Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jul 1921, p. 8

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l Notice of Application for Eivorce Notice of Application for Divorce â€"â€"â€"r._ NOTICE is herr-ltv given that WENT. l NOTICE is ln-r-ehy given that MARY “’ORTH BARNES, oi. the ('ily of Tor-on- r’ll‘ElJ'IANtil: _ \llcpl't‘thi“ l|“l;‘l1lvht'“r( gal-El ‘ (‘wrrnlv of York. Sarlcr. rrl'ritrtrr. in re. A! : v .I , [loin Etn pilgifhr thr- l’irrliarnmrt ufi'.rrr.rrl:r r l’rovrnr-r- ol ()nlar no, Married “pump. It tlicpne‘s't Muesli)” thereof for :r Hill of will apply to tho i’urlrarnr-nt (tit :rurlrstfi. ‘fvt‘rce . from hi< wife, (‘.\l’.l’.lt~: ’ at the next hr-«ton tlr-rrw-t. tor a t -, iiiflh‘ES‘ of the i~aid ('itVof'l‘r-rr-nto. lot Divorce from her lltiilrrtlttl .‘IAMtas‘ iii the' County of Ydrk. Blair-int] i \'.\r.r:.\"rr.\'r-; .\lr«:l.\"r'ok\", nit tlrcrflr‘t‘v Irkrt - I - 1- um]; (tfflrluhrlry Toronto, in tm nun y o [II : :i‘rfdlillrz'eriiiiu H“ g H ‘ l‘ilr't'lr hint. on the grounds oi adrrltr r) Plnvinm, ,f and tlt‘Sl‘l'litrll. i . Dated at 'I‘m-nnto, \ I ' Ontario, this 28th day of Matti“. A‘ I" ' Dated at Toronto, in the Frontier! 1913!. lt-t' Ontario, the liitlr day cl' May, A. l). Ill'tillES & AtiAli. (193]. ‘ TBQIWVH HU'N‘l. “5'5". l (‘I‘ltltY tk \\ ALL-H l-., Tilmmw 0m" l Solicitors for the Applica‘nl. , Solicitors for 2,; Qum.” Shepp‘p‘nq’ ‘ 40H \\'rc.~;'rworrrrr BARNES. l ~17 l-l itit'rrltlti . ‘ “mm [ Stop? Look? Listen Why Crank Your Car? An Exide Storage Battery for Any Make of Car - with 6 Volt Ignition and One Year’s, Membership 9 in Stitch In Time Service Club. GIVEN igigp To Holder of Lucky Number on Admission Ticket for picnic ,to be held at _ , Milne Farm, Formerly Abbey Farm! agility 31%, WEE STOP 4.4., YONGE- ST. .Donated by Exide Battery Company of Canada, Ltd. 205 Victoria St., Toronto. . Tickets can be purchased at 205 Victoria St., Toronto or r from Committee inveharge. l A. V. TUTHILL, Chairman, Willowdale M. BURKE, Secretary, Richmond Hill ' / BUtLprNG tors 50 ft Lot on Roseview Ave. $250. l 50 ft Lot on Baker Ave. $l00. Acreage Lots, Markham Road,~ East of Railway at low prices and easy terms. , - Cheap stone for foundations. We have houses for sale in North Toronto and North Yonge St. up to Aurora. ‘ W. J. Lawrence 1974 Yonge St. Phones Bel. 1515 & I470 ~ ‘ Be Wise Before Buying Your Suit t See Me MEN’S SUITS FROM 532‘UP. WOMEN’S SUITS FROM .340 .UP. l Also see if your winter overcoat would not turn. there: by saving the price of cloth for a new one. CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE ’ E. R. FORTNER TAILOR I Cor. Yonge and Richmond St. ‘ Milk, i‘Tll‘Kll rrrr 'i'p. for $630“. ‘ lot, fruit, etc. ilrarn, hon lltltlw‘. orr‘hrrnl, r-l<'., on Mill 1 artists ~ we liaiWe-‘M M i Yongc an.l (‘hrrr lc~ Sis, 'l‘nrou- I U. is not ‘rl Ilrrr rrplrout ('arrarlr irrr' lriglr tzrarlr- work. \Vritc ‘ for catalogue, and arrange to enter at our Fall Term open- ing Aug. itlth. \\'v have lillt-d rr'ctntly :rt 35].“) a. $2701) rt r annrrm. position“ "’ month ai.d \V. .l. El.1.lo'l"l‘ i’iirrr'ipal. “wâ€"fi-i-nâ€" For Sale illiAcr‘N Karrien l-rnd, and trunk h.rrn l'. lllllt'S good house l'r‘nlrt itlgin Frame llott~r-, t'vntre St. East. good ,.\ my respect Sunarrodrng. Almuse rrtodorn in with beautiful grounds One. of the ne‘r’, r-onrl'rrtt \lil’.‘ rd' in I‘ll] Yonge St. l’:i-“c right. FOR SALEâ€"One if llr-r lt'autyl spots of Kit lrrnond Hill: the rr-srv (lent-e and one arm- rr-cr-nlly occupied by t‘ll'. G. F. Alli-n. who has decided to live permanently in California, ilrr, Yongo Ht. jrr~t south of tlrr- llrgi‘ri St‘lirurl. 'I‘on act-or, wind hrivk lrorrw‘, hank st reel. ‘ A strap for (prick sale 5W) fer-t front- rlgc lry 20” fret in rear of Mr. Moylr-'s residence rnaltc arr (li'or Sill“ down. A cool clt‘rltrr'e to S‘lYt‘ your money. lions ‘ in \‘or v host repair with good ltd. til) the t‘rrl'lrr'r tll‘ I'r‘lrll'tl :rl.rl l‘lliza- ill'lll Hts. lrrrmodiate possession, [crrns easy, a very dcsirahle ironic. H. A. NIt‘lltrlJN, lical Estate. It’s a matter of shoe repairsâ€" taiggppfidoa â€"â€"and it will be done right. A. ROLFE Boot and ShoevRepairer. Prompt Service Neat Work South of Shoe Factory Public No he e “"0 are now in a position to rook after your needs in line if ureter work, and will he plertscd‘to see. you in regaid to Metal Roofing, Metal Siding. Metal Garages, Etc. as well as Eave Trbughing. Furnace and General Repair Work. met-y Come in and see us about your Spring “'ork now. Shop next. to the Shoe Factory, in the old Bank Building. 1 TEETZEL BROS. lien mam: . , _ I" ‘t Phone .1)? Stallion Register liltzr-tmvoorreimported Hackney Slal- lion. the property of O<r~ar (Nix. will start] at ll|< own ~t'rhlt‘ l-L’ rnilc \\‘c\t ot' l’uinnville, duringr the grow in of 1921. Tcrrns $12 \\'r‘:.~"r‘ l.o‘l‘ttt.\.\' ~ lrn'rollr-tl (‘lydes- (lulv' >iul|lrrtr will ~tand at lris,t-\\‘ll slalrie Victoria Square. lot 2]. rear t‘ril). .‘5, Markham. Terms $13.0“. ll. W. lloynton, Manager. SULIIH’J‘Yâ€"Jnrporlcd Clydesdale Stal» iron, the property of l). Howard and ,l. Elly, llow‘nsxivw. will travel through Emery. Vr-llorc, Maple‘ I‘lluin Mills, Victoria Square, Dollar and ('arr\illo to his own slulrlc. Terms 315'. John Elly, Manager. Bvrmx l)l~‘.ttl:\'~l’ulc hrrd Clydesdale Smith M No. [No.37] the property of T. B. \\'r-ldr~r.k. Maple. will stand at his own stable, Maple. on Mon- days, \\'rdue>days and Sattndhys. Terms $15. ii. lrrhrnd manager. Delivered in the Village. L. B. Stong Richmond Hill sxâ€"wâ€"‘C- PHOTOGRAPHY the K0â€" dak way is less expen- sive than you thinly;â€" our price cards demon- strate it. And any Ko- dak is simple to work â€"â€"we can readily show you how easy it is. A m’qg'rtz/b/z 1'6 K'oa’afi: from $9.00 up [Riva/Mics $2.00 up Try Our Developing and Printing. Quick Service. â€" Richmond Hill Hardware Co.‘ , u A‘UCTiON SALE OF 40 Automobiles a A Sale of Used Cars, the preperty of G. A. M. Davison, Unionvilie will be held on AT. 1 P. M. Saturday, July l6, ’2] AT THE MARKET GROUNDS UNION VILLE Among the number are Fords in the Sedan, Coupe, Runa- about and Touring Models, Ford Trucks in Pneumattc and Hard Tires, Chain or Worm Drive, McLaughlin, Maxwell, Gray-Dort, Chevrolet. Allen, Atlas Touring Models, and F ordson and International Tractors. Mr. Davison has decided to close out his stock of used cars, completely, and as they are in good condition, and all fit for the read, they will be real bargains. l There will be included a carload of Polarine Oil, which will} in Bbl. and .3 accessories, bugg R. E. SMITH, Clerk: be offered Gal. lots, ies and harness. l I. H. PRENTIGE, Auct. l also automobile 4 Y0 nge Street Highway Asscciatitn Another successful meeting of the above association was held on Trioi~ day chitin}: in the Masonic Hall. when a grycrlly nurnhcr- ot'tlre rncrnhers HN’M'lllllll d to present to the Hon. 1“. (l. liiggs and ltlx' Deputy. the \‘il'WS of ‘tlic :t~‘~ocluli<rrl and toot-ire from them it" [HISNll‘lv some dr finite promise as ‘to putting Yonge Street in pt'tpr‘r and Sth' side of repair. l'residt‘nt Var:- dr~r\'oorl r-cr‘rrprr d lllt' r hair, and alter rr‘ulinc lrrtsira .w ('ullvd trpon Sir \\'illi:rrrr Mulock to address the Iuw‘l» int: which hcdid and lit-pt the audiâ€" ence in good humor accounting the condition ol trmel on Yonge Slicer, the way in \\ hit it time and rrt‘one)‘ is wasted by the rrnployers ol' the De- partment and llrc toolislr way in \\'lllt‘li they were .~rtlen:ptiur,rr to put. the road in a good state of repair. The chairman g n c a report of :r res: lutiou apprrnctl I fat a liter ting of the. association at (lrrk Ridges \\ hich was :rttathcd to a petition to he presented to the Minister. setting turtlr the needs of Sllcll a street. as Yongc St., to he in good rr-pair and showing hy actual cotrnt the immense amount ‘cf trallic ovr‘t‘ the l'riiltl. etc. This I‘opol L wastrlsolatcr presented to the Mitrâ€" ivtvrr and his lh‘puly, Smut-what. altr-r fl o’ the lit n. Mr. litp’us, Minis- lr r of Roads, etc. act orupanictl hy his llcputy, Mr. McLean arriu'd and was l‘i'r‘t'ivtul iry the President, who in .‘L h w well (how words: tr hi the Minis'r‘r .-.hout the formation, the aims at d ends of the a>sor~iatiun. the disgraceful state of the govcirnctrt part of the ro-rd and a~krrd him to hate Ynngn Street plat-r d in a safe CtllrtllilUtt tor travel. The ion. The Minister was in< litrtlllt‘etl and explained at some. length what hit Departrrretrt \r'as doing in the matter of permanent roadways, hadunder consideration it plan tor [making some DUO miles of per tnaucut roadway which would some 90?, of the travelling puhlir; and a: present; was nrakingahot't distances of road- way in differ eut directions leading out from thedill’erent cities of the Prov- ince. Took llpllit- difiiculties as re- ‘irrds Yongc Street, being the wider)- Ing,tlre trrr<zttisfaclory state of the railway as to ownership hut ventured theremarktlrat in [Win years time there would he a permanent. lO'ltlw‘aly from Toronto to Bond Lake, it leing shown tlrrt the road from that point north. heing huilt under a different system was in much hetter shape. Mr. McLean the Deputy Minister was then introduced and also spoke of the rnanyditficulties in the wary helore they could think of starting otrt to make a permanent roadway, and stated that this portion of the toad was under the control of Engineer Elliot, hut promised that from this week the repairs would he rushed for war ii, _ Sir \Vnr. Mrrlock again addressed the meeting and pointed out to the. Ministers very forci fly that immediate action must he taken to make Yonge St. safe for the travelling ptrhlic. Mr. McOahe. of York Mills. also spoke alougthe sanreliues. Mr. Fleur-y, of Aurora, made a vigorous speech and asked the Minister and his Deputy to give the Association an answer at oncctthat. their Wishes would he carried out to whi-h Mr. McLean stated that repairs room he carried on with vim at once. A voteof thanks on motion of Sir \Villiarn Mulock and our Reeve was presented to the Minister and his Deputy for their kindess in CUM)ng outand giving the information reâ€" quired, but upon the Minister rising to reply to the vote, his retrrar ks put; a. damper upon the whole meeting when he stated that Yonge St. roadway was huilt in such a way that an at- tempt at any personal repairs would be money thrown away. that the con- dition nt’the road was such that it Would not stand the heavy traffic of to-day. and that nothing short of ti. cunplete reconstruction upon the present permanent roadway plan would answer the. purpose, so sup- pose we will have to wait for results. _â€"<-oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Niagara-on-the-Lake From (‘adct Lieut Grant. D. Co.. Y. R. C. (J. To Lit-ut. H. \V. Morden, The 0. C. Richmond Hill. ie-Niagara~on-thc-Lakc Camp. Sirâ€"Re the rrrarginal, I have the honour to report thc safe arrival of the draft itr camp. As instructed, I reported at point of cmbarlurtiou, in Toronto, to Lieut. \Vhittcurnorc of thr- Toronto York Ranger-cadets, \\ ho forthwith took command. The salt was fine, a hand accom- panying, and was greatly enjoyed hy the cadets. The camp is undoubtedly one of the lil.L‘Sl.-.llld is enjoyed to the fullestâ€" the meals are great. with your :[JIOViLL ed extr'r lilt‘5~lll;.' allowance. The conduct if the cadets, Sir. is chruplary, and they arc t'qlllllillg thernsert-s tine. \\'e eagerly I‘Jt‘k fi-rward to shooting at the ranges, exp 'il instructors from Ottawa. being; here to snperw ise. ' The health of the (‘ntlcli is good. The str cugth of the ramp is 4025. \Ve have the honour of Leiug the only regiment-r1 cadet coip~, in camp our strength totalling 102. Sketch ot'otrr lines is hen-with en- closed as also 1 t' tiic [1. Q. and new [t‘lllsl Err'lrtwrtlct Sir has written to his rnolln-r- and tin-y :t.c lirying ti"..- all)”. h t\l‘ ti e l::.r o .t ‘1. iv. Sir, Your v I‘lt‘ifl m ~v;\.n rsgd. l5.‘- '1' (new: (M t *l'l.Y.i’rLO

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