Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1921, p. 5

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til) cents n bushel, at The lilciator; l r Mr». I". l. M:ii.~bi'itlgc entertained the ('adr-ls to an Ice l'tt‘allt tit-at at l‘tPl‘ home last evening. lllo' l‘:[)\\'rrl’l Ii lix ('l v Election of oliicr-rs at lwnflttt' tir'xt Monday I'\t'l|lil;,:. member is rugt-ntly ir'tprcstrd l'r :rl- lrntt. ’ Nr-xt. Sunda} being Uti-llndtltrtlny School Dry, thrio will be a special progrannric in the MetlirvdIst S. 5H Everybody web: in". ' Farmers! Don't fail to the Samson Tractor I,)curonstration on the farm of Mr. R. \V. I‘D. Burnaby, Jrll‘rrson, next baturdriy. 561‘ Mrs. tl)!’.l Anguish .ol' Brantfoir‘. viSItcrl Miss Moyle last week. Mr and Mrs. U. W. Ross of Kirkland Lake, New ()ntario, spent the holiday at Mr. Moylc's. Mr. Charles Chanrhcilin of \Viniri- peg who Iiad lrecn (til a business trip to Boston spent over the holiday at Richmond Hill and met many old friends at tho Fair. Mr. Robert. Rumble, formerly of Maple, one of the oldest members of the. You R County police force, llIL‘Cl at his home in Toronto on Monday. Funeral'yeslriday afternoon to Forest Irawn Mausoleum. Dr. Robinson of Kleiiibuig, Samuel Focte of Mount Albert. and (image Brown of \Voodbridge were last work ordered by Major Brunton to pay a fine of $500 each and spend one month in jail for selling liquor. In compliance with the request of a lay-gr number of petitioners Rcmc Trench has proclaimed the so-called Dayllglit.saviug time for: Richmond Hill. This “Ill be observed by lmlllrrf our Banks as “’rll as (“101' places of business. \Vhilc attr-mpting to cross Yonge Street at Lansing Friday afternoon. Miss Nor 8 Hour y, 16-year-old daughter of Hon. G. 8. Henry. was struck by a motor car and Seriously injured. After first aid was rendered she was ruslird to thc Hospital. A very large concourse of people last Saturday attended the funeral of Dr. T. Scrivener. v.5. Reeve of Aur- ora, who died a few days before, the result of a kick from a horse which he had been attending. Almost every rceve and official of York County was prosciit to show his icspcct and csteerr. The first dance in connection with the Summit. Golf Club was held on Saturday night, 14th of May, being precédccl by a dinner prepared and served by a capable staff under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Hill. There was a crowded attendance which taxed the house to its utmost. but everything went on like clockrvoik and a thoroug'ily enjoyable time Was spcn‘. by all, A Congregational meeting was held at the Methodist Church Thursday i-venimz. ‘ Encouraging reports were given by Mr. Hume, Treasur'eILMr. Gee, S. S. Supt.; Mr. Fortner, Pres. F‘pworth League: Mrs. Sloan, l’i-es. \ . \l 8.; and Miss Trench, Pres. Indies Aid. The l'cptu'ls were interspt-rsed by a good qusi\cal and literary programme. Thc pastor Rev. A.\l\Ichill. pit-sided. l r A' Ladies Bowling Club organ?ch Friday evening with the followifrg ofiicers: l’re<., Miss Anna Boyle lst‘ Vice-President, M A. (i. “Savagc , _ 2nd Vice-President, Ilr. .LIllliln Lingstaff Trcasur-er, Mrs. J. R. Hcrriirgton Secretary. Miss H. Moodie. Filter-n ladies Wei-e enrolled at the first Hit-cling. Other ladies who wish to join will please hand their names to the SL‘Ct'ctaIy. l ' l *..____ St. Mary’s Church (Anglican) Ist Sunday after Trinity. Daylight Saving Time (lclebratinu of Holy UonirnuuionSa. Morning Prayer 11 a. in Sunday School II p. in Holy Baptism LI?) p. in. I EVt‘lISUllg and Sermon T p. nr. ' \Vednesday I‘Ivcning Evensong and address 7.30 l i R. H. H. S. Alumnae . 'l‘lie Iiichuio'iid High Scbodl Aluurnw,‘ Association, will meet Thursday: Evening juuc 2nd. at 8 o'clock in tlic ' High Schoil. A paper on Act III. of | Shakespeare's Othello. will be givcni by Mrs. \V. D. Atkinson, and Miss; Olive Switzer will give a. character skptch on “Desdeniona‘” The members are reminded that they are expectcd to respond to thel roll call with a quotation from Slltllit‘w spr-aie. Uhoir practice 8 p.rn. in church. 09â€"- r l A car of good hrvavy \Vestcin Oats, I W. C. T. U. The Annual Meeting of tie \V. t‘. 'l‘, L'. will be held at. the horn” ,r-f Mrs, \V. Cook on Friday. May 27th The: Supts, (rt l'rpts. aro‘ ' requested to have tln-ir reports ready. at 3 ti't‘lot'k. Deli-gates to the (,‘otivr'u‘ioii to l)(‘ lit-III at Aurora on June Nb and ‘Jth, will be appointed and the election of (‘fllt‘t'la will luko plarc. The I’rcs (I ‘III makes a sperial rrquesl. that yvr-ry iiwiiibcr will make air r-ll'oit to bcpicsent at this hurling, ooâ€" 7 VICTORIA LAY , at Richmond Hill, Annual Fair a Success The wont her Ilill always Ilichniond piovidt'd, I“;Ii1', frin- draws a large. crowd of [H‘let‘ to the Villngcy this your was no chzr‘ption to thc rule. The day was a little cool tor ice-cream vendors, but Urine-c \\ ho lad boot hs rc- port that. business was In i>l{. Di. Waugh. the noted rducatiorrist. who oprricd the Fair, complimented Pith-i lrnt jurors Mclman and his ollict-rs for m rintaining the tradition S of thc Richmond Hill l“ai1','tti(l also complimcntt-d lllt' L). t). and the Cadr-TS who hcadrd a [)1‘4ICt'Ssltrli to Ground~. Mr. Lockie Wilson, Supe int. -ndcnt of Agricultural Sot'ir‘tit’s, also addressed the crowd from the [mud stand. The lie-ivy and light horse classes iverc \vrll filled, and many of the animals were si‘ccially good. The ladics driving competition \Ns very attractive, Miin Blanche It‘risby of Victoria Square winning tho lieukai-dt Silvcr lit-a Set vice, and Miss O. Farr of \Voodbridge second pt‘i'M‘. Thc rntry in tho rattle, sherp and swine classes was not as large as Irri-riicily, and the sault' could be said of the ladies’ \vork irrtlie Hall. The Aurora Band furnished good music during the. afternoon. In football. thc Northvicw team car I ied off the honors. In the 2.30 trot Frank 'r‘orhan’s horse \took liist money, A. (l. Morrison second; arid Mr. chbe u third. A new {cattire of the fair was a live stock judging competition open to junior farmcrs. for special prizes donated by janres McLean, Presidcnt of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society. Sonic thi'rty young farmers entercd. and the four prizes in order were awarded in Dick Baycroll. Aurora; Clark Young. Hageiman: Harvey Collard. Unionxillr; and Ross Anderson. Edgeley. A list of the prize winners will be given in iiext’issue. Af. tho concert. in the evening the audience was large. and Mr. C. LcRoy Kenny and his able assistants put on a clean and amusing programme. â€"-...â€" MAPLE There was a good attendance at the Epworth League social on Saturday evening and an interesting literary and musical programme was given. Miss Eilcen Atkinson of Richmond Hill pleased the audit-rice with several violin solos, she- was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. O. \Vr-igbt. Quite a number from Maple and Hope churches attendcd the congrega- tional meeting,r last \Vedncsday cven- ing. Eircrriraging reports from the different departments wcrc given. It is hoped there will be a good axl- lendancc at Sabbath School ncxt Sun- day as it is called "Go to Sunday School" day. , Bills are out for a concert to be given by the \Vonicn’s Institute on Junt- 2 and 2’. Mr. and Mrs. “'ilfrrd Manning arid baby Russel of Hamilton spent the wevk-end at. Mr. J. Manning’s. The sale of Mrs. J. Blough’s house» hold elfects was wall attended and the fur-nitrite sold at fairly good prices. v-0 Funeral 0i Mrs. Martin __._ The funeral of the latc Mrs. Ellen Hume Martin, wife of \Villiam Martin of Snaiboro, took plat-eon Tuesday. May 17th, from the ri'sidencc of her daughtcr, 380 King St. \Vcst to St. John’s Cemetery, Nor-way. 'IIie funeral sen ice was cotrtltht’d both at the house and grave by the Rtv. Mr. Lamb of Queen Street Methodist Church, and by the Rev. Mr. McKee of Richmond Hill. The pallbearers were Joseph Armstrong, IsaacArm- strong. Thoma; Martin, Arthur Martin, David Hume and Henry Ham- mond. The late Mrs. Martin was born in the township of Scar-toroin September of 1836. During the past four years. Mrs. Martin had lived with her daughter Mrs. Henry Harn- nirnd of Richmond Hill. Slic is survived by her- Husband, tyne son Arthur of \\'innipeg, arid four daughters. Mrs. Mary Owen, Port Haney, B. C.. Misses Minnie. and Lillie of Toronto and Mrs. Henry Hammond of Richmond Hill. She is also surv vived by one brother (icorgc Hurma of Atwood. Ontario in his 90th year. and three strp bi-tvtlir-rs also fourteen grandchildren. DEATHS HASSEI‘T~I11 Richmond Hill, May 24, 1923], Elizabeth, \Vift' of H..I. Hassctt nng 3.3 yells. Inter incnt at Thornhill t'r-mcteiv Ill :1. in. l’iid-ry. ltr' his late rcsidrtl‘rct‘, 31 R <- well avc., Robert Run.l>l -, in his T'Jth your- R. C. Yorkâ€"Simcoe Baseball League A men-ting of the Yoik~Hinnu c “mob-ill l,r”;|;1'll(‘Tf|0l\' pl (CD on Tucsday lfith, in the Board ot Trade Building, Nt'\VnI;Hl(r*l, to arrange “to Hulit‘tllllt‘ tor the coming season. tivos from each lt'lllll tlrr- Schrdule (li'aflctl out May ill rli p. in. Nr'ultiilllu‘l vs. Aurora. lune H7 -ti p. in. Bradford vs. Richmond Ilill. ,Junc ll~£l p. in. Bradford vs. Nt'\\'lll:llkt'l. :Junr- If)?“ p. In. Aurora vs. Ricliirroiid Hill. Juni- 18â€"3 p. in. Richmond Hill vs. lunc 21% (S p. in. Aurora \5. Bradford. June 25â€"3230 p. in. thillllitit‘tl Hill vs. Bradford. Date not. decided. ‘, Richmond Hill vs. Aurora, ‘.Iuly 1st. Bradford vs. Ncivmarkrt. t‘luly 5â€"6 p. in. Newmai'krt vs. Bradford. _lnly llâ€"Zi ii. in. Nt"\\'ll):tll(l’l \‘s. Richmond Hill. luly [3713 p. in. Bradford vs. Aurola. july IIIâ€"(i p. in. Aurora vs. Newmarkct. St‘t‘otitl I’Hll ' .Iuly 20â€"617. in. Aurora, vs. Nowmarkct. July 21% l Aurora vs. Bradford. August 4. Richmond Hill vs. Aurora. August 9â€"6 p. in. Ncwnrrrikrt \s. Richmond Hill. August. Illâ€"3 p. in. Bradford vs. Richmond Hill. August, 17â€"6 p. in. Aurora vs. Richmond Hill. August 17â€"6 p. ll). Newniai-ket vs. Bradford August 210â€"4! p. in. Richmond Hill vs. Ncwrnaikrl. August ZI‘G ii. in. Ncwniaikct vs. Aurora. W \vcrr- pi-csr'nt. as following. s Newmzii krt. Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the Eslalc of Robert John Ulaikson, late of L! e Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE is lint-by givcn, pursuant to Section 56, of the. Trustccs' Act, R. S. 0., 1914, Ubrpter I21, tllat all creditors and others havirg claims or demands against the Estate of Robert john Ulaikson, who died on or about the 13th day of April. 1921. at, the 'l‘owmlrip of Vaughan, in the Count. of York, are required on or before the 20th day of June, 192.]. to send by prst prepaid or deliver to Robert H. Clark- son, Maplc, or James T. Hunter. King. Exerdtors of the Last \Vill and Trista- ment of the s rid deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, lull particulars in writing of their claims, statement, of their accounts, and the iiaturc of the sccnrity, if any, held by than AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last lllt‘lltllillt‘d date, the Executor-s will proceed to distribute the ass-ts of thc said deceased among the parties cntitl rd lhvl'vttl, having re- gard o'iily to the claims or which thcy shall thrii have iiotitc, and that the Exocritnrs will not be liable for the said assets or any part therrof to any person or poisons of whose claim notice shall not Iiavt- been rvceived by them at the time of such dis- tribution. ° Dated" at Toronto, this 18tlrday of May, 192l. J. H. NAUGHTON, 28 Adelaide St. \Vest, Torr-ntr‘. Solicitor for the said Executor-s. 48 .‘t It Will relâ€"yâ€" You _ i To consult us before buying. WHITE PINE . SPRUCE 13c FIR AND HEMLOCK' LA'I‘H AND SHINGLES 'READY ROOFING AND ' B :rvizii BOARD v.“ C)lIlDlt‘lC Lines. High-grade Stock. l s-\sii AND DOORS 1 .\ Specialty. Funeral \Vedncsdav a: 2.30 p. ui. 1 tr. I“ti|l'~l L'l\"l) Mausoleum. RoiHNSoNâ€"At her late lt'sithliCt'. Rirlimond Hill, May 21th, Mary Ellen, Death. bcloved wife of Alexandcr Robinson, in her lijtli: Vt'ill‘. ' l“|lI‘."l:ll Fi-Ed iv at I p. in., to llixie t‘czi --’wi). lrpiCsr iita-‘ y .iNNES & SONS hRlllil‘rOND lllLl. PHCT‘IE ll‘ w .wmw’, Now and Then HERE will be an added zest to your enjoyment T today if at the same time you are establishing financial backing for to-morrow by gradually ac- cumulating savings. Youth can spare what old age will need. Open a savings account with this Bank now. BANK, l a STANDARD. i OF CANADA 7 l TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY hlILIJONS i Richmond Hill Branch: l l l ‘ J. R. Herrington, Manager. L l l ‘ 3...; to Roofing the Railroads Use cause It gives them the/longest and best service at the lowest possible cost per year. Theyxuse it on every kind of buildingâ€"close to tracks, where sparks fly. be. icause it is fire-safe The railroads use Neponset Paroid Roofing be-~ NEPENETG , . ‘ 33°01 ROOFING defies time and wear because of its weatherproof sur- face. Colors, red, green, grey. It keeps out rain and moisture because it is impregnated with waterproof asphalt. Make that new roof for your factory or farm building Neponset Paroid and get the best satisfaction that a roof can give. BIRD & sod, LIMITED. Hamilton. Ontario THE RlCHMiND HILL HARDWARE c0. l l Bargains in Accessories Osgoode Lens Regular $54.00 Sale Price $1.50 Spark Plugs " 75c. 1.00 “ 25c Mirrors 1 .00 “ 00c Windshield Rubbers “ 2 75 “ 75c , Fo‘rd door strips “ 2.00 “ 50c Coil Protectors “ ‘ 1.50 “ 7.3c Chevrolet Ignition Locks, “ 3.50 “ 1.00 Security Auto Theft Signals 10.00 ‘ " 5.00 1 Only, Speedometer Instrument, board and door strips, oak finish, complete. Regular $21.00. Sale Price 9:13.00 g Richmond Hill Garage ' W. G. Baldock, Prop. i Implements, Garden Tools and Repairs l‘uriii‘s Laddcrs \Viieclbarrmvs \Vii'e hence Iron I‘osts, Gates Hog Troughs I'ibci‘ Plaster Tongue Truck Supports Hydrated Lime Spit.) ci‘s Gzii'dci; Tunis Haney-Harris, Cocksliutt and Repairs Always in Stock. W. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill Ironage Seeders Batenizir:~‘.\'ilkinson l l i

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