STERN REMINDERS 0F RHEUMATESM The Trouble Must be Treated Through the Blood. Every rheumatic sufferer should realize that rheumatism is rooted int the blood and that to get rid of it itt must be treated through the blood. The old belief that rheumatism was caused by cold, damp weather. is now exploded. Such weather conditions may start the pains, but it is not the cause. Liniments and outward appli- cations may give temporary relief, but that is all they can do because they do not reach its sources in the blood. The sufferer from rheumatism who experiments is only wasting time and money in depending upon such treatment; the trouble still remains, and it is all the time becoming more ï¬rmly rooted. Treat this disease through the blood and you will {.0011 ï¬nd relief. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills act directly on impure, weak blood; they purify and strengthen it, and so act on.’the cause of the rheumatism. Mr. P. J. MacPherson, RR. No. 5, Car- digan, P.E.I., says: “About three years ago I was attacked with rheumatism. iI began taking Dr. Williams' Pink ’Pills and soon the trouble disappeared and I am in better health than before. 'I also know of an old lady acquaint- ance who was badly crippled with rheumatism in her arms and legs, and who suï¬â€™ered very much. She, too, took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and is lnow able to do her housework. I tell gyou this in the hope it may be of bene- ï¬t to some other sufferer.†v No doubt the parent who had twins christened Cherubim and Seraphim, lbecause, as he explained, “they con- ftinually do cry,†was proud of his ‘cleverness; but he could scarcely ex- pect his oï¬spring to “rise up and call him blessed,†any more than the man jwhose ï¬ve children had to sign their names Imprimls, Finis, Appendix, Sup- plement, and Erratum. Equally unfortunate were infants launched into the world as Not-VVaut- ed James, Is-It-Maria? and That’s-1t- ,Who’d-Have-Thought-lt. Even Odious Heath and Troublesome John Sims could afford to smile at such labels while deploring their own. while it was without malicious intent that the parents of an American named Cum- ber christened him, as their ï¬fth, Quintus. Naturally, his political op- ponents could not resist referring to him in print as Mr. Q. Cumber. While some parents exhibit too much ingenuity at the baptismal font, others seem to be singularly lacking in that virtue. One man called his sons, in order of birth, One Stickney, Two Stickney, and Three Stickney; and his daughters, by way of numerical variety, First, Second, and Third Stickney. You can procure Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or they will be sent you by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Remarkable Christian Names It is one of the minor tragedies of life that a man is allowed no voice in the choice of his baptismal name. The two children of another parent were christened A150 and Another, While the progeny of a Mr. and Mrs. Frost were known to an amused worlr’ as Jack Frost, \Vinter Frost, White as Jack Frost, \Vinter Frost, White Frost, and Early Frost. Vernal Greenwood, with its poetic suggestiveness, is pardonable, and partridge Roast has an appetizing flavor; but what shall we say of Mr. Bull, who had his ï¬rstborn dubbed ‘Wild, and of Mr. Keye, whose infant son was branded Donne Keye, in hon- or ot his mother‘s maiden name. | A glance through the registers at Somerset House will reveal hundreds of curious names, says an English newspaper. Thus we ï¬nd Reservoir newspaper. Green rubbir and found complete ‘satigfac- tion,with freedom me Irri- tation to nerves or digestion “‘172erel‘; a Reason" Sold by all grocers ms we ï¬nd Reservoir shoulders with Noah gammmauumnnumumnmmmnu People of low or defective mentalâ€"i ity are a problem, no matter from‘ what viewpoint we regard them. In school this type of child is a continual worry to the teacher, especially in the imajority of schools Where there is llittle or no provision made for grad- ing the children according to their general intelligence or the progress they make in their studies. Happily our Public Health and Education authorities, in conjunction with the Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene, are taking active measures at present to deal with mental defectives at every stage of Uprigl gone spirati nothrin ï¬ce. 4 life. Through the medium of physi- cians and trained nurses, surveys of the mental condition of school chil- dren are being made all through On- tario in co-operation with the Depart- ment of Education, and the Public, Health Nurses stationed throughout the Province are also reporting all cases of mental defectives cf pre- school age, with notes as to the men- tal conditioTn of the parents, home inâ€" fluences and surroundings, etc. In Toronto, important work along thesel lines is bering carried on By such agencies as the psychiatric clinic at the Toronto General Hospital, medi-l, cal inspection of schools and social workers, While mental hygiene com- mittees are actively engaged in Ot« tawa, St. Catharines, London, Wood- stock, Wiansor, 'St. Thomas, Guelph and Kingston. The main purpose at present is to get an approximate esti- mate of the number of mentally de- fective children and adults in the province, and from this a general idea 1015 the organization that is necessary lto effectively grapple with the situa- ltion. It has already been deï¬nitely found out that thousands of mentally defective people are at large through- out this Province, many of whom are earning their own living. These peo- ple cannot be kept in institutions, nor do they come under the jurisdiction of Homes for the Feeble-minded such as at Orillia, but nevertheless they are in great need of supervision and education. The great question is to know just where these mental defec- tives are employed, at what kind of Ark Smith; Britannia Bottle smiling across the page at Jocose Ann Rey- nolds and Affablity Box; and Happy Ephraim Jiggins‘ with Virtuous Jane Spurgeon; Man Friday Wilson and Merry Christmas Filmett look on en- viously. Names of great warriors and states- men are associated with the most un- warlike and unpolitioal of surnames. Thus we ï¬nd Arthur \Velilesley Water- loo Cox fraternizing on the same page with Napo‘leon-the-Great Brown! and Richard Coeur de Lion Tyler bridging the centuries to compare notes with Robert Alma Balaclavia Inkerman Se- bastopol Delhi Dugdale, whose father was a tailor. John Redvers Buller Thomas and Ezekiel Methuen Macdonald Baden- Powell Williams owe their names to the Boer S‘Var; while the parents of King David Haydon, _Martin Luther One Unhappy man was condemned to go through life labelled Ananias; and in Norfolk there was living not long ago a man who signed his name Mahershahalhashbaz. While the majority of parents are content with one or two Christian r, Middleton will be glad to answer quesuous ou Pubnc Healm ma v ters through um column. Address him at the Parliamem Bldxh a Toronto. g mamanuunmgummmanu‘afli ht, and Lord Nelson Jones have farther back in history for in- ,ion. There are parents for whom 1g less than royal labels will suf- And thus we encounter Empress iie Aldridge, Albert Edward e_ of Wales Morris, King George gate. and Royal Consort Parting- BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON HEALTH EDUCATEON Provincial Board of Health. Ontario ‘1 be glad to answer questions on Public Heath m2 this column. Address him at the Parliament BldXs. particular w dents often ted or care the danger chinery, and gears, etc. 1 n of low mentalit: at a punching glance or word \ Industrial statistics show that many of these mental defectives are employed at biscuit making, chocolate dippvinvg,_etc., and here the chief danger lies in their not understanding or ap- preciating the value of personal cleanliness, especially the need for washing the hands regularly and thor- oughfly when they have to touch erticles that may be afterwards used for food. «5 I Once a mother has used Baby’s Own Tablets for her little ones she will use nothing else. Her use of them leads her to believe there is no other medi- cine to equal them for any of the many minor ailments of childhood. Concerning them Mrs. Eugene Bois- vert, East Aldfleld, Que, writes: “My baby was terribly constipated, but af- ter the use of Baby’s Own Tablets he is entirely well again. I am so well satisï¬ed with the Tablets that I lose no opportunity in recommending them to other mothers.†The Tablets are sold by medic‘ ie dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Vocational and Extension Educa- tion is one of the most needed reâ€" forms. In an up-to-date scheme for any education of this kind that the Government may undertake, there are four measures that should be given special attention. The ï¬rst is that of the rehabilitation of industrial cripples; the second is to care for boys and girls between 14 and 18 years of age, who are compelled to go to work ’but are entitled to a great- er amount of education; the third is the training of special teachers to take charge of part-time and other vocational schools; the fourth meas- ure is to train foremen in industrial plants, and this can be done through evening schools if properly qualiï¬ed teachers can be obtained, By such a comprehensive scheme, at least a' beginning will be made in dealing with a social problem that needs the earnest attention of all good citizens, and which will require the united efforts of bovh Government and people if the race standard is to be improved. rAl‘he record of crime at the present time is some indication of what has to be done in mental hygiene. names for their children, there are others who must have a long string of them. Thus there as living a short time ago.a woman who had a. name for every letter of the alphabet, from Anne Bertha Cecilia to Winifred Xeno- WELL SATESFIED WEE-E BABY’S OWN TABLETS phon Yetty Zeus no opportur to other In sold by me( I have to live with myself, and so I want to be ï¬t for myself to know I want to be able as days go by, Always to look myself straight I do: A lot of secrets abOI And [001 myself, as Into thinking that know The kind of a man I I don’t want to d] sham. But he the eye; [ don’t want to stand, with the sun And hate myself for the thir done. Minard‘s Liniment VRelieves Neuralgia d0! That ant t( want know W81 W81 In bluste getting statistics show that se mental defectives are biscuit making, chocolate and here the chief danger not understanding or arp- out with my head erect, deserve all men’s respect the struggle for fame an to kee Myéelf. man I really am; t to dress up my ,eep on a closet snelt about myself, as I come and go, :hat nobody else will e to like myself 00k at myself may neve bluff a closet she 1191‘ i emp ett glï¬ives Taniac Credit 5 For Splendid Health “I used to think all the Tanlac tes- timonials were exaggerated, but I have felt thankful a thousand times I ever believed in it strong enough to give the medicine a trial,†said T. J. Parker, well-known salesman for Gately’s Clothing Store, residing at 4246 Juneau St., Seattle, Wash, U.S.A. “Several years ago I commenced having periodic spells of sickness and a few months ago I had an attack that I thought would ï¬nish me. When I did ï¬nally get up, I was scarcely able to go. I had no appetite and what lit- tle I forced‘myself to eat caused so much gas on my stomach I could hard- ly get my breath. “At night I was often so bloated I couldn’t breathe while lying down and just had to sit up and struggle for air. At times I had cramps so bad I could hardly endure It. Quite Likely. Luluâ€"“Here‘s an ad for a man to undertake the sale of a patent medi- cine.†I think sculpture and paintil an effect to teach us manners abolish hurryâ€"Emerson. Luluâ€""Here's an ad for a man to Only be steadfast; never waver,- undertake the sale of a patent medi- Nor seek earthvs favor, 9139-" u v I But rest; Hal'ryâ€" Yes! it W1“ pmbably be Thou knowest that what God wills proï¬table to the undertaker.’ ’ must be â€"‘ ':'â€"“_ ‘ For all His creatures, so for thee, I think sculpture and painting have \The best: Ask for Minard's and take no other. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-ofâ€"town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three'cents. The ï¬rst warship of the Mc type was built in 1861. ‘ “Bayer†on package are not getting Asp Aspirin only as told 1‘ age for Colds, Hea Rheumatism, Eara Lumba'go and for Pa be following the di age worked out by twenty-one years at millions. Handy tjx Bayer Tablets of A cents. Druggists packages. Made in is the trade mark (r da) of Bayer Mannie Only Lmaflca’s Pioneer Dog Remedial n l Book on 1C ASPERIN aver†is Genuine and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad dress by the Author. 3.4313 Glover 00.. m 113 'est Slst Street New York. U.S.A. 4246 Juneau Street, Seattle, Wash., U.‘ DOG DISEASES directions ‘ 7 physician and proved in boxes 0 the Bayer p 11 rin 1b T. J. PARKER you and to durit ate 1 hac arger dos Y 011 1k tor I'iI "My liver was sluggish and someâ€" times I got so dizzy I would nearly fall. I felt tired and miserable all the time, couldn’t even sleep and for days u...†VV.__.._ _ _ , , at a time I wasn’t able .to go to work “Well, a friend of mine ï¬nally got me to try Tanlac, and it certainly has done a. good job for me. My appe- tite is ï¬ne now and although I am eating just anything I want and as much as I please, my stomach never gives me the least trouble. I have picked up in weight, my strength has come back to me, and I am now en- joying the best of health. “All the men at the store know Tanlac put me back on my feet, and I am glad to give this statement for what it may be worth to others.†Tanlac is sold by leading druggists Tanlac is everywhere Judge Lavadlee of Quebec, was the author of the national hymn, “0 Canada," of which many different versions have appeared "I had an itching rash on my back and shoulders which was very ini- tating and tiresome. It kept spread- ing all over my body and broke out into sore eruptions. They caused itching. and when I would rub or press them they burned dreadfully and I could not enjoy a night’s rest. “I had given up hope when I tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and it was about {our to six weeks before I was healed. aftu' using eight cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment.†(Signed) Miss Marie Bennett, Valley, Washington. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tai- cum promote and maintain skin pur- ity,skin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. Sup 25c. OinlmcnIZS I'lld. 50:. Taking 25c. Sold throughouttheDommlon. CanadlanDepot: Lyman. Limited, 344 5!. Flu! 51.. W.. Manual. WCuï¬cm Soap than» without mug. Burned Dreadfully. Lost Rest. Cuticura Heals. MINARD’S LINIMENT DR. MINARD, Inventor of the Celebrated ITCHING RASH All OVER BODY ISSUE No. 23â€"21. â€"Advt Steadfast. Bottle 0-day