Band Practice will beheld on Friday l ’ Car of Portland and super Cement evening at 8.30 p. in. new time. attire Eleva'or. l -.._____ ; Reviews are now on sale . Call 1 Pictorial for August at the Liberal olfice. and get. yours. Mrs. McMahon Improving In a letter from MI. McMahon dated i at Vancouver on July 153th. He reports Mrs. McMahon's progress as slow, yel gradually improiing. \Ve ate all hoping for Mrs. McMahon‘s speedy recovery, and 31'“ looking forward to having them with us again before long. Mr. Gordon Sloan had the llllSrtit t one to break a finger while playing ball last Thursday night. Mrs. David Hill and son Albeit ate spending the summer at their M iiskoka Cottage. “llillL‘it-st Home". Att din o ' ' Miss M. Home is spending a week en g C mention in Muskoka the gut-st of Mrs. \V. H. Graham. \Vnr. Bro. A. R. Mctcall'e has been appointed a delegate from Richmond Lodge, A. I". & A. M. to attend the 66th Annual Masonic Convention in Ottawa this Week. Ac. ompaiiying him are the following brethren of the local lodge, W. H. Leggr, ’l‘hos. H. Trench. J. H. Dunlop, I“. Graham and H. H. Lang. Mr. Young of the Sterling Batik Inspection Staff, conducted the an- nual inspection of the local branch during the week. Mrs. llIantclry entertained some friends from Toronto last. Sunday afternoon to a verandah tea party and a musical evening afterwards. .â€".-¢ 0&7 â€"â€" THORNHILL A new sidewalk is being laid itr front of Dr. Wilson‘s property on Yonge St., between the U. F. 0. store and the Richmond Hill (lat-age. This will he a much needed irriproienrcnt. A lecture in the interest of (‘hild \Velfrtre under the auspices of the \Vomeii’s Institute will be lreld in‘ Community Hall on Sat niday July 23rd at 4 p. in. by Dr. J. .1. Bell ofthe Provincial Board of Health... There will also he a Clinic from 1-3 p. in. to ! Mr. D. J. Gibson of Bowinanrille is which mothers may bring their babies now judging the oats in connection or small children for free exariiiualion with the field C.op competition under all interested are invited to attend. the auspice of the Richmond Hill l Agricultural Society. “" l Tonge St. Highway Air Exide Battery for any make of car will be given free to the holder of Mr. W'. I). \Vatson Sect‘f'iill'Y “f “1“ the lucky tilttltlH-t' on admission ticket, Yonge St. Highway association has at the Union Picnic of St. Mary’s been busy alougtheentireroad front and St. Luke’s Churches oti July 30 at York Mills to Lake Simeoe. the Milne farm. Stop 44, Langstnlf. The aims and object. of this as- _ r in sociation entracc a broad scope and it's iiaâ€" _ object is to remain a Constituted hotly Richmoml “in Field D"? Will be dealing with every phase of Highway held on Monday August lsl keep this iinproveirient and development. as the date. There will be Horse races, Baseball ’I‘onrnament, Foot races and a Midway bigger and better than ever This is your dayâ€"August, 1. years go by, until Yonge Street, iii- stead of being in it’s present. shame- ful and shocking condition with it’s narrow and ragged road bed will ‘ho a thoroughfare of which we are proud. It is no to every one interested to See the Director who represents your locality and join the Association. Tire Roler-b‘oler Minstrels held their first picnic to Bond Lake on Saturday afternoon last. Although not as many were present as Were anticipated, all report a good time. "'Tanibo†and “Bones†were very much in evidence. _-â€"<-* St. Mary’s Church (Anglican) . . . . , r . . _ _Oak Ridges Anglican Sunday School (. ll avail ‘\(I’)[f\Th;\11-§I{IL. (ISEIIIXSJMOH are holding their annual picnic on “i 9"" n ' L L y g .l m I Friday of this week, July 22., to i 'i ' Morning",r Prayer, and Sermon II a. in. Sunday School 3 p. in. Evensong and Sermon '7 p. ll). Please notice that the Sunday Even- ing,r service dni ing the hot weather will he at. S p, In. daylight saving time iii- er-ad of at 7 p. in. as heretofore. Choir Practice. Friday evening at S. Scar-horn Beach Toront‘). You are iiiâ€" vrtred to conre along with them and enjoy a good outing at one of Toronto’s popular arrrusement parks. /’ Following the. notice-in the last weeks Liberal Mr. Hume had the pleasure ot finding that someone Irad returneththe cushions. which had been taken from his verandah one evening last week. tise.†p. in. in the church. ’1‘. \V. BL'L‘KLEE, I I’r-iest-lu-Charge Motto "It. pays to adver- a. Waterworks Debentures , The BISlt'd of Education have secur- ed the services of Miss Kathleen Burns of Madoc, as teacher of theThlrd Book in the Public School. Miss Burns is experienced. comes \vell recommended and should prove a worthy successor to Miss Fralick wlio has been appoint- ed on the Toronto statf. The undersignrd is authorized to offer for sale Village Debentures to ' the amount of $95,0Ullotl forthc pur l pose. of constructing a system \Vateiworks in Richmond Hill. These. Debentures hcar interest at six per cent and are repayetble in thirty annualinstalments of principal and interest, and will be sold in amounts to suit purchaser‘s from $500 upward. The subscription listsare now open and the debentures may heobtained at the Clerk’s oï¬ice or at the Standard Bank, Richmond Hill. A. J. HUME Village Treasurer of l The. Annual Union Picnic of St. Luke’s Church Thornhill and St. Mary’s Church Richmond Hill wiil he held at the Milne Farm (formerly the Abbey Farm) Stop 44 Lrtrigstatf on Saturday July 30. Full programme of sports including. baseball, races, etc. Admission to Ground 25 cents. -â€"‘-> Jimmie Wigmore’s “All Stars†failed to make much of an impression on the regular hall team last Thursday even- ing. The score was 14-7 in favor of the latter. Never-theâ€"less all enjoyed it good evening’s sport and games like this will help keep the players in good condition. East York Exam. Results - East. York junior entrance exam- inations, which were held under the Richmond Hill Entrance Bout-d, re- sulted as follows: \Vitlr honorsâ€"May and Charles Read. Passedâ€"Frank Brurnnrell, May Fla- velle, Evelyn Freeland, Alberta Hewisnn, Harold Malroney. Ruth Moynetan, James Newport, Beatrice \Valter Greene The house and lot. of George Denhy on Richmond Street. has been sold to Miss Olive Burr. by Real Estate Agent H. A. Nicholls. Miss Burr, a nurse, served with distinction over-seas during the great war, and was attached to the Railway Hospital. and nursed our- poor- boys at. Vimy Ridge. Miss Burr will become a permanency among us ' in the spring. Smith, Stockiey, Lewis Stivcr, Valda. Stong, Graig Topple, Viola. \Valker, Muriel Watson. Ellis Klink, Annie Moynehair and Pearl Robinson. Langstatf Pupils who passed the Entrance. Frank Nicholson, Hector Browne, Lottie Ball, Gordon Fee. James Dalglish of Ottawa. and graduate of the Guelph Agricultural Farm was judging the potatoe crops in-couirection with the Richmond H ill Agricultural Society for disease in tlr c potatoe. In about twu Weeks he will again visit. the satire crops and judge as to go tlity for seed and in October will make :t final judgment as to yield. The awards will be given on the aggregate score. o MAPLE l l The union S. S. picnic. held on St. Andrew's church grounds on \Vednesâ€" day of last week was ;t\.‘gt'cat success. . A football match and a girls' baseball ‘ match were played and quite a num- - . - ber of races \veie run. Giea'. interest : K s y_ v 2 O . n 1 WC.) [Edit-193.53 trilllgllviit liirlfiti [Till “5 Show" "13“ the SPOI'tS- lhe Pm- .‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ') r "1 of ice cream etc. ‘- openmg lnueung U1 ms Oman†“my Leeds fir nr II c 5. le . . . ~ - "0") in the Town Park, Aurora. He Will ‘ulllml'l'd t? $" " ‘ , . , . be accompanied by Mr. Jas. A. Robb, “"5 mneml “f th‘ ht" RH" Pk tel i Campbell tor-k place here last Wednes- day afternoon and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. The following pupils from the | public school were successful in passing . the recent entaiice examination, Irene l Chief Liberal Whip ; Thus. McMillan, M. P., and other members of the House of Commons. Platforms and seating will be made for a very large concourse of people who will gather to hear the young Liberal Chief. Bands l i will render a generous progtairrnie of {f‘thf’ld’f‘lf-i gilltleiigllOY. MM)’ ‘ music during the after-noon. Before ‘ f€"j,â€'§ ‘Rl‘R minwn :ul'd “I. Gm. and after the speaking which will 9 '*" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ u) n commence sharp at. _. )0, there will be football and baseball matches, etc. Picnic parties will be accotuodated and parking of cars provided for. Special car service be given on all Trolley lines. Bailey are iii Ottawa attending Grand ; Ledge. Mr. Stanley Rose who has been attending Business College iii Hamil~ ' ton is home on a vacation. u‘ ‘ball Richmond Hill Field Day ' : v-swmflg Posters are out announcing the Bit: â€"_1 vAnnual Field [lay at Richmond Hill on August lst. There will he a t'ull‘1 programme of sports, includinga base» 'l'ouiuaiut-ut and hoise tact-s: (loud prizes are offered for foot I'ilt‘l'.~' of all kinds. The Midway this year. will be bigger and better th-ii: eter‘. Roost the Field Day and you will i).‘ boosting your town. 09‘â€" Horticultural Society By the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. I’. G. Hill the i-etziilariiiomhlymeeting of the Horticultural Society was held on their lawn last Tuesday evening. The few members who were pie- sent spent a plt‘HS’lllt.(‘\‘t‘llillJ:. After an informal meeting during which canniogreceipes \vere exrhanged. Mrs. Hill served ice cream and cake. ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘o.« nibâ€"- Richmond Lodge No, 23, A. F. & A. M. This Lodge closed perhaps its most successful year on St. John’s day. . June 2i. when the newly elected ofï¬cers were inslalled by It. \V. 'Bio. \V. H. Legge. The ofï¬cers clcr’ted are :â€"\\'. M. Metcalfe: H. \V., P. t}. Ilill: J.\V.. H. H. Lang: Chap, T. I“. McMahon; Trcas. \V. U. Savage: Secy., A. L. Phipps: S. D.. Albert Glass: J. 1).. \V. II. (irnhain; D. of C., .I. II. Ilnnlop; Trustees, II. A. Nit-bolls, \V. ll. Legge and T. I". McMahon; Auditors H. A. I Nieholls and J. R. IIeiiington; Tyler, J. It. Hotiington. The membership is now Itâ€. It was voted to ('all oil for the mouths of July and August. W. Bro. Graham, the retiring \V. M., was presented with a I). M. Jewel, andina ï¬tting manner replied, eX» l pressing his thanks for the honor and congratulating his officers arid the lodge on the progress made during the past year. Â¥s<o- KICTOIUA SQUARE Mr. G. Dennis is putting .t concrete cellar under his house. Mr. Roy Glover stitlorcd sunstrokc but is now getting better. Mr. and Mrs. G. I). Sanderson l'e- tur-ncd from their honeymoon and were given a reception at the home of his~ parents on Thursday evening. Mr. Jack McUague. Dlst'icl Repreâ€" sentative for South Simcoe. was home over Sunday. Ills headrpiaitcrs will be, Allisto i when the otlicc is arcady. Mr. M~ land. of Toronto, visited his friend, Mr. J. Ferris over Sunday. Miss Ratrrsden, of Toronto, is the guest. of Miss May Meek. ‘ Mr. ll. McCague, Mr. M. D. Brown. Miss Ash, of Toronto, and Miss Mc- w League, motored out to the Old Mill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. \Viii. Ft ishv are spend- ing the summer months here. L. L. Nichols and \V. J. Bruinwt-ll have plll'tjllil>t’tl a threshing outiit. They nolotded it at Siotill‘villt- Tuesday. By Gee its vrry sad but say I wish I were a B. S. A. a slight vâ€" o “WOOWMW ¢W¢¢WWW¢WOM u m_‘ ':.~:- ~ ~ : : trainee till! I. fl. 5%.. -\1 I I’ll Show You 1 How to Increase , Your Profits If you’ll talk over with me the advantages Toronto Stable Equipment will bring to your farm. Toronto Stable Equipment is designed to save you labor, keep the stable cleaner, keep your cattle healthier, more con- tented, more proï¬table. Let's talk this great improve- ment over. Toronto Stable Equip- ment includes Stalls, Bull Pins, Water Bowls and Litter Carriers. {J . Lunau, Agent Richmond Hill FALL TERM OPENS AUGUST 1. Shorthaud, Typewritinrz, Cor- respondence, Spelling, Penman- rhip, Rapid (‘alcnlatioin Busi- ness English, General Otiicc Practice. BEGIN WITH THE NEW TERM Ask for particulars. rates, etc. Make your reservations now if possible. Success Stonographic Schools. Newmarket Branch Bank of Toronto Block. â€"â€"_â€"â€"- HAVE you sufï¬cient ready money with which to ' meet the expense of harvestingY your crop ? If not you are cordially invited to discuss votir posi- ‘ tron with our local Manager. ' Standard Service always affords practical and help» tul accommodation. THE STANDARD BA R T ml “d OF CANADA _ 43 2 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch: J. R. Harrington, Manager. FRUIT SEASON SPECIALS Fruit Season is here and with it comes the nee d for Special Kettles, etc. We have just what you need. Heavy Grey Granite Preserving Kettles, in all sizes from 40C to $1.25 ea. Heavy Grey Roll Top Granite Dish Pans. Just what you need to do your berriesin from 70c to 85c SPECIAL Heavy Grey Granite Dippers, reg. 30c.) for 19¢. Heavy Blue and White Granite Dippers reg. 40c. for 23c. The very thing for ï¬lling jars. PAROWAX The Sanitary, Airtight Sealing Wax in 1 lb. pkgs. ‘ at 20C. per lb: Metal Screw Tops for Jars at 50c. per doz. Heavy Red Rubber Rings 10c. per (102. COME IN OR PHONE WE DELIVER The Richmond Hill HardWare Co. PHONE 18 4 FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT , SICKNESS AUTOMOBILEâ€"FIRE, THEFT, LIABILITY PLATE GLASS BURGLARY Tariff and Non Tariff Ratings and all l’olfcics give the proâ€" tection they are. intended for and at the minimum rates. Get our rates before looking elsewhere. 'l‘l c (‘oni‘cdcrati' it Life A550. issues a new policy without medical cxariiinatiou for 81000, also 2i policy called the Faniin llolicy, which is striking for its protection on man and his wife and litany good features, Ask for the pamphlet, which explains all. This should appeal to all married men and women. because the Company carries a srnalig‘isk on the wife also, and costs nothing. l\'o medical cxarninaticn for the wife is required, P. G. SAVAGE & SON Agent for All kinds of Insurance Office at the Post Office, RichmOndlliil WWWOOOQWW 6900600900 MNOWW¢6OWOOMOOWW _..m Vulcanizing _ Bring us your tires and tubes for repairs. Made as good as new by our Haywood V ulcanizer. Now is the time to have your tires put in good shape for the warm weather. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Teetzel Bros. Implements, Garden Tools and Repairs Wire, Fence Hog Troughs Fiber Plaster Hydrated Lime Garden T0075 Ladders Iron Posts, Gates Pumps \Vlieelbairows Tongue Truck Sppports Sprayers Ircnage Seeders C ockshutt and Bateman-\Vilkinson Repairs Always in Stock. W. F. CARTER, BiohmondHill M issey-Harris,