Slilillitii raided" : DUE iii an steep It Usually Disappears When the Blood is Made Rich and Red. Thin blood is one of the most com-. mon causes of stomach trouble. lI‘ affects the digestion very quickly. The ‘ glands that furnish the digestive fluids .’ are diminished in their activity. the; stomach muscles are weakened andl there is a loss of nerve force. In this ,‘ state of health nothing will morci quickly restore the appetite, digestion l and normal nutrition than good, 11011,} red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood, makng it rich and red. and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles. and awakens to normal action the glands that supply the digestive fluids. This is shown by an improved appetite and soon the effect of these blood en- riching pills is evident throughout the whole system. You ï¬nd that what you eat does not distress you, and that you are vigorous instead of irritable and listless. If your appetite is ï¬ckle, if you have any of the distressing pains and symptoms of indigestion, you should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and proï¬t by the better condition in which they will put your blood. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or you can get them by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. I A Little Wisdom. It you can’t mend, don't meddle. Bad weather reveals the good ses- mun. Beauty and folly are often compani- ons. Hope is the tie which keeps a heart trim breaking. There’s no use in running if we’re not on the right road. Those who grasp at too much end by getting too little. “Be content "was never meant to blunt the spur of “Better thyself." The express train to Ruin is often drawn by the engine Gambling. Ideal precepts may lead, but it is practical examples that draw. The Bowl and the Necklace. in a (errant Bal refrain from num Cl‘lt' l'lt:llllll’ill in turn Yipiuri " cortilr'niC-i st. k. Days 150- ' grunt.- ul'C 'ing a line rim-i“ ('ll a native of the state the lzzriivs 11‘.“ of pearls, whi admired immensely wife yer unwisvly untesteu-rl the liLi‘lill'A‘v; "Ill {.llllil loud expressions 02' our ration at its beautiful work- manship they passed it round from hand to hand. At the end of the dinner the lady asked for lxer necklace, but no one knew anything about it. The British minister, who thought that be under- stood the people of the. country, rose to the occasion. \Vitli a smile, he said, “We have just witnessed a very clover and very amusing piece of Icgerde- main. Now we are going to see an- other piece of conjuring." He walked quietly to both doors of the room, locked them and put the keys into his pocket. Then, placing a small silver bowl from the sideboard in the centre of the dinner table, he continued, "I am now going to switch off all the lights and count ten slowly. Then I shall turn on the lights again, and, hey, presto! Madame tieâ€"«~45 necklace will be found lying in that silver bowl!" The room was plunged in darkness, and the minister counted slowly up to tea. The electric lights blazed on again. There was no necklace, but the silver bowl had vanished! u .o. Wilhelmina Plans Trip. Queen Wilhelmina, who for years has never left Holland, is planning a three weeks’ boat trip to the Norwe- gian fjords this summer, says a des- patch from The Hague. She will travel incognita. o Minard's Llnlment Relieves Neuralgia Queen Maud of Norway has a Won- derful collection of old embroideries. One of the most curious exhibits at the Paris Fair is a huge newspaper, a giant number of “Les Echoes." It measures nineteen feet in height and is ï¬fteen feet wide. W Surnames and Their Origin METCALF 'Varlationâ€"Metcalfe. Racial Originâ€"Welsh. Sourceâ€"A locality. There is a tradition regarding the origin of this family name of the sort that is often met with an attempt to explain it by a fanciful story woven around the apparent elements of which the name is supposed to be compoundâ€" ed. . This tradition has it that a certain strong man, having had an encounter with a bull, in which he ï¬nally con- quered, explained laconically that he had “met a calf." Actually the family name of Metcalf is one of those which have been adoptâ€" ed as indicative of the localities in which the ï¬rst hearers of the sun- names lived. And its origin is traced to Wales. The original Metcalfs were dwellers in or near a spot called anciently “the valley of the church†in the Cymric tongue. In the Welsh the word “medd†indi- cates a valley, more speciï¬cally a lit- tle vale, and “cat†means variously a cell, chancel or little church. It the ancient form had been adhered to in the development of the name, rather than an unconscious approximation of English words in the Anglicized form, 4 the name to-day might more properly; be spelled "Medcalf." But though of \Velsh origin, it is more than likely that the name's prin- cipal development was in England. Certainly it would never have been used by a person still living in the lo- cality of that name, unless he were the OWner or overlord of the section. MANSFIELD Variationsâ€"Manseâ€, Mauser. Racial Orlginâ€"Anglo-Saxon. Sourceâ€"A place rrame, also an occupa- tlon. The family name of Mansï¬eld comes from the town in Nottinghamshire, England, of the same name. Its ï¬rst use as a surname, of course, was to designate the place from which the in- dividual had come, and later, from which his ancestors had come. The name of the town is ancient, dating back to AngloSaxon days. “Manrian†in the tongue of the Anglo- Saxons meant to trade or trafï¬c, and this has given us the ï¬rst syllable of the place name. "Field," of course, is synonymous with the modern word. But in the olden times it also had a special, restricted meaning, indicating a place of trade, a fairground. And this was, in the ancient days, a trad- ing centre. Derivatives of this Saxon word “manrian†appear to be among those which survived the tidal wave of French which the Normans spread over England, for in the period fol- lowing, when many of the old Saxon words came to the surface again, there are found the words “manser,†“manâ€" sell†and “ntanciple,†indicating tradesmen specially skilled in buying rather than selling. They were, in short, the “purchasing agents" of those days, in the service of big institutions and large households of the more im- portant nobility. And from these words denoting occupations have come the family names of Mansell and Man- ser. “II-IOICQIIIl-III-IIII-IIIIIIIIII-Ill-IIII-IIll-II-IlI-l-I-III-IIIIIDIII, A Gift from Nature's Storehouse The delicious, crisp of the Wheat and bar ey food pe=Nssts contain all the natural up-build- Gr ing’ values of the mineral salts so essential to heal . A food equally well suited to the requirements of Merck a 1?f&50fl,,5r grape-lira Sold by grocers everywhere ’ nu-IIna-all.-nunu"-lulu-IIIInï¬ll-In.-Int-In[III-IIIlull-“IIIl-I-Iluull. granules grains. includjn young and old I"."..'-...i-I.I..'..-..'...-..-I.I-.I-I-Iâ€"II-I-I-lI-Il- y and boggol i‘or‘ permission to examine. The diplomats l siJlt} that 1 will, :5 LET-1 Fleaâ€? tu'o llil'll\'1lli'l fur 50 Last }1‘.ll‘ ll.€- (':llt.'.. “ms itvwlve ll‘ulll“ ilz‘w liitlidiis are the only )Ii‘l'5 »:is r grim can to ,. l_ll~.(: those animals. ‘I-iitsitlc lim iv ll :7ev:':'r-::t:.;:0 permitted . Sits of Canadian News. ('I':i:f lulic iii.2i:i:1.~ (‘Xlt'i in ' tit: st mrurcd a: a iiuz'lvu‘s 5r fleet and the hun- d on Iiurrurd inlet. plane has been of a much in? :1an are Sim†Passengers will be taken «up at ling, a regular service to, lish Bay and Seattle, Victoria, Nullltll‘tlï¬ and other cities wil shortly be inaugural" i, In addition to this aerial I)llill'lgl‘illllly will be undertaken by the company. which should prove . great service to the owners of timber areas. A resolution niging the Federal Gov- ernment to permit women to ï¬le on homesteads on the same basis as men was passed at the convention of the Federated \Vomon‘s institute at Ed~ monton. At the pre’ent time only widows may ï¬le under the homestead regulations and it is pointed out that since the war women have. discovered they are quite capable of performing all the work a farm entails. Several nurses who served overseas have exer- cised their soldiers’ right to take homesteads whilst other Women have purchased lands they are unable to secure otherwise. Saskatchewan has doubled her dairy production during the past year, ac- cording to ï¬gures issued by the Deâ€" partment of Agriculture. The total output to May 1, 1921, was 671,174 pounds in comparison With 320,268 pounds for the same period in 1920. Comparative ï¬gures for May, 1921, and May, 1920, are 325,104 pounds and 187,- 625, respectively. Three hundred thousand dollars worth of pelts were offered for sale at Winnipeg in June by the Winnipeg Fur Auction Sales Company. The sale included the entire collection of the Lamson-Hubbard Canadian Company’s Mackenzie and Arctic furs. All of the furs which were presented at this fair were guaranteed to be of this seaâ€" son’s catch. . The prairie provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta have more than ninety per cent. of the Dominion wheat acreage this year, according to the government’s recently published ï¬gures. Out of a. total acreage of 18,- 654,110 of wheat, the three provinces account for 17,418,900, an increase of 557,000 acres over last year. It is predicted by agricultural auth- orities that within ten years the pro vince of Manitoba will be producing sufï¬cient tame strawberries to entire- ly ï¬ll her preserving needs and the bulk of those required for immediate consumption. Immigration to Canada for the month of April, 1921, totalled 15,052, in comparison with 13,287 in April, 1919, an increase of 13 per cent. Of the total newcomers 8,476 were from the British Isles, 5,035 from the United States and 1,541 from other countries. 'o___.. . -â€" RED HOT JULY DAYS HARD 0N Tilt BABY Julyâ€"the month of oppressive heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; is extremely hard on little ones. Diar- rhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera in- tantum carry oï¬ thousands of precious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles or if they come on suddenly to ï¬ght them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as is Baby’s Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an occasion- al dose given to‘the well child will prevent summer complaint, or if the trouble does come on suddenly will banish it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ~â€"â€"o Fresh Milk in Cubes. In Holland milk is now put up and sold in solid form, being made into little cubes which are readily dis- solved in tea, coffee or other fluids. The milk, alter removal of the cream, is reduced by heat to dryness, then powdered and mixed with the cream, the material being presst in- to blocks. These milk cubes have the advant- age of preserving their freshness for a long time. They are recommended for use in regions Where milk is not easily to be had, and travelers may ï¬nd it convenient to carry a supply of them. 'o._._4-__, o The British Museum contains "2,700 complete Bibles written in all lan- guages. Paraguay is experimenting- with the cultivation cf Chin a ten. plants. one variety at least being :-_ readily acclimated. Mlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere about r'llll.‘ by in ‘tloinl Treaty. The. Affl'lhlll Manufzur'uriug (torn-3 Pome- puny is n..w (I‘t‘l’illliflf u lll'Fl (mass ‘t‘irlillllf‘t‘Cllll alumni! service in You- cuuycr. A large inorl.rn (‘urtiss’ sew. Little Johnny was sitting by the pig, Neighbor Jones pitSSO‘l. , how are the pigs ‘ pen. "ilirllo, Johnny. ,toâ€"llny'f†1 “Z\"Il’(\‘._'~'. ‘ your folk?" than]: you. How are alli Punished. _ l \Vifv»~-“Jchnny was very bad this at- .lernoon; he stole a lot of jam and cake, and ate so much he was ill." Husband~TDid you punish him Wife» J'l should say I did. I sent him to bed without his supper." l v. Good Business. Featlierstoncâ€"â€"“I wonder if your sis- ter realizes. Willie. that during the last month I have given her ten pounds of sweets and some flowers?†\Villlei‘Df course she does. That‘s why she is keeping her engagement with Jim Hurling a secret," King's Hearing is Good. When King Christian visited a little town in northern Schleswig a German woman remarked as they were passing the King. “Yon can’t call him good looking anyway," The King turned and answered in German, “But his hearing is excellent." A Cheerful Prospect for the 0.0. A recently enlisted soldier was walkv ing post for the ï¬rst time. A dark form approached him. “Halt!†he cried in a threatening tone. "Who are you?†“The ofï¬cer of the day." "Advance." The ofï¬cer of the day advanced, but before he had proceeded half a dozen steps the sentinel again cried, “Halt!†“This is the second time you have halted me,†observed the ofï¬cer. “What are you going to do next?" “Never you mind. My orders are to call ‘Halt!’ three times and then shoot." _â€"â€"_.a’ MONEY ORDERS A Dominion Express Money Order for ï¬ve dollars costs three cents. Don't wear out your welcome; it is difï¬cult to replace. America's Home: Dog Remedial Book on BEG DISEASEs and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ado dress b the Author. ‘ 8.101: £10m):- 00.. no. 118 out alst Strut New York. U.8.A. COARSE LT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT worms N. S. The Original and Only Genuine, Beware of lmitations sold on the ' merits of ’ MINARD’S LlNlMENT d3 l3 i R 5 ill Only “Bayer†is Genuine "ii iii . helping me. i \Varning! Unless you see the name ‘ “Bayer†on package or on tablets you 1 ‘are not getting Aspirin at all. ’l‘ake Aspirin only as told in the Buyer pack- age for l Rheumatism, Eon-ache, Toothache, r, 'Luinbazgo and for Pain. Then you will be following the directions and dosage worked out by pliys ins during l\\'€‘l;l\'-Lll‘.0 years and prm‘td safe by; llainiy tin bone" of twelve of Aspirin cost few u..~o sell larger puck. '1 l'a. Aspirin is the 4 .. c-‘l In (Sana Bayer 11.... 1‘ are of Monoacetlcucil- ester of Salicylicacid. li‘l> , this , )lns. Folds. Headache, Neurwlgia,‘ ,TANLAC orbitâ€"£3 WORLD OF GOOD, SHE SAYS. l r . ‘ “Change it Has Made in Me Is Simply Wonderful,†Says Toronto Woman. "'l‘aulac has certainly had a good chance in my cusc to show what it can do. for I sure ll. :1 a long hard struggle and had just about tried everything,†said Mrs. Mary Richards, 251 Ashdale Ave, Toronto. "I have been in a badly run-down condition ever since i had pneumonia six years ago. My stomach was near- ly always out of order. My appetite was very poor and I had to be very careful about what I ate, as I sufferâ€" ed terribly from indigestion, bronâ€" cliitis and pains in my chest. My sleep was never sound and I had a tired, worn-out feeling all the time. I had dreadful headaches and weak spells and had fallen off in weight until I was scarcely more than a shadow of my former self, and l was absolutely unï¬t for work of any kind. “But Tanlac has done me a world of good. My stomach is in ï¬ne con- dition and I eat all I want and every- thing agrees with me perfectly. All, my aches and pains are a thing of the past and I’m stronger than I’ve been in a long time. In fact, Tanlac has the same as made a new person of me, for I can do my housework with ease and my friends are talking about the won- derful change that has come over me. I don’t believe anyone who suffers as I did can do better than take Tanlac.†Tunlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Advt. o "_'â€"â€"‘. Go to the Top. Examinerâ€"“I am surprised that You all made mistakes in answering the question: "Where was the Magna Charta signed?‘ Think it overâ€"can no one tell me?" Little Boy (at bottom of class)â€"“l can, sir." Examinerâ€"“Well ?" Little Boyâ€""At the. bottom of the page.†can ream 0N BAY’S HEAD Fape,Neck,Arms. Terrible Sight. ltched And Burned. Cuilcura Heals. â€"_ “ Baby was two months old when I noticed little pimples on her bad. They kept getting worse and Spread till her head, face, neck and arms were one mass of eruptions, burning, itching, and bleeding. I was told it was acuteeczema. I hadto new up her arms and legs in linen. She was a terrible sight. For one year I had no rest night or day. “ We got Cuï¬cma Soap and Oint- ment. In less than two weeks st began to mend and in a few :20. “no she was healed.†1, » Doorman, 243 121213011? bozo, 0:12., Apil 13, 1319. Stop the use of all doubtful so - Use Cuticura for all toils: purp: ' Soap 25:. Ointment 25 and Ella. Sold throughcnttheD-ommicn. CanadianDepCt: 1732332115. szni ted, St. Paul St. Monti-ed. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. m n.5, - Plill NBW What Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Did for Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Kiever. Vancouver, B.C.-“I am pleased to say that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done me a lot of good. I can now walk about without the aid ofa support and feel real strong again. A nurse advised me to take the Vegetable Compound and itis certainly It seems like Heaven to be relieved after months of pain.â€â€" MRs. H. \V. l.\l{I-IR, 3874 10th Ave. \Vest, Vancouver, ll. C. Albert (‘o., N. Ii.â€"“I have taken lydia E. Pinklmin‘s medicines and they hat 9 dominion lot oi‘good. Since then 1 intro be It able to do my house- work and. I have a lot of work to do as we live on a farm. Seeing your adver- . tiscment in the papers was what made me think of writing to you. I hope may Ii:in some one else.’_’â€"- “In. ii. Klan-nit, Upper bow Horton, Albert (o, N. B. The reason women write Such letters to the Lydia E. l’inlcham Medicine Co. ‘ and tell their friends how they are : helped is that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound has brought health and happiness into their lives. Freed from their lllYlu‘FS they want to ass the good news along to other so rering women that they also may be relieved. If there are any complications you do not understand write to Lydia E. Pink- ham Medicine Co. Lynn, Mass. lSSUE No. 29â€"’21