Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1921, p. 1

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and Sula (‘ landed tn ducth by Paul'onum MISS BEATRlCE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher_1Vl ethod Musical Kmdergarben sult-i Licensed Auctinm-m- York. Snlesntlendu notice. and at reason Patronage, Residence :lddn Victoria Silllill‘t JOHN R. CAMPBELI Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The )1; umpnnv Plllellt. ‘ nh’ert. Also Uemex Sand 01- Gr.“ ‘ car lots. Cedar pos‘s VOL. XLIII. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRKSTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. A] .7. El. E’s-(3 n tine x'nntn Ofli Bldg. Cur mch Ofii. Tuesduv uminatinns. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND, Richlmmd Ilill. Phrrne Bvlmunt 1317 LICENSED AUCTIONEER VETERINARY SURGEON, s by phone or otherwise promp LICENSED AUCTIONEER from THE COUNTY OF YORK Pntrnnnze and influence I'espmztfully Sulicilt‘d COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO .50 per annum, in advance.] Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale Maple Sand. G The Royal Bank of Canada puss Open Savings Acâ€" counts for each one of your children. Insist upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift will gradually become a strong trait in each child’s character. J. T. SAIGE 01V Maple There is a branch of this Bank nexu- you and .1 Savings Department at every Branch. Teach Your Children the Value of Money ’l‘horuhill . (11‘ (30 inches in ement Brick QL'd. hum tin tile. ii nlliol 5r T. (‘0 ['SINS llt 3' an 'umu I“ hmnm' 0011 at 14 l" (B N d In un able rutvs solicited rnvcl and Brick on hand fur sale. «phone p .msel vuhu'y 15‘ and ll-ugth P. 0. add] Gurmlethli by thc mtil \Ol'll‘ and Man Mania lleunnlynf Offices r un shmlesli C: uh 111mm ill H1 'E. R. SANDERSQN W. HEWESGN HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- ' Hanger. :aâ€""g » ~ '5 57.": \anlm- S. j Rev. lem Hill. SULS WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalm ers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE ()fli () Alsu REAL ESTATE AND lNSl’RANCE THORNHILL Ri-chm The Town ‘ The Towns l‘hr Tme The Impmi J . M. \anu A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places £00 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctwn 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail ordexs will receive prompt attention. LOL‘A F. ELVIN WELLWOOD PLUMBING _\.\'D TINSMITIIING IIO'I‘ \‘VA'I‘ER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS Ill lh Barristers Solicitor Telephone Main Uan eve Richmond Hi5! JOHN A. C. HENDERSON will re NAUGHTON VANDURF LICENSED AL'CTIONEER {Monarch Bldg” 26â€"28 A 98,â€" Hide Sh, \Vesl. Turnntn. ' Nuughtcn Blnck. Aux-mu Solicnm- fur: Town of Aurora [‘uwnship of King l‘mvnship nf \Vhill'hlll't'll [mpmiul Bunk pf Cnnudzl. Au mmi Bx il ish DENT'ST Trent-h Block, two doors nm-lh: Slundmd Bunk. HoursDzlJn. to 5.30 n.m. M A R THORNIIILL,‘ ONT AGENT â€"â€"P. eft RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY MAY 12. 1921 Ht ‘1” NOTARY PL'BLH CONVEYANL‘ING TE} lns l’lmuc- Aux-om EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC N T. ANDERSON PIANO LTUNER . J. HUi’fiI-E _ L. R. BELL Slll lIilI RIAGI with Mr. G90 ive prunan utu ()l'lhl' Himnun 911.1". to 5.30 p.m. ningsby appointment I] 01' S Tclvphune (mwn As m-pul-M inn and Brilisl‘ 'zmrv Conn Milken 1th HMOND HIL Phnn V‘Vll RPS 82 JENKINS Cmnpnr Automobil HV um pa 11y OI In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials. Liberty; in allfitings, Charity.” H ()l thin KARL]. h 1)“);in VVCst n-y Naughlun Elgin Mil}. Phone 44.4 Ul Notaries 2777 nth [HO] :1. Adel rimmihiil sulumls nugke it an eveng 0n induy 0v \vns given hy Miss M. Ave. Prus. Chumh, ’1‘ also (imwml Semen”)- GL-udod'Union. This much inspil'ntim) Lu th fullnwing \vvvk. The leltlht't‘s made it :1 pt \i~iL the lwnws ut‘ all their 5 thus luiuging the pun-uh: in harmony with those who [9th Childl'PH nu Sunday. A plmwmt SULTiill timn was the Presbyterian S. S. ml evening when supper \ms 1 tlw pnl'HlIS of the children officvlsum] teachers, md fu vvc‘nn ()flicu were 1 1m px \Vhit Sunday MAY 15TH ('olvhmtinn of the Hnly )mnmuniun ('elvhrzltinn uf the, Holy and SUImUII Sunday School Bnpliuus Hwnsong and Sermv-n Monday llith Mm'nim: Tuesday 17(h Mnrning \‘vl'dllPM Evensun (Ylmir P night. and in the- opening exert pressing much rogre ansihle for the Rev the Methodist chnu A' splendid addx-t :Ifte HM] the Hill hezu‘ls ofull, and her impro makv u. h-Ippy ending fox week. The rollmliun fur t 1.11-- soul tn acid in the wqu < Children's Hospital. NE“ ll)( issémhlt Leathers md all L hildi‘ Child: howls: gulul' ASL ll] Ill iii whi :cchws iui rimh‘ J IT the [In which (,‘h urch , 1‘!) u rsd n y Illildren wmn ] pux c. wido Ingsta fi. )lullt‘l J dune h, 1- which St. Mary's Church (Anglican) achu {S [h IMHO!) “le lll I'H‘ m sm-vice “2-H held 0 \. m. and the three n. Methndist and Prv d in the lust unnm ,lrvn fining thr pew a mvming (if tl) was held when r~n nu "Sunday ~html and [he tUntnriu has In untitntinn and ' uf 19:0 lu-‘fnle NICH'TON BROOK tn the Salim. 1d the l'omn Abel-’5 Chuil :n'ly :lLtOlldk-I 18th Mn 37 Exoning and Atldn-ss it 2nd vPIil )lminu 13' on t the St the) 1'0 Suud [hi the on by Mrs. h of the Re l‘lHHKNEH'J 0r}: inlvlcstinp; Thu Superintel :I- 'niufly hf t] (1‘. tu lhv inv ll: th 0n \Vw \Ves-k [)I'IXI'HS Sch inlrtim any] in mi SImng. decided this year l water success. euing preveding lh *tingof [he Wurkm uy snlumls was held enthusiastic uddxvs Her k [|( I‘. \\' lh thn: Chui‘clx Friday was nhwrvs mnnunity ()l: SH). 0:) Mn nt Eadie 0f Umvnn 'l‘m-nnln. who is ry nf the Touth is (“500le gun.- the \vmk fur lhv. in 111‘: Sum 5 now bevom Id with lhe 'Tnle them w. BUCK LEE, Privsl-[n-Clmrg to with m'n ups :I kindly childx-un 9th hildrvu by the md full justice things provided, . Rev. Mt-Dougal csting talk {0 all :I’intendent and hf their wul‘k inv they had in sidence jay [he nd [It y. Th” p‘lstm' \t, the umrninz (\f ihv evening helpful pnpt-r s‘chunl Music,‘ Home Dopml Pl'Ppnl-utiml,’ by tlmrougl ’x'ay l'i|y 1h A!‘ th ll] leach theix SI" 8 a. m. omnuminn )ll 11a . p‘ 4.15:) x p‘ I' 10;! ) Sunday vhunche-s, shyt‘elidn ,1 rhuwll. s in 111(- tIchnnld s. clmluh Thm-nhill S, Josephâ€" Sarahaldi day will tho Sick hers :m and two shown. \‘anO of lu‘ld by Fr idu y III nmnnel won [11 ‘0 and nildI-en pres :llly Suuduv H) p. m ll) lli Supp int Trinity f‘riduy ewtnn “1., U” hm ch Hlldrly held, :ldx 1t lltfnl “a! ‘1“! l ill the [n Ill) nt H] "L [I] "I. II) |lt HI 1H Wmm' \\ v are now in :1] your needs in 9‘ work,:1nrl will I) in regard In Eave Troughing, Furnace and Ge‘eral Repair Work. TEETZEL BROS. Consult us as to your Bonds M and other Securities. [ .. \V; Shnp next, to the Shoe Fa Public Notio 7 Melinda St., Toronto, Ont. Investment Brokers A. E. Osler & C0. [umber have been clnmst :my nthm- ( lots (If lumber is In Ins; and in many {0 Metal Roofing, Meial Siding, Metal Garages, Etc. 1me p1 ()IHE 7OU MAY THINK lh( Jones Lumber & Coal C0. by 3”. .â€" daught \Viflwl) Purchases Made on all Exchanges. hunk Investments nu In many m<t ed by thnnmnu Government Bonds Bought and Sold. 1931. Mr. \Vzl msvillv tu Miss ,iuhmund Hill. in and see us about yam mun THE SEEMNG hh Brnnche llll A( ()Id Bank Building Sterling Bank Service is first, last and always a personal one. Discussing applications for credit, furnishing advice and information, obtainingâ€"if possibleâ€" additional information the customer requiresâ€" these and every other transaction receive a per- sonal attention which brings more satisfactory results. Our Manager will be glad to meet youâ€"to dis- cuss your plans for 1921â€"at any time. 4; PERSONAL BANIKING SERV’ICE Compuri M (' D MA (If [DE h EMANâ€"On “’9an Toronto, hv the R with q‘ hmv [h Ml RRHGES lpnsitinn tn "-1 mot-V line hf ork now nne At l\ the pure 0H nlleu more than ‘ and Mlé. I". hmnnd Hill to er uf Uniunvill I” 15102151 I‘hm nhill Richnu tiln hmnr IV l1M.M:Lcki to 5m OF CANADA (1 Hill. n April {.0 Spring in the "H build Hill. Ks «1:1 \‘ Hill Ilp u-m .Iny 1| {\Denton, Macdonald é“: Tel. M. 3631 Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. 2Docrs South of Bakery on Yonge St. DECORATOR N. C. Shaver. B. Be)th {nylon B and St Richmond Saturdays. Te 24 KING ST H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC \vi(-k. Qm onsvill II EA‘DFO R D. G01 mley to UFFT TEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTC DAILY STAR BLDG. 18 KING STREET \V‘EST w. m‘mde's Ink Dent umm dlnne Insm'unc: Shaver GEO. KEDD B artiste:- Gameron MacN RICHNIOND HILL ].S.SHEPHERD Barristers, Solicrors, &r EARLE NEWTON nu TELEPHONE Cable Add WILLIAM COOK [Single copies. 3 cts 5161', DOIICZEDI MANNING ARCADE GRAINER Barristers. Sollcilors Notaries. Etc. L ATE vt Plano-Playing Conservatory of Mmgnwt's (‘olh Hillâ€"\Veduesdn m) Arthur Taylor. 6: Rhodes Plu‘ne 4 PIANIST Pin nn-Pln mu at OF M .\PLE ni APER‘IIANGE la n v Hamilton ’1‘1u TORONTO. (h McNaughton MAINE 3H ss: "Dado" ANAL-don- Notary, DILFA ll ETC. (Herein u‘rent UH Munnr N )rm 'L‘o 3 Qty Fall In St. West Toronto 6 A 4 No M |l( enton and xtes

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