Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1921, p. 5

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You will find a good litre of ho monicas at The Liberal Store. We purpose holding report of (,‘adet (Toni-ert ou-r till our next issue. The President James: Mv-‘Lt-an is giving $40 to be (ll\l(ittl intofturl' prizes. Mrs. J. \\'. (‘urrun of Sault Ht' Marie was the Mr. and M rs. \Vm. l’ratr, last \\'t't’l\’. The Lawn Bowling Season is on: see ' us about your Howls. 'l‘he llichmond Hill Hardware (To. Don't forget to bring your ( lri- Name] coupon to our store on May lti and 17. Richmond Hill Hardware ('0. Be at the (‘rhi-Namel Demonstration in our store on Munqu and Tuesday May 16 and 17. The Richmond Hill Hardware Co. ,_ Mr. A. A. Jordan Public School In- spec-tor. paid an ()t‘licial Visit tothe Richmond Hill Public School last week. T. F. McMahon has taken the agency | for Appleford Counter check Book Company of Hamilton. Storekeepers and others interested are asked to (-all at The Liberal Office and sec samples. Mr. James Bryant, the. well-known evangelist of London. England, will speak at the Maple Methodist Sabbath School and take the evening servit-e, May lilh. At. the Sunday morning service in the Methodist Church M ssr's. W. Well- man, A. J. Hum ‘, J. B rL'er- and l, D, Ramm- wgru appointed Society Representatives of the Quarterly Board. The. Catholic \Vomens League of Uanadt will hold a monthly inn-ting \Vt-dnesday. May 19, at 22.30 p. m. at. Mrs. Almas, 'l‘lrn-nhill Springs. An address will be given by Mrs. Allin Melean on "First Aid." At the Fair on the 21th May the junior- farmers of York Countyv will have a. judging contest, in Heavy Horses, Beef and Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Swine. C uurneueing at 11 a. In. Conducted by ll. S. Duncan and j. C. Str‘ckley Representatiws of the Dept. of Agriculture. The directors of the Agricultural Society are giving a better prize for Best herd of Short Horns. 2 years and over, being a Royal Ork Automobile Tire, value $25.39. Also a similar prize will be given for three aninrrls the get of one sire in the Holstein (.llass. Good prizes are otter-ed for l’ennrrn- ship at the Fair on the thh of May. Not. less than 111 lines nor more than :30. Only 3 entries from any Public School. The writing to he t-ertifit-d to by the teacher. There, should he a large number of entries lrom sur- rounding schools. The regal rr monthly meetingr ot' the llichurr‘nd Hill Horticultural Society will be held Tuesday evening, May 17 in the High School. An excl) tnge of perennials Will be the feature of the evening. Mrs. Earle In will be present to give advice, re planting. kMC. Mem- bers are requested to come and bring :; perennial. Mr. ll. \V. E. Burnaby when :lskod in the Legislature to give the name of the man who offered him $1000 a year if the former would get blur the posi- tion of Purchasing Agent for Ontario, refused saying that the person might proceed against him for slander. Pnhlie. men should be, careful not to make statements they are not prepared to prove. Probably the, largest crowd that ever attended an auction s tlc in York . County was present \Vednesday at Mr. James McLean’s. half a mile south of Richmond lliil. During the. after- noon J.'I‘. Saigeon, his partner, 0. \Valkiugtorr;and J. K. McEwen sold the stock and implements, realizing nearly $6M"). (Good prices were paid, and the bidding was brisk. ._..._ Pâ€"mmxzuâ€"ax-m Q o f RINCE RUPERT fl‘ 3 s~ \".CTOQIA l a For Sua‘bury, Port Arthur, Fort ll'illiam, li’innipeg Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and lVictoria Alterhative routing via C.T.. North Bay, thence "Continental Limited" via T. & N.O.. Cochrane and C.N. Rys. Tickets and information from any Agent. Canadian National or Grand Trunk Railways. gar-st of her parr-nrs' i Blanchard. i Hinee thr- l’r ize Lists h we been lprintt-d the lnrig Shoe t'o. hart-do- nated a $0 pair of shoes for {not'('. boys 1.") years and under, ont'v around the “writ. The winner to rett iH- the tshoes. at N. _l. (iiass‘s store. The Secr elary has also r'eceir. [l fr om the Imperial 'l'olurrrr'tr ('oruparry rrl ,Montreal two toxes tl' l’layrr t‘igz- rrrellI-S‘. l l l l lire at Bolton ‘ The \ illagt- of liolton was sand 1‘. our destruction by tire Monday al'tv-ruoon only by lit't‘rrit? t-ll'orts on the part of ,\olunteer lire fighters from llto‘ \ illagr- and surrounding country. The town hall, worth about $15,tltltl was a t-onr- l‘IllPlt' loss and (lahrage was r rust-d to six stores. The blaze star-tr d in a ' frame building behind the town hall. â€"â€"-â€"-c>â€"â€"â€" To Football Teams l’r'iz -s‘ of $25 and $ll are to be given in the football tournament, at the Fair on Victoria. Day. The following rules i will be strictly enforced: he made in writing to l‘. l“. McMahon lnot later than Saturday, May 21, at' 8 o'rloek take when draw for places will place at The Liberal (lilit-e. Play to begin at, 11 a. to. on May Ill". ‘ â€"â€"¢u§_â€".â€"..._ Coming Saturday 2lst May , r The greatest British Film ever pro- duced in Canada. “Ali’s Button";rt the Masonic Hall Richmond Hill. llis tsaid when it was displayed on the H. M. S. "Renown" lt's Surearningly .Fuuny. Don't miss it. \Vatch the paper for display nth next week for time and prices. mâ€"‘lk... _. Fall Into Line Next Sunday. Toronto is adopting the swcalled Daylight, Saving Time. The Metropolitan Railway new time lheeomes ett'ective at 2 a. in. Sunday, and Aurora and Newrnarket are adopt- ingthe new time. Much as we Village Council should fall into line and proclaim new time. . 499â€"â€" Richmond Hill School Report Report of Room 1V. Names in order of merit. Class Ilâ€"Jl‘eddy Bennett, Maurice Patton, Tornmv Hope. Clayton Saul. ; \Valter Kendall, Lyle Grant, Donald Tennyson. Morris Berkovitz. Sit. (‘lass Iâ€"Graharn Ellis, Johnnie \Villie Boyd, Jimmie itirainger, john \Vilson. James Kers- well. .lean Hall, Reggie ltand. Kenneth ‘l‘ir'isby. Alfie Stung, Nelda Dittis, \\'innie (iilllngs, \Villie Kendall, : l’hillip Graham. Isabel McLean, Austin Tuclr, Gordan l’etcu, Walter Young. ~lrr. Glass lâ€"Jack Graham, Bartlett Smith. Marguerite 'l‘hompson, Eleanor ‘l)r~nry, Elizabeth Rumble, Mildred Rand, Clair:- (hulk, Jack Bowlden, Doroter Leech, Morley Saunders, Phyllis “'hite, Tom Boyd. Arthur Leech, \lat: 'l‘elrnyson, lirldieYewer, ltl'rrl Paterson. George Townsend, Charlie Berlrovitz. «.5â€" MAPLE Interesting:programmes were rar'ried out, at. the Mother’s Day services on ,Sundty last. fiwing to ill health Mr. \Vm. Camp. has been compelled to Sell his business. Mr. N. McLean of \\'oodbridge has purchased the business. and began work last Week. . A Congregational meeting will bel held in the Methodist Church on \Vednesday evenier May is. Reports , from the diil’erent departments will be, given. ‘ A meetng in the interests of the 1‘. F. 0. was held in the Masonic hall‘l ‘un Friday evening. The speakers were Miss Agnes McPhail, Mr. Burn» tnhy, Mr. 1. Cameron and Mr. J. (it. \\’bitmore. Mr. Bryant, late of London. ling- latrd is expected to address the Ep'worth League on Saturday evening and the Sabbath School on Sunday afternoon. ma. JWWM elch Through Standard Sleeping Car Service to W’innipeg. ‘L’url t l' Ma: |.lr:rrr., .rr-rtaini-r. gau‘ .‘. jvltrlttlsltitr's Indian legends and ‘pot-ms both humorom ,rwery selection she was enthusiastiwal “Entries to. Royal Highness the Prince of \Valesl 1l‘ll'Ncill. meetinr: read and confirmed. Com~ ‘ munrcatrons Were read from the fol- lowingâ€"WV. \\’. l.a(‘h:rnce to which dis- ‘ I . ‘ v y .r. . llrke the change. we believe that the ‘ “9'3” . . . . . tgrvrng cer tam informationrequired by “tarrangernents fora lamp in the C. N. cl Hill 11.23t) p.’ m. 5 Car Stolen WWWW “mmâ€".‘m ll'tss llr'alt')‘, the night Hpt‘r:.lrit' .rt Maple S'ulditt, about Sfilil il‘lll'\(ltl_\' evening, saw l\‘.u men nurtu- away . ' s .r ‘ s “ith lrisautornol‘iln, and gan- t'll.l.‘t'.; your lnsuranLe palx‘s’ usedb’ bonds and other valuables at home until they are stolen or destroyed by fire, instead of renting a Safety Deposit Box, is on a par with " locking the stable door after the horse is stolen." u Don't procrastinate! Rent. a box to-day at this Bark. Noah llrrlltN and lrisuurr Will happened to come along with their r‘ul‘. and the llltr'r' tollowed the lllil'\z'<, 'l'hey t‘illllt' I lit the Richmond Hill si.leroad,1 and at a furious pun rrrutorvl tr thej thx-rr ttrrnv‘d north. ) lit-in; hotly pursued they took to [but THF ‘suarr'trlhzsl the lilgin Mills- >itlr-road ' . . ’9’ 1...»... ; STANDARD BANK OF CANADI‘ ~â€"â€" <-.â€"â€"â€"~. Miss Nickawa's Recital TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MHJJONS . Seldom has a Richmond llill audien: e ‘ Richmond Branch ' - llslé'ttt‘tl toa more illit‘l('>llll‘,.: enter-i . lairrrnerrt than that 11l\t'll in the Mr'th- talist rhurrh last Thursday e\'rtrirr;.{ when Franch Nirkawa. the ('rr-L‘ err-l recital of l’aulrnc other dramatic. . Nit'ltuwn and in J. R. Herrington, Manager. n A “Finish for EVEI’SE , thing in the Home i Visit us first, though and SEE Chiâ€"Namel brilliance and beauty. Sec Chi-Namel in hot water, hammered, and otherwise handled severely without injury, during our Chiâ€"Name] Demonstration A Factory Demonstrator will be in charge during dtttes given below. and Ali»: costume, In several numbers appeared in Indian ly receiu-d. The young lady was naturalrn her gestures, graeeful in her movements. and typified the best (*lraracteristitrs other race. As a re- (‘itr-r and entertainer Miss Nickawa will be appreriated by any intelligent audience to whom she may appear, and the \V. M. S. are to ho congratuâ€" lated in arranging for her to c-uuc to Richmond Hill. The programme was interspersml by selections from the male quartettr, Miss Myrt'e. Smith, the Misses Swit- zer', and Miss Margery \Vright, Miss Edna Gordon, and Mrs. (Rev, ) Sander- son and Miss E. Switzer. The I hair was ot-rupied by the pastor, Rev. A. ____.\_â€"___â€"~__â€"’_._ -_._‘.- A. __ Village Council The (‘ouncll met in the clerk's office on \Vednesday. May 4, with all the members present. Minutes of prm ions the (‘lerk was instructed to reply, the Munieipal‘ Good Roads Association which was laid on the table, from l5. A. James with reference to water- from the Village, Solicitor This Coupon entitles heater to one 35ccan of Chi-Numel FREE at our store upon purchase of a 25c Varnish Brush to insure a fair trial or will be accepted as 35: upon purchases of larger cans of Chi-Namcl Products. the Council and from Mr. Y. B. Tracey requesting the Council to make Then: is a Chi-Namel Fin- ish for old or new, hard or soft wood floors, furniture, woodwork, walls, ceilings, FREE neuron; lly’s. station yard. Thetllerk was instructvd to write the U. N. R. agent signifying its willingness to meet the Uorrrpany‘s wish for a larrrpin tlie station yard. A representative of Hubbs or Hobbs radiators, screens, stove pipcs,autos, topsand seals, motors and bicycles, all M ' guaranteedhighestquality ADDRESi} l r NAME real est rte dealers, was present to ask “NM” the (hurricil's approval of a. plan of subalivision of the Township of Mar k- 01' money refund‘d’ him. On motion this was granted "â€"-'â€""'â€""”" and Clerk. A nomberof aecounts were passed and ordered ALL CHI-NAMEL PRODUCTS ARE SELF- /1.‘rit‘: Ej'S/EST/br All/ram” Jppl’icarimz paid. a.â€" I’roposal To Readjust Circuits For several years past it has been felt Above Demonstration to be held in our store on that, owrngsr to the heavy workstnne 8; RLAVY 1t} 8; readjustment was 'llt‘t't‘K‘F‘ftl‘y in the R . ' ’ “*‘I‘WM “W'mb‘ “I “HS WW" “1'. Love to, bring the above coupon and let a factory demonâ€" I and the plan was: signed by the Home] 1 Y uk ('ourtty. (‘r its a u Antvly ;t . __ , l . . . v v r ‘ “fining mm in ,2,.,‘r',»;}h,,;,,;,d 31,1: SildtOl Show you how to gram and finish your own lloors. .‘letlrtrtlizl l’llllll‘l) I‘Vl'illtly (wetting DOIl't Irorqct delegates were present from Virtorial Square, Heatll'ord, iluttamille, 'l‘horn- hill. l‘lrlgely. (lollwu'd and (Tarn illo. The met-ting was in charge of ltev. ,l. _l. Ferguson. Ch tirnran t f the District, \\ ha stand th it a proposition had lr.‘erl made [A mike ltit-hmond Hill a station to supp tr; its own minister: that \‘itt Aria Strut/re, Head- ford and Buttonvill» be for-tried into a circuit: also 'l'hornlriil. l‘ltlgelt-y and (.‘voncord. Anotlr-r suggestion was that Edgeley be attuh id to Maple. “Every delegate who spoke was of the opmfor that some ehange was necessary: that one minister (:onld not properly take tare ol' llichrnond Hill and Victoria Square, but it was fear-rd by some that there might be trouble in raising the necessary llllilllt‘L‘S. Alter a pretty full discussion from dilferent stitndpolnls‘ the following r-e-:olution was carried unanimously: “ the need for some readiust- merit; to present this whole matter to‘ our respective Quarterly Boards, and ask them to recommend to thcllistrict Meeting and the Boundaries Com-t mission that they readthth the circuits in the interests of the whole work, as their judgment may dictate}:l lire thl-llt’ltlr‘ll} Elli. HARDWARE £9. OXY-OCCETYLENE WELDENG We have installed an up-to-date welding plant. Farmer's bring in any broken parts of your ’ machinery, etc. YE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Richmond Hill Garage ‘W. G. Baldock, Prop. .m- lmplements, Garden Tools and Repairs :3 a) 1‘ 1‘? ii Wire Fence I: i Fiber Plaster :’ l’rrrnps Ladders \'\'lreelbarrwv;s lr’otr l‘oStf, Gates llog 'l‘r'oughs Hydrated Lime Garden Tobis r ; \1 J Torn-ac Truck Su torts 5 1‘3 ‘ers 9 Pl STANDARD .. ,.. . r: N . [ “m; Ilklllbf. wecdcs Lilasscyilarrfs, Coclrshutt and Baterrtan-W’ilkinson Leave Toronto 3.45 pm. Daily 1 l *W. F. CARTER, Richmond Hillf r a Reraizs Always in Stock. I

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