Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1921, p. 8

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I. WE;LW10%@O a i Yonge and (‘nznlos Sis, Tun-onto. uâ€"n . 1 Is well kncwn throughout Canada [ I for high grade work. i Arcotmt-mr‘y, Htenogiaphy. typo- \\'|iling and gem-ml improve- I menl, courses ; lllllt'h [)Z'lstvnni attention ghen Lostudoolx: g yl'ntltlutrs roulily obtain L- umployumnt. Open all ,- your. \Viite to-d .y E for prospectus. E Enter any time. g )V. .I. ELLIoT't‘. l'rincipnl. ._.....__ ._.â€"â€" For Sale ’ l 1 house l lulgiu iiiiACH'S garden land, good and hunk burn ll: Inilrs from Mills, Mninhun 'i‘p. for $629.)“. l Home House. (‘wntrw St. End. good ht, fruit, t-tc’. (A house modern in every Lisp-wt: with beautiful grounds surrounding.f (fine of the mutt. coinfoi tutbln of north Yonge St. Price right. FOR SALEâ€"Ono (-t‘ the beauty‘ spots of Eli humnd Hill: the resi- dence and one acre root-ntly occupied hy Mr, G. F. Allen, who has decided to ‘ live permanently in California, On, Yonae SI. just mouth of. the High :Si‘hool. «IE-it Ten acres, good lniok house, bunk -. burn, hon house. orchard, etc.. on Mt“ ‘ street. / Have a customer for :1 small house and lot. House in vcrv best. ropwir with good lot. on the corner of Centre and Elizn‘ lwth Sts. Immediiltc possession. terms t-us‘y, a. very desirable holnP. H. A. NICHOLLS‘. Real Estate. Eggs . By raising new stock from a reli- able. strain of Barred Rocks. The good for all purpose Breed. Get More Winter PEN No. 1.â€" Is made. up of selected yearling hens of 0. A. C. strain. ’l‘hesi- birds have proved themselves himvy layers. Pen is headed by a Guild (220 egg strain) Uockerel. ill. specimen bird in every-way. Thus pen specially mated as a pullet ally-ending pen . Price per setting of [3 oggs $2.00. 50 eggs $6.00. PEN No. 2â€" Is made up from the best pullcts bred from my last years pen of t). A. (3. strain birds. Pen headed by a Guild (220 egg strain) Cockrrel. All pullets in this pen Commenced to lay when 6 to 7 months old. Price per setting of 13 eggs $1.50 50 eggs $5.00. WM. GREEN Richmond St. - Richmond Hill IF It’s a matter of shoe repairs~ ROLFE do it â€"â€"and it will be done right. A. ROLFIE Boot and Shoe Repairer. Prompt Service Neat Work South of Shoe Factory let t Will Pay You To consult us before buying. WHITE PINE SPRUCE B.C,. FIR AND HEMLOCK LATH AND SHINGLES READY ROOFING BEAVER BOARD 5; Complete Lines. Stock. SASH AND DCORS i A Spcciaity. L. INNEF 6: SONS RICHMOND HILL PHONE 13-3 EGGS FOR AN D ‘ l ‘ Al‘tl'l‘lllN him-1. t (031‘ .. i I"; 1gh-grade 3 ' NOTICE TO PATRi'j‘ilS 0F ‘ Toronto & York Radial Railway l‘ill‘t'i'llti‘ 2.01) o‘clock I. m. ‘M <y 13th. lll‘ll Nn- so wall» ll Daylight Saving Plan Time. TIME, will bo usr-d Ln Schedules of :all Yi‘l'n .\‘o'r it'til,\ llll Ill ' 'l‘tllllilll) .IIil 1 Railway Syglcm. l‘\1]l't] lty 'l‘lotli- l‘vplitIIi-"ll l i 'l‘lrl‘l‘I-lll :ii-d York lindi Ii II)‘. “ l l S\’i‘l RIDAY, M \Y LII .\|H'liull ml.» of1 Ford 'I‘oulings, t'rvupi- :Inil Sznlnn used (".115 nt Iluilliogor 3 (int igo' Thornhiil. halo :It 3 o'clock. old liilll'. Trims Iii l'|\ll. illinr‘t- secured by lit u n- I '. l'ii-ntiwe A", l’ientiio, AIII'H. ‘ i ' . l SA’I‘I'RllAY. .\l\\' ZR -.\uvtiwn min of barn and lol. faint Stock, \i-liii'lrs viz“, ilrl fl. Pull. I. I‘:l\‘l York. llll‘i properly r-t' \\'. (i. I‘VIiillvornn. SHIP int ‘3 o‘wlw k. 'I‘i‘lllls‘ 1':t~ll for i-hnt leis l’renlim- 81 PM lllitit', Alli'l~'. HATCHING Public Notice Notice of Application for iivorce NOTICE is llt’l'i'll}‘ gixon thnt VVEN‘IH \\'tllt'l‘|l li.\i:Ni-‘<,o1tln-(‘ityot'l‘mon‘ A (211‘ 01.53“ in barrels and to. in the t‘mntv I‘ll York. Sailor, l Sll‘nluy, sacks arrived. on hand. 1 .nt lln- next ‘I‘\.\il n lln'im l for .‘l liill of l Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal iin [in- Also a good supply of No. 1 : >'1'.\.\'n.\no ‘ Feed Corn. ~ Blachiord’s Cali Meal. ‘Pastry and Purity Floor al- ways on hand. Purnia Scratch lr‘ccd. l 1 Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pat Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. \ D. Ramer Imperial Ringlet Barred Plymouth Rocks ’ Brod to lay strain, hens that lay will luv and pay. _ 1 use ll‘np nests, is still in the lend. Made another record winningr Hi the lending shows l92l) :ind IOYI. .7 bit-(L- showing, 33 under the iih :(‘Dfll‘utt‘ pens. Euro-Bred White Ma Price per Settlng of 15 Orpingtoin “'hitc (lrpingtons Black [ Ringlet Buried Rocks Rose Comb Rhode lslnnd lied [ Partridge \Vyandotles ; Mammoth Pekin Duck Stock for-sale afterJunelS to make room for young SlOI'k. for price All these birds are Owned and Bred by W. J. BILLING & SON Aurora, Ont, Canada P. O. Box 18 z McLAUGHLlN t Likea new issue of coiniiga McLaughlin Oar. The title "'Crmddn’s Stand“ rd many thousands the McLaughlin oycr cars of the hotter make. The famed McLaughlin-Buick gi-d sure working enginevgives to each of the seven Muster Six models the staunch reputution ot‘ trusttvorthiness. , So wlwn the McLaughlin appears in :1 new model, it bill adds a (lltliilt‘lh e chsunicter to an occepted standard of t‘X'friit‘llCP. Especially attractive are the l cnuscof thi ir “(lllt‘d comfort, but \‘Oge for both winter and summer McLaughlin Motor Car Company, Limited prr sell Eng per per setting of 11 eggs SELL” 258:1Iu12t38uyear, lhe kind tlr-t lnystock has. stood the lost and lions, tin-Se birth atri- all kept in mmoth Pekin Ducks two Setting l'or Iwo setting; for twi- selling for $5 two set ting for $5 setting $3 selting $3 Setting $3 setting $3 )F’I' )e‘l' 191' “'1 ite on Stock. Tyler St. comes the new model of the Czar" was not self-imposed. Hy holds the preference in (humdn \‘ulve-indm nd motor-WI he rug- iew closed bodies not only he‘â€" lu‘t'nuw tin-y :lie decidedly the I ' driving. D. HILL 8: CO. ~ Local Dealers Samson Tractors Chevrolet Cars The“ N ATION AL” Lve. For Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, W Edmonton, Alternative muting: Through via C.T.: North Bay; (hence Tickets and information Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and Victoria from any Agent; Canadian National or Grand Trunk Railways. innipeg [STANDARD TIME Standard Sleeping Car Service to Winnipeg. Leave Toronto 8.45 p.m. Daily "Continental Limited" via T. & N.O.; Cochrane and CN. Rys. ‘ GEO. KIDD Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds 01' Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. on dege St. Fl RE LIFE PLATE. GLASS ’l‘nritfand Non 'l‘arifl‘ Ratings and all Policies give the pro- tection they are intended for and an the minimum rates. rates before looking elsewhere. issues a new policy without medical examination for 31000, also a policy called the Family Policy, which is striking for its protection on man and his wife and many good features, pamphlet, which explains all. men and women. because the company carries a small risk on the wifaalso, and costs nothing. No medical examination for the wit'c- is required. P. G. SAVAGE & SON Agent for All kinds of Insurance Office at the Post Office, Richmond Hill 'ot' Ont.“ io, llie lilth tiny r f May, i l l 1 i r \V 2Do:rs South of Bakery “I!” will apply to the I’ilt liann-nl nvft' lllvillrl ])i"t‘ll"’ from lli“ \\'il'x~. ('.\Rl’.ll<‘. BARNES. ol' the said t‘ity oli'l‘ort nlo. County of York. \idll'lt’ll whinnn, on th-- gzoundsotadultery :Ind dowltion. I):lli'tl in! Two: to, Province of Ontario. this 38th d..y oi .‘iull h, A. IL lll‘ll. Ill'tilllir; k [\(;,\II. T'JQur-i-n Stirvt. “rm”. Toronto, (mt, Solicitors 1. ‘1‘ to H \\'1N'r‘.\'on'rn Burn-:4. luxmm "Irma," : 7,.“ m Notice 01 Application for Divorce Ntl'l‘lti‘l'i is lll‘ll‘i'y giyi Ii llinl \lAltY l‘\,\'lilt \lic.\'ri:\', t 1' liit' (i:\' of Toronto, in tin- (‘ounty it York, I’im lllt'r‘ it (llllill in, Munied “Munro, will "Hill. to the l’:Iili:ims-nt i-t't‘nnru‘u Ill illl‘ Iii-X! .‘v‘wiinn lill'lt‘l l‘, litrl A Bill of Divorce from her lithinintl.l_\.\lrts V.\l.l'2\'l‘l.\'l-J MlCN‘l‘UN, ii the (My ul' Tiuonlo, in the (‘nunty of York, I'llvcti i( l'll', on the grounds oi adultery and (Insertion, Illted at Toronto, in the Plil‘llH'“ .\. ll. 11m. ‘ (‘I'HRY & \\'.~\ I.I..\('l':. Solicitor s for the Applii-nnl, Z") Qinou Sll‘el‘l I‘i nl, l7 ll Toronto. RICHS NOTES \Villi:\m Ali'l“.ltldi‘ll was )‘i‘>ll'!il;ly found guilly of We lllllltll'l' ot l.. l'. H thine. and will be hanged in Toronto Jail on [hr- .'lid ot'Augusl. Roy IIotâ€" has nlsn been ronyii-icd of ll (- some minder, and will be sentenced ion Monday. ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILEâ€"FIRE, THEFT, LIABILITY This should appeal to all SICKNESS BURGLARY Get our The Confederation Lit‘e Asso. Ask for the married BUILDING LOTS .30 ft. Lot on Roseyiew Ave. $250. 50 ft. Lot 011 Baker Ave. $400. Acreage Lots, Markham Road, East of Railway at low prices and easy terms. Cheap stone for foundations. We have horrses for sale in North Toronto and North Yonge St. up to Aurora. W. J. Lawrence 1974 YOnge St. Phones Bel. 1515 & 1470 Vulcanizing Bring us your tires and tubes for repairs. as good as new by our Haywood Vulcanizer. Made NOW is the time to have your tires put in good shape for the warm weather. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. TeetZâ€"elâ€"Bros.

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