Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jul 1921, p. 1

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stack and s tend: dqu Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. J ,- F01 Licensed Auctionem York. Sales uhond notice, and at reusm Brunch Ot‘fix Tuesng W. HEWISON} HOUSE PAlNTER, {"643 up GREGORY GOODERHAM 8: CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, soucnms. erc VOL. XLIV rnnto Otfi Bldg. Cur lsidenco cLuriu. S MISS ‘BEATRICE HOWELI TO RCNTO J. 11. Richmond Hill LICENSED LICENSED AUCTION} FOR THE COUNTY ()F x" $I 50 per annum, in advance.] Cial ntt Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale MARRIAGE LICEN 415 13,111 Plume A. J. HUME moâ€"HO'HC L RICHMOND The Royal Bank of Banada Open Savings Ac- counts for each one of your children. Insist upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift will gradually become a strong trait in each child’s character. There is :1 branch of this Bank near you and a Savings Department at ejcry Branch. J. '1'. SAIGEON Maple Teach Your Children the Value of Money NOTARY PL'BLIL CONVEYAXCING N '1‘ Y ntmnn respec lddx Monvy Lâ€"Riclunnnd Hill afternoon at Libel: Office. Richl'uund mumd influenc qully solicited Hi] BO] I’rentic Y0} lllv .011)“ AUCTIONEER Continental I and Richumnd liven ()l' bl .4021" Ht \XD ONTAI *1 to sales 113 and fn rml [h Ru. Hill Al ntn I'lllS m unnty of 5110: test )RK ER ift -m ht l1 {JOHN R. CAMPBELL Call REAL ESTATE AND IN THORNHILL Unierzikxs 3:11 E mbalmers RICHMONDHFLL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE sale 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phune Junction 72. Sand, Gravel, Tile m d Brick \antPr S. Rm. thm Hill. 5048' Office Trench Block, two doors tum-{h of Stnndurd Bmk. HunrsQan. In 5.30 I).m. All mail 0rd p. m. LOCAL AGENT â€"Rl(‘H)[ONI) HILL, UNT The Maple- Sand ompanv, Lt'd. ha eman (1min tile‘ ulvert tile 12. I TWENTY*FIVE YEA car [1 Cedar Also Sand PLUM BIN H 01‘ V 0m :0 and l"sidmuwâ€"Yul\g9 SI I'm-t it-hmmzd Hill. Phnne 1V“. 2L th ‘nmm Barristers VETERINARY SURGEON, ’lThornhill. will JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Hours Open (Wt LI( NAUGHTON . ELVIN WELLWOOD J. EDWARD FR NOTARY pun by phone 01' mpg-wise promley Kept British Crown Assurance Curpm’u 1 ion. ». Star. and British Dominiuns lnsm-nmiv (Jumpany Bl'ilish Nonlh Wt‘stl’l'n Insm-zmco Company THORNIII RICHMOND HILL. 0NT‘.. THURSDAY J ULY 21. 1921 (1min tile. 3, tile 12. 15. (30 inches in Cement Brick or Gravel sold )ts. sto HO Ill p‘)s\‘ .5 )GENI Iers bozicimr Notaries TelephOne Main 2777 Mun hum . L. R. BELL with )I ive {mm 9 mm. In 5.30 p_m. mith by appointment Telephone 3‘). ‘ . P. VVILSON } AND TINSMITHIN( 'ATER HEATING IERAL REPAIRS us will 1‘ attention DENT'ST HIS ha v0 0n 401,0 CO L'SINS. PH‘S. and Manager, Maple. ' .-\L'(‘TI NDERSON ‘L'\.\‘l)‘.\'.\ HI Ant :25 & JENKINS )IIV imv ( lent] In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” 18 and 20 length) phone poles by the load or (rmnhilP lrry Nanghton ()l' Elizin mm Plume 44.4 EXPERIENCE UK Fm'ni places I've prompt l and Brick md fur sale. 6 and 8 in. iLlll SURANCE 6108 inch pl't‘pul puu'm: ll) plea the- Irememlwr attending Richmond Hill Fair on May 21th many years ago. Along with a number uf other school children “‘0 arose early. and wilh ourdinner in our pockets. and half a dollar fur expenses, we walked several miles [0 See the great fair. The exhibits ware hmsvs and some other stock, tugvlher wilh implements from Patterson’s foundry and the \Vilson Fannng mill. There \\'('l(‘ nu hinders llOI'sr'lf rake reapvrs in lhme days, prubalfly thy had not he?!) thought nf. A nnvrlLy was a \‘0lnuip- (119. the form-unnrr of the bicycle. The exhibit of horses would please all [nurse admirers, Ulydesrlalvs uf fine furnmtiun, pvrhaps uuvquallcrl in Ihu prcsvuL day, as well as carriage horses. In :1 small field on the Vaughan side the spa-ding of carriage horses and drivers took place. wher an amusing PVt'ulL occun-cd, and no one was hllI'L. Among thv competitors was a hand- some pair of carving“ horses driven by :1 city man. AQ he sped mound the ring, he sat, uptight. with the result. that his outfit was overturned. Ho niightvd on his head, tho only injuxy bring a flattened beaver hut. There “'PIU the usual numhm- of fakirs prvwnr, one of whom sold $5.00 lp'lis for 2.3u. Hi- out. the hill in an Cadets uniform hing 5hr of the, N. deeply U Corp]. fmm Mu Cadets wnll bear in :xhy’s invitnliun Lu m the swimming privili land Luke Farm, at u “It pa: In Hie fill sylluh to have :1 CUIH‘SE of ed. which will deve Th9 Gi-eon of the Bowling Club, having been well uLtvnded tn, is nun in splendid condition. The member- ship, both Ladies and Gentlemen i: inn-(using. and any intexesled are in \‘ited to interview either of the respective secl'etnries Mr. G. Sloan 01 Miss T. E. Muodie. ‘ The double Paviilinn, which will in a great. convenience to the members is nearing cnmpletinn. and upon a date shnrily to hf- announced will b: ofii nppliw thus I! )‘Ih aY “vet”; ‘partu ing .\II Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club 1111‘s: putt ms. len thew Wus [In :hino, twu ('ents far :1 lifc.‘ a nickle. The scale \va me, {Or with diffivulty I (1 lbs. I‘wns plenflfil wivh dreams uf lwzng :1. future tr} 1d my opened )e which flu fmmtl ani; is fur a lilmn :onL medivim Iliuns (if In: l by eri ould int uNhib ( Jnlv, this 1h him than ' his commur n-ps will 11 n the 7.06 .wiil pumdc sâ€"zl‘ll must es, fresth c lly an York Ranger Cadets L medu-iuv man ms (if manellt This was the (In :und taller. All Mrs. \Vestwr‘nd will Id Reminiscence 3 Was the duty he sung: dlullcr. Aunt Ivmium’s This was one (If [he bv'sr, I thew Was the lifting )(‘Gntsf()1‘:llif£. 01' thus The scale was set, In th diffivulty I could lift \ll se of twining inn-c devewp physically, d Socially. In the s nllemzmly conduct. Wis overturned bead, 1hr; only Ht llllllill awnnmm spunsihil )urvnts Ll HI Ituny [in lnl ut. lho pmch u-ad In Ll \vczu mdidat mind Mr :uil them ges at th: lpllu Ill] in Bowling Ch] uded Lu, ism The memhc IU ll i'. U hnhl 9 bill in an 1:ls'>r nearly i(‘(“(] :L big n [how was selling many us curative .1 till \\' e llis p when} \Vlll Thc “1L1 h( leir High - ‘ Curpl ill U! (mum with t ..(’\-‘0l]il mm; L11 .3 hith retluné‘d uld lift my lift (-I) M l' strum 101' (“C modes“ ml 100( Hull”? U: H“ utulu n [In t cud lifting thl’:t Ill Stl'iL‘L IIISUII (E Jnrps n his Ill 511111 lh m and his m hf lll l0 ht ELGIN MILLS Light Lunches Ice I Soft Drinks Cigarettes Refreshn ELGIN HO'fEL E. Bridges," Prop; farmer $h1pp( aftpr all exp owed the Com: her $1.40. A 1 discussing [hut zuzu and he t'Ql‘ llfifldu Lumber deulvl' in 0an i( Lhw dvult‘l‘ hlll gn-l dur ’llu :11 th {non he 7! Cicero an nearly fm In the different i conu-sts he was always front. While with him the at students stood first. be fine his activity to it. people of Lhe town he tn was a member uf the Eu also of the Collingwund while sports in general a sympathy and support. means the ins; of a cap [he Capitul.â€"Collingwo Board (If Ed he has [hut his work un the student: ship; 1nd titnt Jones Lumber & Coa! Co EVERYBGBY’S DOiNG ET 1d Phone Stop 51 Stabling Acbommcdation 'Denton, Macdonald at Reasonable Rates ‘ B‘m‘isms' 50”" I ‘ ! MANNING Am Zor. Yonge & Arnold Sjs. Cathal Fellow Goes To Capital nler r 5 WI] In he gm he rn l l s" dis ngw fnur y sitlon Lh )ll m Magma BANK enls pstio ,lhe and Mr. Farmers’ wives who have a monthly allowance for household expenses will find it greatly to their advantag to open a Savings Account in the Sterling Ba k. By doing this, they need not keep large sums in the house; they can settle their bills by chequeâ€"obtaining an accurate record of all bills paidâ€"and at the same time receive in- terest on the balance. Our local Manager will be glad to explain matters to your satisfaction. typed 1U e/xpPhS' Commi Lid ienl FARMERS Ill II he él different the W h TH'hlS nl : Rh lnm nd Hi”, K llmn ut 1119 >lh‘.‘ St llbl ssmn mher pa‘d thr: 8’! him $ nf lumh Ugars Refreshmennts 1th lbs the ca“ th th an \‘im. u it fine A hused t1) m 0f TIM mhill he did nut con- ‘ Amongst the, tack A part. He Huron Club and 1d \Vhist Club, llalwavs had his t. His erovul :apital fellow to Nond Bulletin. lllnl L11“ Yonge St. " n. b'xitish lint. ship; of lmnbel the freigh Mkin Ice Cream build ne sLut, in i the gills. tarâ€"collegiate in the furo- paid in m whn lIi it. th me with nnys and him czu-e “1;: ma OF CANADA _ than i That popular m cit 1m md Insix‘g :u tho and still the fm HS )t- at ht HI Tel. M. 3631 BARRISTI'IR. SULICITOR, NOTARY E'ro Offi; Mane C. Browne MANXING L KING ST. WEST. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC HEADFORI) 'I‘m-nntn Office. Richmond Buildings Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Fflcc). every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodbi-idae, Saturday forengon. nney L0 Loan at Current, Rates Pswick. Qumnsvilk’, Alum-a (1 Newton Bionk, OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST and Si (:hnmnd tut-days w. RBodés ]. EARLE NEWTON ommissim Insuan Issuer of Shaver Taylor & Rhodes HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION Barrist‘ RICHMOND HILL Cameron MacNaug‘hton ntr WILLIAM COOK [Single copies, 3 cts bl :ter Baxrlsters. Solicitors Notaries, Etc. Hamilton r, Solicitor, liotary, Etc. M.- h'thl TI Plxnn SHEPHERD PIANIST “1 ad e and H91 Marriage mm nnvoyancer, E 1 Real Estate siuge Licenses M A I’LE AT} R-IIAKGIZR Pl 7 Queen St. Torom :\1.\'}‘ RILEY R. R 41 ETC. W ONTO Thornhill No.‘ 1t Benton lT-H‘D nc Hull Wes: inc {ates

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