Sale at 3 p.111. old time. Ford Coupe, with starter. TERMS:~Third cash, balance secured by lien tel-est at 8 per cent. per annum. Used Ford Cars Saturday, May 21, 192i SAMSON TRACTORâ€"Flows and Disc on Demonstration. Lowest priced tractor on the market when quality and equipment are considered. All working parts enclosed and ' ' running in oil. Price $1275 .00 with one year guarantee. “MO‘OONW¢ WWNOOMOW¢NM¢WQM “wwmwewowmooomwwooooo«wow»; W090WWWMNON0®O¢WQOON¢0¢9¢OM®~B 6 memwnwomomomowmwomt BRILLINGER’S GARAGE THOR NHILL FARMERS ATTENTION MILL ST. Celery C. N. COOPER Asters, choice varieties 5 Cosmos, mixed colors Zinnia, mixed c Marigold, dwarf and tali Sweet My: Nasturtiums, dwarf and climbing Phlox Drummondi (mixed colors) Petunias, ruï¬led and fringed edges Nicotiania Antirrhinium (snap dragon) mixed colors BLYTHEWOOE GARDENS The New HardWare Stare Flower and Vegetabie Plants Auction Sale DAVID HILL & CO. All in good mechanical condition . Ford Tourings, Late Mode’s. Cabbage H. DAVIS bage ‘ Cauliflower Asparagus Roots Trench Block Stovepiping, Brcoms, Brushes. ized Pails, Cram Spades, Shovsls, Forks, Galvan- Poultry Netting, Building of Paints, Oils, Varnishesd J. H. Prentice Ford Sedan, with starter. Paper, Roofing. Baseballs. Salvia Zinnia, mixed colors Sweet Alyssum mfmx Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL ax are Tin ware note, with in- , Auctioneer. ' LADIES’ AND GENTS’ TAILOR RICHMOND HILL Tomato Canadian Red Cross Society Reserved Seats 5 linroll with your local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Committee. or. if there is none in your community, with the Ontario Provincial Division, 410 SLIERBOUï¬NE STREET, TORONTO. CHELBREN’S MATINEE ‘ TICKETS- 330 p. m. 15 cents ~v--v- y“... u.\. .yuuvyu ALVLLI wu.uu LU W1U.UU, as I just received a new price list from the Whole- salers, and goods are down a little at present. Ladies Summer Suits from $40.00 up. All Work, Style and Fit Guaranteed. , Now that the cold weather is over and hot days are here, you will want a Summer suit. I can make you one from $35.00 up, for men. Some of the better suits are reduced from $5.00 to $10.00, ‘niy Mathew Admitted with Children ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 2228 €665 Qmsas Aims ‘ Era @miaréa ved Seats 50:. For Sa1e at Sloan’s Drug Store Rush Seats 25 cents. MASONIC HALL. MAY 21$t, 8.15 P. M. “In the ï¬eld of PuHic Health, the hayvest is ready and the laborers are few.â€â€"Prof. Winslow. His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales “IT'S SCREAMINGLY FUNNY.†COLD WEATHER E. R. FORTNER 25:. AT THE DOOR Ontario Division To act as :1 voluntary auxiliary to the Ontario Government in its health work. To co-operate with local Boards of Health, School Boards, and volun- tary organizations working for good health. To enlist the support of Ontario citizens in helping to establish Outâ€" post Hospitals and Nursing Service in remote parts of the Province. To create and maintain a reserve of money, garments and medical sup- plies, and to enlist voluntary aid, for emergencies, such as epidemics and disasters. To create public opinion in .favor of sound health measures. To promote better health among children by the organization of Junior Red Cross auxiliaries in the schools. DON’T MESS IT THE FILM THE AGE 0F DUNURE FOOTSTEPâ€"Ulydesdale Stal- linn, the property of Oscar Cnx. will “and at. his own stable, Uniunvillp, during the season of 1921. Terms $14. Oscar Cox, Manager. SOLIDITYâ€"Impnrted Clydesdale Stal- llon. the pruperty of D. Howard and J. Ehy, Downu‘view, will travel through Emery. Vellme. Maple. Elgin Mills. Victoria Square. Dollar and (larrville to his own stable. Tenn: $18. Juhn Eby, Manager. OSTâ€"In RiL-hmnnd Hill a black Ostrich Feather Stole. Finder pYenu leave at THE: LIBERAL OFFICE and get M Ward. 47 l OR RENTâ€"Double house suitable for two small families. Good fruit garden. Apply Mus. W. HARRI- SON, Richmond St. tf OSTâ€"On Sunday, May Stb, x n Yonge St.. between Stop 52 and Eglinton. acluh bag containing calm era, baby's clothes. etc. Kindly cmn- municate with A. G. GREENWOOD. 151 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto. 47 1 VRJ’ANTEDflA young girl tn learn the tailoring. Apply E, R. FORTNER, Richmond Hill. 47 l 0R SALEâ€"Six young pigs. GEO TAYLOR. Richmond St, Rich‘ mond Hill. uTond Hill. TRAYEDâ€"«Heifel- strayed tn MEL PRICE'S, Richmond St. Village, Owner cam hzue smue by paying expences. 47 l F consisting of about two acre-s and at ï¬ve rnmu cottage, Corner Mill and Lucas Streets. Apply A. Mc- GANNON, Yongo Sheet. 47 2 YE GLASSESâ€"A pair of eye J glasses lost in m- nmu- Richmond Hill, Case marked “1:1â€. Reward at LIBERAL OFFICE. ‘ 47 l L CSTâ€"Gold and diamond (:ulf link. , ‘ Thursday evening in Richmond Hill. $5 reward. if retmned tn W. R. PATTON, Elgin Mills. 47 1 L'GK EGGS-Purc-lu-ed pckin duck eggs for hatching. Feltility guaranteed. J. \Y‘ BOWMAN, Stop 51; Yonge St, Phone 44 l' 11, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. 46 3 orca 9512*, .50 hm; Mnngels. HIS! Thm' Elccuic Washing Mm-hire FRED H. JOHNSTON, Headford. 45 3 \, fOVEN WIRE FENCESâ€"Build ‘ Canadian Steel and AIUPNH Hinge. Also Iron gate-s and staple J. H. ESPEY. Elgiu Mills. 41 12 IFOR SA [.1<‘â€"Str:uvh9rry plants at £1 per hundred. Also ruspheny bushes, first-class at $2 per hundlvd, zit, Int 30.’c.>n. 3, Vaughan. P. J0me: Ph DEC 2850 Ma pk‘ 1] lot 23‘, mm. 5, Mnlkhzun. Bl‘ll: house. Bunk Burn. dris'ing slledszm mks-r Buildings. all new wire fence luts (vf‘ gnud water furstock with-L pumping lt. School ncmss the mat good clay Lmnn, Fall wheat in, nu sealing will he cumplcled’, would giv passpssiun this spling or next fnl Apply ownm', JOHN \VUODS, Univ) ville. R. R. No. 1. Ontario. t ‘OR SALEâ€"200 Arm‘s 1,} miles from Yonge St. gnnd hunk Inn-n stahling under, 2 frame houses, gnud Inchmd, mun-ms lmsh, land in gnod conditiun. Pnssossiunut» once. \Vill ln-lp hnyer to put. in sending. For quick sale rme $60 per new. 6 Rommd 'mick huum nn R()SC\'iL‘\V Ave. 6 mmm-d lukk house, on Mill St. W". F. CARTER. 42â€"5 { OR SALEâ€"200 :u-rv farm, being lot; 28 and 29, con. 2. Vaughan. Will soc†in hulk, m- dividv the farm. JOHN SLINEY. Richmond Hill, Boll Phnnr. ' 34 tf ‘OR SA [4E;1i()us(‘alld lut cnrm‘l‘ nl' Centu- and Eliznbatlx Streets. Richmond Hill. Apply A. E. MAtx LEAN 524 Markham Street 'l‘ or MISS U. Mt‘lmNALL) Rilede IlilL tl'. B. FINUHâ€"Jnh 0+â€an pairs and Alton-minus. turn “waited. Elizabeth St mnnd Hill. Box IUU. ‘lO'l‘lUl‘Iâ€"E. Sliney is prepaicd tn 1 do all kinds nf trucking and c'uting in Riulunond Hill 11nd vicinity. [’atrmmgo snlicilvd. Phone Richmond Hill 08. ' 42 11' FOR SA Ll‘lâ€"On OR SALEâ€"Young pigs, 6 weeks old. H.D.\\'1s, Mi|1 St. Rich- ui Hill. 47 1 0R SALE OR TO RENTâ€"A10: OR SALEâ€"~80! tings Stallion Register ‘V‘ant Alds¢ W t“! ms 100 acres Mnlkhzun, Brick dris-ing sheds and of Black M w wire fenced stuck with -ut 1053 the road. wheat in. mud "urni Rik h l†H"