VOL. XLIII. Teach Your Children ! the Value of Money Open Savings Ac- counts for each one ' of your children. Insist upon regular ‘deposits from pocket i money. Thrift will .gradually become a strong trait in each child‘s character. There is a branch of this Bank near you and .1 Savings Department at every Branch. The Royal Bank . of Banana Branchesâ€"Thornhill r and Willowdale 5â€".“1 J. II. Prentice 413 B iIIioI St†Toronto. l’lir-ric Belmont 13H LICENSED AUC'I‘IONEER F0): t‘tlt'N’l‘Y or» YORK ANI) oN'r.\IiIo Special attention given to sales oi every description. Farms and' farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on Shortest notice. and cont ducted by the most approved methods. Patronage solicited. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Met.th Musical Kindergarten Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- animations. S'i‘t'Inoâ€"IIO'I‘ICI. RICHMOND, Richmond Hill. J. T. SAIGEOLV Marple Licensed Auctioneer for the (founton York. Sales attended to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited '1‘. (Sr. 14 ‘11†Q) N LICENSED AIWVI‘IUNI‘IICR FOR THE cot'NTY 0F Yoitk) Patronage and influence respectfully solicited Residence address P. 0. address Victoria Sipi ire Gorriileydtdt. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL ’ BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. Toronto ()t‘tices â€"â€" Continental Lite Blt 3;. Cor. Dry and Richmond St. Toronto. Branch Ollie'eâ€"Richmond Ilill every. Tuesday afternoon at Liberal ()flicc. Money to Loan. A. J. HUME NOTARY PUBLIC CONVICYAXCINU Isst'ER or‘ MARRIAGE LICENSES Richmond Hill W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. HI sols L / NAUGHTON 81 JENKINS BR,LJ{BELL‘ I ricN'i‘IsT E tttiii'e. Trent-h I‘rlock, two doors rioi tli ot‘l St indzrid Ilirik. l IIouistlaJii. lo 5.31] p_in. tlpi-n vii-pings by appointment. l Telephone 32 DR. J. P \VIJJSON tilii- I hours ~â€"Itl 9.) l'l a in. ti to 3“ p.rri. Ul‘lin-i- and t‘r’sltlt’fl"“' III"IIIII It.tI IIill. \’ttllg|‘ Hil‘r'rvt i I’hune .\o. 31 F . EVIN WE LLWOOD I.ot'.\t. .\HIC.\'T ARH'IIMOND HILL, oN'I‘. British i Crown Assurance Corporation. Eight. Htar. and British Ironiiiiions Insurance Company British North \Vestcin Insurance Company Fire eâ€"â€"~ Automobile. '_â€"â€"-â€"_.________._ \VaIter S. Jenkins J. Han y Naughton Res. Phone Res. lilgin Mills lies. Phone ill Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 ' Moiiri't'h Bldg†26â€"29 Adel- Oï¬icest- .‘iIlIl' Sr†\‘r'rist, Toronto. . Nanchtib Blot-k. Aurora Solicitor fril‘: The Town ot’ Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhiiebm ch The Imperial Bank o2' Canada, Aurora J. BI. \Yalton, rK‘ Co. Aurora mâ€" E. R. SANBERSON VANDMI F I with 28 (rt-and children and "re-it .,.-..: p .M, , a. H . hi. LIL/l..\hi.l) Alt I IU.\I.LII. ‘grand children. Tllt'l‘t‘ wa.s a Illllt‘ when Adam and Eve (-oiild riot count Po" 'I"I <‘ ' I ' i ' t v ' “ ‘ E "i 1‘ “' V’M‘ : airy more. Dan Lea s great grand I\othirig too great ~Notllitig'too small. "ill‘ldl't‘" Wm" WM"- ' i 'lo l’l'ttll n to the program. we I) id I‘Icnits Iti<‘..\soN,\t;I_r:. , a number of riddles: Mr. Uri-o. James will receive prompt atti-nt ion. Also agent tor the Iliiiiriaii Standard Miikei. Phone Aurora Stllb‘. WRIGHT BROS. Unlerti‘tzrs nail Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL: AND UNIONVILLE i A large stock of Funeral Furnishing I Kept at. the above places A. C. HENDERSON I’LI'AIBING AND 'r‘iNsiiITIiING . nor \VA'I‘EI’. HEATING AsoGl-INEILM. ltlit’AIIts‘ Tllt.)li‘\'lIILL, tlNT. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€"â€"=_ J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ‘ Commissioner. (‘uli\'t‘_\':tll(‘t‘l'. I‘itt'. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL JOHN T. ANDERSON E PIANO TUNER i 200 BEHESl-‘URD A re... \Vtzs'r 'l‘oRoNTo i Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt, attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL? VETERINARY SURGEON, ‘é ’l‘horuhill . Call by phone or otherwise promptly ' rest) inth to i W l lband, Gravel, i Tile and Brick l The Maple Stud. (have! and Brick ('ompauv. Ltd. have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4. C), U and 8 iii. Culvert tile 1:3, 15. 1" and :30 inch (3!) inches in length) Also Cement Brick. ignlden weddingr of R. l’. V to the satisfaction of all. ; us are nearly oct ogeii'ir-ians extended a \'t’l_\‘ hearty invitation to come to his home and grounds for our :Ilt‘t't's's. on the 2nd 5‘ iturday in June Itt'ZZ. the lllllllt'l' will b»- be posing y.*:1'~ a (it, ()ldpmtpfr “hi, Mr. “Jâ€. “,udinglcalled for them by , lawn party at Mr. ' June (I).\'.i which will I,e the eigth gathering of the Newton Brook (Jld- i His quiet way gave her a chain c ‘ Oncu joy supreme came from Newton Brook Old Timers It stems that nothing short of a cyclone will lirisllltilit' the annual re-i llttlt‘ll of the Newton Ihoolt (lld 'l‘iincrs. “'i- irrisstd our chairman. Mr. David lambs, and unity regrets were I'XPItNhttI at his inability to attend. Cert-monies began liiii†11th.! IliL’l. at 3 p. m. The menu was satis~ i'yiricr and abundant. 'I‘lrr- Newton lirook Hill 'I'iiner's ll'tllllt‘l‘ on the roinerot' the piyilii ii III High I'ark. loealedns. The arito's rolled up alongside with happy leads of people. soureolnxlioiir were a little late for part (it the progi-arri, the \ltllllt'l‘ being: sandwiched in between the beginning and end of it. i The program was it) part areproduc» tioii of the poems written for the and Mrs. Hopper on March Ist. Mr. \Vm. Street whose kindly face is surrounded by an ameolc of white. was our chairman, and tilled the bill So many of thit the thought is Corningr home to us. tIl‘lL a yo ringer generation should lc in the work, so that when we are moved to‘ the better land. the Newton hook Reunion willstill hr- held on earth. So neararen'e to the Iltll'tIt'l' land, that we have a kern interest in both. \Vith this idea in mind, Mrs. Nelson Street. Mr. (ii-o. .Iaun-s, Mrs,M:irshall. Mr. John \Iurisliaw and others were addedtothe committee tf Iiintiage- merit. Mr. Geo. Goldingv of Newton Brook, next gathering. and Miss Street. in a neat little speech, said the village would do their last to make it a \\’e :ir-i-ipted it unanimously. and ilt‘l'tls's‘ the ind the white Iriired old as boys and gateway, timers will girls of :30 . Joe-Street told us be was blessed number. and we we all young: kiddies guessing them. A letter was read from Dan Flynn of Ins Angelos, inquiring bow n.any of those present had heenschool mates of his, and only ti stood up, Viz : Mrs. Hopper. Miss \Vatson, Miss Ii. James, tieo. janies and \\'m. and Jos. Street. One of the riddles given was: \Vhy i is a may short man, trying.)r to kiss a very tall lady, like an Irishman trying to cliirib Mount Vesuvius. Ans: Sure he‘s tbrying.r to iaich the mouth of the (,‘r-aytliei'.†I also send one of the rhymes, as it was composed by an (rld timer. Mrs. 1‘3. Middleton, of I‘ihi Toronto, once known as Maggie Agar. It was a, III“.ISEIIII, gathering; sortie were detained by the shower, but as wecrossed our arms and sangr Auld Lang Syne. \\'t‘ corinth ourselvw. There was ~35 at feeding time. Now don't tril'gi't. tile Newton Btiltik I Holdings on IIIt‘i alter-noon ol' the steroid Saturday in Timers. May we all be there. young hearts. Mus. h‘. l’. HOPPER. with GOLDEN \YI‘IDDINU RHYMI‘I FOR MR. ANI) MRS. Ii. P. IIUI’PICR. Just titty years ago to-day. Robert and Jane were \ved, Me. a young man (if quiet way, She full of life 'tis said. So \'1‘l')' dit’l‘eicnt were. the pair, \\'e wondered Ilt‘\\' they'd do To walk together in life's Care, But love has brought them through. To talk, and think. and plan, And it' her plan did him entrance, He yielded like a man. But if at times, he could not Say. Iler plans were to his mind, He showed to her his better way, For he was just and kind. And so together they have trod The pissing years with joy. Seeking each day to please their God, And lire iti his employ. above, A baby girl was theirs. Arid lighten all their" car-es. Brit (iod \VIIHH‘ love's beyond compare, Tinnsl'tted her ahoyi-v lire she could lisp a simple prayer, 0i know .i parent‘s love. This sorrow they did met-kly beat Sandor tirarel sold by the load or n car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. COL'SINS. i PMS. and Manager. ‘ )I’IIIIE‘. Still trusting in their God. Castng on Him their every care. They still His pathway trod. And when in comfort, they retire '11) Section ' Till, .tions, full pai-ticulirs in writing of ‘ their .itv, if any, held by them. To bless their home, renew their love, ' Fire, Ioss,‘ theft take piace in spite of the utmost care. “,1 â€"z‘.e never safe about the house. it |l Secure absolute protection for your surplus funds in :1 Sterling Bank Savings Account. l Your moneyâ€"instead of being idleâ€"will be i earning you a proï¬t. It can be readily obtained 3, if needed. You will have the convenience of Ii. paying accounts by cheque. Any Sterling Bank Branch will be glad to open an account for you. 53 T iii: STERLING BANK OF CANADA Brarwliesat: Ilirhmond Hill, Keswick, (Qtiet-risville. Aurora TIltilllIlilI, T.7It\~i[){?. Newton Rri’ir-k_ -.â€". . .-, .,,, .., ._,. . .... YOU MAY'I‘H‘NK "Wet-M" l A. Cameron lilacNang-httn products his fallen lllt-l‘t' than any ' other article of common Its-r but we, bt-lirve Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. a. comparison of our lll'lt'“\' on OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTOI r I Ic' t -I. v with u tati .iis ~t' onei um†m l' q i, l i $ DAILY STARBI.DG..ISKII\‘G l year ago will show that many litres of lumber have been-reduced as min-h as almost any other com'iiodity. In fact. lots cf lumber is being,’ sold toâ€"d iy at a loss and in many instances catiritrt be replaced by the irraririt‘acturers at the It is a good time to build. STREET \VEST Tel. )1. 3631 Dent-on, Macdonald 6: Benton 5 “He WM“. Barristers, ‘3 diners. tic. )IANNING Anemia. Jones Lumber & 124 KING ST. \VEsT, TonoN'to. CANADA 'l‘iiLIcI’itoNr: MAINE 311 1 Cable Address: “Dodo†- i.‘L'l‘C D3 n ton Notice To Creditors Arthur A.)Iacdonald l IN TH E MATTER ()F the Estate of Henry Unseley, late of the Township ‘ ot Vaughan, in the County of York,i I’arrner, deceased. NUI'ICICis hereby giVen. pursuant (it the Trustees†Art. It. S. 0., Itlll, Chapter 121, that all i creditors and others having claims or demands against the I‘isiate of Henry Caseli-y, who died on or about the 29th daon March, It'll, at the Township of Vaughan. in the, County of York, are required on or before the Faith day of lune, Itlll, to send by past prepaid l orilelitct to I‘:II'/.’l|)l'lll Elli-ii Caseley. .lett‘erson. Stanley Clrnient (‘asel.-y, Jefferson and Herman (last-Icy. \Voodhr-idge. Excctitrixaud Executor-s of the Last \\'ill and Testament of the said deceased, thrir Christian names and surnames. addresses and J. s. SHEPHERD LATE or» MAPLE DICCOIlATOIt, PAPER-HANG E R GRAINER I‘JTC. HEADITOIUI. GOIIML'ICY R. R. Phone 1711 j. IEARLE NEWTON I’IANIS’I‘ Teae‘ei’ of Piano-Playinp,r :it the Toronto Conservatory of Music and .‘it. Margaret's '(‘olli-ge. descrip-‘ licliniond lIill-r\Vedncsdays and Saturdays. claims. statt'lllt'nt. of their accounts, and the nature. of the secur- .\'. (T Shaver, It. \. I’etei‘ Taylor. Ii. 1.. 1'1. \V. Rhodes. It A. liveuiucs Minor Ron. (I N uni t‘J:o'.i t: TAKE NOTICE that after the Execu- ANI) such last iiicntiened date. tiix and Executor-s will proceed to‘ ' dirtrihutethe assets of the said de< Shaver Taylor & RhOdeS ('PtSL’LI amongr the parties entitled ' Uil rlsrcrs, Solicitors thereto. havingr regard only to the‘ N'NMICS- Let'- n ‘ cliims of whirh they shall their ha\ e Hillitltt'rlillliltylfjtlul:I lz ' ‘ ' I†. -:_.)-Q J notice, and that the LXI-cutiix :etiil “INNâ€,le Hun ICXt-cutors will not be liable for they said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of \Vlirist' claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distributiori.‘ ll tCt'tI at Torontt, this tirst day of jun-3192.1. ‘ .I. II. NAI'tiII'I‘ON, 2“ Adelaide >t.. \Vest Tor-.nilo. 1 Solicitor t'oi Iilt‘ said Executrix I, 57 Queen St. West Tel. A Iilitltl .7071 Toronto it. A. N10110th IV UTARY PUBLIC ('oniniissioner', (it'IlIVt'yHlltTPl‘, Etc. Insurance and Real I'istate and I‘lxtcutors. 50-52, lssiii-r of Marriage Licenses. 424:" 2 i RICHMOND HILL 'Of I’tiinitiyes of early times, ‘ \Vhose teachings quaint and rare. ‘ Isltillgll‘ziltrrwl'lll' Si-ttler's homes the; or love to (ind and prayer. ‘ BARRISTEH. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'rc Toronto Ot‘ï¬ce, Richmond Buildings page, . 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. , In histon tinds a place. , Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (' Liberal ' A book to cheer both yorrtli and age. Oï¬lcc). every Thursday forenoon, 0f ewiy tiineand race. ‘ Maple, Thursday afternoon. , I .' ‘ . . . And now the happy grilrlpn lime . VI oodbiidge, Saturday forenoon. i (if life to then- has come. ; Money to Loan at Current Rates \Vlren rnenri-ry's book of golden I rhyme, l Sings of (iod's love and borne. l I His guiding hand has led their way. i They Walked His love to prove. And now the. tongue of faith can say, \Ve know our God is love. ‘ And now this look from lllctt)0l"_\.’ HOUSE PAINTING 8: INTERIOR DECORATION lAnd as the sun at close of (lay, Fruit business iii the store, “'ith Ie rdy pert, Jane did desire. To it‘ll of days of yore. Lights all the crirusi-n west. l Sn may God's love shi. eon their way, Until in Heaven they rest. C. BrOWne Thornhill