“1 1.0m W. HEWISQN Residvncu addre Victoria Square Licensed Auctiunevr York. Salesut‘lendt nutice. And at ronsun Patronage Pupils pass and sold ‘ tended to ducted by Patrnnug‘ MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Methoci Musical Kmdergarten F01 GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLlClTORS, ETC ronto Olâ€˜ï¬ Bld‘l. Cur .mnh Ofl‘lcpâ€"Richmnnd Tuesday afternoon at Ofï¬ce. 0( HOUSE PA INTE Richmond Hill 3: II. 1’31} LICENSED AUQTIDNEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patrunzme and influence respectfully solicited 161‘. G LICENSED sold 1 TL‘DIO ~1'lO'l‘J‘I L RICH MON D M COUNTY OF A. J. HUME sales $1.50 per annum, in advance.} Brapches â€"â€"Thornhill NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING 415 Bullio] Sh, Phone Bvlmx «\RR J. T: SAIGEOLN Maple The Royal Bank of Canada and Willowd Open Savings Ac- counts for each one of your children. Insist upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift will gradually become g. strong trait in each child’s character. There is a branch of this Bank near you and a deings Department at evcry Branch. :LLtvann given scruptinn. Furn‘ Teach Your Children the Value of Money Money to Loan s a spvcialtv. Farms 11 commission. A†5 (III shurtesb notice, a the must. approved 11 suliuited. miner and Paper- Hanger. Im- Uonsel vatm’ 'nnimllinns. Richmond Hill xy and l‘omutu YORK AND ONTARIO LICEN Continental AU( LAY€)N for the. Uunntynf d to (m shortesL tble rates. sulicited P. O. nddro Gut-Inlay, Ii. R. Fart-ml nc1317 J'J‘IONEER ms :l'ud farm Farms bought A†Sales at- :icv, and con- ‘JVPd methods. (ll Hill e iberul ntal Life hmuud sales at every 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt. attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Ir -. u. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A large stock of Fv Kept at the n‘ g Uniertakers and E mbalmers RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIDNVILLE F Oxdors will re Also agent. Nothing E. R. SANEDERSBN ? [£37 Th5 'Flll' I‘lu llVE Hill. 5045’ )f’f PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS Moo-J ()fli VETERINARY SURGEON, Thoruhill. *mnmissiun JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER panv Om In. Oï¬i by phone or otherwise promptly responded to Barristers 5021 'Telephone { Munrn'h J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC - VANDO R F LICENSED AUCTIOXEI 05d NAUGHTON ,‘nwmhip uf \V’hï¬ mperiul Bunk uf ( \anwn. & Cu. A. . C. HENDERSON Hours 9 )pH) (won WRIGHT BROS NW] of ~An )wnship of vahip uf THORNI British MHer Phnne Alum T1 EVIN WE LLWOOD THE COU‘VTY ()1 LC] Hill RICHMOND HILL. ONT AGENT â€"RICUMOND HILL, ONT itish Stu] lns Insnmnm THORNHiLL ‘0 great RMS R . L. R. BELL with Mr. GPO. Harding ive p11):an uttenï¬nn. [r [by Himmm Standard Strundm i U zmn (wings J. P. VVILSON 11 Block, two dnnr ‘. and um nc Telvphone amicitor DENTYST i ILL, ONT meveyancer. Etc. EASONABLI L‘neral Furnishing \hove places v Umnpnny ILh Weste * Company Au'lmnubi] HI Nothing tousmall SINS “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials iain 1101'?! chm Bunk JENKINS r Notaries in 2777 Ill v.31) p.11). \ppoinunont 8013 n-I-y SSUI‘EIIK Elfqin Mliyl P11011344. h Dmuinions ‘OI'CIntrL Aurm 30 md Bl ,1“ mgv Six-M YORK em mg nurth hlon 3t l( I be" M rs. ngg‘ 1 though effect ! the) esteem nf shall I pepp an imp church Mrs. L! her ass the) esteem of all. ardent, worker in the church, the Snuiely and en church wurk. your future yvurs may glide Imp; away‘witlmut nfflictiun or sun-ow the sincere wish (If all. will live nu and the menmries “ill be cheristh fur many years. Our best winhos and prayers will fullmv ycn to your new ï¬eld of labour and we trust that the kind Providence will Iner yum- (lculining yours your happiest. brightest and must peaceful years. That you may by spared to continue the Mustm ’5 won 1;. and that In every yourself :1 (‘Iiplmnuti your culli henrly h smile and \Vhile we not cons} aluno, “st gain. Th whivh he has he and has :Ilwnysch mus“. tit ()u have ) comt‘m Sn In gain ltlna mu M [he BL: unm Whl'l 1i5( ls mad [11-5 7.4! 91'. Thu from lln I] II In ht'l' pi ll] JX' pastor and his funny. Words hul to oxpx-e-w our on who highly es‘teuuwd a i a family. Our belnved lmm'ed uncensingly in lht Aft [UH] 1d 11 )ll fllllC culling. \Ve Wlll miss your ly handshake. your friendly I and your womb of consolation. le we miss you livenly. we must cousidm' our S9lflsl‘l interests ), us our lnss will mean mmthel’s Though vom- labours here will lymu- wards. (luéds and actions :. You will a: in the hemts : of [his plan- I the same PM .vunty wurk. Shel utnuL niche i \v u 1' k . \V (I. sun Southbound Traffic It Ind haw w d Ill of ynnng pt Dr. [7. and ntiful 1am. nph y t’x'uvidvnt'e lyum- LxusL sustain vou mvn a blu the mansi .MR. LI: 1') FA MIl Candid udinz Sc SIAPLE ‘sfnl day x-iduy : 11111 unpi infurmut ninntiun M 1 h} lVily .vith THURSDAY J ULY 7 [um glide happily un 1M mmcex-t Ju ll th Brad [n nf sports wns 1dvr [he nus- 'unlb:lll match [on held ‘ gruun in whom continue while life from prepared uf lln His pl hum. actions “ill be the p1 :qnite th 1]] H1 [h Map! xilh [II [M \Vin 5mm ull 1‘!) MI of Liberty ; in all: One of tlw largest held here, :ILte-ndml t ï¬eld day. on Lake M: day, when 4.000 pooph the community visite farm and “’cl'e ente Henry and Lady Pell‘ An opportunity to quote you a price on your requirements in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, etc. by ___ ,...V..... “ tudistrihnlu tbs) assets of the estate umong [helpnrties entitled lhelet') lmvinglogurd only tn the claims of which they shall thvn have leceived nutice, and the said Executms will nut he responsible for the said assets 01- uny put thereof Ln any pe‘rsnn m- prrsnnsof \\'h«s:\ ulnim notice shall not have hem l'l‘Ci’lVPd by thm. Dated at Toronto this 24th day of Junu, 1921. that after 11w said Rnlwrts'm Evocntms n hefnl'e Hu- 2‘ names and z‘ of lvhvix new nature (If th them. 1921. tho Sflil] persr estut who May. pn-p; sh Jones Lumber & Coal C0 Cor. Yonge & Arnold Sts. Th AND FURTHER NOTICF R. S. 0 dimlt )Hs‘ lid flower and as of the (1; ted by fnm t. The win: 71 Yonge Street, Turontn, Solicitors fur the said Execulnrs WANTED md LGdy elks was Ill“ ha m STEERMNGB SKEANS & 1897. ()1 vndment nng c]: tice To CI :md Anni rf [119 s lid 35‘11 day (If. Iddrussvs‘ m <pe(:li\'e- cln Call and see I pass the Bank. Let :1 Sterling Bank Manager our Service will be of beneï¬t to if you plan an extension of operations next season. The Sterling Bank has Banking Serviceâ€"as a have many indications proved of value to farm ï¬eld. foRMERS Ssiill g chums :lgnin xilljuhn Jnmï¬s ‘ahmlt the 16th required to send deliver to the Pxecutm ily ,ing C H‘F clnlnls urity. if an baby shn kings, Charity.’ Hl rfmm d 1119 rtuine xlt. .' Ill Thm uh ostatc July, 1! IthH-ing’s over - ï¬fth annual ie Farm, Fri- editors BUCK AK E NOTICE \ t u'1 day of July, will pxocce‘d 0f the estate l‘n.‘lll llllH were the ers were end by the u 1‘1 to, on m 1931. their statement held OF CANADA ll! a utiful by Sir 2 large attrac- unt ul ications that our efforts have to farmers in every agricultural Xl-Ll Kin sunnt 2c! inn 7th a†the )Wc‘ln m “’85 m w He :eI‘ ll) SH] hf} OPEL M s made a special study of applied to farmers. We Tel. A lsiui‘l Peter Tiylor'. 13A. E. \V. Rhodes. B.A. Team 191‘ of Pi: Tnmntn Guns and SLMHI; Richmond Hill Saturdays. Kosw ick D ECORATO R,PAPER‘ H ANG GRAINER ETC. Denton, Macdonald 6: Tel. M. 3631 34 KING ST ARRISTD HEADFOR D j. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST km) missinn Insumnc Issuer of OFFICEâ€"SUP DAâ€"ILY STAR Shaver Taylor & Rhodes tple HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION i. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL 3r0wne nager explain where mm 4 hmm nuon DthTlSEEI‘, a )d bri Cameron MacNa't WILLIAM COOK amister Barristers, Solictors. &r .S.SHEPHERD [Single copies, 3 cts nton Barristers. Solicn Notaries. Eu; youâ€"especially your farming LATE 0F MAPLE Câ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO STAR BLDG.. )8 KING STREET \VEST 11" ANNING A t'lunnâ€"EMying )onsel'vatm-y 0f Arthur Street, \V Hill Off D. GOIUILEY R. R Phone 4741 Thursday xdny aftel . Saturdn )LICITOI “an I n m at Iniu vill :I'ron, NOTARY E‘rc Richmond Buildings ,citcr, Notary, Etc wL's Collvge \Vednemlnys Emmi nnnsire Cltv Hull 57 Queen St. West Toronto RCADE I'HHK Thornh‘l Alum-m [ucdunnld IHC Mm slut (‘ Liberal noun. [100!) US ughton Tenton and the Isic lte Ii R