Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jul 1921, p. 7

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In this~case the name was “Hes- cuith." It probably suffered a loss in the period immediately following the Norman invasion. Nevertheless, the old names were retained to a certain extent among the subdued Anglo»Sax- ons probably the greatest number of them disappearing in the latter period of amalgamation than the earlier one of subjugation. But the name had not entirely disappeared at the time family names began to form, and it is first traceable as “Hescuith’s‘sion.” Ease of pronunciation first caused the dropping of the ending and then the This latter is one of those which have entirely disappeared in the course of the development in nomem- 'clatux‘e which followed the Norman in- vasion and the language changes of more modern times. And it might be remarked here that the number of Anglo-Saxon given names which have disappeared completely is far greater than those which are still in use to- day. Variationsâ€"Hesketh. Racial Originâ€"English. Sourceâ€"A given name. Here is a family name, widely known if not widely borne, which would be a good bit of a puzzle were it not possible to trace it back, step by step, through the centuries to a source in an old Anglo~Saxon given name. The Academy recommended that special attention be given to singing ci’asses in crowded districts where everything tends to break down the nervous and digestive systems. Prof. Frossard has experimented with hundreds of cases of overexcita‘ tion and sympathetic nerves, as well as gastric cases, and has found that when the patients keep in a cheerful mo-od, singing music of the gayest quality, the equiuibrium of the ner- vous system is restored within a few weeks and badly damaged appetites commence to reappear with full force. Like human beings, flowers have their likes and dislikes, and vent their displeasure in no uncertain manner upon their unfortunate victims. Poppes, for instance have a very in- jurious effect upon other flowers placed in the same vase. which seems to react upon themselves, as they soon fade and die under such conditions. The same remark applies to sweet peas. which should always be placed by themselves. If you want to be healthy sing as often as pessible, is the advice of Prof. Frossard of the So‘rbonne, which was reported to the French Academy of Science by his colleague, Prof. d'Ar- sonval. says a Paris despatch. If other blooms are placed with mig- nonette, there are few which will sur- vive such intimate contact. A yellow tea-rose faded away in two hours when placed next a pink one, yet in the ordinary way it would have lasted several days. Thls explains why. after arranging perfectly fresh flowers, one comes back, in the course of an hour or two, to find that some of them have wilted badly. In nearly every case, it is wilg to] murder on the part of the other flowers which would not bear their :ompany. , anard’s Lim'ment Relieves Neuralgia for most makes and models of cars. Your old. broken or worn-out parts replaced. Write or wire us describ- ing what you want. “'0 carry the largest and most. complete stock In Canada of slightly used or new parts and automobile equipment. We ship can anywhere In Canada. Saus- factory or yetu_nd In ful_l our_molto. .3339}; Kuidflsréivako Pan-t Sup 1y, 923-931 Dnflcdn Sh. Toronto. at. Finds Singing Builds Up Health. AUTO REPAIR PARTS Criminal Flowers. For P0 81 Sold by grocers c )rofit by the experience of others â€"which has taught thousands that Instant Postum is better Ear health than tea or coffee. DOSTUM has a flavor sirnflar to coffee, but con- tains nothing that can disturb health and comfort. ASQUITH. 6‘ Surnames and Their Origin racers everywhere STUM ' Cholera lnfantum is one of the fatal ailments of childhood. It is a trouble that comes on suddenly, especially during the summer months, and un- iless prompt action is taken the little one may soon be beyond aid. Baby’s IOwn Tablets are an ideal medicine in warding off this trouble. They regu- late the bowels and sweeten the stom- ach and thus prevent all the dreaded summer complaints. Concerning them Mrs. Fred Rose, of South Bay, Ont, says: “I feel Baby's Own Tablets saved the life of our baby when she had cholera infantum and I would not be without them.” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockvilie, Ont. The place name itself is a relic of pre-Saxon days, being compound of “lin” and “coin,” signifying in the ancient British tongue, a lake on a. hill. The Welsh is “11yn,” the Cornish "Iyn" and the Gaelic “linue.” names, made up often by the addition of dimunitives added to the name or a single syllable of the name. Even this, however, was not enough, when communication between various com- munities became more common and men moved from place to place. It beâ€" came quite usual to speak of this. that or the other Roger or John or Ivo by reference to the place from which he had come. Thus the name of Lincoln was originally preceded by “de,” indi- cating “of Lincoln" or “from Lin- coln.” Like all surnames of the same classi- fication it was originally descriptive of the bearer’s place of residence. In that period of the middle ages when population began to increase rapidly the supply of given names was over- taxed. The first result of this was the tendency among parents to give to their offspring new Variations of given changes in spelling to the two modern forms. Racial Originâ€"English. Sourceâ€"A locality. The originxof the family name of Lincoln is simple. It comes from the town of the same name in England. Good intentions do not pay bills; It's easy enough to plan. To wish is the play of an office 11 TO D0 is the work of a man. It isn't the Nor the That puts Your cre it is based on the things you do, Your debit on things you Shirk. The man that totals the biggest plus Is the man that completes his work. Hotels for children are quite com- mon nowadays, but a hotel for horses is the newest innovation in an Euro- pean town. This establishmentâ€"a wonderful stable, with every modern contrivanceâ€"provides luxurious quar- ters for the horses of the town's bus company. Besides this, it rents ac- commodation by the day, week, or year for horses visiting or staying permanently in the city. It Is a. structure three stories high, and on each floor there is a roomy balcony running the full length of the building. These are available for exercising the horses. An inclined run-way, by which the animals may proceed up or down, connects these with one another and the ground level. A band of uniformed attendants are engaged to look after the horses, and these lucky animal inmates are given every possible care and attention. CHOLERA INFANTUM sheen It's the work you have actually done It’s What You Do That Counts. Hotels for Horses. job you intended to do. nhor you’ve just begun you right on the ledger LINCOLN. office boy. “Certainly, it’s true, your honor," was the reply. "I calI_ed him a liar be- cause he is one, and I can prove it.” Then the judge turned to the de- fendant with: “What have you to say to that?” “I don‘t think it has anything to do with the case, your honor. Even if I am a liar, Fve got a. right to be sensi- tive about it, ain't I?” into the ho teries fixed invented current relaxes the ne duces a sensation of A Question of Dignity. In a. case tried in the North of Eng- land the judge very s‘tel‘nly demanded of the defendant: “Why did you strike this man?” “Your homo-r,” was the reply, “he called me a liar.” “Is that true?” asked the judge. turning to the man with the battered countenance. anywhere else, an immediate economy would be effected that would be appre- ciated by all members of the league and particularly by those whose ex- change is depreciated. “Since the main purpose of the Com- mission of Inquiry is to suggest every form of economy,” the report says, "it feels bound to point outfithat, at the moment, Geneva isâ€"and so far as it is possible to foresee will remainâ€"a city in which the cost of living is com- paratvely higher than in almost any other city in Europe and where the rate of exchange is; at the moment of writing, the most disadvantageous for the great majority of states members of the league.” The report suggests that were the league headquarters in Brussels, Fon- ta‘inebleau, Turin 01' Vienna, or almost “There can be no doubt,” says the committee’s report, “that, rightly or wrongly, the League of Nations has the reputation of costing too much.” The report then goes on to explain how the complexity, diversity and novelty of the work undertaken neces- sarily cost heavily, particularly since it is in the hands of a comparatively young institution and lacks experi- ence. The dual language of the league re- quivrinlg translation and duplicate pub- lication of all documents alone ac- counts for one-third of the entire ex- pense, the report says. It then points out that the location of the headquar- ters in Geneva makes a good deal of the excessive outlay. Obligatory us of two languages, French and English, in all its trans~ actins, and the high cost or living at the headquarters in Geneva are given by the special committee investigating the workings of the League of Na- tions as an explanation of what has been considered in some quarters as the excessive cost of the organization, says a despatch from Geneva, Swlt< zerland. The expense of the last year, as already reported, was about $4,150,- 000. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. THE HEALTHY MN HAS THE liES’l‘ CHANCE .vh The same is true of women. Some have the charm that makes men seek them out; others are neglected. But this is not luck. it is due to a person- al giftâ€"vitality. Men and women of this sort are never weak, puny inâ€" valids. They may not be big, but they are full of life and energy. The whole thing is a matter of good blood, good nerves and good health. Everyone would wish to be like this and the qualities that make for vitality and energy are purely a mutter of health. By building up the blood and nerves, sleepiessness, want of energy, weak- ness of the back, headaches and the ineffectual sort of presence which real- ly comes from weakness can be got rid of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have made many weak, tired men, vigorous, and many pale dejected girls and wo- men, rosy and attractive, by improv- ing their blood and toning up their nerves. If you are weak, low-spirited or unhealthy, try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills and note their beneficial efiect. Is Always Full of Life and Energyâ€"Failures Are Weak and Bloodless. Some men seem to have all the luck. If there are any goo-d things going these men seem to get them. If they are business men they are successful; it they are workmen they get the fore- man's Job. They have the power of Influencing people. Double Language is Costly to League. French electrician claims ited a machine which will . The electric current i: the body by means of t phy lee; to have produce 200 nam ‘Iets subst “SP 9.21 Y RMOUTH, N. S. The Original and Only Genuine Beware of lmitations sold on the merits of Musicians in the Olympic, by means of wireless telephones, entertained the Aquitania’s passengers to banjo se- lections while the ships were two hun- dred and sixty miles apart. A Natural Mistake. At a cottage in an isolated part of West Perthshire visitors. were so rare that many of the children have never seen any menfolk except those of their own household. One of the children. who had been gazing at the unwanted apparition, re- mained staring open-eyed from the door of the cottage for a. moment long- er, and then rushed indoors, shouting in amaze: One day the children were playing happily together, when a man was es- pied on the hillside, evidently making for the cottage. “0h, mither, here’s a thing like father: coming!" MONEY ORDERS A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. “Bayer” only is Genuine Shoddy Sheep. “1 b'Iieve I‘ll go over and axamine them sheep of Jupe’s a little carefull- er," said Mr. Tâ€"â€" to his wife; "he‘s oflered three of ’em for that yeller heifer, but knowin’ him as I do I aim to be sure ’fore he gets her that their fleece ain’t half cotton ’stead of wool.” “Oh, no. George," she said, "you’ll be sending me some letters.” The husband was. seeing his beloved wife off for a holiday. “Maggie. dear,” he said, “hadn’t you better take some fiction with you to whi-Ie away the Professorâ€"“1t would say, ‘I am an elm.’ ” . Stop, Look. Listen. He (cautiously)--“.Would you say ‘Yes' if I asked you to marry me?" She (sun more cautiously)â€"â€""Would you ask me to marry you if I said I would say ‘Yes‘ if you asked me to marry you?" time Yes. 5er “Yessir, eightyâ€"two 1 be, an' every tooth in my ’ead same as th' day l were born.” Sweet Confusion Followed. Sentimental Young Ladyâ€""Oh, pro‘ fessor. what would this old oak say if it could talk?” Merchant Prince (irascibly): â€" "Send him away and fetch the under- taker. You know I never deal with middlemen!" Business is Business. Wifeâ€"“Now, dear, here's the doctor to see you." Bulk Can-lam TORONTO SALT worms 9. J. cu" - TORONTO MINARD’S LINIMENT 35?? Q? mafia PROM RERE “HERE COARSE' sALT L A N D SA LT r,” Cauat Bayer , Hea‘ ASPIREN Fiction Provided For. pir ,” Unless you on package or t getting Aspir 1C M 1e age “,ul' 11' ayer on ta] 1 at al with Tab- ab Tells Remarkable Story of Sickness and Recovery. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham’a Ve etable Com ound have thousands of Sue letters as t at aboveâ€"they tell the truth, else they could not have been ob- tained for love or money. This medicine is no strangerâ€"it has stood the best for more than forty years. If there are any complications you do not understand write to Lydia E. Pink- bam Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Toronto, Ontâ€"“I suffered greatly from weakness, seemed to be tlred all the time, and had no ambition to do anyâ€" thing or go any place. My nerves were in bad shape, I could not sleep at night, and then came a. breakdown. I read of Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Ve etable Comp‘oun in the newspapers and sev- eral of my friends 1.x advised me to use it, and it sure y pu new life into me. Now I am quite able to do all my own work, and I would strongly advise every suf- fering woman to ‘ve Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable mpound a trial. ” â€" Mrs. CHARLES WAKELIN, 272 Christie St., Toronto, Ont! [ETTER FRGM ‘ MRS. WAKEUN For conveying coal a Pennsylvania col‘liery has been equipped with two of the largest fabric belts ever made, each being more than 1,000 feet long by four feet in width. and two inches in thickness, 1' Tanlac is sold by everywhere. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere “Well, I got me some Tanlac and it wasn't long until my appetite had a new start. I ,have just finished my second bottle now and I can eat any- thing at any time Without its hurting me. That tired feeling is gone and I feel full of energy all the time. Tan- lac is all that is claimed for it and it certainly is the medicine for me.” DID WORK TWICE FOR RIM, HE SAYS LETRIS ENTHUSIASTIC 1N PRAISE OF TANLAC. "Well, I don't know what it is, but there's something about Tanlac that certainly does the work.” said A. Let- ris,184 Queen St. North, Hamilton, Ont. Mr. Letris is a well-known printer and has been with the Grimes Printing Co. for nine years. "Yes sir, I can recommend Tanlac. for it has straightened me out twice and I believe it will help anyone else who tx‘ies it. Two years ago I took the medicine and it fixed me up in fine shape and I felt good until a little while back when I commenced to feel rundown. I got to where I just had to drive myself at my work and, as my appetite was gone, I seemed to go down hill all the time instead of get- ting better. Feels Full of Energy All the Time Now, Says Hamilton Man. Let Cuficura Heal Yam Skin In the treatment of all skin troubles bathe freely with Cuti- cura Soap and hot water, dry gently, and apply Cuticura Ointment to the affected parts. Do not fail to include the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. SolpZSc. OintmenI 25 and 50:. Tllcum 25¢. Sold throughouttheDommion. CanadianDepot: Lyman}. Limited. 344 St. Paul St, W., Montreal. Cuticur- Soap shaves without mug. America’- Plonm Do. Remedies n l Book on Largest Fébric Belts. ISSUE No. 30â€"‘21. and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by tho Author. 1:. A01: Glover 00., ha. 118 eat 31:: Strut New York, U.S.A. NEG DISEASES leading druggists Advt.

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