Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jun 1921, p. 7

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There is a proverb, in a land where it is always summer, that says: "It is easier to sit than to standâ€"and easier to lie down than to sit." The prevalence of that philosophy means that the people of that land are imperfectly civilized. They are in a state of arrested development. They are scratching flea-bites or sleep- ing in the shade or imbibing strong waters when they ought to be plant- ing, digging wells, making roads and building houses. A Swiss who visited these people said: “\Vhat they neczl is a winter." Thoreau observed: “Ix-man sits as many risks as he runs." Whole nations, like individual men, ‘may close their eyes and let a great chance go by. Sometimes it goes by with a loud noise; sometimes it passâ€" es in silence. But it does not stay. In any successful business the man who is valued. the man who is put in a place of command, is the man who sees and seizes chancw. 435 SPADINA AVE He reaches out and grabs them. Or he is like a hunter waiting in a thick- et, ready to shoot. If he isn't ready and it he doesn't shoogâ€"somebody else will bag the game. In this World you are or you aren’t’ '-â€"you do or you don‘t. That is all there is to it. Never mind the rea- sons why you weren’t or-didn’t. FiLMS FINISHEB BY MAiL We are living here, not hereafter. We are concerned with now, not then, Concentration on the business in hand, to the exclusion of other things past, present and to come, is the main- spring of many a fruitful endeavori An incessant wachtulness‘ ready to grasp‘ and use every chance for all there is in it is the wise man’s winning policy. In proportion to its size, a’ cock- roach is twenty times stronger than a horse. Ask for Mlnard‘s and take no other. Variationâ€"Spenser. Racial Originâ€"English. Sourceâ€"A title of office. ot the Normans was the manner in which occilpations which toâ€"day we look upon as of an humble, household nature, were exalted into titled offices. One of the most peculiar points about the. social and military system Th1! answer, of course, is that in those days each feudal castle, the social unit of all who were not tillers of the soil, was, though a single "household," a small'nation in itself, largely independent and owing vas- salage to counts and kings only as a unit. A Thus the keeper of the “family” purse was in reality the “secretary of the treasury.” and the head of the household kitchen was the commis- sary-general. ‘ The “despenser” or despencer," un- der the feudal custom of the Normans, was the officer responsible for the “buttery” or food warehouse of the castle, an ofl‘ice of great responsibility in days when sieges were laid, often not to be lifted fdr months or even years. This title, however. when coupled with the word “16" (the). as of course it was, soon became too clumsy even for the Norman tongue, with the re- sult that it did not take many genera- tions before the more common form of the word was “Spencer” or “spen- uer." There were many, many castles Any Size Roll and One Print from each negatlve for Expert attention, and 24-hour Service. 25 CENTS PER RfiLL atazars fitfientéenlf ALEX. J. McLEAN Introductory Offer good for ten days Caught Napping. Yéu Always Get 2111333 - Delicimls 4% Was: "‘Zhereis a Reason"[5r Crepe=Nuts air-tight packet 11:31) â€" Deli SPENCER Each golden granule of this attractive wheat and malted barley Food isrich mnutriment for body and. brain. Serve ,Grape=Nuts. direct From the air-tight packet For breakfast. or lunch. full food value for yeur money when you eat Surnames and Their Origin TOF RONTG The world war gave u‘nprccedented opportunities for the study of injuries ‘to the brain. There were instances in which indi- vidual fighting men lost as much_as a teacupful of brain substance without Impairment of their mental faculties. I Extraordinary! The reason is not easy 0! explana- Ition. But apparently nature provides Ins with more brain material than we l need to think with, and we can spare quite a hit of it without serious conse- quences, unless some essential struc- ‘ture be entirely destroyed. One thing the brain will not endure is compression. In childhood the skull may be squeezed all out of shape without harmful results. The Flat- head Indians do that. and so do abor- iginal peoples in other parts of the \world. But even a clot of blood, due (to cerebral hemorrhage, is liable to cause paralysis, and local pressure of a bone may render a person insane. WGULD NOT BE \HTEWHT MBY'S OWN TARLETS Mrs. W. Beesley, Mille Roche. Ont, writes: “I have used Baby‘s Own (Tablets for the past eight months and would not be Without them. I used them for indigestion and teething and my baby is cutting his teeth without any trouble whatever. I can highly recommend the Tablets to other mothers." What Mrs. Beesley says thousands of other mothers say. The Tablets are a. mild but thorough laxa- tive which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out constipation and indigestion and mak- ing teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams“ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. in medieval England. Hence there are many Spencer families to-day. BEVERLEY Racial Originâ€"Anglo-Saxon or Nor- man-French. Sourceâ€"A locality. This family name quite clearly be- longs ln the classification of those which have been derived from the names of places, for it is traceable through the early documents with the prefixed "de," meaning of. It is paradoxical that the smaller communities in all lands have given more’ family names than the big centres of population. The reason for this is, in the first place, tha‘. the people flocked from the small com- munities, where there was not so great a need for additional names, to the big centres, where there was not only such need, but Where the men- tion of a small place served the p11!“ pose of differentiation quite accurate- ly. In the second place, the big com- munities gave rise to comparatively .few family names because it consti- tuted little differentiation to speak of “Roger de London," when there were thousands to be found all over the country. Authorities differ as to We origin of the place name‘of Beverly, which is in Yorkshire. Some derive it from “belvoir” (beautiful view) and “iev,” a meadow or field. It is more prob- able, however, that the place already had been named by the AngloSavons as “Veverlac,” or beaver-lake. Theres is no more uplift- ing habit than that of bear- ing a hopeful attitude, of believing that things are going to turn out well and not ill; that we are going to succeed and not fail; that no matter What may or may not happen, we are going to be happy. Buy Canadianip'roducts. Have Too Many Brains. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Act on the Blood and Nerves. Foo\d’ is as important to the sick person as medicine, more so in many cases. A badly chesen diet may re- tard recovery. In health thl appetite is the best guideil in sicknefiss the appetite is of and depraved. ’ Proper food and a good t keep most people in good he Williams' Pink Pills are a. 1 medicine. harmless and certain in their action, which is to build up the blood and restore vitality to the run- down system. For growing girls who are thin and pale, for pale, tired wo- men, and for old people who fail in strength, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal tonic. Thousands have testi- fied to the benefit derived from the use of this medicine, among them is Mrs. William Gallie, Hantsport, N.S., who says: “Before I began the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills I was so weak and run down that I could hard- ly do my own work. I often suffered from headaches and was very ner- vous. I then began the use or Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and I can truth- fully say I have found them the best medicine I have ever taken. You may depend upon it I will advise other sut- ferers to take these pills.” Owing to the way in which King George invested the income from the Duchy of Cornwall during the Prince's minority he enjoys a comfortable inâ€" come, but this is all earmarked long before it reaches him. It was for this reason that he decided some time ago to dispose of a considerable portion of his estates in South London, and it is possible that a great proportion of the money so raised will go to endow his sister and brothers. You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. VVilIiams' Medicine (30., Brbckville, Ont. The Prince’s Income. surprise was expressed in some quarters recently at the announce» ment thet the Prince of Wales is not to start a racing stable, but the fact of the mflter is that he cannot afford ‘ . to do so at the present tlme, says an English newspaper. His income is a comparatively limit- ed oneâ€"far smaller than most, people imagine, and he has so many calls up- on his purse that at times he has to consider the matter of expenditure very carefully indeed. Almost the whole of his income is derived from the Royal Duchy of Com- wall, and last year the sum of $210,000 was paid into his banking account from this source. Out of this, how- ever, he makes a substantial annual contribution for the maintenance of his sister and younger brothers, who receive no money whatever from the State, but are supported solely by the King and the Prince of Wales out of their respective incomes. In addition to the income the Prince of W'ales receives from the source al- ready mentioned, he receives the pay of his rank as Colonel of the Welsh Guards, and this may be said to be 311 that he possesses. It may be pointed out, too, that he pays taxes in precisely the same man- ner as any private individual, while he 15 even rated for the portion of St. James’s Palace he occupies, though this is‘ purely an “act of grace” upon his part, and he could claim exemp- tion on the ground that this is a Royal palace. MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. From time to time the male bird gives the heap a. scratching over, as if to make sure that the temperature de- veloped is neither too high nor too low. He does not permit the newly hatched young ones to emerge, however, until they are fully fledged and able to take care of . themselves. Then he helps them to get out. The first and original incubator seems to have been the clever inven~ tlon of an Australian bird of large size called the “brush turkey.” It saves the‘ fowl a great deal of time and trouble. The hen turkey lays her “clutch” of eggs in a neat circle, and then she and her mate scratch together a big pile of leaves and other forest trash to cover them. Decomposition of this vegetable material produces heat, whereby the eggs are kept at proper temperature for incubation. Would Be More Popular. MiSS Oldgirl (who writes)â€"" thinking of writing a love story ed on my own experience." Miss Youngâ€"“You’d better gi‘ happier ending, dear." Bird Invented First Incubator. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia Sflfiféfififi 'E'fii‘éiil WEAK FEE armles In health the natural best guide,to follow; mpetite is often fickle onic will thh. Dr. )â€"“I 'am ory found- ' tonic in In 11) the Cashier (at bar fio bring someone before we can ca: any friend in the Would Have to Wait. “No, Algy, I cannot marry you for a while." “Why?” I “I was down to the jeweler's toâ€"day and the wedding gifts were dreadfully picked over." ' Her Faux Pas. Mrs. \Vigwag~”0h, I saw the most stunning millinery display to-day. I quite lost my head over it." Mr. \Vig§vagâ€"“We11, having lost your head, of course you have no use for a new hat." "‘This is my car," exploded the irate tourist to the garage men, “and what I say about it goesâ€"see?” Just then a dirty-faced machinist crawled out from under the dead ma- chine and said, pleadingly, “Say, en- gine,’ mister." Katie was learning all about the three R’s'in one of the public schools, and was called a. “bright” scholar. ‘ One day the teacher asked her how maly seasons there were. Remember- ing her father’s talks to Mother at home about business, she answered: “Two: slack and busy.” Ivanhoe in Poetry. A correspondent of the Sun-Dial de- clares upon his honor that the follow- Ing interesting conversation took place in a “downtown bookstore? Girl Customerâ€"“Have you Scott’s works ?” Clerkâ€"“Oh yes Several editions." Customerâ€"“Well, I want the origin a1 editionâ€"not. translated." Clerkâ€"“Why, Scott wrote in Eng- lish." Customer â€"â€" “Perhaps 'translated’ isn't the right word. What I mean is the works the way he originally wrote them, as poems, before they were made into novels." Clerkâ€"“We have Scott’s poems. If 1: youâ€"â€" Customerâ€"“What I want is Ivanhoe as he wrote it in poetry.” Clerkâ€"“I’m afraid you're mistaken about that." Customerâ€"«"011, no! A friend ex- plained it to me, and it you look at the chapters you’ll see that they all begin with little verses. He told me that any good bookstore would know what I meant.” food. Blind horses never make a mistake in their diet when grazing. Like all other homes; they are guided by the nostrils in the selection of proper Stranger for most makes and models of cars. Your old, broken or wornâ€"out parts replaced. Write or Wire us describ- lng What you want. \Ve carry the largest and most complete stock in Canada of slightly used or new parts and automobile equipment. “'e ship C.O.D. anywhere in Canada, Satis- factory or refund in full our mono. Shaw’s Auto Salvage Part Supply, 923-981 Duflerin St.. Toronto, Ont. Keep Your Skin Clear By Using Cuiicura cleanses and and heals li pimples. C cools the sk epimlion. 1 The Soap for d Son 25:. Ointment 25 {as} 50: Tnlcuzg 25:. 50‘ throughout LheDommlon. CanadxanDepot: 3:. Limited, 344 St. Paul SL. W., Mutual. Cuticura Soap shave: without mug HUM {flit Tmiefiéi’rswnonw Dog Remedial 5’" l Book on AUTO REPAIR PARTS Wanted It to Go. Friendless M Two Seasons. bank)â€""You will t we here to identify l cash this cheque. the town ?” No. I‘m a tax collect and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. Inmay move:- 00.. no. 112 West Blst Strut New York. U.S.A. ,czte. delig DOG DISEASES use in the toilet. e Ointment soothes ions. roughness. or |lam. llector hes a Got “For the first time in six years I know what it is to enjoy good health, and since it was Taniac that got rid of my troubles and put me into such fine shape, I think it is up to me to state the facts for the benefit of others," said Fred Roberts, 1624 Georgia. St. East, Vancouver, BC. “I suffered for years from blllous- ness and my appetite varied a lot. Sometimes I would hardly touch a bite and other times I would eat a hearty meal, but, as sure as fate, if I did eat anything, I had to suffer for it afterwards. I would get nauseated and bloat up with gas so bad I'd have palpitatlou of the heart and almost choke for breath. I had violent head- aches that left me weak and lifeless and suffered with such awful pains in the back that it was agony to stoop over. I also had rheumatism in my right leg which gave me a lot of trouble and which kept me awake so much at night that I .was tired most of the time. "I’ve only taken four bottles of Tan- lac so far, but already I have gotten wonderful results from it. I have a good appetite, can ’eat anything I fancy and never have a sign of bllious-' ness or gas or pain afterwards. My food seems to do me good too, for I feel much stronger angl have gained ten pounds in weight. I'm not bother- ed with pains in the back any more and the rheumatism has entirely dia- appeared. I now sleep well at night and get up feeling fine. My wife also has been taking Tanlac with wonder- ful results and she joins me in ex- pressing our thanks for the great good We have gotten from it.” Tanlac is sold by leading druggism everywhere. Adv. We Want Him Not. Says a sage: “Give me the man who whistles at his work.” All right, old chap; you can have him: ' RED ROBERTS, of Vancouver. 8.0., says he knows what it Is to enjoy good health for first time in six yearsâ€"Rheumatism relleved and gained ten pounds. OMPOSITORS AND PRESSMEN wanted for open shops. Highest wages. 48â€"hour Week. permanent posi- tions guaranteed. Apply the Reid Pres. Limited, Hamilton, Ontario. 0. McPherson, , Furniture Dealer, Undertaker, Armstrong, 3.0. Mlnard’s Linlment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, N.S. Dear Sitsâ€"Since the start of the Baseball season we have been hinder- ed with sore muscles, sprained ankles, etc., but just as soon as we started using Minard’s Linimeut our troubles ended: Every ‘baseball player should keep a bottle of your llniment handy. Yours truly, W. E. MCPHERSON, Secretary Armstrong ngh School Baseball Team. Warning! Take no chances with substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab- lets of Aspirin.” Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tab- lets you are not getting Aspirin at :11. In every Bayer package are direction. for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu~ matlsm, Earache, Toothache, Lum- liago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manu- facture of Monoaceticacidester ct Sallcyllcacld. “Bayer” is only Genuine Classified Advertisements. ASPIRIN ISSUE No. 26â€"'21.

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