The July Pictminls are now for sale {It the Liberal Office. Call and gt-L ymu's. Mr. \Vess \Vellnmu he doing well. His Wis]: him a spovdy run Mr. E. j. Mikcht-l uf \Vinghmn, formelly of Richmond Hill. culled 0n friends in the \illage on Thursday mst. It Saturday. JlIUI standard lime hibltion I’m-k A llllnlllf‘l'. 01‘ [he Invmlu-lu (pf [hp Cutyhulic Church here ultvndul the parade (If the Holy Name Society in Toronto last Sunday in which 21.!)Ul) men tuuk purl'. Rev. Dr. J. (‘-. R Toronto spo-nt Mum] Mrs. E. H. FUI'IIH‘I‘ | Hamilton confcrvm-v has snld the 1621.991 Gentru SL9. In M vulunhlv prupx subdivided. Tho ice cream SUl‘ Lawn was :1 cumph way. and the twin ail Lhmc who 50 kin the day. ll) Metlwdht on Thmsd ’l‘hn 5mm Markham Association Guind Gl (if Ontmi At (he I. 0. 0. Bruntfm-d son’s Point for the people c Barrie and this vicinity. hr chm in n Branch brim: impr hi pill w a 1th, 19 Thl’ lnu'uh 'I'lu bu nke ffu xp u tell tmduy 1d '0 \~ L lu u l‘ H) :mi held ht Strawberry Fustiv )rn'rville lehudi d m It: -l(l In nd Annual Convontinn of [11 u Townxhip Suhlmth Huhm {on WI“ he held in th at Church. Vicmri l Squar :duy and F1 iduy lune 23ml :m Nichol} ldit Inity J nu :dulls lid in). Hut-1' Jum lh diam ll‘b l‘hul Flower ul 1\\'u)J My will [u vlmd) Mh kindly hL-Ipm which M Ivill bl . at. (3 ‘VUOdbl‘ll‘ imis>iun 2.3 Sh M. was the' G rand 1f the I holding s (If Mr. on Julx1 ul ('stnte "gent. n Richmond and 51mm. This H) Ht. Innn SIN 1921.‘ Ad- (zonts (hildrvn e Fï¬ Grand is H’DOI‘IHI to many flil'llds 710W - and wife (If will) his sister )I‘C will b 111i Jul tvll will 0m -Lh;m Jack- oming from In. .bulfly 1d hlu-ch “I IV“) 111 m ('\'(‘I_\' s thunk dining will 00‘ ball nudizm 1d Lawn I‘m n. NI held sale hwe lund di d gv \viH lllt 1U ()ll Richmond Hill File 1 (.0 express lhvir llm rm-eipt of a cheque Father Kelly for $251 Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. $10 in appreciation n A lentan M" the Sabbath School on June 26th, will be the com- mencing nt' .1 quznterly cunlest. The Supt. will give 3 pxizos, $500 $3.00 $2.00, lst, 2nd 3nd. Fm- the host essay on any one huge number of} eulvr this contest nun-lung and evr 7.30 p. Ill. (shun! run of the Sum]; month of said month Supt. ln wislï¬ng to Hmdfm-d E versury service: June 26th. 1h the morning 8 Thomas will a awning. The Sunday nnnnnl picnic mnnd Hill l] H anin Holy Chum \lel Sm lh ices :Ll: thé I‘l‘ \‘Fll Uh< hm lehmtinm Mi At Um l‘i 3TH SUNI) Mr. St. Mary’ am An Richmond Hill Fire Brigade Bupti METHODIST (JHL'RCII the intonsinn ‘ in the tum-nun) sduy H12 111 Hm] 1H t} Ack no wledgment nlc jun hm 1H! mle tvh :lice. b‘r p. m. Ail} H) Fowlerâ€"Bowes HICADFORI) my wnl 5 Church (Anglican Sunday Srlmnl Anni [‘3 will be he] lqn Sunday ,vv. A. N. St. John 0 AY AFTER ZGthune ' the Hniv HI] l‘lUUH ext plzmli June 27th MAPLE Ml ('(‘HL ï¬xc 11mg :«t u-d lim | Fil? Bligadv ir [hanks for pheque flu!†mug ldlvs d 1W bl Cur leaves Landau! tiuu say on q uu Hex will 1d of with l‘idak 0] a 1‘0 huld i ng lh( th t’hru rch W. Bu lllt a nd ‘lh p rt 1‘1 I‘ll)Ull hair in ulsn Irr-m M vlkes, fm their SIT- M imn v ending his 1d has been )llingwnod. eshettnh is u. 111. am The child 11 Sing,’ .11 Ir. llill‘l 1111 INI'J mnmni IIH rontn led div sbyu'l Ill lessons, by the scholars lope u 30 Chargc lll [be Rev. from whi . M wish will] lLK lhl n is this Ill III ll} ll) ll) Ill ll] lhut 5"- Hm ing dccidvd to attend the Annual Cmnonliun (if the Canadian \Veekly Newspapers’ Associatinn in the above) named City an the 91h and 10th of June. the editor of this paper and his wife loft Toronto Thursday urn-hing at 9 o’clock on the Transâ€"Canada Limited. their win: majm-ity Canadian (Jhy ul. 4 was first cl Wait/9 thing mm Hing In 26 In 01d fri lim Th: UHIL and lilflti that, P1 Illol'llnl by Mr. m Mnlmn. She was we left home, app and she is caled‘ Hospital. Since patient has stead doctors and lllll'St In cnnclusion let it WEEE Yma no scene-I; Irliculul'lv B. C. FIR AND HEMLOCK LATH AND ‘SHINGLES READY ROOFING AND BEAVER BOARD w; rint me 't-tl, 1m :11“ RIC? r\t mL ligl}’,(jn1 [p In \Vith Ul ,luaimnnu ngun. m: am this 3f FAI n u m ht could . INNES & SONS ".1? fill lhvaulifu] lakes: | on the way. I \Villium and \Vil u enthused bv‘ t SHMOND HILL 1th bl p, buck let us say that :Ipprmu'h- «lgury yuu see lhe snow cupped Mmmtuins more than u hundrr’d' ï¬l th distance. And frvm this the scenery (m rilhex' side he- li’mu Trip To Vancouver, B. C. Stock. SASH AND DOORS llllllpf d. Dr )lete 11. Row: :Itlvndir Bt‘Sidt'S the dav Lllé on and url'iv \\'odlle:d: tfszturv, was the mdel WHITE PINE SP RUCE :pt [It National. whicl p. m. The zxccun ass, the diningwo he (105i! (id. and c tiers and nfï¬cials Drill I]! Ch ‘ulf hour. 1' hf Newspaper men and were on hmu'd, though [he went by special train, National. which left the L m. The accommodatinn s the illness of Mrs. Mc- H) was far from well when no, appendicitis developed. caled‘fur in the General Since the open-Minn llle ()l \\' k' l up OWP, the [utter Dung In mlng «.110 Alberta cun- de-s [be above we spent lay pleasantly will] Dr. Joy, forum-11y of Maple. in [[10 "fun-noon showed is :1 [In-hing, nmhiLiuus ll city. It his :1. pop- mutv 70.000. and wr- found tl'li nce Vlhe operatiu steadily improved 'h m to this MlHCtiN m] grander. ' describe the ut shall hope- cle. sut‘I’ir-o i 5’ and night \iu:inity of S 1' leaving Tun \Villium wh IS DE itik ppard [he I ‘ecialty 000, and wr- round wore particularly film schools. thc quipped hospitals. ,ituLil-ns. y improved. and me \‘m‘y huprful. say [but We wow )11 the train. west :nmther folmcl' to Our n-ose ingwoum was all and conductnls. mcials did evm'y- tn make the trip the 8th In Int Highâ€"ma DHn («g om k one hum mint, is no we to do 0 it ms ;ht at La \numver Fay the {zox't' Sudlun y. uronto \\ (- The'u‘ e are con Mrs. MC ulthm emus \V ( ONE 13-3 3uy1r Index the llinn is a“ (Illl (ll ll The Richmond Hiii Hardware C0,. PHONE 18 OWQWWOQMNNOOM 00096990 M60W~b VOOOOOOOONOWWWNMOWWWQWW Richmond Hill Branch: Strong, Durable and, Easy to put on. Fits 1 surface with patent hinges, leaving no screw marks on your door frame, Lifts on and off without any trouble. We have the regular 5 at prlces from Berger‘s Pure Paris Green, in 1 0mm bulk at 62 Your Financial Adviser FIRE LIFE AUTOMOBIL} PLATE 11181] M a W. F. CART rcen Windows in various sizes from 35c to Also Screen er6 m all 812633; The Kasement Screen Door Bring us your tires and as good as new by our H is the time to have your min-Williams Arsenate of Lead in 1 (50c. or in bulk at 550 1b. 3T AFTER THOSE EARLY POTATO BUGS .m‘e P. G. SA. AS an institution with ï¬rst hand knowledge of ï¬nancial markets at home and abroad, and with Managers of broad experience and unbiased judge~ ment, this Bank is in a position to render invaluable advice on investment and other money mattere to its patrons. STANDARD SERVICE is Comprahmsim Financial Srrvicc TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Vuï¬can’izing D( )mm )d c Elements Kcep aw Cfficeyat t‘xe P0 STANDARD BANK Agent for aflfl style screen doors in r1 $2.90 to $5.00 c01 IRE \(LCID‘L the Flies and Bug warm OF CANADA 1R. Richmond AGE $1 SON inds aywood tires put THE ube .‘ b )V gm of Insuranc dra‘ted J. R. Herrington, Manager, ARANTEED. doors 1n tour 5.00 complete. 311‘s a'the den [11010 tir repairs. Made Icarizer. Now in good shape SICKNE “11311.1 cartons ght on the holes and 3C each designs hin