Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1921, p. 1

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Teach Your Children the Value of Money Open Savings Ac- counts for each one of your children. Insist upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift \lIiII gradually become a strong trait in each child’s character. There is a branch of this Bank near you and 3. Savings Department at every Branch. The Royal Bank at Canada Branches â€"Thornhill r and Willowdale p .T. 11. l’rentice 415 B:rIIioI St. Toronto. I’honr- Belmont 1347 th‘.E.’Sl£D AUC'I‘IONEER EUR I‘oUN'I‘Y op YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales ot ever-y (Ir-scr‘rption. Fur-ms and farm stock sales :1 spt-(tiar‘ltv. Farms hought and sold on commission. All srrles at- tended to on shortest notice. and Con- (Iucted by the most npprovvd methods. Patronage- solicited. MlSS BEATRlCE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of FletcheriMethod Musical Krpdergarten Pupils pusscd for Conservatory Ex- uminutions. S'l‘t'olo â€"IIO'l‘l-Il. RICHMOND, Richmond Hill. (Tl J. SAIGEON Maple Licensed Auctioneer for thvt‘ountyot~ York. Suit-intlvrrdwd to on shortest trotit‘t‘, rind :rt ‘r'r‘usounhle I-ntr‘s. Patronage Sirliflilt‘tl '1‘. (fr. 14 X” i) N LICENSED .\l'l‘l‘lONEElt FOR Tun: (‘UK'N'l‘Y or‘ Your; l’utrnnrrueand influence respectfully solir'itrd I’. 0.:1drII4-ss (iormley. I(,li. Resident-+- address Victoria Squirr- Sand, Gravel, , Tile and Brick The .\Iapli- .\‘zrnd, (hotel and Ilrick (lourprrnv, lit'd, hurr- on hand for szrle. (ix-merit druin lilo, 3. 4. 5, ti and S in. | Culvert tile 1'2. 1."). IN" and :20 inch (till inches in length) Also (‘r-nn-nt Brick. , Sand or (iruwl sold by the lorrd orl in our lots. (‘I‘dur' pos‘s :III.I {vii-phone poles for s-rlo. 'I‘. COI'SINS. Pros. and .\I.rn:rg_;vr. .\Iupli», GREGORY GOODERIIAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. “flit-es â€"â€" (‘ontirwntul I.ilv" t‘r-r. Br)‘ and Itivhmond l 5t. 'I‘olorrto. I Toronto Bldg. Brunch Utlioâ€"llirhmond IIiII every '1‘ n-srin' utter noon :rt I.ilr--r:rl Utiim. I Money t I Lo III. JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON, "Eliox‘nhill. In. 11'; no or otherwise pronpiiy --;I III d to I ; 201) BEIrhsI-‘orrn Arr-2.. W EST ’l‘ormxro ‘ iE. R. SANDERSi‘PN gNtrtllilig ti algt'r-ill 7N1 tiling to vsizmll, .()lLII-l ~ 29:" r DENTIST Slnlrtlnld Ii‘tllh. Hornstlnun. to fulfill Open o-u-nings by :IppoirrtrrII-nt. I 'I‘r‘Il’Illlilll" 3'.) , ----â€"-â€"__.._______ , WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embnlm crs RICHMOND HIiL. THORNHlLL AND UNIONVILLE A large Mock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the nhove placen M A. C. HENDERSON PLI’MI’IINI; .\.\'o 'I‘INsMI'rIIINII Iltl'l‘ \\'.\'I'IiR HEATING ANDUI‘INI‘JIIAL III‘JI’AIIiN‘ ONT. N DR. J. P VVILSON Ofiiw‘ IronrswlOto lilo-q p. “I. ()l'l‘i-‘I-JIIIII I"'.\Itlt'll"" Richmoan IIIII. TIIOICVIIILII, I3 .I_In. rYongo Ht lt et I’llHllv‘ IV“. l HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. w n V ' 1*. ILL\ IN WELLWOOD LO('.\I. AGENT â€"RICII)IOND HILL, ()N'l'. British (‘rown Assurance Corporation. Eagle, Slur, and British Ilorniniorrs Ilhlll‘illlt‘t' ('ourpuny British North Vl'nstI-r Ir i Insnrnntgi- ('oirrpuny ‘ Fire ' M \anter S. ~Ionkins I II:IIIy Nun Iii-s. thrro Hill. 501% .~\ntornolriIr-. girtorr lies. I‘lljzin .\Iill. Iii's. Plinth} 41." , NAUGII’I'OI' & JENKINS Barristers Solicitor Notaries Teleplrout Triain 2777 ’.\Ion:nr'r'h Bldg. 25â€"28 Adi-I- _~ :niIII- St" \\ 9st, Toronto. INnnuhtoh Block, Aurora Solicrt‘n' for: The Town of Auroi‘n The 'I‘ownship of King , ‘ The Township of \\'hitr-hor-I-h I'I‘iw impr'r i.rI I3 Ink of (Enrolu, Aurqu :\I.\\'Jllll ll, i\’ (‘ll. (\Illtll'il ‘J [lives , AHLHUME No'I‘AIrY l’l'lilJl' ' (It)?\'\'l£\'.-\.\‘t'l.\'t. ISSI'IiI! HI“ \I \IIRIAUII I.It‘iC.\'.\'li\' Richmond Hill JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO :IUNEII Pllrlllt'.IIIl."Kl()ILTz. I'VVENTY-HVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will It'uoive prompt attention. \'.\.\'ooI:I-‘ i I.II'I-:.\'sr:o .\I't”l‘lU,\'l~II£l.', i Fill: ‘I‘llii (III .\"I'\' HI" \"IIIIix ‘ I ’I‘I:I:.\I.< lll-:.\<o.\'.\m.r:. I “itll Hi. (i o. Iluzding w;il nuke prompt illlt‘llliuvlr. Alsongt‘ld liwt‘llii‘ Iiill'li‘lll Nlil'rdilid ' .\I....II. I’hr llr' .r-i;. rrl N)‘..':' ____.._4_..___~ J. iill\‘{.\l\’l) FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC i l'-rr..Ir issinnvr. (' :I\‘r*}'tl.r"1.ii' RE‘II. [STHE AND INSI‘RVJQILi \, TIIORNHILI- “mireTrMn-h Block, I\VtHItrIr1'5nU1-th [.f I4Il'llll'hdlll Uow-r rro.‘ , Duke and I)nI'hI-«~s of tuition of :r ‘ purude nt LII” shun-p :rrrd Ieaw- \ in the‘ , less hr-nwrth Illl'il' tutors. and “ill u so __' w. HEWISON, 'nnd Irn-lrrhrrs ot' I‘nttvrs‘on Lotluv :IIHl I“ ‘D, (i, M. to :Iddrt-ss the lodge- whi ~h| ‘J. I rown, H. Loggia and V, ‘day evening, May 16th. ‘ITct'olrrpulry ('rrl. Higgins -Ind tln- t). (3' R. H .Ladets . I Cr'l. Fraser, aide to “is “or our tho‘ ot Unt ll 0 Irzrs invitvd the t). (‘. to :IltI-nrl tho! l“:rrowrll (hrrdvn l’nrly living giu-n 2t Government House, Toronto, to lllr‘, [It'\llll‘lllll' orrl 'I‘hv ('ol. hns :rl- Illlllll'tllill“ pr1~pn~ .\lilIHlIt‘HI rI-n-ord of he lorps for tho RirgirrrI-Ili’rl Documents, at H. Q . whit-II lrns hm n l'or'qu'dI-II. 1 Company will pirudr- lull slr‘r'ngtlrl from 7.1.3 l"r idny evening for I-I-rvIno-i ninl dr ill tor the inspI-wtnrn on Klonr- lti.; I‘urr'rrts of the r allots kindly km'p this, (lillt‘ fro ‘ us they IIIL‘ to In- gltz'sls for this Rmir‘w. (Ifiir'ers from. [1.1.2. will. Thursday :ri'ti‘r noon. so (‘tlllllll‘ltltlt‘ll III:- will endeavor- to have Burrd prI-wnt if possihlin Suttlrtln)‘ :rl'lI-rrnron the Cd‘lt'l“ :rr'v- the guests of .\Ir. :Irrd Mrs. Ilnrnnrry 1 HI tIrI-irjelforson Ironw. (lulrls will the Aurqu MotrolNit’nn. l“:rrr- uill lrl‘ proyilr-u' for, through the Ib‘gimt-ntnl I’nnd. ('ndt'ts‘ will wear their while sir 0v - bringr their lmthing suits. l'hivsr- :rl'r‘ to Iv wrapped in brown pupr‘l' :urd tit-rt neatly with :r Sll'up. Tho (lirrrrpzrrry for the Ironii .g Visit of I’Ii-miI-r I)r my and his- putty w.ll prradr- full strength. A (qurd If, Honour \\ ill he (It‘lilill‘tl and The I'm‘ 'â€" Irroniul lll‘ll‘t‘ll pus! in (‘Ul‘llllll will f0'~. low. F.â€" ---~.,. 'l'lltlllNHllil. 0n 'I‘Ir-Irsdny. .\I «y Illlrv tho illIIl't‘.s visiting brethren spvnt .I rno-t onjoj- :rlrle wooing, it hiringr Illt- o.-I':I~ioi. or HIV (lilit-iuI \i‘il of the District Deputy (irrrrrrl Mush-r, It, \\'. “Iv. (Milli-Id, Hood, ’1“l'lllll)((’lll|l' District No. II B. Rr-prewntntiree l'.o n Alpha, (‘o - irrllrian. Y-r-k, t‘ornnnle. Aslllrrl, ht,< Andrew‘s Lodges. Toltlilllll ttirhnronl‘,l Richmond IIi.l; Vnughnrr, .\Iuplv: Ris- ing Sun, Aux-run; .\l.rr'klr;rrrr l'nirrr ,1 Markham: Malone, Sutton: :ISSlett‘tl in doing honor to the It. \\', Bro, After initial Irg‘ :r C. ndidutr- ILW. Bro. Hood asked Ii. \\'. la. “231". 8. Until u, 1’. I). he did in :r kindly omitting: \\'. Bro. If. H. (‘ox :rrd Iii oliivvrs. . tier the lt‘gllltll‘ husir.e~'s tIrl Illl‘IIlI‘l‘ll l'l'llilil't‘d to the Inrnlnet I lull m d there 5} e.rt :r plonsrrnt hour“ with ‘IH'I'UIIPS llllHlSpt‘l'st'lI wrth Irmsit- ‘ hy the Irrrperird Iluwaiin Troupe, 'I‘or- , .rrrlu. ‘ Atter'toirsting,r “The King and the Fruit." "The (irrrnd Muster and the, Uri-m d Lodge of Canada” wns pro- [Hm (I. This wrrs responded to in nlvlt' ‘ addresses try R. W. Bros. Murphy. A. \V. Bro. Jol n Cook. “Visiting Bretlrrr n ' proposed by It. \V. lilo. J. Ii. It'runI-is 10>! Ulldl‘tl to in n few :rpprnpriutr- 1 marks by \V. Bro. I". ,I. (,iruhrrlrl. Richmond Lodge, and Iivv. Bro. MI:- Dougall Hay. Iim'. Bro. S. R. Rolrirr- I st 1), Vaughan Lodge. Maple; Vi. Bro. mourn-r compli- l.. j. (i. Mollonrrld, Rising Sun Iiodge,‘ Aurora; \\'. Bro. A. \\'. Furry. York [,1 (Igt-z \\'. Bro. A. V. Elms. Aehlnr Lodge and Bro. McBride, Lodgv, \Viltr'l'll 0, 0m. \Vult‘lloo «cor-7" A meeting of the J. I“. I. .\. of York County was hold at Tllornlrill, Monâ€" The meeting was of it sociul us wellarsun educa- tioner nature, thespcciul fr'uture IH‘» ing the puhlit: spr-rrking ('I‘Il[l st, in which the \\'Illl|t'l: ol' the normal ton- tests of thr- I:r~t six yours r‘orltestrd for honours. Mr. J. t‘. HIe:L‘lr-y, Ilmr- ornry I)l('\'ltlt‘lll ol the Aswn‘i-llinlr, occupied tho chair and (,‘nIIr-d upon tin- speukt-rs in the following order :77 Mr. I'Iur'lw Tool”, .\‘mvmarketâ€"“Lzry- ing a. Foundation tor thr: Future Suc- cessful I’ur lllt‘l'. " ' Mr. jos. Snidvr, Ilou’nsw ir-w w "Aims oi the J. I“. I. A." .\II'. I'Lliln Ju-‘ks- ll, Fuirhnnksâ€"e “The Ullltl'llllliitlt‘s trelwrr- the Young Farmer." RIF. itll‘I. \“JI‘IHI, \\'oInIIrIiIIgt~ “The “Kiri; ol' thr- Agricultural Rt‘prl'» sarilntiyw.” 311'. II ll \‘.-_\' lilluld, I.>llli.ll\ ill” “The I".rrrrr~r .Ind lllt' 'I'nr'ill.” .\Ir. .\. I}. Br Irnir', .\Iurkhurrr, wn‘ llllrllllr- to I‘r‘ I‘ll‘~t‘lll. The judges, .\Ir. II. 5. I’llllt"lll «f tho DepnIlIrIe-rrt 11' Agriculture, and .\Ir. \\'. Ii. Iii :rilh l'l"'_ It-prty .\Iinrstcr «l Agile iiIv.r -, :rr.v.i .\Ir. llIItIr-‘It'i Id, Il~- ml L-Iizi :I. lit r-wnrnir'rJIr'; on lIl' s;~ vi; w, r irigruilri Il -.i It.» >1|K'rr.'i‘ In lir -l \>I, razors-~1trni II‘F‘I“ l '.\ _\' in u... .. ill,‘)’ [r r'. ll-ltli Il.:‘.l '.r \ I2.l l'l In" I wniiz‘ .r- l_\ :i.~ or;.r 'I'rr- _.1 " iv r f I! . Inuit" ;_:i\: ~ I. I .“II. Torrie, st In'.‘ 3%.. J \ (‘fr ii to .\I:. ll. \\ 2.. i l I; tlrc..‘:.i; ;~ ..'‘.::rI It .:;.nr 0. A r v 'v 9- e and en} -j»'« .l 2 - rung is reported. é ’ I l i Public Speaking Contest ‘ I PERSONAL BzXNIflNG The Sterling Bank in your town is more than :1 repository for funds. It Is the representative of an institution whose officers are always prepared to take a personal interest in your business and to assist you in every possible way. Advice regarding financial information dealing with‘ farm problems is freely given. If information along theselines is desired which we do not possess, every efiort is made to obtain it. Are you getting the benefits of this pekonal Banking Service in the business and financial matters dealing with , your farm? lirurn'lrnsnt: Ilinhmonrl Hill. ,. .._...a_-.u__â€".;-â€"-â€" Public Notice 1 \Vi- 'III' III)\\' Ill «1 po~ilir~rr to li-ult :llli‘t your l‘\l'l_\’ lion :1" nit-[:1] work, :Ind will ln- l,)I"ll>t'lI ltrst'r- you ill rig-rid lo Ilt‘t‘tli ill :‘r'rctzil Roofing. Metal Yiding‘. Metal Garages, litc. wI-Il n~ ['I‘ L’zwe Trouglring. Furnace and Ge 'cral Repair Work. (lirlrrr‘ in :Irrd \l't‘ us .‘llH‘lII your groin}; \\'or I; now. Sh rp rrnxt to the Shoe I’nrtI-Iy, in th- ()IlI Bank Building. TEETZEL BEBE. “mm-ah. XVIILv .\I.*\ Y 'IIIIINIC IIlI' [.I it 1* of farm products Iris t'rth-n IIII‘IK' [II In «my l-tlll'l' :rr!iI-'I- I'I' .‘(rrrmnrr Thornhill, Lupin; Newton Brook. THE STE LINGBANK (wflwmm Us» hut we1 SERNiGE or investment matters and 44 Ix'mrvir‘k, QIIH-nsvillu. Aurora EA. Cameron MacN‘aughtâ€"on l Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. ‘ I UFFN'Efis‘Ul'l‘l‘l-Bl.TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 1R KING I s'rIrEIC'I‘ wrasr Denton, Macdonald ti i‘enton Barristers. Soliolor-s. &.-, .\lANNINI: Altt‘,\lll‘7. iL’l KINo S'I‘. \Vl‘ifi'l‘. ’l‘oIroN'I'o. (',\.\‘.-\IM. 'l‘rstl.IcI‘rIr..\'I: (‘nl'li- .I".;rnk I)r‘lrlr n .\r t lllll' .\..‘Im'donrrld .\l,\r.\‘I-: .lll .\Ildl *‘ssl "Drain" I. s. SHEPHERD l..\'l‘FI orr Int-Ir: DICCUILIT. It, I’AI’ Cll-llth} Ii it lili.\I-'l-III I'I'I't'. i III‘IADI’UIHL lll)lt.‘lLIfY R. H. I’lrv n»- l‘TlI ‘ W... IN‘III Vt' :r cornpnrison I‘I. our prices on» Iumlwr- to-rluy with iprotutions of one _\‘l‘vtl' nng will .\Il|!\\' tlrrrt runny lint-s of lurrihv-I' hun- I'l'r'tl It'tIll"('(I us much ns‘ :Ilmost :rrrylutIrI-r ('Ulrl‘lllrtllll'. Iotsol' InIrIlrI-r is Irwin; sold lo-duy :rt .1 loss and in rnurry iIrstnnI-esI'unrrot Int l'l'IlIill’I‘ll Ilf tirr- m molar-Imus :It the more price. I’. is :r good linI-~ Io IrlliItI. Jones Lumber & Coal Ca. CHOPPING TUESDAY .\ND FRIDAY .\lzry I-LII‘IITL‘I' notion Commencing til until B. Hoover Richmond Hill. courtrar REVlSlON .\lonir Ipulitaj: of :II:* TOWNSHIP 01“ .\IARKHAM (:or‘x'rr or your; I'lrlrii; Ir|_’.i‘t' I‘ll r~iy_';\-II lErrt :r ('oIIr' tor ll. |r\l r.r-:"..--.-\4~v\>- Illt’lll li- ii III in ' \ll\.. tiridrlw Irzrtrr \tiil i r i; III in \i‘.‘ . lluii. I'm r;\§.i--, I :. _‘\lI);‘.tI;Iy. .\I‘.\_" .mth. i ’21 ..I 3 I I ll. It. to Inn: :rr.l .r'. . . \i.‘ llll"| \Ii n' lll' plain!» r-‘wi ' ,\ s x » i ~ ~ I: ' ll -r. ' Ill-3 .\lunr- i; 'v I I'i' 'i 'si‘nrr t )IIllklrtlll . ~r.l I All pot.» is I ll 1» .r I to ink»- ll’. - ad” I 1. ms ~ acct 913.4)" Ill l‘ill'l r I: ‘x j. EARLR N \"l'ON , I l’l.\r\'l.\"l‘ ‘ Tour ‘r‘l ol' Piano-Pinyin: :rt llru , Toronto (‘Innsr-r’r'utor‘y of .\Insiu; l nnd .\‘l. .\Iltlgrlb'l‘~ L'olI-gw. Iiirlrmornl IIiIlrr \VI-rlrrr-sduys‘ nlrti ,S:ItIIItI;I_\'s. , â€"â€"â€"_.â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".______. l ‘ .\10 straw». l'-,\. . I’ete-r 'l’avlor, ‘ II. \V'. ILIlthlr‘S. l: .\. I I'vi-Irizr» ~‘ .\lrrnnr lit rut Nutn For» 1.; Shaver Taylor at Rhodes l:.1 rist‘rs. Sullrinms .\ot.r|'i:§. lltc. II no"! or l‘irrl‘. 'liir, ‘ ions Midli- I I‘I"‘l‘ In: City Hui I 7.7 Ql‘ltll St “at ,‘l‘el. \Ia.ulrl Z'Tr I‘uruirIu â€".__...__.. ' II. -\. .\‘It‘IIOLlfi ROTARY I’l'IJLIC ('orrrrrrissiwnr-r, ("nitration-vi, I‘it~ Inslirurn'v- nlrd lir'JI I'Islutr- Iitltt'l of Marriage liirI-nsr-s. RICHIMIOND HILL WILLIAM COOK BIIurIs'rz-nr. SOLUTION», NOTARY lift. 'I‘rrl‘utllu Urliwv, {it hnrond Buildings III; lilt'llllllrllll .\‘lrm't, \Vtwl. {irhrnorrd IIiIl ()tlit'e l‘ LIIH‘I‘HI Ultimo. ~.‘\t‘l:.‘ 'I'hnrsduy for"‘l1(ron. .\l.rva-. 'I'IriIr «lay afternoon. \Voodlrri luv, Saturday t'orvnoon. Money to Limu ,Lt(.'1rr'I'eIrt Rules lit )I'Sfi F PAINTING 'i‘IiRICR Elliot :RA'I‘II’HV - '_ IEr-‘r‘cxic 'l'hornhill

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