Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jun 1921, p. 4

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.Mehring’s Foot-Power Milker Consists of an air pump worked by foot power, two pieer-s of rubber hose arid eight suction crips which surro rud the e‘ght te-rts of the two cows which are milked at, the same time. The operator srts between the twu cows. Ile Works the p-rrup wrth his feet and K Nut-le the lt‘fltCllpfl. one by one. against the 1 arts: on opening the spigot the suction rapidly draws the ('up‘.‘ river the tears andin milk begins to tlww from b: tlr cows toward its .‘dr-slirr rtion. the clean milk p'ril. which is hung out of the way of all dust. dii t. etc. on the sport of the pump. . C. W. GANE Maple, R. R. No. 2 ’ AGENT Phone, Maple] 264- -.,.r.-r.‘__._ .. .i . WOWOOOQONWMMMOGOOQ ’_ The New Hardware, Store I Trench Block O Paints, Oils, Varnislres. Baseballs. I Spades, Shovels, Forks, Galvan- till/ill. “1 ' it.“ I a. (rtllll res illi'llllflull ized Pails. Granitervare T inware Stovepiping, Brooms, Brushes. Poultry Netting, Building Paper, "Roofing. or V x c.” N. COOPER «66939096066999owkomooeeoooeeoeewooeoeemom I‘ Richmond. Hill 66.00-66MOQ66000W ©906¢M0®4~690¢0¢M0¢0 FARMERS ATTENTION / SAMSON TRACT ORâ€"-Plows and Disc on Demonstration. Lowest priced tractor on the market_ when quality and equipment are considered. All working parts enclosed and running in oil. ' - Price $1275 .00 with one year guarantee. DAVID HILL 8: CO. 50 ?; 0t on Roseview Ave. $250. 50 r’ t ot on Baker Ave. $400. Acreage Lots, Markham Road, East of Railway at low prices and easy terms. Cheap stone for foundations. We have houses for sale in North Toronto and North Yonge St. up to Aurora. W. J. Lawrence 1974 Yonge St. I’hones Bel. 1515 Sr 1470 York Ranger Cadets The cadets will he entertained at the country se~rtof Mr. and Mis‘. \Vr-st- wood, at. Langstatl‘aru Friday evr-ning, the 8th of July. Cutlets will parade in summer regulation dress as laid down by the 0. t'. Cadets going: to ramp will leave 'I.‘o~ rorrto at 2 p. in. .on July 2nd, and will be under the comrriand of th'lll. \Vhitteirineie. York Rangers, Toronto. to whom Lierrt. Mordcn officially entrrists the charge of his cadets. Details of irrohibilimtiorr are now be- ing completed by Limits. \Vlrit ten- nrere and Moideir. Cadets must take ch urge of underclothing and socks. knife. fork and Spoon. bathing or suit. cleaning material, personal necessaries. etc. Ilaversack and kit pro\ ided. (‘adets leave in uniform. but. at. camp will \vear blue shorts, khaki shirt. and straw hat. They will also take their running shoes. Mothers of thecadrts, [who depart, oii Sarurday. will kindly ‘ prepare for their sons a por-ket llllll‘hr- l required beoic embarking on the l steamer. l i lzags are being « ¢.â€"râ€"â€". 7â€"4 Yonge Street Highway Association At a Very ir'presentalive and en- thrisiastic meeting held in the Masonic Hall last Thursday (’VPlilhg. the abrve- asswiat ion was fairly lunebed. Officers and Directors were appointed and a programme will be formed which will be presented to the Minister of High- ways. setting for th the immediate needs in relation to Yonge St. Deputy Minister will be iirrited to address the: association at. which meeting the association will also have a chance to present its views. All were of the opinion tlratthe first thing to llr‘ done was the putting inproper 1-epairononge St. a highway which at. the present time is in a very dangerâ€" ous state and had not had its share of attention. Every section of the street from Toronto to Jackson’s point will be represented by a director. Mr. M. P. Vairdervort was elected president. A. Davis, I no. Bowman. II. W. Fleury. and T. J. Mct‘ahe. vice-presi» dents. and Mr]. \Vatson. seeyâ€"tieas. Alter Yonge Street is placed in proper shape. other matters of interest 'sucjr as widening, tree planting, beautifying of residences. etc. will he discussed and it looks as it' this association will bear real liVe atl'air'. _ ‘o’â€"â€" ( ' Cadets Entertainel Mr. and Mrs. lchatehy entertained the entire company last. Friday even- ing on the grounds of their beautiful borne, fiorrr 8 until 11 o’clock. . The verarrdah and grounds were illumined by a profusion of Chinese lanterns. which from the terraced laun was Strikier in its decorative ctfect. Eight, prizes weregiven by the hostesss of the evening for the .Bean Guessing Otlllteat, 3 for-the seniors and 5fortlre jrirriorséwhiclr consisted of baseball hat. 6 base balls, pocket. knife and 3pockct combs, the junior-s also each receiving a toy sorr'renir. freshments. a boys delight and con- sistrngol’iced ginger a'c, a hot dog, iced water melon, and chocolate Cake, just like mother makes. were served at ten and were enjoyed thoroughly with red York Ranger cadet corps pep. Adelightful departure during the evening wastbe guitar duet playing of cadet corp. Clarence Mylks, and cadet Stanley Ransom. Before departing the 0. C. most gratefully thanked on hehalt‘ of his command the thoughtful host and bestessoftheeveniug. and to which both Mr. arid Mrs. McLatchy graciously replied. Another most de- lightful social function is thus chron- icled on the regimental record. â€"â€"â€"‘o.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". ’ MAPLE The public school closed on Friday for the summer vacation. Mr. R McFurIarre, of the. Standard Bank, has been transferred to the . branch at \Vinnipeg. and will shortly leave for llrit place. A very pleasant time. was spent last Friday evening on the inanse lawn, the occasion being Ladies’ night in the Vaughan Lodge of A. F. & A. M. About one hundred and sixty sat down toari excellent. re a. Rev S. R. Robinson rironirs. Mr. Gordon. Toronto. entertained the company with his pictures and recitatious, and Dr. Routley sangr two solos. jewels was Mastc‘ Cartoonist, of and \Vorshipt'ul Brethren, J. Kaiser, I). johuston. l. H. Kirby. \V. Shrink. ‘ .l. T. Pollock. H. U. Bailey. .\I. Had- wen. J. T. Saigeon. .l. A. Rose. “7. O. McDonald, '1‘. H. Keys, j. Robson, U. Stephenson, G. Brownlee, Dr. I“. Rorrtley. D. Cooper, Rev. T. \V. . Leggott. ALCTION S.\LES iSA'rt'irDAY. _lt'LY SlflAuctiou sale of I Farm stock and Irrrplenicnts, lot 31, (‘on. 2, Vaughan, opposite stop 5:3 Yonge St. the property ot'Geo. .‘lr'Naii‘. Sale at 1 o'clock. Saigeoii 1 and Walkingtori. Ant-ts. Terms Ci months. lSATl'ItDAY. JL'LY 24.1t1"tir-ii sale of l Farm Stiltk, implements. etc . stop 12 _Yon;:e SL, corner liglinton ‘ and Ileddirigton Ave, .‘_; mile. west of Youge St.. the prop- of Joli” Fordyce. ' rims Sale at 1 p. in. _l. I . and Prentice. Aunts. erty rash. K. G. trunk n The Rc- ' of Uere- ‘ were presented to the following paso masters. by the officers arid member's. . Very \\'oishipful Bin. ’1‘. A. Cousins. j ___-.,_â€".â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling (.lub l l Local schedule of games from June 27- i to Aug. 5. :37. 3» a» g ‘: L: '3 ‘5 :> - .v c : .. : : _. â€" - 7,: 2s 7,: 1. 5 z. 7-. z. z '3 7i - ._. [5 - â€" .v- .: "‘- ir: c: '"c ' " 9‘ -“ ' 3‘" 3 F E ‘V "‘ ‘-‘ re. "‘ f: : z I: : '__ :.- :'- 7‘-‘ : = : = '< p.‘ _ »â€"4 z. : :. - a -‘ + : r: r .___ 2 >2 :2 H . z ' . T. 5‘. w, o 7 V J ‘u A. A “La: :5 "' : E. E 3' .= ca 3 a 3' .73 r. f‘ i; 5 ' .w :2: .3» L-V‘ O c: {:9 â€"- :x. L; a; ' 219 E = 5 E 2 - ~ g a z. a :. k: 5‘ 77 .‘J‘ I“ 33:: ‘ £0 ' .0 C) <_. .I- g '__. are r“ H r E :- C." m N *- 2 5-: 3-”. E E 2 E 5 r a a. 3 7; :1 r' A] :r 2‘ :fi ' F v F?l> :2 ‘ to A l 2 .. o :3? s 5 av: Li a ,5 ;=‘ 2: c. r ’3... ~-’ - ‘ 5 , Ti .3? ' S" l illâ€"lb '7‘ :5 3° c; m 5 <1 i; g 2' S : 1- ”‘ L J?- :3. r ‘1 H ~ ' r' a l .3 ‘ €9.71 er . we - :, H 5.3:? :: m ’1 5 I: = a. 7‘â€" :_. a 5: 5" -1 ’1 Six rinks to play each Monday at 7 o’clock. (daylight saving time.) Any skip who is unable to get his rink complete may pei'iriit. his lead to play t bowls. Air entry fee of 50-1. is required from each player for the purpose of providâ€" ing a prize to the winning,r rink. l _,_ .7 "77,. _.1 â€"._Wâ€" .7. .77 _.___a Notice of Application for DivorCe NOTICE is hereby given that GIB- sox MACKIE Top, of the City of Tc- ronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario. Merchant, will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the next session thereof. for a. Bill of Divorce from his wife, Olrrriirda ‘ Mabel Tod. of the city of Toronto. Married \Voirran. on the ground of adolter y and desertion. Dated at Toronto. Province of Orr- tario. this ’l‘wcuty-tirst day of June. 1921. DOUGLAS :3: GIBSON 17 Queen Street East, Toronto, ' Solicitors for the Applicant, 52 13 Ginsox Macros 1'01). 0 C T Public 1\ once 1 A car of Salt in barrels and ' sacks arrived. ‘ Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal ‘ on hand. jAlso a good supply of N0. 1 ' Feed Corn. ’ Blachford’s Calf Meal. l . ; Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Purnia Scratch Feed. r l IO'l‘lt‘Eâ€"E. Sliirey is prepared to .L do all kinds of trucking and outing in Rirlimond Hill and vicinity. Patron-rue solicited. l’holic Rieliiirond Hill 118. 42 [t W.- I‘l. FINL‘liâ€"joh (‘rrpentruu Ite- pairs and Alterations. Furni- ture repaired. Eli/.aheth 5L, Rich- inond Hill. Box 10”. ~13 ti". ‘OR SA LEiâ€"‘ltltlarre farm. being lots 1‘ 238 and :33). con. 2!. Vaughan. Will sell iir bulk, or (Iii ide the farm. _loir.\’ SI.I.\‘EY. Richmond Hill, Bell filtultt‘. Ii 1' ______________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘OR HALEâ€"On easy terms 100 acres 1‘ lot 28. con. :7, Markham. Brick house. Bank liar-u. driving sheds and other Buildings. all new wire fenced lots of good water for stock with~ut pumping,r lt. School across the road. good clay Loam, Fall wlrerltin, and seeding will be completed, would give possession this spring or next. fall. Apply owner. JOHN \Voons, L'nion- \‘ille, R. R. No. 1. Ontario. If M ‘l’OVI‘IN WIRE FI‘JNCESâ€"B‘uilder t‘anadian Steel and American Hinge. Also' Iron gates and staples. l. 11. Esi'izY. Elgiu Mills. 41 12 W ‘ fAN'I'IClLâ€"Man and “me to work \X/ on farm. 1‘). 'l‘. STEPHENS, lolr‘ll. Yonge 1f 0 ]?OR SALEâ€"l Dug-g ' and a Massey _ Harris hinder. In good repair. Apply II. A. Tr‘T'i‘. Tlrornliill. 50 ll FLAT TO RENTâ€"May have . I Possession at. once. Apply to Arms .i. Wirioii'r, Corner Yonge and Richmond Streets, Ricliirroird Hill. .31 If [TOR SALEâ€"Got (1.8 r-oornr-d house. most snitabte for wayside inn Electric range and. lights. ,Miis. BEYNUN, Jetl'crsou Stop hi. 5?. '3 .m- l‘pOH SALI‘J‘8. But’f lcghorns. l COck« _ ercl bit-knell strain, laying. FISCH. Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill. Box 109. 7 53 2 I‘OR SALE CHEAP â€"-1 Range L 4 Oxford Prince, hot Water attachment ; 1 beater. nearly new: 30 Lengths pipe, 3 elbows. 1 commode: 1 Cider Barrel. 20 gallons, 12 .t (tallou sealers 2L quart sealers. Harden implements. 1 Spade, 1 Fork. 1 Hoe. Owner lcaving village. To be Seen be- tween 6 arid t) p. in. daily. 11. .I. - HASSETT. Yonge St. next. to Skeete’s «rm: ~‘OR SALEâ€"Quantity of good Seed Buckwheat. LEN Ct'lr'rrs, Phone 54, Richmond Hill. 1 l FOUNDâ€"A watrh on June 10th at. the C. F. 0. Picnic. Owner may have same by paying expenses and proving property. b‘. P. FooTE, Bethesda. 1 1 ORD ROADSTER FOR SALEâ€"Iii good condition. $250.00. Richâ€" mond Hill Garage. Phone. ti 8. l 1. .A. IiO\\'SE A. A.â€"Piaiio and l Violin tuition. Reasonaber 11, Oak Ann, 1 Z charges. Phone 1 r Stop 46 ‘ENDERS “'ANTED ~ For '1 Water heating and wiring house north of Catholic Church. Plans may be seen on the job. Ask for Mir. RIDDELL. 1 1 0R SALEâ€"Two trot water-furnâ€" aces. Apply Mir. RIDDELL. first house nor th of Catholic Church. 1 1 Have you tried our Magic Iceless Cooker for Milk, butter. and other perishable foods. Just. the thing for this hot Weather, and exactly what you need for the. sriirrmer camp. No Ice to buy and no expense to operate. Let us send you one on trial. Tire Richmond Hill Hardware Co. .Cannel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. I. D. Ramer r “GEO. "mp Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. ‘ Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. ‘2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. r | l ELGIN MILLS Light Lunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts 3â€"5. Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates . - . YT. 3â€"0:!5 E. Bridges, Prop. Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yonge St. hot I

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