Next Saturday the Epwm'th League intends Inning u. social evening. A splendid programme will be gin-n. One of those taking pal-t will be Joe Pelissem. a. noted violinist of Toronto. Retreshments will be served and a. sil~ ver collection taken. All are invited. Alnrge numbnr of the members of [he \Vmueu’s Institute motored to KingCitylusL Thursday and had a joint meeting with the society of that place. The meeting was held at the home nf Mrs. “’11:. CAI-sun. A good programme was given. and afternoon tea served. Mr. Bryant and Mr. Hutchinson cnnducted the service in the Methodist churchgu Supday ewninz. his semi-annual {visit/m our last week. The members of the \Vomeu’ tute purposes giving a concert the 2nd 01‘ 3nd at June. Mr. (ionrgv Smith has been lmsy this‘ week making a cement foumlzuiun nn the Public Schmul lmvn fur the ‘Tl'ench Mortar. soul fun]: the Gwrman ’hattlvï¬ulch after the war. This will he. pluud in pusitiun before Viutnria Every week should he “clenn up" week. but the week preceding the 24th of May should cause every householder to examinenot only his front lawn but «I90 his back yard to See if they need his attention. \Ve expect a large number of visitors to our Annual Fair. There should not be a bit of waste paper or rubbish of uuy kind allowed to accumulnte in front of our residences.' L'sc \\ ell the mike and the broom. Fonthnll teams, that enter the Fowlhull cmnpetitinu at Richmond Hill on the 24th of May should en- deavor to have a x-opl-esenwtive when lbe draw fur places is made at, The. Liberal Ofï¬ce Saturday evening. May 21, at 8 o’clock. If representative is not present. the secretary of the Club will he nutified of the time loplny, vither by phone or leltc-r, if the address is known. Mrs. Blough has sold her house to ! Mr. Ross Gum), who Lakes possession i immediately. é Mr. A: L. Catmpbell, RS. I., paid u ..:_IA The Aurora Band will furnish music fnrtvhe Richmond Hill Fair on Victoria Day. At the concm't in the evening the tulvnt. includes 0. LeRoy Kvnny, Comedian: Pn-u-l O’Neil. Hawaiian Guitar; Mnrgaiot Kenuv, Uhul‘ncL9r Singer: Doris \Vilsun. National 1):“)- 691'. More care should be exercised in the handling of fire crackms and iuukcts. Tuesday night. somebody threw a rocket. against one of the large panes of glass in the Public School. hunkng the glass and making a hnlu in the window blind where it, lnngd. The burning rocket might msin hzn'e set the to the blind and huilding. The late Mr. Glloe Kei'swell wln, died at Elgin Mills in January lvan farm valued at ‘$10.()U0, mortgages $13.95. stocks: and lmndé $8.4M, cnsh $2.094, and $l.3$0 in other personality. There was no will. Hi3 widmv. thee daughters and a sun inherit the estate. Markham Friday, Mn and another in) the P Agincmu'l at 7.30 p. In these meetings is to or; and R.|topuy91=, A Markham and Scurlmr Cunning. Dr. F. E. Luke 16? Yonge Street; 'l‘moutu. UprmetlisL and eyesight specialist wnll hp at. 1. H. Slum’s drug stone Rit‘humml Hill Friday :lftenmml June 3rd whore he can he cnnsultml :llmut yum-eyes for glns: s. Hunt's 2.15 p. m. to 8 p. m. Miss Edith Atkinson spent :1 few days this week uL the home of her lirulhm- Mr. Frank Atkinson lmfme leaving for Maniluhn when: she ex- pects tn b0 Fix-Id Manon at: Oxford House Mi$SiulL Dav Mr. Edward Dils of Awl'cliï¬'o “In Inaden visit, with his‘ daughter Mrs (UL) Newman 'l'nl'unLu, spent Thurs day with Mr. T. I“. McMahon. Ladies into: Bowling Club the home of Church Suppl, \\'eek at 8 HTML M rs: people ness in Cu†and see our windmv display of Gtmdyeur lil'us. \Vv are showing the largest, the eve! displnyod in Rich- mond Hill-r“ x104 David Hill é; CO. Mrs. H. B. Stirling enlvrmincd :1 number of her fl‘it‘lldn Mundth uu-n- ing, enabling them in meat Miss E. Mord-en of Dutmir, who has been visiting her brother Lieut. ll. Mmdm. we huv A petition has been} presented In the Village Cnuncil asking that, the so. called daylighbsaviug plum be ndupu-d, Public Meeting will be h» E. Grifï¬n-d wishes to thank the at Elgiu Mills fur their kind- the past two weeks, and that '0 also found our cub Tiddlm. “150 Smith has hrl‘n lmsy making a cement fuuudzltigm May, May 20. at in the Public 5‘ 'esLed in forming >n are invin to meet at, »Ml's. A. G. Savage, Friday l'VEIllug of this the Public Sch;.ul ut. ) p. m. The uhjvcl; uf to orgmize 'l‘rustA-os. *, Associations for urban» Townships. s InsLi- i about ' school Ill After the Inspection the Cadets will parade to the Fall: under Cado’t Lieut Grant and there he dismissad. Gate charges for entrance thentu will be provided for lhxjongh lhv regimental fund. The O. C. warns the Cadets to report themselves as al- su to conduct thmnselves stiictly regimentully on this parade. Swuger sticks are not to be carried on this parade. and gloves are nm to be worn. except by the acting ofï¬cer in com- mand. An interview with Mr. Patton, wlin is at present» visiting his parents at Elgin Mills, satisï¬ed us that he had an interesting trip during the past nine months. Mr. Patton left Canada in September. 1920, and visited many European and African Countries, accompanying a weathy gentleman and his family. The party n‘otored through England and Scotland. Visit- ing the chief cities and cathedrals on route. They left England for France and Belgium. where they visited many battleï¬elds. Then they jour- neyed to Holland and Switzerland, and elossed from the latter place. over the Alps into Italy. following the Appenine “ng8 to the Lombardy plain and the ancient city of Rome. Thence they Went to Naples. Florence, Bolognn.Milan. Venice. Genoa. and Turin. From Italy they went by 'steamer to Egypt. visiting Alexandria and Cairn. Thence to Spain to the cities of Madrid, Random. and Senille, and returning to Southern Francu. From France to Goblenz. the occupied territory. and into Berlin. Mr. Patton then returned to London, and land-ed in New York after nine months of navel. Cadets will parade full strength on Victoria Day May 24th at their Barrack Quarter: at, 2 o’clock in the afternoon und be inspected by the 0. C. Cadets are warned to specially prepaxe for this parade. Untidiness when in unifurm is inexcusable and will not, be tolerated. The Imperial 'l‘ohat-co Co. of Montï¬al thmugh Mr. Blemmn have deflated lwu buxvs of Pl:ly¢-l"5 Cigal- alt/es. Mr. James McLean Piesident of the AgriculLuml Society is giving $40.00 for COHIDPUUUH among the young men of Lhe Yolk Uuugty Farmer’s Cluh under [ha supen‘isiun of j. 0. Stockle ut' NeWiiimgkot for judging in live suck. The judging will Lake place in the fuleiimm of The Fair and should prove an Min-active feature of the day's programme. Boys 15 yeal s and under. get in shape‘ for the 31 («f a mile font race for a pair nf shoes donated by the lung Shoe UL‘. $6.00. The Royal Oak Automobile tires value $25.30 shunld prove attractive prizes to the cattle Exhibitors. Celebratinn of the Holy Communion S :1. m. Celuhratinn of the Holy Comnmnion and Sermnu 11:1. :11. Oddfellmvs Parade and Sermon Puncher. the- Rectm- 2:20 p. m. Standard Time Sunday Schfml 4 p. m. Evcnsung and Sermon 7 p. m. Preacher, theRev. \Vultel- Cox, P.G.M. \Vudnesday Evening . Evensung and Ad loss }7"30 p†m' Choir Practice in .111: Church Friday night, 8 pm. First, Bunkâ€"Ruy 1 Hammond, Dul'uU l’lewnmn, Adele Plowman, Mary Grant, Hazel Hun mond, Jack vatl Noreen lizuvorth, ( Primer A.â€"M;n Hillel-Cat Lodge 409 I. 0. O. F.. Rich- mond Hill will hold their annual chmch parade on Sunday. Mny 22. at 2.301). in. standard time, to St. Mary’s Church. (Anglican). The service will he conducted by the Rector. assisted by Rev. \Vulter Cox, P. G. M. of Ontario. A large number of visiting brethren are expected. and n cordial invilnliun is vxlc-mled to all members in thc Vicinity in attend. Anniverszuy selvices will he held next, Sunday. In the morning Rev. Harold’l‘oye of Eglinlon will preach, nnd in the evening Rev. Dr. \V. H. - Hincksnf'I‘munln. Special music at a mob service. On Tlu-sduy, May 24, ' hot dinner will he served from 11 ".m. to 2 p. m. and Lea fmm 5 o'clock. l c St. Mary’s Church (Anglican) Richmond Hill School Report I. 0. 0. F. Church Parade METHODIST CHURCH Bl)(Ikâ€"R M. L. McCoxAuuY, Teacher Mr. Patton’s Trip Cadets Parade Trinity Sunday MAY 22x1) Room 5 â€"Rny Plcwnmn, N Duruthy Duqu Adele S-u‘aue. Fair Notes my 153' H unto: fewtnn. S-u‘age. Brilliljgor S :1. m. ‘ommunion 11 a. m. Ul‘lnlln . May Teddy Aileen (Jan's will leave Newm nkot for onto at 6.00â€"7.00â€"8.00-9.00â€"A. )1 every Halfâ€"hour to 8.00 P. M. 10.00 and 11.301). M. The Trafï¬c Department uf Ihe Mol- l'npulitun Rzulway mmmmce the ful- l_n\viug Special Service for ViuLm'izL ».Ca1- leaving Tomntn at; 6.00 a. m cancelled. Gals leaving .Richmund Hill at 7 013qu 8.03 a. m. cancelled. There will he no change made in the service to Luke Simone points. Tuesday, May 24 If p(s-ible, pluchase your tickets hefm-c hoarding the cam. thereby chilituting the operation of lhu ser- vice. BROWNâ€"In loving memory of my dear huslmntl, George Blown; who (lopau'led this life May 19, 1919. I often SH; and think \Vlwn I am ull :lll'llf‘, For memory is the vnly thing That, grief can call its mvn. \tht peaceful hams we I‘m-e vnjuyed, How sweet their mcmnry still, But they have left an aching void This world can nm‘ex' fill. Sir Henry Drayton. Finance Min- ister in the Meighen Government, in a recent address in Toronto, advised the women to eat; only Canadian strawberries. Of course, all things being equal. “e should patronize home. llutb‘ir Henry must; know it will be considerable time before Canadian berries are on the market. lf)the Finance Minister wished to he censistent why did he not; advise our people not to buy coal from the United States where the early Straw- berries come from. HADWENâ€"At her late residence, liflll (-oucussinn. Vaughan. on Monday, May 16, 1921. Rilla, beloved Wife 1-; Ruler MiLchle Hndwen, in her 67th vvar. Tha Evening Tolvgram of Sutuldny gave a sketch of Thuxnhill nur neighboring village tn the south as she wnsQO ymn-s ago. In lS3OJerry Alkine stalled u milling business there, and nuan the place Atkins Hollow. Twenty years later :l man by the name of Thnrn bought out Atkins. and re- named it Thm-nhill. He continued the milling business and also Hm a. large mnery, a. stow and a conpemgo. Thnrnluill was the market centre for wheat frnm the northm-n purl, of York Gaunt)". Wagnne would be lined up 200 ymds Waiting to unload of York County. Wagons would be lined up 200 ymds Waiting to unload at, the mill. The flour was shipde tn England. Some of the first, settlers were Balser Munslmw :n.d Nicholas Miller. Mumhuw-"s daughter. turn in 1793, was the fifst while gill tn he horn in the (l-mnty of York, north of Tun-onto. Nicholas Miller and Balser Mnnshuw ure hm iedliu tho RiL-hmund Hill Uemot‘PI-y. Tlmrnhill was injured when the Northern Railway was built in 1853. Tu the mnly fm'lips ll)le were fnur hutPlS and w-val dis- tillérios. The district’s must outstand- landmurk is Lhc Old Anglicun Chm‘ch built in 1828. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church will give the usual Hut Dinner and Tea on the 24th of May. Dinner will he served from 11 to 2; Ten from 6 n'clock. Ticko s 60 cents, Childnn 30 cents. Trolley Service - Funm'ul \Vednvaday, May 18th, at 2 p.111. to Kim: Uity cemeLel'y. Richmond Hill Hardware This beautiful CH I -N A M E L Process of imparting a brilliant, washable, natural hard wood effect over old, dirty softwood floors can be learned in5 minutes during our C lzi-N amel Demomtratz'on A Factory Demonstrator will ex- hibit and explain CHI-NAMEL H 0 ME DECORATION in our §{0;e_6r:détésrglven below. Learn to Grain ERR 35: Can of Chmml ma during our CHI-NAMEL Demon- stration with purchase of 25c brush to insure a fair trial. Thornhill 130 Years Ago Hot Liuner And Tea Norman Batty 1N MEMORIAM DEATHS for Iiis loving wife To 1‘- :1 nd then Osgoode Lens Regular $54.00 Spark Plugs " 75c. 1.00 Mirrors “ 1.00 Windshield Rubbers “ 2 75 Ford door strips “ 2.00 Coil Protectors 1.50 Chevrolet Ignition Locks “ 3.50 Security Auto Theft Signals 10.00 Sale Price $1.50 U I‘ It H U (I 250 606 75c 50c 75c 1.00 5.00 lOnly, Speedometer Instrument, board and door strips, oak. ï¬nish, complete. Regular $21.00. Sale Price $15.00 Bargains m Access'ories Pumps Ladders \Vheelbarrows Wire Fence Iron Posts, Gates Hog Troughs Fiber Plaster Tongue Truck Supports Hydrated Lime Sprayers Ironage Seeders Garden TooTs TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLiONS Richmond Hill Branch: - J. R. Herringto Missey-Uarris, Cockshutt and Batcman-\Vj]kinson chnixs Always in Stock. Better Stock Implements, Garden Tools 'and Repairs deï¬es time and wear because of its weatherproof SUI; face. Colors, red, green, grey. It keeps out rain and moisture because it is impregnated with waterproof asphalt. Make that new roof for your factory or farm building Neponset Paroid and get the best satisfaction that a roof can give. l The railroads use Neponsqt Paroid Rooï¬ng be; cause it gives them the longest and best service at the Howest possible cost per year. They use it on every kind of buildingâ€"close to tracks, where sparks fly. be. cause it is ï¬re-safe THE RICHMH‘JD EilLL HARBWARE C0. Richmond Hill Garage W. G. Baldock, Prop. . CARTER, Richmond Hill Buy the Raï¬ï¬ng the Raiimaflg Use BIRD 81 SON, LIMITED, Harniiton, Ontario FOR the same expenditure at time, energy and feed, you get bigger returns on pure-bred cattle than on scrub stock. If you need ï¬nancial help to improve your stock, consult the local Manager of this Bank. STANDARD SERVICE is (SSI’NIiflll’ Producers STANDARD BANK Rflflï¬ï¬â€™ï¬ “spasms? OF CANADA THE J. R. Herrington, Manager. .S'n'viu Price $1.50 “ 25c “ 60c: " 75c “ 50c