_ BASEBALL TOURNAMENT $75.00 Cup Foot Races For Ail. Danciné--Good Music. Headed by Richmgnd Hili Band, leavin at 10.0% a. mo ADMISSIONz-Aduhs 50C. Chi RICHMOND HELL Civic Halidam Augusi Est 1. Pratt, Chairman MEALS SERVED ON THE GROUNDS $1000.00 FGR RACES, SPGRTS, ETC. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME FOR ALL mner H Music. Big Midway Attractions. GRAND PARADE THIRD ANN UAL DAVID HILL & CO VI“. WiC'N 311‘, Vice-Ch SIDE CUOH. 0111C 111 11( you better 2‘1‘0“ nmrman US (‘X Zhildren 25c. Autos 25c ive it $400.00 in Purses an Tea 4.3?) to 8 ‘ive Trm and IO rac tc HORSE RACES Cl‘lUC lei p your McMahon, Secretary VI 10w 1t (111165 111- â€"0f-War. ark I Shop next to the Shne Fun-to : old Bank Building. I Come in and see us â€"and it will be' done right. A. ROLFE Boot and Shoe Repairer. Prompt Service Neat Work South of Shoe Factory It’s a matterï¬of shoe repairsâ€" TEETZEL BROS. us well as l Eave Troughing, Furnace andl General Repair Work. “"9 me now in a position to look after your {needs in ex my line of metal work. and will be pleased to see- you in regard to 2D00rs South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer Soulsz lenders marked dressed to the Clerk will be until \VPdllf‘Mlll)’ noon. Jul: 1921, for the following,â€" (a) Laying (Just Iron Wate (uppl-oxiumtely 4 miles). (h) Conï¬rmation of Lh-uvi tmtinn Plants. ,1 (c) Supply and installation Equipment. (d) Uonsn-nction (:f I'einfort crete hiidge and dim]. Plans and specifications may and fm'ms of tender obtained f engineers. ~ Metal Roofing, Metal Siding, Metal Garages, Etc. Public Notice ‘ 1(‘t TENDERS let UnlnI-iu’s high and H10 appalling nutrition in Kiev mudv the insiilnli necessary. This pay for it, indirm'l] )1 the local physician health and 'mmdilh Ithn young children tn the clinic and h: :hildren, so that 5w 1nd the clinic phy: éxnmino them and ivf'octs found and: h CHILD WELFARE SPECIAI unloï¬u-ds \Vlllfll xhibition~SeLllm RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY JULY 22nd. The u! All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. JAMI Th1 GEO. KIDD uld use nnlt ML Cliui Owned by Province of Ontario Operated By Provincial Board of Health AM ES, PROUTOR 8: RED} limited, 1004 Exm'lsim- Life. TORONTO. T. H. Trench. E“(|., F {111119, Esq. Clerk Richmom LV ? compel“ ynul‘ m- ROLFE d riz Viliage rhmnnd 3 “(Yeti in \Vork 110w IF hut lln‘ [-‘mvinciul Govern; which is C(l-UIWI'ulillg \vil h iysiuinns to improve the '(rnm’ilim: of infants and :hildl'eu (f Onlmio. \‘Lil’l :pccxa TENDERS OR WATEE of Richmond Hill l'z'ench. L'qu prvr Clerk Richmond Hill about your Spring .1] Offer Hug 'our )III'S inf your r-linic U1 this "lt- usl, in Lhe same urs:;hnnls. Cunn- ; your bahios and own phvsicizm reinforce-d C( tory, in the 1t iy lh \ilrlre’n Huh 5 ater Mains oit ,u‘ilv nols. Unnw humps Hnd physician 7 tngolhvl- llll.‘ lhi \VORKS nmrtulity Licult urn] meth 5 wall kvpl. ml m H 1(‘1 Hter hir Iâ€; h lllf \Vi†0 call him back to me. The flowers mu wild, the ï¬owe sow. Around our garden trve. The vine is dropping with H. 0 call him back t‘) me. Icnnnnt, plug The summer and hf his own ’1'th hr. would In To his bosom. this garden How his parent's And his sistc But, his Saviour And he called 0 Call my hrothe I cunnnt, play I be deliv But One Api il morning, the bi are blooming, Luyed :1 mse so swept and fair, In the garden nf earthly bosom, He lay sick, but 011 so fnir. Parent’s law» :11 011ml him watching, For ten years of earthly hlnnnz. Bertie loved his duty, and his paren And to please thwm every way. 0f Bertie Multan. who died on Aplil 14. 1921. City of Toronto, nu the grlr'mrxvlrlvds of adultery nml desertion. '33-:w NOTICE is hereby given that. ERNEST ZUFELT of the City of Toronto, in the County uf Yolk. in the Province of Ontarin, Mechanic (Rt-mulled. Seldier) will apply to Llw Parliament ï¬f Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of Divm-(e from his wife. FLORENCE EDNA ZL'I-‘ELT of the sa‘id Dated at Tul‘unto this 9th defy July, A. D. 1921. Notice of NOTICE L roomed hon Yonge Strevt-pxi Apply U. SHARI Street. oven, anh 0F} hm‘fhu within Sm Apply' Stu e-t wit STE Y Be: urrots. ft at“ Him; I. H. house. Bun UtheI-‘Bnilt lots of goo pumping It good (:luv seeding pnss‘r‘ssk Apply a \‘illo. R. FOR SALI ERNEST ZUFELT. . By his Solicitor, A. j. SNEATH, Kent Building. nge Street, Toronto. Ontario. 5‘9†in SLINE Ill 3 ED L'CED a. to That II‘HEF EG E‘ DSTâ€"Fountain 1 1 any infm-mnti THE LIBERAL 01:} FOR FOR SALE 28 and 2 OST TAN'I'I STIch OUS} TOVI turn Alden house ILP \VANTEDâ€"Yuung E'il'l tn lnnk :Iftor [why buy and fluid; light housework. Apply E. T. HESS. Stop 47, Yunge Stu-Perv. Apply B. FINCHâ€"Joh ( ETABLES E 56 was SW ans 25¢. per 1 . beets, unions. 'THE LIBERAL ex'ed promptly. of Application for Divorce SAI B:ka B; Buildings ' good W: Hm \V‘nut 4X (1 lil'S Also h( IN MEMORIAM Iy Lmnn, Full “‘hl'l will lw commit-ted, \w -n this spring 01' n ‘wm‘r. JOHN \mes R. NU. ]. Ontario. mndism Sn \Ll Eâ€"E. Slinoy w†kinds nl FOR SALE 11K WIRE Ff mg u- dl\' hum! mnes Pasture for sixty he 2' (:ntllv. Apply in Stop 47, Yonge Sir}? J longer suffer. plucked him from life. sadly mics him. ts from their plav. done OH: H. D saw him suffe him to his car mond Hill a ilrd. Phone [(90 with larg USPS. Wat Markham ner ,fur Il‘ll In precious ovvd and 1 Mt ton Mill {Y U'lllIS 100 Markham. driving shed thv Hill with flow SALEâ€"GI een usket. Also etc. Olders OFFICE will ACESâ€"Builder and American = and staph-s. Ill H] 1111;: The 3 bdrnor stove with stoc 0f the said [I‘ll H)( arm. _I BOIL Ph )ck withsut {S the mud. u' lt in, and would give nvxt full. ns, Union- f1 nit. m. Brick sheds and iw fpncvd \l) mm: h< load paler! tn ing and vicinity‘ ichmond 12 [f i4tf buds 1H “Kl side H) \V e med 'lu h. 776 Will mm Re