SAMSON TRACTORâ€"Flows and Disc on Demonstration. Lowest priced tractor on the market when quality and equipment are considered. All working parts enclosed and running in oil. ‘_ Price $1275 .00 with one year guarantee. ém0009900006¢¢¢6009696WNOO96¢690W906®¢M06M®¢0 LADIES’ AND GENTS’ TAILOR RICHMOND HILL WQ‘MOWMOQQQWNNWW¢0990MOMON600¢ 600M 6 - m.MONWâ€.OOOOOO§OOWOOOONMQO6066600000066 MILL ST. Celery Now that the cold weather is over and hot days are here, you will want a Summer suit. I can make you one from $35.00 up, for m 11. Some of the better suits are reduced from $5 .00 to $10.00, FARMERS ATTENTION Asters, choice varieties Cosmos, mixed colors Zinnia, mixed c Marigold, dwarf and tall Sweet Aly: Nasturtiums, dwarf and climbing Phlox Drummondi (mixed colors) Petunias, ruffled and fringed edgeS Nicotiania Antirrhinium (snap dragon) mixed colors as I just received a new price list from the Whole salers, and goods are down a little at present Ladies Summer Suits from $40.00 up. All Work Style and Fit Guaranteed. The New Hardware Store C. N. COOPE BLYTHEWOGDQARDENS Flower and Vegetable Plants DAVID HILL & CO. COLD WEATHER E. R. FORTNER Cabbage H. DAVIS bage Cauliflower Asparagus Roots Trench Block ized Pails, Granitm Stovepiping, Brooms, B'rushes Spades, Shovels, Fork Poultry Netting, Building amts, Paper, ' Roofing. Baseballs. Oils, Varnishes. Salvia innia, mixed colors Sweet Alyssum RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill WEI Galvan- 1'mware Tomato viwld (3.05‘ Ric h mnnd 80 no fnnlish. hy ynu cunning stony omitted necessal Hm deil thinu (-111- thv 50an my son may L't hi< mlml u. song at the much ngullm‘s v f llw pussvl-s lifteth up hiwvnice saying [Io-«'nheurtml†:xnd lhn WI zlnsu'm-x-d him saying "No". Sn take hved ye :mwulch (Ill And what. [indeth 119?. DU'll he ï¬nd that he hall) to dvnl with an IIgI'P,IVI‘ an nun-er, :1 dvn of thievrs. m uf fcl'nclwls |m:lsls?. nay, he lim'lwtll num: uf [how things, but rathur is he gl'I-etorl with snft \vmde, and a, kindly smile and \le-n he is usmvd lhExL his wealth will nnL he (sun‘idexuhly (learn-sud his llr‘dl‘l rojt-icolh, and he loan-'5 lho plosvntt‘ nf llim wlw ll‘llllSll'l‘Ptll to the needs of nvglmmd sr‘l‘ and there cormjlh In inn-t, valuing ht'fwl And what. ï¬n ï¬nd that he hn self, I must, hie me tn lhv mun who IuinisteH-lh tn lhesv thinge. Sn in the course of time it comes In p489. that, Ilw visit tn the. man “110 minish'rulh In these things can In) longvr he delayed. nnd with umny Iniwivings :13 In the number of shokeis he will have tn pun-L with he (elieth his tile uf wnv, finding vxumes in pl- nty tn :u-cnunt for his lnldim- ‘ in lime when yvu :n'i- linriznnlnl, and lie- lmld the slate of [My sull- is‘ nppurl m. The wonknvs“ uf a, man’s Milk is (Illen his undoing. fni- it is knnwn to (in! \viev [hut [Hlpx‘ lm' Ihu unwui y an plentiful on llu- lum- if the birth. smut-Limes plum-(l lhme hy llu- hind nf mun. nurl yrl, again by the hand nf a child, and nature- smm-timus hath .1 hand in this. The uuwm y nmn wlm slvvppl-Lh frnnl his dwelling in the early hnurs. with his head held high. dreaming ufhis daily tasks, and isproudlyconsuinus (if his uhililyy tn mercnme all uhâ€" SLI "minus, scm-m-Lh Ln in OK when- he n'a'wlh his fou't, cmnvs in Minuet with snuwlhing tnngihlv that, brings him slim-ply lnu'k (run: his flighlsof imuginntinn tn» the “into 3: rinus lhnnghtâ€"lhut his sole is not all llml it, shuuld he. so he sayelh nutnhimâ€" Tllcrvfuu- I say for lhuugh thy solt sight, of other In vertical, pe'l'uhunce llu-ru mu time what! yru :H‘t' hm-izmxtnl hold the state of thy snlv is n The \venkans “f u umn’ when his undoing. fur it is 11 the. wisp that (laps fur the un plentiful nu thu 1mm 1 f Ll lllldl- he if uppt re-mrhcth : furthvr In A mun’: I il'q By mr \Vo’WI nttuim-lh u ppers _ zu Canadian Red Cross Society Enroll in the Red Cro Found health measm‘es Enrollment Committee. the TORONTO 'l'l ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 Province 0f Ontario Bends up. . 9. sniferiq‘ Snlt (his 1 supply you with ï¬ft m of Ontario gvld l 3.0:}. ilmlf ywuly. A.. he dis rd him saying "No". xke hvod ye :unvulchï¬ï¬‚ (mm. L :w the xii-gins “hu were OmiL mrt the moans “ht-w- muy prevent your fs-e-t “‘0!†in Column with the hard and path. :15 the mulish \iI-gins fnom thvir lumps . the l‘)’ “mans-0f illuminatiun. an not your heart, but let. 11- list to the :mgllishrd my bf Husten, Sn that its wailings $9. owing to the alleviatiwn Rcd Cm 1nd The Saving Of A Sple We have seen a Canada organized for war; now let us have a Canada organizeï¬ for good health. Hill. Hll IIH‘FH‘IS 0E mu] have ario Prox y nmn wlm stvppvth Train in Iho curly hulll's. with 3M high‘ dreaming of his and is proudly con“ :iuus Illlll llmvmen. A. RULFE, Shin-mp: Smith of s id E965 tl'l‘Pth to the needs and there conth In ’ llnLO ynu lw \It: is hidde hum men when you re more mnv cm: Lh hme hy Hu- hn lill by the hund‘ SUIIH‘UIIIUS hath in Ontafio has: him I 5:: in polish his sulv. will you suwo butlt'l' fuming Ontario Division Lhon :m- s-ritius mm H“ llml ll "1an him- 0 man who mnv cunn- :n Ital, and he- is nppurl‘lll. :In’s sale is is knmvn tn unwary me the 0 H'lh, .v Hm h-Ind lwnd‘s to “KS; :1le h)â€, ht} “Ale \\‘(' re: s by Provided funds for three years for a public health nursing in the University of Toronto. The ï¬rst class of titty graduates in May. Provided eight nurses,for child hygiene demonstrations under the Provincial Board of Health. Distributed to civil hospitals equip- ment and supplies left over from the war. Contributed to the relief of diEes stricken suï¬erers and underno'uri ed children in Europe. C0~operaled with the Soldier Sell ment Boardjn helping soldier s lers in emergencies due to sickn in the family. factory Continued it hospitals. wit R11: 3 H1 Like well loved voices. ’ Silent, Culling, Alung life's pathway, whm stray, And ï¬nnq:nu]weMLh 211 i(nrnrl¢9;x(li11:?. To path; nlhuï¬ng. un( astray, \VW1H9 truth eercnvh( ilsrfloading. For cans to listen, am' pray. N0 lfï¬lndatv 1m Hllhralling‘, The trails uf gndn way. flmving river. Majvstic merges, in a buundlvss HUI, And Lime dethI-mmd, recedes \Vilhnnl forever, Exquisite homvlund! of the soul In ln’. 410 SHERBOI Then- Burntâ€"In Inving ,Iossiu A. Bun Mrs. I. Nichuk. Gullaid, U. l’. Sanderson. 1;“)1al'illllSâ€"Stulllh‘y Bnyntun, ] Hupgu-r. Hm mun .\lm [SOIL Organistâ€"Miss! Margin-lite B; Loaders of Readingâ€"Mr. H. '1‘ and Miss E. Mm-Lsnn. Lvndvl' vf Singing â€"-U. 1’. Sandy Assit mt Miss Mulgul't‘l Mqugué '1‘unu:un-er~â€".\lr. \V. Briuum-Il. Huinv Dr-nt. Snpt.â€"Mr<. McC: Homo Dvpt. SI-creturiesâ€" \Vinnificd Nichuls. and Miss Read. Missionary Suptâ€"Miss A. Uv| MiSSiIHIHly Sx-cu'tinâ€"Mr. l\’ Bnynton. (‘rInSSPL‘ Na. 2. 3. and 4 :Iw (HgJIli-ml, Class NH. 6â€" Mus. R. l". Baynzn 1 and Mrs, W. Brummm H. Uluss Nu. (i-Mls. 'l‘uppln Mlh‘ Mis: Jessie C(gllmd. "HE'S vunnin oï¬ic HELE lift $3 @6351 (e public op ur local Réd The “(rum 1 Hum-able lt'pnl Election of U Suptâ€"R. F. 1 Assistant Snpl Secwlnrirsâ€"H '1‘ l H we: 1' [RS llll- my 14th 1920 LII Iil-hl'ul and lm‘ingly t1 L'uvd inln rest. VKC'XUHIA SQL'AHE DABIXE'L‘ 1‘, Died May n. Tâ€"MLQ M. MN «I. 8â€"Miss U. H IN MEHGRIJAI lll nu Death; life’s 06 Cross Branch 0 ommunity, with RNE STREET B‘ O\l In mmnm-yl who dop >f diEeas: :rnourish ynu Husband favor of ranch or no the potent their domin Hoppn A B. .‘fl intensiï¬es )f my wih mlrd |hi> he )l lll fulgvnt II N0. (“(1311 16 “'6‘ xclwxs Ille PP‘ nun". ~I\Iiss Al.ce 1921 I‘SOII ï¬ll“ ll“ IL ‘)l\ph sit 1nd HG? llld Ml lhl lh Concert. at Friday, May ‘ Ave. Methodis fiftven O RENTâ€"Twr Apply MRS Richmond Hill. WAS? [1 dependent. AN county introducing 25 ruhlwnizod household $15 :I day up. \Vl-ite West. Toronto. 4 f TIDDLES. Eumscul: turn and get reward of AT LOSTâ€"A gray and whitn t strayed from the premiL-cs (If 3 E. Gitford. on the Clement Fm: Richmond HI“. Answer to the nut 4f TIDDLES. Eumsculuu‘d, pit-ace ! V eggs for hatching. guaranteed. J. \V. BOWMAN Yonge St, Phone 44 1‘ 11, Richmond Hill. Ricmnnd Hill or W. JONES. jonc Street. province of Saskatchewan, 1.1,- mi from town of 4000 people. fair bni ing, good water, lZUIlCX't‘S cultivuti 160 acres fenced. ~will sell {01425 r acre or exchange for town propel Ricmnnd Hill or fax-m lands in vicinil \V. JONES. Jones Lumber Co. Arnm‘ ‘ORTNER livei-Cd Hill. ‘OR SALEâ€"Ladies lrl suit splvndid quality wmn very little. Apply. Post Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill l ' 0le (gm Thm' Electric FRED H. JOHN Yonge St \V’OVEN WIRE 17F Canadian Stool Hinge. Alum Iron gingf L‘ per hun bushes, filst-r at Int 30. «am. 3. ' Phone 2830 Maple 4 OR SALEâ€"On easy Le-Ims 100 ucros Int 28. can. 5, Mmkham. Brick hr‘nse. Bunk Burn. driving slwdsand nlhm- Buihlings‘. all nmv wire fpmed hrts (If grmd water forstuck xvitleL pumping It. School saunas thou-(null. good clay Lnum, Fall wheat in, and seeding will he cmnpluted, would give passessinn this spling or next fall. Apply owner. JOHN \Vouns, L'nipn- ville. R. R. Nu. 1. Ontario. if \ TAN'I‘ED - “'(‘m-m flvl' hon ’ - wm k. two days a “‘z'vk. A p MRS. (Dr.) J. P, \VILSUN. 1.3 l F from Yonge St, good lmnk hul stahliug under, 2 frmne huuses, gm urchmd, “humus hush, land in gm; cï¬nditiun. I’USSCSsiUIIHt once. \\'i help buyer to put. in setdinu. Fl quick sale nnly $60 por new. 6 Ronnie inick huusu on Rosmiuw Ave. manned brink house on Mill St. “ F. CARTER. 42-5 DOR SALE OR EXCHANGT I] 28 and 29, "on. 2. Vuugluu sell in bulk, or divide the farm SLINEY. Rlchmund llill, Bull [ANTEDâ€"A young ; the tailoring. A RTNER. Richmond Hill B. FINCIlâ€"jnh Cupon pairs and Alterations. tux-e wpuircd. Elizabeth St mum! Hill. Box 109. »l N U'l‘lCEâ€"E. Slinoy is prepnled 1 do all kinds (af anking an outing in Richmond Hill and vicini Pull-mnqu sulicitod. Phone Richmu Hill 98. 4‘.’ If FOR SA LEIâ€"II: Centu- and Richmond Hill. LEAN 524 Murkh: MISS U. MCDUN FOR SALEâ€"Stluwlx _ per hlllldl'rd. z ELP \VANTED AGENTSâ€"Be 0R SA [IEâ€"20¢) :l('l‘t _ .n TOR SALE~200 Acrvs I} UUK EG GSâ€"Bureflgrod p 0R SALI ABY CARRIAGE FUI‘SEIII‘. M 308. BULL, Jefferson, Stop Street 001) FOR SALEâ€"â€"’[‘ mixed wood at $12 (1. H. HAMMOND, acres 2m \‘Vn 111; A; (15‘ EDâ€"A Cl“)er LEâ€"â€"}IO|IS(‘:IIH] lut (nu-nor re and Elimluuh SKI-9e ‘ Hill. Apply A. 1'). M.‘ Markham Street Turmnn ~.\I(7DONALD\RiLhmOnd ‘11 If. ‘ Elia. ‘M’elhndim 20. THIN]! .‘ { Church leoh “'0 YOU“) gin; Mills. «‘Ntings 3!) bus. 1 Washil TON, He; M L'sso )ll t in your cit 5 lines fast a at $3 per hn'nth ulghan. P.Jo: ricultul girl Mmly n1- AIM ACESâ€"Jim f_arm, being \ :ulghnn. 1nd Anwri nnt'l 00 df \Vel 41H )1\(‘lllCl 1m: :u'm. jun): Bull Phone. km m Fer-til Stopi nt Ii: 16 1cm Arm 16 hn M [f M 3 pet "lll‘lll RiLh Will llâ€