CV A (larloul of clay drain tile, 3, 4. and 8 inch, at, the elevator. 1.. ‘August ISLâ€"Richmond Hill's Field Day. Miss 'I‘uylor of Toronto is now summering ut the Patterson country seat at Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Crowhurst wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rainer (nor the week end. Mr. Lloyd Bell. Sterling Bank Toronto was ll. gue>t in Town for the holiday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Burnaby, also (ladnt Burnaby left on a motor trip noith last Friday. Mrs. Mode of Fort Fruncvu spent a ‘ few days at the home of her brother Mr. \V. H. Mylks la'st Week. Mr. Gordon Sloan and :1 party motored up to Sparrow Lake for the hyliday. I M19. D. Sloan i~' spending armime of \vet'ks with her brother in l'x- b idg". Recent word from Vancouver to- purts l\' 's. McMahon :w progrrï¬ing favorabe but is still under the Doctor's care in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Fortnerattended the. South Drummer Old Boys and Gil ls Reunion .on Friday of last week, I?- inoiniug over the \\'(‘t'l{ end. Mr. Allen Hill and daughter of Alliston called on Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill on Tuesday, on their way to Peter-borough. Don't. forget that Big Day the let of August. Richmond Hill’s Big Annual Field Day. Reserve the date and tell your friends. The streets of the Village me being oiled this week. This is indeed a much needed necessity as the (lust and dry weather ha we been very bad. A good line of of Lacrosse stick: at the new Hardware Store. All inter- ested are imith to call and inï¬pect sa‘lue. C. N. COOPER. Mr. and Mrs. \V. D. Scott, Miss Irene Scott. Miss Mary Robinson and" Miss Mabel Thompson left on Monday for :1 two weeks niototor trip through New York State. The New Methodist Appointment, at. stop 47 was Vct')‘ succesflully opened on Sunday last. by Rev. F. Smith of 'To-ronto, who will be stationed there for the ensuing term. \Ve are pleased to see Mr. \Vess \Veulnau again around the Village. Mr. \Vellm-in’s jaw is coming along nicely and in a week or so he hopes to have the bandages ot‘f. ‘ Every ninthfr with :1 baby islooking lot-ward to winning the prize at. the Biggest Annual "Lenuox Picnic†to he held at Island Grove. Luke. Simcoe. on \Vednesday July 20th. 1921. Don’t forget the Yorkâ€"Simcne Base- ball League game on Saturday after- noon in the park here. Newmarket \‘s. Richmond Hill. Everybody should turn out and see this game as it is sure to be a good one. ' Mr. G. A. M. Davisou of Unionville is holding;r an auction sale of 4() autoâ€" hiles on Saturday July 16. 1921 at l p. m. at the. Market (hounds Union- villo. If you are looking foi' a good car at a reasonable price, he on hand. Dr. Carl E. Hill was successful. in pausing the Ontario Medical Council Examinations in June and now is ofl'iciully enrolled as a member of the College'of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Ontario. . Boxing ’l‘ourinunent at the “Leo- noxâ€"Atmstrong†Picnic at Island Grove. Lake Simcoe. \Vednesday ~luly 20th. will consist of four different bouts. The names of those participat- ing will be in u later issue. Do pot forth the "Lennon Picnic" this year is being held at Island Grove. Lake Simcoe. just six miles Vr'est of Jackcons Pt.on \Vednesday July 20th. Boats running every twenty minutes to Shake lalitlid. The Methodist Sunday School Picnic and Exclusion will take place on \Vednesday _luly 13th to Row Beach leaving Richmond Hill 9.3†a. in. Special ear is arranged for the day. Come and have a good time, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bridges of the Elgiu Hotel. \\'c|i- serenaded by hi: comrades of the 48th Highlander-'5 Hand, who were on their way to Kim).( C-tV July l~t. Ernie is an t ld menibi r of ihe hand. freainnuuts t'I >huw lllt'l'.‘ apply-:11- “an. 5') - l 1 Jefferson School Report l’ronmtinns in june 1921 THJR. lYâ€"H. Burnabv. M. Hndgins. ll. Harlin. M. Johnson. J. Clubine, l). t‘lcUluskt-y. (Hi-c.) I). Dihb. (Run) To bit llIâ€"V. Parks. M. Burnaby. 'l‘o Jlt. lllâ€"â€"L. llodgius, B. Walta B. Gamble. l). lteid, ll. (‘ouclh ll. Topper, tliec.) 'l'o SK. lift“. Ricku'ood, \Ylltitl, tltt‘c.) (i. Sitgr’, (lion) To jn. llr~M. Bar Lliorpi'. M. t‘ooi'En. teacher. (i. thk- *'â€"..._.___ Headiord School Report Promotion resulh‘ ol‘ 5. S. N'». Headfoul. Names in orderol‘ merit. jit. l\'.â€"Mlniul (‘tuniskyï¬ (ll.) Sydney Coleman, Victor Llostlin, Gordon Goslliu, ritec.) Sn. illâ€"Malcolm Albeit Coleman. l’atton. 3 Sponcley, tll.) Doris Ulll‘liS. l‘itlllli The Cutlets are to b:- "lllt‘ll lined Friday evening by Mi. and Mrs. The young prople gave a laneom shower lll honour Mrs. Uridge‘s served re», lit. lllâ€"â€"l’eicy Gustlin, til.) (ii'tlco Evans. Victor “'elhnnn. Donald Spent-Icy. ' SR. llâ€"llaiuld Clark. tll.)“‘esley Clark. Ju. llâ€"Jark Spt’lit‘lt'y, Elmer Lark. l’iinn'r Sll.â€"Lt'(lllill{l \Velhnan. l’rimer .lit.«â€"Stanley Coleman, l‘ldna Fuller, Jack Shepherd, Mary Fuller. Maijoris ltombough. Mable Curtis. M. F. \'.~\.\‘1u«:mn'non, teacher. â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"oo>~â€"â€" Cadets to be Entertained till \Vestwood at their Lang'utnll' Countly sent, assisting Mix. \\'t-.~’,\\'oi-(l will be Mrs. Burnaby, Mu. Image and Mrs. Stirling. Cadets will lcaveon the (1.55 p. lll. ('ztr. The following collipliance to (ire-‘5 regulation is commanded. Juniorsâ€"blue shorts, white sh't‘t‘t‘ltfss. white trousers. Sigi-mllers â€" duck sleevless. Seniorsâ€"(luck white sport shirt. Mothers of the cii‘lctc. u ho :retui n trousers, ‘ from camp ’l‘hui‘p‘day night will how- their sons onllils in readiness for‘ thi< event. The U. U. desire-s toll strength for this parade in 'it'kuo\\‘l(‘genit‘nt of the compliment thus cxpressrd to the Col-pm n WI...- L'ltl'l‘ URL-X SQUARE miscel- of Miss ‘Blanche Frisby on \Vednmday, June 28th. There \vasa goodly number in attendance and the picsents were Varied and valuable. The Mission Oil‘th held a. berry social last Tuesday evening, June, 27. Owing to the threatening weather, refreshments were eervrd in the basement. There was a good orn- grainme by members of the ‘circle. Mr. L. Nichols was chairman. Stout‘t'ville Junicra‘ come down to playthe junior boys here but were minus their scalps when the game \V'nS our. ‘ Victoria Square girls defeated Stouti'villcgirls on Dominion Day at Stout’fville. A 10:11 of supporters went along. Bethesda Baseball term came down for a friendly game with the boys here. They passed in their checks to the Square aliho' Admiral Nelson advised them to do their duty. st ra w- __â€". ....-_ _ Baseball Those who witnessed the game on Monday evening between \Villowdale and Richmond Hill certainly enjoyed a very close. exdtinp: contest, which resulted in Bicluuond Hill winning out by two runs. Both teams put up real good ball. but it rested nearly all with the pitchers, Mac-Guile tor Wil- lowdale. and Blaucliuid for the locals. Thelineâ€"up wu~4 as follows : \Villowdale Richmond Hill Ed wards. 3 b Brown, c. f. Davis 1. f. Bales, 2 b. GlilSS, J. c. f. \Vrizht, 1b McLuckei-y. s. 5. Martin, s. s. Cook. 1 h. McGuire, p. Blanchard,p. Storey, r. f. Bi't‘Wnlng. 3 b Ransom. r. f. Grilfen 1f. Hill. c. Umpiresâ€"Plate. \Villiams, Aurora; bases, Smith, Victoria Square. Scoreâ€"- Richmond Hill, 4. \Villowdale, 2. This game decided the L'. F. 0. Tournament money. which could not be played on account of darknccs on June 10. Hmnmell. c. ._..__...>â€"â€"_ Fatal Accident The tragic death of Miss Emily Boyle accountant in the Standard Bank here, Cilzl u Cloud of gloom over the whole community. While working with gasoline on. Tuesday evening. it suddenly caught the and se her I clothing in flames. Neighbors rushed to her assistance, but. before the blaze ‘ was extinguished Miss Boyle was badly burned about the head, _ll.'tll(la and feet. She wa.~ working on the \‘eraudah cleaning some clothes with gasolinl', A lulltctn hanging close by set the gasoline on lire. A sheet of flame >110t up that. was seen all over the Village, and in a moment Miss lloyle'.~ clothes andlhc pillars of the porch l were ablaze. To the lit-reared family the symâ€" pathy of tln- wlr-le community is eX« tended. Uclet‘tnf a “not devoted itlullglllt‘!‘ :url slum. there is 11\ w in the hour of mourning cn‘hruodin: them. tvnult-r Constitution. in [ii it the life lifthe tlk“'t';t>r'tl wus tlix‘ of (le- \otv3d rt’l \'lL‘t‘ and whnw lll"lllt 1’_\' i: L'Yt'l {Emigrant t» ltL‘ ill. Sloan 2 b.) Baker. 'l‘llUllNlllLL I Mrs. it'sSiO l’lt'kt'llllg who has been a resident on John St. for the past 7 years ii leavng the village. .ltut :it’.‘ present we tannot say \\'llt'l'l‘ >he may locntr. Mrs. Pil'kermg by her l\llltl manner won many flit-ian hm:- and i will be greatly missed. “'0 hop»- to ‘ see her no a \‘l3lltll‘ among us again. ---~ Lake Willcox The fourth droning urcident hax lit-Mi recorded this your at “'llt‘oxl Lake. ls it. not high time the \\'hit«l L'lllllt'll Council were lirstiiling them; St-lh-s and (ll-lining in some way tho danger zone. Otherwiw they should be held i‘(~.~poi.>ible for neglect. .49O____ Traffic on July lst On July lat Mi. Thus. Clarke look the lllilllllt' to take a count of the soulhlmund trall'ic on Yotigo Street between the hours of 2.15 p. In. and midnight, and irports the ill lowing. Motor cars 1133 Motorcycles 23,Bi.'ycii-s 5). Trucks loaded with people 15. Total 120.1 ,_,__.- St. Mary's Church (Anglican) TTuSi‘xiuY .\T'"I'l’.l: 'l‘iuxi'rY Celebrationot‘ the Holy Communion .‘a’ a. in. Morning Pi:i_\‘t'1' ll a. ll). Sunday Srhrol 3 p. in. Holy Baptiun 4.l.') p. in. Evvnsong and Hermon 7 p. in.] No \Verlnesrlay Evening Service during: July and Augmt. Choir Practice. Friday evening at. S.p.111.inllu-rhurch. '1‘. \V. Bt'<'m.r:r‘.. l'iic-sL-lu-Chaige. Â¥,_â€"‘OO-â€"‘â€"â€"‘ (lllllMLEY S. S. No. 4 Maiklianiâ€"Thofollowing <how~~ the clitSsificiation of pupils based upon promotion tests and general proficiency during term, Names in order of merit. ' Sit. lY~MiilWl Buylllnn, (liil Laura (lit-e. Rena \Vilsoii. Sadie Curtis. Clarence Realty. JR. IVâ€"Mmtbu Baker, (H.) lulu Boatgty. ill.) \Villie Thompson, Lnint,‘ Sit. lll-Snta llukt’l‘, til.) Vallnu \Vitty. Lauiine McUague. Allan Wil- son. Delta \Videinan, Lain-inc Dixon, Douglas (lee. JR. lllâ€"â€"l‘lurl Donor. t’H.) Edna Brmrning. til.) Earl Cuber, Delbert llilts, lsalwl Lyon, (R) SR. ll~Grace Dtvnrr. tll.) Reta Hilts. Luella (lohnr. john 'l‘opple. JR. llA\\’e.~lt-y Baker, (11.) Ralph Baker. til.) Frank Beatty. til.) Russel Ellis. George Beatty, \Vilhuit Ellis, Dorothy \Vilson, (IL) Beryl Lyon, tit.) Stanley 'l‘opplv. SR. Primaryâ€"[Hank Nigh, Browning. JR. Pl'llllillyâ€"Gt’lilgl.’ Baker, Murray Baker, Elaine Beatly. A. |:‘. leIINS, teacher. Ross W 1N MEMORIAM JOHNSON â€"- In l0\ingz inrnu-ry' of Mr“. Thus. Johnson. Markham, “ho departed this lil'e JIHN 16. 1910. -.\‘lr. and Mrs. \V'in. Annii g. FALL TERM OPENS AUGUST 1. shorthand, 'l‘ypowiitiuu. Gor- l respondent-e, Spelling, Penman- ship. Rapid (Falculation. limi- ness English, General (lilitc Practice. BEGINV’VITH THE NEW TERM A>k for particulars. rates, etc, Make your reservations now if possible. Success Stonogiaphic Schools. Ncwmarket Branch Bank of Toronto Block. it Will Pay You ‘ ' To consult us before buying. WHITE PINE x SPRUCE B.C. FIR AND HEMLOCK . LATH AND SHINGLES READY ROOFING AND BEAVER BOARD } Complete Lines. High-grade ! Stock. SASH AND DOORS A Specialty. Y't: lulNNEE & Stills'. * RiCllllOND tllLL PHONE l3â€"3 Profit on Hogs S a Bank closely associated with Canada's productive industries, we encourage pro- gressive enterprise in farmers. If you seek to increase your proï¬ts through greater hog pro- duction, consult the ï¬nancing of your project with our local Manager. ' THE am STANDARD BANK OF CANADA TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MlLLlONS Richmond Hill Branch: .l. R. Herrington, Manager. Quality “Oh my Iliis' bout is awful," willll Mrs. llrown as ~! 0 leaned over the wash board, rubbirg and peruhbizig‘ at the chairs on warh day. Her boiler was l.«'nilii‘,'::1w:iy on to}. (.1 a wood the in tlu- Hilliff‘. Now iit' Mrs. Brown or any other woman only lad :1 t‘ villl'l \l'aaliiu;_r Machine to do her rubbing tor lwr, think it tin» hard, hot. hockbicak- lug \\'I>l'l( >lm wold do away will). The t'oniet; Service - Satisfactio: Muchintrsw llnul, l'ilci'tiic and tiaaline l’owct‘ arc rosy to operate, Miiooth running aml will last: .’ - :I lili-Linic, 'l'ry one and :c: tor )(cui‘scll' if it: 5,7?“ won't do rll we. say and more. *’-\.\ lu.~l.(xnrl (-I' :l hot. blazing no nl (’1‘ coal ï¬re in the tango how much covvlcr it would have been. had she but had a New Perfection tlil'cr- or four burnei" oil sttn‘c to hoil hcr ‘cloilics and rot k dinner“ on. Does llu- work lacticr, quicker and is by far cooler and Cilzltfl‘ to orcratc. lt‘ the Flies ll<ill\(‘l' yiu try (or Screen Doors and \VintloWF, itl50._>‘tl‘0€li Wire in all sizes. The Richmond Hill Hardware Co. PHONE 18 PLATE GLASS BURGEARY 'l‘zn‘il‘i‘ and Non 'l‘ariti' Ratings and all l’olicfos give tection they are intended for and at. the minimum rates. tie: "our rates before licking elsewhere. The t'ol’il'ctlei‘ution'c Asso. issues a new policy without. medical examination ("or $105.0, also a policy called the Family" I’olicy, which is striking: for its protection on man and hi: “iii: and many good features, A~l< {or the pamphlet, which (Xplaius all. This should appeal to all married men and women. Lecausc [to company carries a smali link on the wife also, and costs nothin". No medical CXi'llllIlililOl'l for the Wife is rcquircd. P. G. SAVAGE ,8: SON Agent for All kinds of Insurance the pre- 9 3 1 Office at the Poét Office. Rlchmondlill om WOWOOMOMWMWM Vulcanizing Bring us your tires and tubes for repairs. Made as good as new by our Haywood Vulcanizer. Now is the time to have your tires put» in good shape for the warm weather. 'ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Teetzel Bros. _ Implements, Garden Tools and Repairs \\'heelbair(-w3 \‘ffre Farce llog liougns Pumps Ladders Iron l’ostt, Cakes Fiber Plaiter Tongucgl‘ruck Supports Hydrated Lime fig-.aycis Garden Tut/.5 Cockshutt and Repairs Always in W. F. CARTER, Rich EV._ -.»,.__‘ “PWâ€"m. . Irenage Seeders it'lasse;\'â€"Haiiis, Batcnxazi-'.‘.illiitson I 5. wk. b L « i-li 1"" ' ll LLOLDLED..- ,.»â€"»_ TIC-I,- ‘ vameztfl'mwwkï¬w * *v