Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1921, p. 1

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Special attention given to sales fit every description. Farms and farm stock sales 11 specialty. Fun-Ins bought and snld nn cmmnissinn. All Snlm at- tended to un shortest notice, and con- ducted by the musanpx-uved methods. Patronaga Solicited. LICENSED AUCTIONEER yon COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher‘Method Musical Kmdergarben Residence address Victoria Sanu'e The anlv Sand. Gravel and Brick Cdmpnm‘. Lt‘d. haw- on hand fm- sale. Cement. drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and S in. Culvert, tile 1:2, 15. 18 and 20 inuh Pupils passed for Gunselvntory Ex- mnilmlimls. Licensed Auctioneer fur the (7(,‘].1[yOf ‘ Ot’fice York. Sulesullondud to (In Shortest] notice. and at l'eufionnble rates, I Patronage. suliciLPd I The 'I (30 inches in lvnth) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by the load in car lots. Cedar pns‘s and tvlvplmne poles snle. JOHN R. CAMPBELLé Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick l‘uronto Offices Bldg. Um‘. H Calls by phone Branch Ofiit Tuesday GREGORY GOODERHAM .& CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. VOL. XLIII. STUDIOâ€"HOTE L RICHMOND. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Fhoruhill. LICENSED AUG’I‘IONEER FOR THE COUNTY or YORK] l’utrnnuae and influence respectfully snlivilml . Iâ€"I, Preu t £00 Branches-Thomhill 415 Brillinl St. Tnl'nntn. Phone Belmont 1317 The Royal Bank of Canada J. T. SAIGEON Mame Open Savings At“ counts for each one of your children. Insist upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift will gradually become a strong trait in each child’s character. There is n branch of this Bank near you and :1 Savings Department at every Branch. and Willowdale Teach Your ChiEdren the Value of Money 50 per annum, in advance.] Muller n Pâ€"Rirhmx afternoon T. COI'SINS. Rin-lmmnd Hill Is â€" Continental I Bay and Ricluuuml Ofl‘it Pros. and Manager iMuan. 'ornulu otherwise promptly nndml to l; 1’ I) IV 5 P. 0. address Gm-mley. RH. by the load 01‘ ‘03 H Hi” 6‘ ibcl‘ul i ft 1.1.31 HOUSE PA INTER, Glazieru‘Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS“ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. \Valter S. Jenkins Rec. Phone Hill. 5043 The The The The ()Iders left. with Mr; Geo. Harding will receive prompt attention. Alsu agent furthe Himmm Standard Millie-r. Plume Aurora). 8013. Nothing too greatâ€"Nothing too small REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL E. R. SANDERSON [Lin Office and rnsideImPâ€"Ynngp Sheet; Richmond Hill. Phnne I‘m. 2-! A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at, the above places W. HEWESON WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalm 01's RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE LOFA T. AGENT â€"RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Blitish Crown Assurance Curpnratiun. Eagle. Star, and British Dominiuns Insurance Company Blilish North Western Insurance Company Commissioner Ofiix F. ELVIN WELLWOOD PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS FOR THE COUNTY Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Richmond Hill JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO :rUNER NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS A. C. HENDERSON VAN DORF LICENSED :\ ['(‘TIONEE R J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY pursue DR. J. P VVILSON MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME ll'e THORNHILL, ONT TERMS REASONABLE NOTARYPUBLK CONVEYANCING ISSUER 0F RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY MAY 19, 1921 huurs . L. R. BELL 'I‘Plu~plmm Conveyancer. Etc J. Ilnrry Nunghton Res. Elgin Milk Res. Phone 44.4 Autmm ml)” In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty; m. 6 to 8 YORK Henry Shaw '1‘. M. Blackburn W. D. Rixhardsnu Stanley Gurdhouse Gne. Isaac Alan Railmn quk Teasdale. B'Iembership to the Shorthm-n Breeders Club. is open to all Breeders of Pure Bred Shorthurns in the county and any interested shuuld communicate with the Secretary. J. A number of the Pure Bred Shunt hern Breedexn (It the county,- lnet in the Farmers (lluh Rnom, Newmarket. Saturday evening. May 7th., for Ihe purpose of dismissing pruhlcms re- lating to the, Bret-ding of Slim-thorns. All‘seclinns of the. county \vere rup- resented an(L the meeting was marked with :enllmsiasni. Mr. \Valterb‘cntt, Sutton \Vest. was elected to the chair. Professor Gemge. E. Day/Seeietary of the Domininn Shurthurn Breeders Association, was present and gave a very interesting talk on Shmthot‘n Cattle. and Club \mG. The lneeLing then tank the fern] of annpen dis- russinn and the general feeling was that breeders in the county should nrganize. An organization known as the York Cmuuy Shmthm'n Breeders Club was then l’m-nn-d and the follow- ing ofiicels elected:â€" \V. L. Scum ‘ Piesident J. S. Osborne ’ 1st. Vice President Jne Clark 2nd. Vice President The Concert given \Vednesdav evening uf last “'E‘t‘k by the Richmond Hill York Ranger Cadets, “D” Oompnnt was a great success in «very particular. The "only re- grettable fezituru was that the Masonic Hall was not m-arly large enough. scnrvs nut being able in grt even with- in llie dunr. Lieut. H. Maiden, the U. U. and his fadels werp in gUUd form. and thi-ir physical (hill, the signalling and the rifle uxercisvs were mamelloue, considering the short time the cadets were in training. Besides choruses by the company. vocal solos were given by Miss Mnbel Paltun. (Jade-1.0011). \Vondheud, Cadet Corp. Phipps and Mrs. N. J. Glass; vinlin snlos by Mrs. D. lniig, Miss Ailri-n Atkinson and Cadet David/Stirling; vocal duets by the Misses Sivilzer. mid by Messrs Meteulfe and Glass: recitzilions by Miss M. McCague and Cadet. Heir”); n piann solo by Mr. J. E. Newton; and ii humorous ininerPl performance by Messrs. Roe and Slnaii. The orchestra was Miss Hume with Mr. Graingvr, and the fullmving acted as piano accompanist Mrs. O. L. \Vright, Mus. Mullett. Miss Hume. Miss j. Unmisky and Mr. Converse Smith. Much enthusiasm was muni~ fesLed throughout the rendering of the entire pmgriuuuw, which prulmhly reached its height, “hen Miss Ethel Swilzer, surrounded by Union Jacks and other flags. sum: "Rule Britnuuiu", the Cadet Company joining in the chorus. Splendid addresses, bvurinz on Cadet work were given by Cal. Fraser, Lient. lnl. Dunham and Mr. Justice Sutherland, each of the (listinguislwd gentlemen complimenting Mr. Murden on his cndvt “'m-k. The 0. C. also gave :l'fillt’ address. thanking the niothms who had assisted him so nohly will) the cadet urifonns, and all who had given such valuable'ussist- ance in making the Entertainment the success that it was. Another pleasant feature of the evening was the present- »tion «)f beautiful bouquets to Mrs. Dunlnun and Misx' Eleanor Morden, lhe plesentuticn heng llllldu by little C. Stocklcy, Dep-utnwnb of Agri- culture. Newmarket. The Mellmdisty by :1 vote of the cnugrogutiun were unaniumns in lheir deresinn to postpone any change in the cixcuiL at the pl‘Esanl time. BICUagnw, Mr. Murray Smilh, well as [he tl‘ll.‘ The lmys and the r-uthnyms 1 with than: an lottvr day in sections. Miss “\Vond head dosed with “Gm xocitations pupils. T} expvuh‘d 1 gmmnwâ€"l (‘Ihzu'h s D McCa Th9 schunls township, an. ing in the km Thvy wiH mce Monday, 23rd, prngraumnu of A. Scott ‘ Pxesident Osborne Isl. Vice President, )Iurk 2nd. Vice President Sivckloy Secretary Trvdsuewr Dirt-clots Breeders‘ Club Formed VICTORIA SQUARE The Smilh, Mr. ho tI-uslevs s and gills M H1 Cadet Concert uitlund Mb. JS in our part of the us. 2; 7, U and 411m unit- koeping of Empire Day. nee-t. an S. S. No. 7 on I, at 1.30 p. m. A good ut' pntrinlic addresses, (5., will be given by the fullnwing gentlemen are contribute to the pmâ€" A. McNeil], Mr. s of [hp svctim and make [hi in the history l. The“entVPI-tuirmnent d Save the King". \ant [l l‘ nntn, M1 Scott. Mr. \Vntsnn, as nch section. inuting all tion to join this a. red m-y of the Shop next to the Shoe Factory, in thp TEETZEL BROS. YOU MAY THINK the prire (If farm products has fallen more than any nthrr :utic‘e of common use but we inflieve a. comparison] of our prices on lumber [0-day with qlmtntiuns of one year ago will shuw that many lines of lumber have been reduced as much as almost any other commodity. In fact lots of lumber is lwin‘x snld to-duy at a loss and in many instances cannot be I‘eplar‘ed by tiw rummfucturers at the same price. It is a good Lime [0 build. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Commencing May 31 until further notice. Eave Troughing. Furnace and (ie‘eral Repair Work. Uume infilml see us about, your pring Public notice ishexeby given that a. .Uuurt. for the Revision of the Assess- ment Roll fur the annship of Mark- ham will be held in Vicmria Hall, Unionvillv, on ’ Monday. May 30th. 1921 r at 2 (z’clock, p. m. l to hear and adjudicate upm) all com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of “'0 am now in :1 position tn “wk after your lweds in mvry line nf mvml work, and will be pleased (0599 you in mgmd to plalims against the Assessnwnt Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham fur the said year 1921. All pun-tics“interostvd are requested to take notice and govexn themselves accordingly. Public Notice I \Vc- TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM COUNTY OF YORK Metal Roofing, Metal Siding, Metal Garages, Etc. Jones Lumber & CoaLCo. COURT OF REVISION CHOPPING B. Hoover Ulelk of the said municip 110. Mar 9. 1921. This Service is freely given. It is simply part of our poHcy of "Personal Service. [)0 not hesitate to call on our Manager at any time. an mafimmw BANK Richmond Hill. Municipality of the in all things, Charity.” old Bunk Building. mm 11 you uesu‘e xmormation of a farming or financial nature which he has not on hand. he will make ever) efiort to obtain it for you. ERER‘SONAL BANKING SERVICE Are you a recent arriyal in this district? Would i'ou like information dealing with farm problems in this part of the country~or advice regarding financial matters? Any Sterling Bank Manager will be glad to meet you â€"rto talk over your plansâ€"to assist you in every possible way. And if you desire-information‘of a farming or financial \l‘n (L A. M. DAVISON \Vox-k now as well as Thnmhill Rinflnnund Hill, Keswick OF CANADA ilty lnslll lMoney to Loan at, Current l' BARBISTER. Soucn‘on, NOTARY ETC I Tornnto Office, Richmond Buildings 1 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. I Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal I Office), every' Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ‘ Woodbridqe. Saturday forennon. fA. Cameron MacNaughton 24 Tel. M. 3631 DECORATORL PAPER-HANG E R Benton, Macdonald 5: Benton Rank Denh Teucwer hf Phqu Toronto (VunseT-v and SI. Mmgar Richmond Hillâ€"â€"Saturdays, N. C. Shaver. BA. Petar Taylor. ILA‘ E. W. Rhodes. BA Tel. A lalnid P. C. Browne H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Newton Bumk, H EA DFO R D OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3|. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET “’EST Barristers. Snlicmra. 511'. MANNING ARCADE. KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAIN)“. 3“ Cubic Address: "Dedu" ‘onnnissinner, ('mn'oynucpr, E Insurance and Reul Estate- Issuu- of Man-inge Licenses Shaver Taylor 64 Rhodes HOUSE PAIN TING & INTERIOR DECORATION . EARLE N E \VI‘ON- PIANIST RICHMOND H1 Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, uys WILLIAM COOK . S. SHEPHERD Single copies, 3 cts Ba' rlslers. Solicitors Notaries. Em LATE OF M A PLE AIN ‘ nil] Arthur A..\qudmmld D. (:ORMLI-IY thm) 4741 sviH ('1:ll\'0)‘:ll|CPl‘, Eu “'edliesd Hlmi Playing Itory 01' *l's Cull 57 012511 ETC. lll'(l ’I hornhill ou ’l‘nnt Rlul )ma 3 1 Toronto Evenings Mam-r l: mu for) my Hall St. West the mic and

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