spent n ple-xsant time at, the Mnsnniu Hull \Vednesdny evening of last; week.‘ The \V. M.. Mr. erd Graham, undI RI..~ f‘. Al. Mulniu \Vednesday ivensox 7 Melinda St., Toronto, Ont. Investment Brokers a Consult us as to your Bonds} and other Securities. E Purchases Made on all Exchanges. , Government Bonds Bought and Sold. A. E. Osler& Co. hoix Sunday after A 8TH MA luatinn 0f Holy ' Communion niug Prayer. Litzu Sermon St. Mary’s Church Investments :ter (4' the Prtisidvnt, Mr. P. U. who was ill. the chair was by Mr. Gordon Sloan. At any Branch of the Sterling Bank you may~ Purchase Money Orders. Buy or sell securities through our Bond Department. Open a Savings Account. Obtain advice regarding financial or investment matters. and information dealing with farm problems. Transact any other Banking business you desire. And no matter what your businea! may be. you will alway- find a lpirit of friendly Interest and careful consideration o’n the part of our officersâ€"which adds to the pleasure and uatisiactiou or doing buolntu with this bank. 50 THE STERLING BANK Bru ch95 at: Richmond Hill, Koswick. Quwnsville. Ann Thnrnhill, Lansing, Newton Brm k. and S211” UONIPLETE BANKING SERVICE Hockey Banquet Ladies Night vmlil l'fll S C(‘ll (Anglican: 1921 an H the_ Lodge 4.15 h OF CANADA H) "L H] m I’ll ll] l A. Cameron ifMacNalgfifi I_ have Provincial Bonds ‘ yielding 6.25 per cent. and City Bonds yielding 6.75 per cent. ‘ Phone 86 COR YONGE AND ARNOLD STS. RICHMOND hILL VICTORY BOND COUPONS re-invest in Government and Mummpal Bonds. New train the bound. will arrive p. m. daily. Tmi now arriving 5.! Thursday and SH 11.06 a. m. daily 9 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 31! Cable. Address: "Dedu" To]. M. 8631 [Hank Dcntnn Dentog, Macdonald 6: Benton Sound will h ept Sunday YOUR PATRONAGE THE JONES LUMBER AND COAL C0. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME EFFECTIVE MAY lst. STANDARD TIME All 3m», Malta, Notary, in OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG..18 KING STREET WEST v lin)( l ian When you cash your Barristers. Solicturs, 610 M A NNXNG ARCADE. [Single copies, 3 cts. WE SOLICIT P. SAUDER mnli Arthur AJIzludunnld 'rivo J Train ly e: own nu: 10.00 Richmond Hill from p. Nutinnal” south- itrhmnnd Hill 4.20 Stand \\‘ i No. 45 m. :' fur P daily nrd Tim

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