Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1921, p. 8

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Tan acres, good brick house, bank izmrn. hon house. orchard. etc.. on Mill .«1 reet. FOR SALEâ€"01w (If [he hennly {spocsof Bithmnnd Hill: [119 rosi- dence and one new rmmntly mu-upied by Mr. G. F. Allen, who has dvcided to dive permanently in California, On Ynnze St. just souLh of the High flouse in verv best repair with good hr. on the. cornm- of Centre and Eliza- beth Sls. Immediate possession, let-ms n-asy, a very desirable hmm-. Richmond St. â€"and it will be done right. A. ROLFE Boot and Shoe Repairer. Prompt Service Neat Work Get More Winter Eggs Ahduse mode: n in l‘\'Pl'y rospm-t‘ with beautiful grounds surrnunding. One of the nt-ut. cumfnrtahln- nf north Yonge St. Price right. School Have a customer for a and lat- Frame Housv. Centre St. East. guud Hut. fruit. etc. 36 Achs gmden land. good home and bank lmru I; "lilPB fmm Elgin Mills, Helmth 'i‘p. for $6300. ' It's a matter of shoe repairsâ€" L ‘ EN N0. 1.â€" Is made up of 5919(7th yearling hens of 0. A. 0. strain. The-so birds have proved themselves hmn'y layt-rs. Pen is headed by a. Guild (220 ng strain) UnckPx-e-I. :1 specimen bird in every way. Thi: pen specially mated as :I pullet tin-reding pen. Price per setling of 13 eggs $2.00. Am An By raising new stock from a able strain of Barr-ed Rocks. good for all plu-pnse Breed [3 well known throughout Canada for high grade work. Ammuntanoy. sleungrnphy, l_\‘pn- writing and gym-ml iunpl-n-xm man cmuses : nun-h pers: n ll attention given tnstudenl \; pruduntA-s leadin “ht-«in elupluymeI-l. Open all year. \VliLP lu-dny fur pmspmlus. Enter any lilm‘.‘ W. J. ELLIOTT, l’rincipul. I: made- up fmm Hm lwst pullPts Qn'ed {mm my ld‘sl. ywus pL-n ut‘ 0. A. G.‘ 91-min birds. Pen hearlmi by A Guild (220 9122; strain) Cnvknrel. All pnllets in thiv pun cmmnencvd tu lay when G to 7nmnthsn1dA Yungc und Cnmles Sm, 'l‘ornntr- South of_ Shoe’ Factory let H. A. NICHOLLF. Raul Estate rice per ; 'VILlUKlA {:2 y‘, it Q v3? The “NATIONAL” Lvef Alternative routing : Through Standard Sleeping Car Service to Winnipeg. Leave Toronto 8.45 pm. Daily via C.T.:~_N?rth Baz'htilenceI‘CoPtinental via 'Cochlgne gag 1 ROLFE do it ELLIOTT WM. GREEN sotting of 13 '50 eggs $5.00 setling of 13 I 50 eggs $6.00 For Sale 1F For Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg STANDARD Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and Victoria “ME Ticket: unarinfiormation from any Richmond Hill small house pggs $1.50 THE TORONTO SCHOOL OFi Public Notice ; LANGUAGES AND :A PM U 1‘ ‘ COMMERCE ; Monster Pic-nic, Parade and Demonstration of the U.F.O. Clubs Friday, June 10, 1921 Agricultural Park, Richmond Hill 19! COLLEGE ST. (Opposite the University) TORONTO, ONT. Bred tn lay strain. hens that I will lay and pay. 1 use trap nest: is still in the lend. Made another record winning at the [Fading shows 1920 and 1921. 87 bird-1 showing, 33 under the ribbons, glese bide are all kept in separate pens. Stork for sale after June 15 to make room fob young stock. “‘rile ' fur plice un stock. MCLAUGHLIN Samson Tractors Orpinglmn “'hile ()x-pinglnns RIM-k Ringlet Barred Rot-ks Hum Comb Rhnde Island Rm] Partridge \Vyandcttrs Munmmth Pekin Duck ‘ The title "Canada’s Standard Car” was not self-in nmny thnusnnds the McLaughlin holds the prefereth- over curs uf the better make. The finmed McLaughlin-Buick \‘aflvo-in-hnnd motorâ€"Hm rug gvd Slll‘!‘ \vnrkmg engineâ€"gives to each of the seven Muer Six mndt-ls the staunch leputumm of U \Istm'thinPss. Lik9u now issue nf coinage cuan the new model McLaughlin Cur. To be prepared exclusively for the positions of Stenographers, Private Secretaries and Foreign Correspcndents. Especially Attractive Are the new (-Iosed bodies not only be. "use nf lllt'il' added (:nmfnrt, hut, henuuw they are decidedly the nge for both Winter and summer duh ing. Imperial Ringlet Barred Plymouth Rocks So when the McLaughlin apppnrs in a new mode-I. it but adds distinctive character to an uccr-pted standald (-f excellence. P. O. Box 18 EGGS FOR. HATCHING Guy de Lestard, Principal A BUSINESS EDUCATION IN ONE YEAR FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OF REFINEMENT McLaughlin Motor Car Company, Limited Pureâ€"Bred White Mammoth Pekin Ducks ‘KL ‘ e fRichmond Hill 11.30 p. m. 113‘ z? n All these hide are Owned =Ind Bred by D. HILL & C0. W. J. BILLING & SON SEND FOR BOOKLET n, hens that lav 256 and 268 a year, th kind that use trap nests, my stock has stood the test and Aurora, Ont, Canada Price per Setting of 15 Local Dealers per pf’l' per per per per svtling $5 suiting $3 suiting $3 sotting $3 setting $3 two setting lwn setting two selling two setting selLing of H eggs $1.50 not» solf‘impose 1. By Chevrolet Cars two selling for lwn setting for two selling fur two selling for Tyler St. DAILY l” f the Inadh 112 ?A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. ‘ Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal I on hand. I Cannel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. 2 Doers South of Bakery on: Yonge St. Also a good supply of N0. Feed Corn. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. “OOOWWOWWWMWNW” “69099“NOWOOOOO‘OOMW“00606960990060.60000”. 1974 Yonge St. Phones Bel. 1515 & I470 'l‘arilfand Non Tariff Ratings and all Policies give the pro- tection they are intended for and at the minimum rates. Get our rates before looking elsewhere. The Confederation Life Asso. issues a new policy without medical examination for $1000, also a policy called the Family Policy, which is striking for its protection on man and his wife and many good features, Ask for the pamphlet, which explains all. This should appeal to all married men and women. because the company carries a small risk on the wife also, and costs nothing. No medical examination for the wife is required. FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS AUTOMOBILE~FIRE, THEFT, LIABILITY PLATE GLASS BURGLARY GEO. KIDD Blachford's Calf Meal. Purnia Scratch Feed. I. D. R‘amer Bring us your tires and tubes for repairs. Made as good as new by our Haywood Vulcanizer. Now is the time to have your tires put in good shape for the warm weather. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 50 ft. Lot on Roseview Ave. $250. Acréage Lots, Markham Road, East of Railway at low prices and easy terms. 50 ft. Lot on Bak-ér Ave'. $400. We have houses for sale in North Toronto and North Yonge St. up to Aurora. BUHLDHNG LOTS P. G. SAVAGE & SON Teetzel Bros. W. J. Lawrence Cheapstone for foundations. Vulcanizing Office at the Post Office, Rlcmend Hm Agent for All kinds of Insutance NOTICE ifi howl-y givml tlmr MARY ELEANOR MENTON, of the City of Toronto. in the- County uf York, Province of Onlul in. Alill‘lif‘d \Vonmn, will apply In “11‘ Purliauwnt ofCath at the m-xt Session [I’ll-'lel‘f. for u Bill of Divorce from her huslmnd JAMEH )VAIENTINE MENTUN, 11' (hp ()itv of Toronto, in the County of Ym-k, Electrit-ian. on (he gruunds of adultery and dPSE'l'liull. - of Ontmin, ‘lhe 13th day of May. A 192]. Dated at Tm‘nntu ()nlal‘iu, {his 28th din)" Notice oi Application for Divorce Notice of Apphcation for [ivorce NOTIFE is hon-by giwn that WENT- wuu'ru BARNES, of the City of Toronâ€" 10. in the Cuunty nf Ymk. Sail”; will apply to the Parliament uf Canada at the nexl svssinn thorvvl fur a Bill of Diwzrre frmu his wife'. CARRIE: BARNES. uf the said City of Thw‘ntn. in the Ionnty (If York. Muu‘ied Wulnnll, nn llm gmumls of mlulteuy and (lesn-liml. l92l Dated at Tmnntn, in NW Province 40H Sulicitnrs for the Applicant, 7 26 Queen Street East, HI'GHI‘ZS 61 CURRY a: WALLACE. 'l'uumt 17 H [Ht-m1 Sheet, “1-51, ulhht", 01"., Snlivilms fur “'ENTWURTH BARNES AHA} of Province of Mulch. A. P. TUl‘ulHu

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