\; ELLIOTT V,‘ p Mflwg‘p/ ‘ by Mr undlmnk hum 1.5 milvs from ltlgin Mille, Markham 'l‘p. fur $6300. Frame House. CrnlI-u SI. Ensl. gum] int. fruit. etc. Ahnuso modern in own-y respert with br-autiful grounds sun ruunding. One 01‘ the nr-H, x-nmfm lulxlv Inf nunh Yong St. l’riL-v right. FOR SALEâ€"One (If H)» beauty Richmond St It’s a matter of shoe repairsâ€" Toronto & York let do it â€"and it ‘vT'ill he done right. A. ROLFE Boot and Shoe Ropairer. Prompt Service Neat Work M y Mr. G. F. Allml. \vhul re pernmnvnlly in (‘2 (mac Sly.‘ jllal. smuh ‘ rhuol. Ten acres, gnwd lnick Irn. hen Imus-o. urulmzd Have 1d lot FOR SALEâ€"One (-f t] mts 0f Rithnnd “11!: um? and nne HCl'e rf‘cvyllv E): No. 2â€" 13 made up from 111 Wed fmm my last, - by a Guild (22“ (‘gg All pnllvts in this In) lny when 6 to 7 Price per setting ‘ 50 eggs 36 Acres gnrdep huff] mild ( 3y raising hie strain nod for u'perli Price on: in d ATURDAY. h u-u and South of Shoe Factory NOTICE T0 PATRONS T C RI) .\ \' l w mpel ecure rent nadt imen N-tive 2.00 II’cIm-k :|. 15th. 1921‘ thu so-(‘ull lg Plan Time. NUT ,WiU lm usvd hr sch: m the Toronto and my System. e in vm-v lwst rvpuir with good the curmu- of ('vnlro and Eliza- s. Immvdinu- pnssvssiun. lvrms Vel'V (lesil'nble lmnw, rnhiH More Winter Eggs pf Nlcuom strain lvil‘ bird in every :ially mated pen. r setting «f 13 WM. GREEN Issued by up :\l'(‘.’i‘10\ S.\l.l tum NJ new SLO 0f Barred all pm-pu 'erms xv lie For Sale M.“ rings, 1 at. Sale :‘ll 'l‘rnï¬i p1 m lvmd. RINK] [muse 1.5 mile from I‘Jgin strni TN m renm ï¬iu Dvpurtnwnl mrd Ym-k Radial Ry Unuth Brnllingor n f u'm SL0 pen (‘Un‘lnt’nct mnnths 011]. su-a i n ZS RadialRaiiway V (‘KI'S ‘00 Richmond Ilil 3 eggs $1 Liil thorn pd yarn-1i] Ii". The [119anle Cuckel‘el way. T Llil'x oggs mst pnllvts u-s pen of Pen headt‘d n) Cuckel'el. small hung “'u'cluck Ash. Bu BIL m. Sunday. led Daylight 1‘ STANDARD edulns of all Ym-k Radial m m he;me 'llm rosi- “(:L-npied decided In urnin. 0n the High 4241‘ Lan 1&ka Lat iun 5:110 of ind. Sedan '5 Garage- [on sale of k, vehicles York. the (ll renti This pullut . Sule hnt tels Min rild HICP Tlie only milker with a downward squeeze. machine positively guaranteed. Write direct for facts and full information Dairymen. ' Why Brod In l:|_v strain. h“n\‘ [hut luv 25m :1an Zh= will lay and pay. 1 Us? {mp nests, my stuck I: is still in Lhc lend. Made another l(‘C()1‘:l winning at the lanai“; 87 birds showing, 83 under the lilmons, these separate puns. Stoc McLAUGHLEN PERFECTION MFG. C‘O., LTD {\‘9 St. Clair Ave. W. â€" - Tc OI pingU-m Ulpinglons Ringlel, Bxg: Rusk MnnunJlll Pékin Dun-k HI illiglél, Burn-u] Rnrka [ml Cmnh RhI-dv Island Rr l1 al‘lridgo \jr'ynrnd‘qn-‘s Samson Tractor Imperial P. O. Box 18 HISE wnv [h PER FECTION MELK} SlH‘E tll Pure-Bred White Mammoth Pekin Ducks McLaughlin Motor C 31‘ Company, Limited ‘when the MPI notive chm-act chitu :utl nf llN-ir add: ,1? after Juno till \Vhi y strain. hI'ns' that luv 2; av. I use \rn p nests, my HI -il" :lddu'd at»! 1!) winter an All [he H" W. J. BILLING & SON D. HILL 81 CO. Ringlet Barred Plymouth Aurora, Ont., Canada FOR HATCHEN Price per Setting of per svllir lwr sx-IUI binds :In- me mfm‘r xeputr‘l Standard ( Lunghlin 1| Local Dealers r place. hl Ill USE A Ill lm: hw-unso merdii ing p9! 'IPI lH‘I pm pm pn-r ppPfll'S In a :u pted Shu 36 :n Mii l 1m] Bred by Ill 213% I-hnml mnl h of [he- : [worthist they ru‘ m-w m (lard (- .xh Chevrolet Cars (llll‘ LKER Hand 2, )1 Tyler St. mailing soiling set I lug selling Toronto. Ont lh mp $1.5†Rod ll) m“ 111» “'1 i thï¬ LVBI‘Y Ill 2A car of Salt in barrels and l sacks arrived. I I Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of No. 1 Feed Corn. Blachrord's Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Pumia Scratch Feed. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pen Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Notice of Application for Eivorcq “'(H wil :ILH Divl «994»er99090945“90009099999999omowomomoowoo '90?00906060690ONQOOOOOOOOOOQ969â€06MW99600MW NOTIFI Pu blic Notice taction the rates befor m v in the ( apply tn u- next 51 um- frt I. D. Ramer honés Bel. 1515 & I470 .Ics 3. new policy withm icy called the Family I mun and his wife ané aaphlet, which explains n and women. because Bring us your tires and tubes for repairs. Made as good as new by our Haywood \‘ulcanizer. Now is the time to have your tires put in good shape for the warm weather. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. NIX hi l is hH-vlny given that, W’EN'I‘ ARNES, of tho (lity of Town- ,- (‘unngy 01' York. Sailr‘r, tullu-Parliamentuf(1:lnr\d:| tsvssim) lhvrsmf fur :1 Bill of from his wifv. CARRIE vf HII‘ suitl Cin of Tul‘vllt’u. Inunl v uf York. Mull'ir-d Acreage Lots; Markham Road, Eas atlow prices and- easy terms. We have houses {0174552116 in North Toronto and North Yonge Stzupxo Aurora! 2.: LI FE :0 MO 81 L PLATI REELEENG WTS P. G. SAVAGE 8: SON HI 2Q Teetzel Bros. lh 'l‘m-nn tr ZSUI day ft. Lot on Roseview Ave. ft. Lot on Baker Ave. $400. 11' W. 5. Lawrenge Vulcanizing H Cheap s‘tone for foundations. r; ;\ on '1'; re intent Omce at the Post Uifice, Richmond Hill Stu AGAI lH in Agent for All kinds of Insuranca Ont 1' M 1974 Yonge St. ‘(IYHI Ilch. drill" Ratings and all Policies give the pro- led for and at the minimum rates. )et oui' sewherc. The Confederation Life Asso. thont medical examination for $1000, also a ly Policy, which is Striking for its protection and many good features, Ask for the .ins all. This should appeal to all married use the company cai'fics a small -risk on the thing... No mcdicalemmination for the wife \Vost ACCIDEN â€"â€"F11{E; THE Mull Idulr Notice of Application for Divorce Dnlvd nt ()nlnlio. this (h.- the flmn Nofice to Application for Divorce NOTICE ie hPI-nhy given lhul ALFRED ERNEST MUGRIDGE. nf xhv (lily (.f 'l'mnntn. in the (M1111le of Ym-k, Alumnuhile Mpclnmic. will apply H) the Parliament of Cnnudn at tln- next sessin‘n [hm-vhf fur a Bill of Divm-m- flt-Il' his wifr. STELLA Mtfnkmmc, of uvndle, S;I:~'k:|l('lw\\‘nn_ .‘.l=|l'l'it'd \annn. M1 the gl-uumls «f adultery and dcsm'tiun. 19‘ THEFT, LIABILITY BURGLARY Dull in. Man ~Pm'li2en‘ n lhel‘w hm- linsh MAN, «If fnuntv t mum] of this Sulivilvrs‘ hr [110 A ppliunn. l4 lllI.l)A MAY FREEMAN 72 Qm en Stwtt Tulouln. Ont: Stdit'ilvrs hr [11" A A1 IH'GHES &A( trim! “Mun-n. \v ‘nent (.I'Uunudu :Il 'nf for .1 Bill hf hand. CHARLES 1‘ f 1h" City (If Tc Hf Y-‘l‘k. Molm .i‘ udullcl y. lll'GHES 'l‘hirly-ï¬i‘sl d Tul‘nnlt in Queen "If t of Railway of Fcln u en Stu-mt. “"99. Toronto, Ont. for the Applim UNESI‘ Mt mu: .‘lmm um", (m &A( KNESS I’rm im‘e uf day q f Jann- :\ pplk :nn AR. \\.l f [Ji\l'r«‘(‘ BHCRAEL rnnto. in A R (H