Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jul 1921, p. 4

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2D02rs South of Bakery on Yonge St. momomwm NOOMOMOOONONOOO”0090009069069 Boot and Shoe Repairer mwoowmwouooo WOW@966-090M60M99600®06¢09 C. W. CANE AGENT; .VIaple, R. R. No. 2 Phon All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Mehring’s GEO. KIDD 9 Notice Public of tho sits hot §[)iglit 1h milk hep,“ the cloun The New Hardware Stare ll)! C. N. COOPER OI) m Lh( (he sulrliuu rapidiy dmxvs *gins tn {law from both m milk p‘\il. which is hung tho spoat of the pump. h n th w h i Trench Block Footâ€"Power Milker Spades, Shovcls, Forks, Galvan- ized Pails, Granitewal Stovepipin’g, B1 milk mws U10 4 huth cows ’oultry Netting, Building Paints, Oils, Varnishe u-ked hy ms \vhiul Paper, Roofing. IIIIS To Buildvm _:md Mvn intmested in Cement \mG. the Best Sand and Gravel (.zm lu- obtained of? the plnperly of rolet ( spection. Let us explain to will serve you better and business to grow. DAVID HILL & CO. Chevrolet Sam Shepherd, Headford Baseballs. Con. 3, Markham Side Road cups ()Vl‘l ; tnwmd CCOX] ll) C011 HE 01116 Miles fxom Richmund Hill Richmond Hill Phone, Maple 1'0011' )HE PHONE 4741 in and give it you1 -Ton Y U( ame CC 11V 0 pl \H 1011 )duct Made in Canada Brushes 1n W8 YC ma cratlon Il-DI‘iYe Truck. on and sturdinesS characterizes all )und in the Chevâ€" Bran, Shorts and Glu on hand. Also a good supply 9f N0. 1 Feed Corn. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemiock Slabs at the Elevator. you how it I’ll Show You How to Increase Your Profits farm yox ten criticul in- cura' . up: - 03mm flaw help your ’astry and Purity Flour ways on hand. ervice, of car OI Pubiic Notice 1V: Blachford’s Calf Meal Tbronto desxgnec II l. D. Ramer Rich urma includes Stall: Bowls and Lit fSalt in barrels and sacks amved. nau, Scratch Feed ‘ond )I‘C 1bl€ Agent Hill ,er Carrxc 1t Eluten Meal Equ vou 11’161‘ able Bull more C011 hr npr th )1' 11' organizing [he hand. council chamber on Mo: last, Reovk'l‘yeuch Lnki Mr. A Mermlfe suggests of the council take office thus keeping up the int look after the instrume moved by Mr. J. Luuau Mr. Pratt that the hand ized, as they saw no 1'03: the nvniluhlc talent. Lhn mm‘Pd by Ml'. .I. L My. Pratt that the ized, as they saw 11‘ the available talent band could not [)1 would be available motion was carried that if the council v Motmlfe stat! would resume until another lowing was (*1 he Rev. Father Kelle h npprecialinnof tho ki prompted his timely c< tho mdels departing for good bye, and for his 11) address to them on truditinns of theA great, I good bye, and for his most. :tddless to them on L1H traditinns of theA great, but which they wuuld there sv The corps departed in h' “"910. cunducted under C; Bmt, Grunt, who reported of embarkation to Limit, V of the annnto Ym-k Ramp whose strength thv R. H attached. The rigidity discipline of the cadet (:n occasion on the part of mothers no possible anxiol O. C. has every confide (‘ndetsf Every cadet hef< nledmvd himself to his 0. ( pledged himsélf to would write to his should, and manly The Sixth Annual Meeting of Sec- tion Four of the Torontn Presbyterinl Women’s Missionary‘ Society, tank plaice in the Presbyterian clunch, Richmond Hill. on Tuesday. June 28, with Mrs. Allan, of Aurora, in the chair. The morning session which was well attended, began at 10.30. Delegates arrived from Sutton, Queensville. Eversley, Strange. Newmm-ket, Aurora, Thornhill. Miss B. Thmup- son, Toronto, spuke on Young Womâ€" en’s Walk. and Mrs. Binghum. Toron- to, on Mission Band Methods. A repmt from Geneva Park was given by Miss Elsie Conn. Auroral. The afternuon Session was tukon up by very intm‘esting and entertaining speakers. 1\Irs.(1‘rruhrun, of Markham, the Presbyterial President, delivered fllllOSL earnest and inspiring address, the burden of her message being to put Christ, first; in all our missionary endeavor. Miss \Villiarns, l‘omntu, ‘took up training" of lenders in any branch of church work. Mrs. juniiewn, fru-meily of Cecelia Jeffrey Indian School. Lake of the \Voodu. spoke with tenderness and affection uf her wmk among Indians. old and young. in the schuul, home. and in the community. OLhei's who tuuk part in the meet- ings were Mrs. Mann of Newnmrket, Miss Boyle (If Thox-nliill, Mrs. (me Eversley. Miss :Vem Gillies, Strange, Mrs. Phipps and Miss Aileen ALkinsnn of Richmond Hill. 3 was fel'; by all who attended that, the meetings had been mnzt pmlimble and pleasant. n m: u 'n W ,1 n: .L Th'e lunnd in the Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that GIB- sox MACKIE T01), of the City uf TL- mntu, iu the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Merchant, will apply to the Parlimnent of Canada. at the-next session thereof, for a. Bill of Divorce from his wife, Ulzu'indn MabelTod. of the city of Toronto. Married Woman. on the ground of adultery and desertion. r‘ A rDated'ut Toronto, Province of On- tario. this Twenty-first day off JunP. 1921. ldm' on the .ilitv wnu‘ The () Sixth Annual Meeting of W 52 13 lt8( DOUGLAS & 17 Queen Street E Solicitors for the 13 GIBSON MM wilc'fie’é of Thnrnhill and Rich- Hill served luncheon and tea basement, of the church. [Can Save You 361/2. Days a Year [DRUNT York Ranger Cadets Band Re-organizing uld um I‘ll desires to 1' Kelley for lbt‘ 6 hand um ruld there sve. *pnrted in fin? pop : d under Cadet Lie hr) reported at the pr n to Liout \Vhitteun York Rangeiwz midst: wt. Xhu go “he 1hr rill )ill'p. new mother. lix play the g that. :l 20$ I 5: field (I: Mr. Sims ‘kmg Miss B. Thump on Young Wom Binghum. _T0r0q pu 11‘ his \‘0‘ Jndly coming the )n Lt 1L . Hum I'hu (A: l'l( lll ivtw‘ GIBSON nvoy xst, Toronto. Applicant, KlE T01). lll unp f [h 'the that the wh y, W \pIVi ihsh us ilwught ppurt the all 7 prolv ondo 1d Ill pop and L Lieut. th Jun: M 1‘ 1p PClltiVE nffiL‘Ol'S in tin Pun chui Hmm ili that. On nix 1:5 to that [iv the [UL lht iLh the his He h( c-u ting Pun-on Hill uu-o u-pmre Immd Hill. sell in l SLINEY pumping It Hil App] Hill ’17, 100k :Iftel' hnby b with light housework. STEPHENS. Stop 47, 3 mod. clavny [ meding \v111 n‘.ss(‘ssinn Applxoy‘nf Apply Yong: Light Lunches Ige Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes, Refreshmennts ELGIN HOTEL A LARGE REDL‘CI‘ION 0F Spring and Summer Milliner Consistirig of Gourgette and Braid Hatsin a good range of shrubs and shapes. Straw Sailors, Transparent Hohair Hats. Leghorns and \Vhite Milans. Also a Good Variety of Children's Hills. Order now zls‘thP sale is closed Aug. 16 when the stow will he clnsed until the end of August. Agent, Richmond Hill PORSALE _ 2S and: -II in bulk. FOR SALE Ht 5 0d well. write chmnnd OR SALELâ€"N‘mv and t R. A. VANDERBUJ TOVI THORNHILL MILLINERY STORE OR SAL} TANTEDâ€" Paalux} 0’1‘10! Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates Phone 44.- r 23 Stop 51_ Yon ofr young caulk STEPHENS. Stop 47 OR R} ELP “'ANTEDâ€"Ynlu B. FINUHâ€"Job Cmpentexu Re pairs and Alterations. liq-[3‘ T AN'I'E Dâ€"Man and Wi . Bridges, Prop. 46 soul h Sidf ()pp( Stu ll‘l‘ii 1n Ms ELGIN MILLS “U \V Stu" I“ this Her, 1 Iln Hill ant Ads. WIRE 1 uiinn Ste -E. Slilmy is kinds uf I .‘hmond Hill “Lilt‘d. l’hll u" divide the hnmml Hill Box 10.0 um 5 St MALLORY SM [101 Ill] tuiti AT TH E Mills. Markham. Brick d rivng shrds und new wire fenced acres gy and n. In good mmhill. .m Olmmds al‘lkv fm-ui ‘ a month. Rustic .ence th Yonge St. 5 pm lruch for sixty he Apply tu Yongc Su-H mss the mud, wheat in, Mld >1], would give m‘ mle full. ’mms, Uniun- in. [f m, hein uzlmn. _v uvnd Apply u'm young mg: L Richmr n PM 100 with timnthy siding. mu: mill \11 Plum 4 tf n 41 M iuilder 2H Stwet Sum t. Rich HI and niLy. Sh Will um um [1(- lll‘ ll] |(1

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