Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1921, p. 3

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in fin to the upper been upon th 1 could paris paris green. That destructive beetle was origin- ally native to mountain districts of' Colorado, where it fed on a wild varie- I ty of potato plant called the “sand bur." It is supposed to have been car- ried into Missouri by the cattle traiflc, and in 164 it crossed the Mississippi River. In the early seventies it had Crossed the Detroit River and Lake Erie was literally alive with potato bugs, passengers on chips or whatever else would keep them afloat. They reached the Atlantic coast in 1873, and the beaches were soon swarming with them. Vessels were boarded by them in such numbers that hatches had to be. battened down. I At that period and for some time afterward much alarm was felt lest the potato would become. an extinct vegetable in Canada and the United States. But nature has a way of deal- ing with such mischiefs, and before long parasitic enemies of the beetle multiplied in such‘ numbers as to make possible its control. The above-mentioned fly, which done such good work in Michigan, be colonized in other parts of country, and may solve the potato problem for good and all. HAWKlNS NIXON Variationsâ€"Hawkes, H a w kin s on , I Variationsâ€"Nichols, Nicholas, Nicolas. Hawes, Hawson. Racial Originâ€"English. Sourceâ€"A given name. They don't look those family name given name from grown. The only variation of the given name of Henry which is frequently found today is “Harry.” In the Mid- dle Ages there were many, prominentl among which were "Hal" and “Haw.”l This last seems to have been due to a peculiar twist of the Norman tongue, which tended to substitute a “u” or a “w” for an “I.” It was the same ten- dency which changed the word} “heahne” into “heaume” and gave us[ the family name of “Homer,” though' later the English speech reverted to the “I” and brought the word back to "helm" again. It is the same ten- dency which changed the whole char! 'acter of the French language a fewl centuries ago. Mlnard's Llniment Reilevea Distemper “healme” into the family na later the Eng the “I” and In From this variation “Haw,” of Henry. there developed in turn a di- minutive form of the name “Hawkin.” This “kin” ending is an Anglo-Saxon element. which has its counterpart in the modern German diminutive end- ing “cheni” Then came "Hawkinson," at first a purely descriptive addition to the names of many sous whose fathers were named “Hawkin,” but later to become hereditary and a true family name. Hawkins and Hawkes are fur- ther shortened forms, and Hawes comes from Hawson. for most m Your old, I: replaced‘ lng what y largest and Canada of s pc Bea Grape=Nuts is the perfected goodness of wheat and malted barley, and is exceptionally rich 1n nourishment It Feeds body and brain without tax upon the digesmon. "There's a. Reason" _____(/z AUTO REPAIR PARTS P‘ em tua Dutlcrm 8 try potat ng the Potato Bug. to p0 %€IE'S a. Reasnn Why In th s bm 11y makes a helpful breakFaSt and a profitable lunch For the worker who must be awake and alert during the day. not Res and models of oken or worn-out (1E ngefims [1y son Surnames and 'E‘hefir Grigin 1t quipmer In Can much like Henry, ; but that is the which they have etfe was origin- Q . , min districts of IL, 7 g Ir for some time was felt lest me. an extinct ad the United a way of deal- fs, and before woul )1‘ rmer with has will the bug the rce in 1e l The medieval English did not al- ways pick the same nicknames and diminutive variations for given names that we use toâ€"day, but one of their variations was “Nick,” though some- |times it was spelled “Nix” and some 'times “Nyk” or “Nykk.” In one old document the same individual is re- ! ferred to in one place as “John Nykks” and in another as “John fil, Nyck” (that is John “films” Nick, or “the son of" Nyck). fiAEY’S MN m Once a mother has used Baby’s Own Tablets for her little ones she is al- ways pleased to speak highly of them to other mothers. She knows the good they have done her children and realizes that her experience should be of benefit to others. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Fred Murphy, Charlotte- town, P.E.l., writes: “I have used Baby‘s Own Tablets for the past eight months for my baby. I cannot speak too highly of them for they have been of great assistance to me in my first experience of motherhood.” Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which are absolutely harm- less and may be given to even the newborn babe with perfect safety. They are sold by medicine dealers or direct at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Willivams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Thibet, Nepuaul, Abyfisinia, parts of Arabia, and Afghanistan are still closed to the British and Foreign Bible Society. As is indicated in the foregoing list of variations, the family names in this group are all derived from the given name of Nicholas. This name did not appear in Eng- land before the period of Norman- French‘ occupation and amalgamation. The Normans brought it with them from the continent, and due to its reâ€" ligious association with St. Nicholas, who lived several centuries before and had become Widely known as a patron saint of children, the name became quite popular throughout England about the time family names were be- ing formed. That was in the period centering around the twelfth, thir- teenth centuries. Racial Originâ€"Anglo-Norman. Sourceâ€"A given name. And lass and To welcome i For the most part “Nyck” was the variation of the name most popular with the Anglo-Saxon part of the population, and hence those who hear the family names derived from it may assume an original Angloâ€"Saxon an- cestry as more likely than Norman- French. L10 51‘ IE I {REG 1] tlxe ime malvidual is re- )lace as “John Nykks” as “John fil, Nyck” fillus” Nick, or "the {513%}? 6}? 7N MEETS rie 11205 mall 1g | ous men, and for strength, Dr. an ideal tonic who of Dr. weak a: do my from h weak and run down that I could hardly do my own work. I often suffered from headaches and was very nerv- ous. I then began the use of Dr. Wil- liranis‘ Pink Pills and I can‘truthfully say I have found them the best medi- cine I have ever taken. You may de- pend upon it I will advise other sut- ferers to take these pills." You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The frolicsome waves caress the gold- en sand; The gentle zephyr whispers to the tree; The brilliant sunshine smiles upon the landâ€" What mean these wondrous signs to you and me? W From robin's throat a note of silver drips; The filmy cloudlets mrt with sea and sky. The dew beguiles the larkspur’s love- ly lipsâ€" All Nature heeds the spring’s most gladsome cry. . Each little bud that Opes upon the bush; Each blade of grass which peeps from out the sod; All things a prey to springtime’s on- ward rush Reveal the goodness and the love of God. \Vhence come these gifts, these beau- ties many, rare? The Hand that fashions them is ready ever To show the way that blossoms bright and fairâ€" \Vhere spring in happy hear-ts may reign forever. As a balm to French patriotism Ger- many has finally decided to turn over a train load of military trophies cap- tured from France in the war of 1870, says a Paris despatch. Included among them are numerous‘cannon and rifles and even the first machine gun models. The train bearing these tro- phies has arrived at Mayence. They will be displayed for the troops of oc- cupation there and then brought to Paris for an exposition at the Inval- ides. The French Ministry of War has not yet been informed whether the French campaign banners which the Germans are compelled under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles to §urrender, but some of which were re- ported to have been destroyed at the outbreak of the war and the remain- der in the anti-French demonstrations in Berlin last year, are in the Ship- ment. Unemployment in the British Isles is rapidly reaching the 2,000,000 mark, according to Government figures pub- lished for the week ending April 22. <I‘he report shows a total of 1,774,000 on the unemployment registers, which is an increase of 750,000 since the pre- sent industrial crisis began. During the coal strike the figures have been rising weekly to an alarming extent. London and the southeastern dis- trict lead with a total of 316,000, which is an increase of 14,000 in two weeks. The northwestern district comes next with 265,000, While in the \Vest Mid‘ lands there are 239,000 unemployed. Minard's Llnlmen! DDE Fll' )wn s ‘e thi Trophies of 1870 Returned to France. ad t0 t1‘ e of th E’MN Unemployment in Great Britain. BXCXUS A Call of Spring. ares 1 m Lon Eood and benef medic THE" cin pale old Will VG here In health illié ude ll( 11101‘6 gr: for are 10( for Dandrufl. unemployed regis- ;hort time workere» 53,000 women. unty BEES“. AI nfi‘flhfi E" Ql‘VCS. health. Dr. a fine tonic certain in Ath On atural who 1‘ l will in he Tommy longer?" Ethelâ€" up for ?" Tommy Tommyâ€"“I want to see you and Mr. Green playing cards.” Mr. Greenâ€"“But we are not going to play cards, sonny.” Tommyâ€"“Oh, yes, you are; for I heard mam saying to Ethel that every- thing depended on the way in which she played her cards to-night.” With an air of convincing proof the little maid quickly replied: “Daddy spanks me." From Personal Experience. Little Freddy was using his fists on little Helen. “Freddy, stop!” commanded his mother. “Don't you know that gentle- man never strikes a lady?” Instantly Helen stopped crying. “They do, too," she contradicted. “Why, Helen,” said mother, “when did you ever see a gentleman strike a lady?” Shut Him Up. Scottish humorâ€"recently remarked Sir Harry Lauderâ€"is generally dry and crisp, but I as told a story over in the United States which I think will beat many Scottish ones. ‘A stranger arrived at a Far West village, and dur- ing his first walk up the one street he encountered a young man leaning against the door of a saloon,. lazily chewing gum. “Pretty quiet place this,” said the stranger. “There’s a quieter over there,” re- plied the villager, still busy with his gum and jerking his thumb in the direction of the cemetery. “Have you lived here all your life ?" asked the visitor, hoping to carry on the conversation. “Not yet," came the dry reply. After that the stranger gave up. The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature magaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York City. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed naturâ€" al drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, will be given a prompt reply. ' advt Prince Henry, the third son of the King and Queen, who attained his ma- jority on March 31, is destined for a military career. Although tLrust somewhat in the background by his older brothers, the Prince of 'Wales and the Duke of York, Prince Henry is immensely popular with the public. In stature he excels his brothers and is fond of sports and outdoor life. In pursuance'of his inclination to be a soldier he went through the army class at Eton and afterward studied at Sandhurst, the English WestPoint. Last August the Prince was gazetted a second lieutenant of the King’s Royal Rifles and at present is attached to the Thirteenth Hussars at Alder- a second Royal Rifle to the T‘ni shot. AI Prince Henry to Enter Army. iI prMh/‘Il \IN'VV' Il‘ His Hearing Restored. Wdo wh mi the Spilling the Beans â€"“May I stay 111 W an d the child. “be (3 gm, and when he table he just said ‘( lat a supper!’ ” u know he ot a Hoot do you want to stay blo kind of g i said grax ughter of t stay up a little 1im com ace doe his horn he came sweetl t give a tab a sat Good your one of the characters of th alphabet. The operator places the ind of the left hand in the King which moves over this zinc p having found the required sig the stamping lever with hand.‘ The chief merits cla the machine are its economy of \V the machine are its economy and ease. After two days’ practice the inventor’s sightless comrades learned to write sixtyAfive letters a minute. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. . She 'Was. Mistress (in‘dignan'tly)â€"“Jane, what did you mean by wearing my new evening dress at the dance last night? Really, you ought to have been ashamed of yourself!" ." . V ~ _ - “1‘ r,‘ - "I ,a 4 :5: :v- .~'-. ' i .3: 5:31”: “‘1: “Thaw” --_..'..__.4 ' THE OLD RELIABLE. TR 1 Jane (mee-kly)â€"â€"“I was, ma’am; you never heard such remarks as they made.” Talk is cheapâ€"unless a lawyer il handing it out. Warning! Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu- matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of tWelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Moncaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. ith Typewriters for the Blind. An inge the blir n t Beauty of Skin EnhancedbyCuticura Eencé lfirPioneer Dog Remedies A l Book on KEEP YOUR HEALTH When used for every-day toilet pur- poses Cuticura keeps the complex- ion fresh and clear, hands soft and white and hair live and glossy. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint- ment to soothe and~ heal and the Talcum to powder and perfume: szfm 02:1an 25 50:. Tile“! 25:. Said throughout the Dom imam {331116183 Depqt: M tllrougbculffieDominion. CanadianDepct LYN-n). Limiéod. 34} SI. Pgul SL. Hogtreal. 11 nu... Wéahcun-SB;B Ihnvé'without mug. {assified Advertisemen Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd Yarmouth, N.S. Bayer” is only Genuine ll] ail .l( WANTED MONEY ORDERS. MOTOR CY ID ISSUE No. ’20â€"'21. ASPIRIN is mode and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. H.013 Glover Co., Ina. 11$ eat 3lst Strut New York. U‘S.A. 36 DISEASES only he index finger 9 finger guide, zinc plate, and, ed sign, strikes with his right ts claimed for man zinc ring Como )1‘ the use ed by Na- ) ACT duclng me or- rtable in

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