Teach Your Children the Value of Money Open Savings Ac- counts for each one of your children. Insist upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift \lIiII gradually become a strong trait in each child’s character. There is a branch of this Bank near you and 3. Savings Department at every Branch. The Royal Bank at Canada Branches â€"Thornhill r and Willowdale p .T. 11. l’rentice 415 B:rIIioI St. Toronto. I’honr- Belmont 1347 th‘.E.’Sl£D AUC'I‘IONEER EUR I‘oUN'I‘Y op YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales ot ever-y (Ir-scr‘rption. Fur-ms and farm stock sales :1 spt-(tiar‘ltv. Farms hought and sold on commission. All srrles at- tended to on shortest notice. and Con- (Iucted by the most npprovvd methods. Patronage- solicited. MlSS BEATRlCE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of FletcheriMethod Musical Krpdergarten Pupils pusscd for Conservatory Ex- uminutions. S'l‘t'olo â€"IIO'l‘l-Il. RICHMOND, Richmond Hill. (Tl J. SAIGEON Maple Licensed Auctioneer for thvt‘ountyot~ York. Suit-intlvrrdwd to on shortest trotit‘t‘, rind :rt ‘r'r‘usounhle I-ntr‘s. Patronage Sirliflilt‘tl '1‘. (fr. 14 X†i) N LICENSED .\l'l‘l‘lONEElt FOR Tun: (‘UK'N'l‘Y or‘ Your; l’utrnnrrueand influence respectfully solir'itrd I’. 0.:1drII4-ss (iormley. I(,li. Resident-+- address Victoria Squirr- Sand, Gravel, , Tile and Brick The .\Iapli- .\‘zrnd, (hotel and Ilrick (lourprrnv, lit'd, hurr- on hand for szrle. (ix-merit druin lilo, 3. 4. 5, ti and S in. | Culvert tile 1'2. 1."). IN" and :20 inch (till inches in length) Also (‘r-nn-nt Brick. , Sand or (iruwl sold by the lorrd orl in our lots. (‘I‘dur' pos‘s :III.I {vii-phone poles for s-rlo. 'I‘. COI'SINS. Pros. and .\I.rn:rg_;vr. .\Iupli», GREGORY GOODERIIAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. “flit-es â€"â€" (‘ontirwntul I.ilv" t‘r-r. Br)‘ and Itivhmond l 5t. 'I‘olorrto. I Toronto Bldg. Brunch Utlioâ€"llirhmond IIiII every '1‘ n-srin' utter noon :rt I.ilr--r:rl Utiim. I Money t I Lo III. JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON, "Eliox‘nhill. In. 11'; no or otherwise pronpiiy --;I III d to I ; 201) BEIrhsI-‘orrn Arr-2.. W EST ’l‘ormxro ‘ iE. R. SANDERSi‘PN gNtrtllilig ti algt'r-ill 7N1 tiling to vsizmll, .()lLII-l ~ 29:" r DENTIST Slnlrtlnld Ii‘tllh. Hornstlnun. to fulï¬ll p.nr. Open o-u-nings by :IppoirrtrrII-nt. I 'I‘r‘Il’Illlilll" 3'.) , ----â€"-â€"__.._______ , WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embnlm crs RICHMOND HIiL. THORNHlLL AND UNIONVILLE A large Mock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the nhove placen M A. C. HENDERSON PLI’MI’IINI; .\.\'o 'I‘INsMI'rIIINII Iltl'l‘ \\'.\'I'IiR HEATING ANDUI‘INI‘JIIAL III‘JI’AIIiN‘ ONT. N DR. J. P VVILSON Oï¬iw‘ IronrswlOto lilo-q p. “I. ()l'l‘i-‘I-JIIIII I"'.\Itlt'll"" Richmoan IIIII. TIIOICVIIILII, I3 .I_In. rYongo Ht lt et I’llHllv‘ IV“. l HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. w n V ' 1*. ILL\ IN WELLWOOD LO('.\I. AGENT â€"RICII)IOND HILL, ()N'l'. British (‘rown Assurance Corporation. Eagle, Slur, and British Ilorniniorrs Ilhlll‘illlt‘t' ('ourpuny British North Vl'nstI-r Ir i Insnrnntgi- ('oirrpuny ‘ Fire ' M \anter S. ~Ionkins I II:IIIy Nun Iii-s. thrro Hill. 501% .~\ntornolriIr-. girtorr lies. I‘lljzin .\Iill. Iii's. Plinth} 41." , NAUGII’I'OI' & JENKINS Barristers Solicitor Notaries Teleplrout Triain 2777 ’.\Ion:nr'r'h Bldg. 25â€"28 Adi-I- _~ :niIII- St" \\ 9st, Toronto. INnnuhtoh Block, Aurora Solicrt‘n' for: The Town of Auroi‘n The 'I‘ownship of King , ‘ The Township of \\'hitr-hor-I-h I'I‘iw impr'r i.rI I3 Ink of (Enrolu, Aurqu :\I.\\'Jllll ll, i\’ (‘ll. (\Illtll'il ‘J [lives , AHLHUME No'I‘AIrY l’l'lilJl' ' (It)?\'\'l£\'.-\.\‘t'l.\'t. ISSI'IiI! HI“ \I \IIRIAUII I.It‘iC.\'.\'li\' Richmond Hill JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO :IUNEII Pllrlllt'.IIIl."Kl()ILTz. I'VVENTY-HVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will It'uoive prompt attention. \'.\.\'ooI:I-‘ i I.II'I-:.\'sr:o .\I'tâ€l‘lU,\'l~II£l.', i Fill: ‘I‘llii (III .\"I'\' HI" \"IIIIix ‘ I ’I‘I:I:.\I.< lll-:.\<o.\'.\m.r:. I “itll Hi. (i o. Iluzding w;il nuke prompt illlt‘llliuvlr. Alsongt‘ld liwt‘llii‘ Iiill'li‘lll Nlil'rdilid ' .\I....II. I’hr llr' .r-i;. rrl N)‘..':' ____.._4_..___~ J. iill\‘{.\l\’l) FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC i l'-rr..Ir issinnvr. (' :I\‘r*}'tl.r"1.ii' RE‘II. [STHE AND INSI‘RVJQILi \, TIIORNHILI- “mireTrMn-h Block, I\VtHItrIr1'5nU1-th [.f I4Il'llll'hdlll Uow-r rro.‘ , Duke and I)nI'hI-«~s of tuition of :r ‘ purude nt LII†shun-p :rrrd Ieaw- \ in the‘ , less hr-nwrth Illl'il' tutors. and “ill u so __' w. HEWISON, 'nnd Irn-lrrhrrs ot' I‘nttvrs‘on Lotluv :IIHl I“ ‘D, (i, M. to :Iddrt-ss the lodge- whi ~h| ‘J. I rown, H. Loggia and V, ‘day evening, May 16th. ‘ITct'olrrpulry ('rrl. Higgins -Ind tln- t). (3' R. H .Ladets . I Cr'l. Fraser, aide to “is “or our tho‘ ot Unt ll 0 Irzrs invitvd the t). (‘. to :IltI-nrl tho! l“:rrowrll (hrrdvn l’nrly living giu-n 2t Government House, Toronto, to lllr‘, [It'\llll‘lllll' orrl 'I‘hv ('ol. hns :rl- Illlllll'tllill“ pr1~pn~ .\lilIHlIt‘HI rI-n-ord of he lorps for tho RirgirrrI-Ili’rl Documents, at H. Q . whit-II lrns hm n l'or'qu'dI-II. 1 Company will pirudr- lull slr‘r'ngtlrl from 7.1.3 l"r idny evening for I-I-rvIno-i ninl dr ill tor the inspI-wtnrn on Klonr- lti.; I‘urr'rrts of the r allots kindly km'p this, (lillt‘ fro ‘ us they IIIL‘ to In- gltz'sls for this Rmir‘w. (Iï¬ir'ers from. [1.1.2. will. Thursday :ri'ti‘r noon. so (‘tlllllll‘ltltlt‘ll III:- will endeavor- to have Burrd prI-wnt if possihlin Suttlrtln)‘ :rl'lI-rrnron the Cd‘lt'l“ :rr'v- the guests of .\Ir. :Irrd Mrs. Ilnrnnrry 1 HI tIrI-irjelforson Ironw. (lulrls will the Aurqu MotrolNit’nn. l“:rrr- uill lrl‘ proyilr-u' for, through the Ib‘gimt-ntnl I’nnd. ('ndt'ts‘ will wear their while sir 0v - bringr their lmthing suits. l'hivsr- :rl'r‘ to Iv wrapped in brown pupr‘l' :urd tit-rt neatly with :r Sll'up. Tho (lirrrrpzrrry for the Ironii .g Visit of I’Ii-miI-r I)r my and his- putty w.ll prradr- full strength. A (qurd If, Honour \\ ill he (It‘lilill‘tl and The I'm‘ 'â€" Irroniul lll‘ll‘t‘ll pus! in (‘Ul‘llllll will f0'~. low. F.â€" ---~.,. 'l'lltlllNHllil. 0n 'I‘Ir-Irsdny. .\I «y Illlrv tho illIIl't‘.s visiting brethren spvnt .I rno-t onjoj- :rlrle wooing, it hiringr Illt- o.-I':I~ioi. or HIV (lilit-iuI \i‘il of the District Deputy (irrrrrrl Mush-r, It, \\'. “Iv. (Milli-Id, Hood, ’1“l'lllll)((’lll|l' District No. II B. Rr-prewntntiree l'.o n Alpha, (‘o - irrllrian. Y-r-k, t‘ornnnle. Aslllrrl, ht,< Andrew‘s Lodges. Toltlilllll ttirhnronl‘,l Richmond IIi.l; Vnughnrr, .\Iuplv: Ris- ing Sun, Aux-run; .\l.rr'klr;rrrr l'nirrr ,1 Markham: Malone, Sutton: :ISSlett‘tl in doing honor to the It. \\', Bro, After initial Irg‘ :r C. ndidutr- ILW. Bro. Hood asked Ii. \\'. la. “231". 8. Until u, 1’. I). he did in :r kindly omitting: \\'. Bro. If. H. (‘ox :rrd Iii oliivvrs. . tier the lt‘gllltll‘ husir.e~'s tIrl Illl‘IIlI‘l‘ll l'l'llilil't‘d to the Inrnlnet I lull m d there 5} e.rt :r plonsrrnt hour“ with ‘IH'I'UIIPS llllHlSpt‘l'st'lI wrth Irmsit- ‘ hy the Irrrperird Iluwaiin Troupe, 'I‘or- , .rrrlu. ‘ Atter'toirsting,r “The King and the Fruit." "The (irrrnd Muster and the, Uri-m d Lodge of Canada†wns pro- [Hm (I. This wrrs responded to in nlvlt' ‘ addresses try R. W. Bros. Murphy. A. \V. Bro. Jol n Cook. “Visiting Bretlrrr n ' proposed by It. \V. lilo. J. Ii. It'runI-is 10>! Ulldl‘tl to in n few :rpprnpriutr- 1 marks by \V. Bro. I". ,I. (,iruhrrlrl. Richmond Lodge, and Iivv. Bro. MI:- Dougall Hay. Iim'. Bro. S. R. Rolrirr- I st 1), Vaughan Lodge. Maple; Vi. Bro. mourn-r compli- l.. j. (i. Mollonrrld, Rising Sun Iiodge,‘ Aurora; \\'. Bro. A. \\'. Furry. York [,1 (Igt-z \\'. Bro. A. V. Elms. Aehlnr Lodge and Bro. McBride, Lodgv, \Viltr'l'll 0, 0m. \Vult‘lloo «cor-7" A meeting of the J. I“. I. .\. of York County was hold at Tllornlrill, Monâ€" The meeting was of it sociul us wellarsun educa- tioner nature, thespcciul fr'uture IH‘» ing the puhlit: spr-rrking ('I‘Il[l st, in which the \\'Illl|t'l: ol' the normal ton- tests of thr- I:r~t six yours r‘orltestrd for honours. Mr. J. t‘. HIe:L‘lr-y, Ilmr- ornry I)l('\'ltlt‘lll ol the Aswn‘i-llinlr, occupied tho chair and (,‘nIIr-d upon tin- speukt-rs in the following order :77 Mr. I'Iur'lw Toolâ€, .\‘mvmarketâ€"“Lzry- ing a. Foundation tor thr: Future Suc- cessful I’ur lllt‘l'. " ' Mr. jos. Snidvr, Ilou’nsw ir-w w "Aims oi the J. I“. I. A." .\II'. I'Lliln Ju-‘ks- ll, Fuirhnnksâ€"e “The Ullltl'llllliitlt‘s trelwrr- the Young Farmer." RIF. itll‘I. \“JI‘IHI, \\'oInIIrIiIIgt~ “The “Kiri; ol' thr- Agricultural Rt‘prl'» sarilntiyw.†311'. II ll \‘.-_\' lilluld, I.>llli.ll\ ill†“The I".rrrrr~r .Ind lllt' 'I'nr'ill.†.\Ir. .\. I}. Br Irnir', .\Iurkhurrr, wn‘ llllrllllr- to I‘r‘ I‘ll‘~t‘lll. The judges, .\Ir. II. 5. I’llllt"lll «f tho DepnIlIrIe-rrt 11' Agriculture, and .\Ir. \\'. Ii. Iii :rilh l'l"'_ It-prty .\Iinrstcr «l Agile iiIv.r -, :rr.v.i .\Ir. llIItIr-‘It'i Id, Il~- p:rrtrr.va.1 ml L-Iizi :I. lit r-wnrnir'rJIr'; on lIl' s;~ vi; w, r irigruilri Il -.i It.» >1|K'rr.'i‘ In lir -l \>I, razors-~1trni II‘F‘I“ l '.\ _\' in u... .. ill,‘)’ [r r'. ll-ltli Il.:‘.l '.r \ I2.l l'l In" I wniiz‘ .r- l_\ :i.~ or;.r 'I'rr- _.1 " iv r f I! . Inuit" ;_:i\: ~ I. I .“II. Torrie, st In'.‘ 3%.. J \ (‘fr ii to .\I:. ll. \\ 2.. i l I; tlrc..‘:.i; ;~ ..'-.tt.‘.::rI It .:;.nr 0. A r v 'v 9- e and en} -j»'« .l 2 - rung is reported. é ’ I l i Public Speaking Contest ‘ I PERSONAL BzXNIflNG The Sterling Bank in your town is more than :1 repository for funds. It Is the representative of an institution whose ofï¬cers are always prepared to take a personal interest in your business and to assist you in every possible way. Advice regarding ï¬nancial information dealing with‘ farm problems is freely given. If information along theselines is desired which we do not possess, every eï¬ort is made to obtain it. Are you getting the benefits of this pekonal Banking Service in the business and ï¬nancial matters dealing with , your farm? lirurn'lrnsnt: Ilinhmonrl Hill. ,. .._...a_-.u__â€".;-â€"-â€" Public Notice 1 \Vi- 'III' III)\\' Ill «1 po~ilir~rr to li-ult :llli‘t your l‘\l'l_\’ lion :1" nit-[:1] work, :Ind will ln- l,)I"ll>t'lI ltrst'r- you ill rig-rid lo Ilt‘t‘tli ill :‘r'rctzil Roofing. Metal Yiding‘. Metal Garages, litc. wI-Il n~ ['I‘ L’zwe Trouglring. Furnace and Ge 'cral Repair Work. (lirlrrr‘ in :Irrd \l't‘ us .‘llH‘lII your groin}; \\'or I; now. Sh rp rrnxt to the Shoe I’nrtI-Iy, in th- ()IlI Bank Building. TEETZEL BEBE. “mm-ah. XVIILv .\I.*\ Y 'IIIIINIC IIlI' [.I it 1* of farm products Iris t'rth-n IIII‘IK' [II In «my l-tlll'l' :rr!iI-'I- I'I' .‘(rrrmnrr Thornhill, Lupin; Newton Brook. THE STE LINGBANK (wflwmm Us» hut we1 SERNiGE or investment matters and 44 Ix'mrvir‘k, QIIH-nsvillu. Aurora EA. Cameron MacN‘aughtâ€"on l Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. ‘ I UFFN'Eï¬s‘Ul'l‘l‘l-Bl.TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 1R KING I s'rIrEIC'I‘ wrasr Denton, Macdonald ti i‘enton Barristers. Soliolor-s. &.-, .\lANNINI: Altt‘,\lll‘7. iL’l KINo S'I‘. \Vl‘iï¬'l‘. ’l‘oIroN'I'o. (',\.\‘.-\IM. 'l‘rstl.IcI‘rIr..\'I: (‘nl'li- .I".;rnk I)r‘lrlr n .\r t lllll' .\..‘Im'donrrld .\l,\r.\‘I-: .lll .\Ildl *‘ssl "Drain" I. s. SHEPHERD l..\'l‘FI orr Int-Ir: DICCUILIT. It, I’AI’ Cll-llth} Ii it lili.\I-'l-III I'I'I't'. i III‘IADI’UIHL lll)lt.‘lLIfY R. H. I’lrv n»- l‘TlI ‘ W... IN‘III Vt' :r cornpnrison I‘I. our prices on» Iumlwr- to-rluy with iprotutions of one _\‘l‘vtl' nng will .\Il|!\\' tlrrrt runny lint-s of lurrihv-I' hun- I'l'r'tl It'tIll"('(I us much ns‘ :Ilmost :rrrylutIrI-r ('Ulrl‘lllrtllll'. Iotsol' InIrIlrI-r is Irwin; sold lo-duy :rt .1 loss and in rnurry iIrstnnI-esI'unrrot Int l'l'IlIill’I‘ll Ilf tirr- m molar-Imus :It the more price. I’. is :r good linI-~ Io IrlliItI. Jones Lumber & Coal Ca. CHOPPING TUESDAY .\ND FRIDAY .\lzry I-LII‘IITL‘I' notion Commencing til until B. Hoover Richmond Hill. courtrar REVlSlON .\lonir Ipulitaj: of :II:* TOWNSHIP 01“ .\IARKHAM (:or‘x'rr or your; I'lrlrii; Ir|_’.i‘t' I‘ll r~iy_';\-II lErrt :r ('oIIr' tor ll. |r\l r.r-:"..--.-\4~v\>- Illt’lll li- ii III in ' \ll\.. tiridrlw Irzrtrr \tiil i r i; III in \i‘.‘ . lluii. I'm r;\§.i--, I :. _‘\lI);‘.tI;Iy. .\I‘.\_" .mth. i ’21 ..I 3 I I ll. It. to Inn: :rr.l .r'. . . \i.‘ llll"| \Ii n' lll' plain!» r-‘wi ' ,\ s x » i ~ ~ I: ' ll -r. ' Ill-3 .\lunr- i; 'v I I'i' 'i 'si‘nrr t )IIllklrtlll . ~r.l I All pot.» is I ll 1» .r I to ink»- ll’. - ad†I 1. ms ~ acct 913.4)" Ill l‘ill'l r I: ‘x j. EARLR N \"l'ON , I l’l.\r\'l.\"l‘ ‘ Tour ‘r‘l ol' Piano-Pinyin: :rt llru , Toronto (‘Innsr-r’r'utor‘y of .\Insiu; l nnd .\‘l. .\Iltlgrlb'l‘~ L'olI-gw. Iiirlrmornl IIiIlrr \VI-rlrrr-sduys‘ nlrti ,S:ItIIItI;I_\'s. , â€"â€"â€"_.â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".______. l ‘ .\10 straw». l'-,\. . I’ete-r 'l’avlor, ‘ II. \V'. ILIlthlr‘S. l: .\. I I'vi-Irizr» ~‘ .\lrrnnr lit rut Nutn For» 1.; Shaver Taylor at Rhodes l:.1 rist‘rs. Sullrinms .\ot.r|'i:§. lltc. II no"! or l‘irrl‘. 'liir, ‘ ions Midli- I I‘I"‘l‘ In: City Hui I 7.7 Ql‘ltll St “at ,‘l‘el. \Ia.ulrl Z'Tr I‘uruirIu â€".__...__.. ' II. -\. .\‘It‘IIOLlï¬ ROTARY I’l'IJLIC ('orrrrrrissiwnr-r, ("nitration-vi, I‘it~ Inslirurn'v- nlrd lir'JI I'Islutr- Iitltt'l of Marriage liirI-nsr-s. RICHIMIOND HILL WILLIAM COOK BIIurIs'rz-nr. SOLUTION», NOTARY lift. 'I‘rrl‘utllu Urliwv, {it hnrond Buildings III; lilt'llllllrllll .\‘lrm't, \Vtwl. {irhrnorrd IIiIl ()tlit'e l‘ LIIH‘I‘HI Ultimo. ~.‘\t‘l:.‘ 'I'hnrsduy for"‘l1(ron. .\l.rva-. 'I'IriIr «lay afternoon. \Voodlrri luv, Saturday t'orvnoon. Money to Limu ,Lt(.'1rr'I'eIrt Rules lit )I'Sfi F PAINTING 'i‘IiRICR Elliot :RA'I‘II’HV - '_ IEr-‘r‘cxic 'l'hornhill