Stop! Look! Listen! Donated by Exide Battery Company of Canada, Ltd. 205 Victoria St., Toronto. o Tickets can be purchased at 205 Victoria t., Toronto or from Committee in charge. " Dated at Tmmnn. vainve (-f On- tario. this 'I‘wvnly-lixst day of June, 1921. Natice oprplication for Divorce 51 LV nut)», in th? ()unmy uf Ymk, in “w 'ruvimze of Ontario. Men'lmnl. will .9939 [01110 Pnrlinmvm n-f Culmdn. at he next session the-roof. for it Bill d5 Divan-,9 from his wife, (Hm-indu Iabd'l‘od, of the city of 'I‘m-nntn. Mal-I'iengmuun. on {he gx-nund of “dummyli desm-lion. . 1974 Yonge St. Phones Bel. 1515 & 1470 iiilne Farm, Formerly Abbey Farm 52 I3 GIBSON MACKIE Ton NOTICE is w .HACKIE CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE Also see if your winter overcoat would not turn by saving the pnce of cloth for a new one [7 Queen Street E An Exide Storage Battery for Any Make of Car with 6 Volt Ignition and One Year’s Membership in Stitch In Time Service Club. T 0 Holder of Lucky Number on Admission Ticket for picnic to be held at Solicitors for the Applirnnr. We have houses [or sale in North Toronto and North Yonge St. up to Aurora. 50 ft. Lot on Roseview Ave. ’50 ft. Acreage Lots, Markham Road .at low prices and easy terms. DOUGLAS 8; GIBSON Before Buying Your Suit CE is hereby given that txm'l‘uu, 4-1 the City n n th2 Cunmy of You k, i EBUELMNG WTS M. BURKE, Secretary, Richmond Hill STOP 44:, YONGE ST. Why Crank Your Car? Cheap stone for foundations. JULY 309 39% MEN’S SUITS FROM 532 UP. WOMEN’S SUITS FROM $40 KP. 0t on Cor; Yonge and Richmond St. E. R. FORTNER T UTHILL, Chairman, Willowdale Be Wise GIVEN FREE Baker 'l‘urunln TAILOR Ave. $400 awe: 5 Notice of Application for Divorce Dilth at Toronto, in of Ontario, the llilh day 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that MARY Emu-mm: MENTON, vf lhv (‘ity of Toronto, in the County (If York, Province- nf Onlnrin, Marlie'd \Vnnmn, will apply to the Parlinnwht (-fCaanu AL the next Session (balm-f, for u Bill of Divorce fwm her lmslmndJAMES VALENTINE MEN'mx, uf the ("ity of Tmnnm, in tho Cnunty of York. Electrician. on the gmunds of adultery and desertiun. Dad, Solicitors for the Applir-nnr, 26 Queen Sh-eetmE \st (‘URRY & \VALLACE. East of Railway EM? ‘ thv Province of NIIIY, l)- , there? Tm-nntu 090966¢9¢069669606W¢~0¢M6©OO¢N0°96¢09¢®¢96¢6M¢M0 WOWOQOOOOOOOOO OOOOOONMOWOOOMOO “OW. The examinatinn (tnvmefl ninv chls and the- figme with Far}! I indicntves the number of subjw which the candidates hus passed Results hf (he I Exmninatinns held in Richmond Hill High Sc Brown M Uluhine A I)uwney C. W. GANE AGENT Maple, R. R. No. 2 Phom Mehring’s Foot-Power Milker [)Incvs‘ tlw spignt thé’ milk lwgir. “11' clmn I etc, on Hm HI him:- of the SI 1 - he Lower School Exam Results The New Hardware Store Try Our Developing’iand Printing. Quick Service. Richmond Hill Hardware Co. "‘“J the date and title may be written on each ï¬lm at the time the picture is made. ' This is accomplished by an autographic arrangement, a feature that is exclusively Eastman. For pictures on the motor trip; snapshots of the children, in fact for.almost any type' of picture, the title, in the years to come, adds muchâ€"the date even more, 1 WM (272 Autographic Kodak fkmsis‘i: of “n :air pump walked by foot pmvr-r, two piece-s of ht’l' how and right snail u cups which surmund the night Lvate he Lwn vows which me milked at the same linw. Th9 npemtm- hetwe‘e u tlw two (:qu. Ho works the pump with his fret and vs tlu- lontrnps, (DP 173' mm. against the tea-2b: on upenng the at the» sucliuu rapidly draws the (‘lipsnvwlhotealsand the ; begin; In How flom lzuth CO\VS [OWHId its destinatinu. Clem“ milk p-iil. which is hung out. (if the way ( f all (lust. dirt. on ilw spout (if the pump. N. COOPER Ivu om 'l/ (3) (4) {1: $9.00 zzpâ€"Brozwzz'es $2.00 up ‘mver School .lllnr' M, “)9 11001. I] nin =nh. WWII mum- sulg‘wts m Trench Block Spades, Shovels, Forks Stovepiping, Brooms, BrdShes ized Pails, Graniteware Tinware Poultry Netting, Building 16? Look at t} r better still 101 Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Ifnder the new Rvgulutinns enoh one gets credit for subjects passed. and does not need to writo on them again. Cortificntos can he obtained an application to Principal Eliinu. Paper. Roofing. Gill Mullny 31.1‘: Mumming Vangm-hurg WiHl-‘IIIH E. Mt Baseballs. 111-19!"an V. M aguo w-vl y n (-1] E. .‘l V. M. Richmond Hill Phone, Maple 1264 prlce h ( the, line. pleasure v ‘ w ‘ Galvan- (9) (4) (9) (9) (9) Hmmrs Honors Phone 5 To consult us bef ore buying WHITE PINE SPRUCE B.C. FIR AND HEMLOCK LATH AND SHINGLES READY ROOFING AND BEAVER BOARD L. INNES 8: SONS RICHMOND HILL PHONE l3-3 ICE FOR SALE Carmel, Stov Coal. Also at the Complete Lines. Highâ€"grade St ock Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of No. 1 Feed Corn. A cz'u‘ of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Ea WEN A house mndm'n in m‘ery respect with bvantiful grunnda sunnunding. Olw nf tho new, cmnfmtuhlr? uf 1H)th Yonge St. Plim- right. FOR SALE<â€"OIH‘ (f [11" benuly sputsnf thmrmd Hill: 1119 x-vsi~ dunes: and um- :Icre rl‘cvntly nccupiud by Mr. G. F. Allun. who has decidtd tn live permanently in California, On Ynngp HI. just soulh n!" the High Svhuul. 4z-xf 'lvn norm, {:0 hurl). hon hmu‘t street. hel h msy, A shay) age by 2 l'4'SidOl10P 36 Acrns gm-dvn land nndlmnk Inn-n I5 mih Mills; Marsh-u" ’i‘p. for Frnme Hons“, (‘untI-P lot, fruit. Ho. f % ELLIOW ’astrv “l EU Public Notice purer at mu ing Aug. 29 positions month and Blachford’ SASH AND DOORS A Specialty. Ynngo and Clunlvs 815.. Tumu- tu. is nuted lhrnughtgul Canada for high gludu \vmk. \Vlite fur catalogue and arrange to Purnia Scratch 1159 in vorv hast rvpair In Hw (rurnm- of (‘vutrv Sts. Imnwdiatv nnssvw a very desirable home. L. B. Stong I. D. Rainer 1y 209 from in I'm *ncn make nn l )(l chance to save W. J. ELI Delivered in the Village. 209 ft and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. ELLIOTT NICIIULTN. Real Estate tove, Nut and For Sale qm ‘9! h md lniuk hnusn [a “ruhnld, etcâ€! H )T'l' 91E Richmcnd Hill k $119950 FM levator 1H Turin uan- “'e huve ï¬llvll nlly :It $150.1 L70!) per unnunl. rvpair with gnod (‘vutre and Eliza- Dnssv :iun, tenns :n' r-f Mr. Mnylv': nfl'm- $501) dnwu 9 your mum-y. . ppm] hm s from El; $6300. St. Enat. gr. riucipnl Meal. hank 11 Mill fmn gund ‘il‘.