1’01 Teacher of Fletch Musical Kmde Licensed Au York. Sale: notice, and u Rx annh DIEMâ€"Richmond H Tuesday afternoon at. Lib Ofï¬ce. VOL. XLIV’. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON upils pass GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARPISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. MISS runtn ()fli Bldg. Cur $1.50 per annum, in advance.] LH idence address Lorin Square Richmond Hill HOUSE PAINTER, C()[ LICENSED AUCTIUNEER FOR TH} Branchesâ€"Thornhil} The Royal Bank of Canada 41 M ARR! AG 1‘) LICENSES moâ€"HO'I‘I Teach Your Children the Value of Money A. J. HUME and Willowdale ltrnnu NOTARY PUBLK CONYEYANCINL} BEATRICE H TORONTO M Lention 1ption._ lli ()f lllll ll) .inncvr lt‘londc 1) “HS lurLe: “(‘V Imge COUNTY SAIGEON re and influence fully solin’lted 53 P. O. : Gurmley. hm ltv ‘0 l‘ k1 lH )R rent hmond Hill an lhle rates solicited CTION 0} .102") untim‘ntul L M Richmond 1347 the County of . (m slim-test OWELL amen Method YORK (50 )ND every ifc SIREAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 7| THORNHILL Undertakars and E mbalmel ,RIL‘HMONDHJ’LL, THORNHU l AND UNIONVILLE Ofï¬ce Trench Block, two doors north of Ofï¬ces J Hide Sr [Nanng J. M. \ Of‘Iit p. m. Of’ï¬rtu and FF Richmond I-I'il The The Th: Tin E. R. SANDERSQN“ 0 rd Rm. Phnlf Hill. 5015‘ will 1-»: Also agent LOCAL AGENT â€"RI('HMO.\'D HILL, ONT VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I‘horuhilh. Call by phone or otherwise promptly res; Oildl'd to JOHN R. CAMPBELL The Mnle Sand. Gravel and Brick Culupauy, Lt’d. have on hand for sale. (JemenL drain tile. 3, 4. 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12. 15. 15‘ and 2.0 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel Sold by the load or mil“ Sand, Gravel, _ Tlleam d Brlokï¬; Sn] )0 BERESFORD A\'E.. WEST T( Plume Junch 72. FLU M BI Nt HOT \V F. ELVIN WELLWOOD 1 TWENTYâ€"E DR_ L. R. BELL th nltm Standard B~mk. HoursDHJn. [n p.m. Open evenings by nppoinmnvnt Barristers Soiiciior Telephone Main 1'0 “’1 In) p0 A. C. HENDERSON NAUGHTON & JENKiNS LI( mums DR, J. P. \‘VILSON .md or 211' Int: edzu‘ 1) O “'l] ( ()‘VD Blilish Crown Assurance Corporation. v, Stnr. and British I'mminions lnsnmncv Company British North sttern J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC. UHN T.,ANDERSUN PIANO TUNER RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY JULY 28. 1021 WRIGHT BROS. H'( hours \‘ANDDRF ENSED AUCTION! Insm-u ncr 'I‘H Phone Mmmn HORNIIILL, ONT ship 0f King ship (If \Vhit 'in] Bank Uf ( Telvphmw 32 wile M: ive prqu urlho H I’DENT‘ST li( sidvnm‘â€"Ynngn Sh'eet I. Phune NO. 21 ills IE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE 'rs will receive prompt attention. AND TINSMITHIDU ATER HEATING ERAL REPAIRS ‘ Milk ll) .. westâ€. 'J an Block 11 B16 10 tn COUSINS. Px‘cs. a nd Mann M’uple. Autmuuhil Company In Essential-s, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in dill/tings, Charity.†ll)“ at, nth nmun lll chm lll 11in wry Nanghk Elgin Mill-3 Plume HA phone p 80 Notaries 2777 26â€"28 b m n h In. 6 to 8 ll'O 3.!)(111 [i small )RONTO VVaLthnmn. wlnit, of the night? Ualm and clamâ€"11nd ull’s Well: 50. The night was calm and Clemâ€"- not a doubt of it. A brilliant mmm thrvw lH-‘I'Sllvely lwams around with a lavish handI gilding evmylhing she toneln (l with a dazzling sheen. The stars wow Mil-king out their (lnt and dash alplmlwt Lnn rapid fir nm tn road, ['1' else 111 ‘3' new sending: tlwir nwssage in Code. for l faiiledm gm‘sp it. Suddenly on the still :lir rung nut a mellulic (lung. Yes: it mm the fire hell. Clang, clung. clamz, clung. clung. the sound vibrations echoing and re- arrive Om‘ quest} questinn "Where! glasshouse Uw 1w while! sumo rushed uthms hastened Ln Now be it unst referred to is) m but :\ cumhiued neunpied by Gst Those (hut, \Vc‘nl Glass in anything ditinn. He was fl CPI†m that, If tll there with Some ( ï¬xing t d irvctim attoudin :Ifher t1 Aflm‘ things \\' e hu sir The Great Fire At Richmond Hill [her the-1 n we 10m Quin an old Sn dun was heard Lu say "I new should kick otf like this had an idea though that. be a lung liver. Its a pity theie me no wise I might be able, to bit just 1h ult‘ of l llhl But Ah: shut \V huL's othng in ilmx Inn But its getting c the fire. By this limp :ln wrything lf‘ildy, rice of the chief Let her gc buys’ thk‘ md 5H )lllt «mt the ‘ed into to the s pu n’t hef nething iug _ on the ht Ll) md its gm the ï¬n the e Ini'u wank ll] -n th H147 1' pr: 1 all \Vhen 1m) 111 I11 lll‘ s a block 5 counter. f the suns citing 3.; Ihhm-s 1h pusikhm fm‘ th more humane m nails. May be : :etting chillyâ€"1 pressed mny. k the CUll a dish ; tv‘nH was v no knh ) why llt not =5 the hukcher ML [0 the hnus 9; but u (:rvs 0 tin aifï¬x efing .dus < struig fix-cm md x: 's the {in Humn :m Mil-king nut their nle ll‘l) rapid f‘ r 111 ‘y u are svnding.’ \de. for I failed to he ï¬r wax? rumm: that iL hud fmz houm grilling. ll 0 west in lid. \Vu’vu hnengme glaés hm :1 that th cunn- In m‘d \vhil lh 5rin nu in th to he done. the wall \\' mat. \vimlmv- w said the head ( not muLtnn Jel firemen had got ;d lhe stentm-iuu ms heard saying and with a vim In cnnvem impossibl they all Im Ill ' account. the sausages, if of any account, u, only more so. )eof which stood (3 me quickly for f lh LLin Lh ntly ll! 1hr. 071 h { skzmsun Lhemsel \\‘ 1th fix 111 the con 1‘ leughl ’ 1 “1w;- [ should I -y.-tal In in) ff'i fly to ( near t, 1h 1nd “- nut (N'- we] It upme 1Q cscup; m ‘ cullld l )nvunt i( get back ghts olh 'e thing ll) m lni L11 mmn‘ In th 1n which 1t mat in L11} nu .\' ht- intn 1011 m1 I‘VUS comm. Cornel- ultt hv heme with Lime )lll ll bit. ns‘y will [his Ill nu 11| Light Lunche Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates ELGIN HGTELi her $1.40 discussing u‘l'nbi dezlle Lhk shipp and J \V‘ Prepare For The and dash lusty fell the engi lnpid happened 0n inveilig that the ima ing. and us down the \\‘t but no one st all declared watertight ting :L \‘ village, as th 5:110 11‘ what hands pulled from wnll Jones Lumber & Ceal Co EVERYBODY†must. He {he‘ the well, and them that all \v (Cuntizl‘ ‘ny it. is u 111 Phone Stop 51 Cor. Yonge & Arnold Sts. Get your film} boots frbm best English K .111 111 all ll): W. HURST ’E‘aw STERLENG BANK Bridges, Prop Luum in Out“ ’anI‘ h; the trouble was. an shall ; with a few who stood near 1 up his socks tn keep the “7 getting up the leg of his pa went tmvm-ds the well. SK asked him if he had made He said he had, and he’d le ) himself as he felt he need( . He then descended into well, and soup he Cilllt'd nu that all Was right. (Continued next week.) ELGIN MILLS Why run the risk of keeping unnecessary cash about the houseâ€"in constant danger of theft and ï¬re. Solve the problem by opening :1 Savings account in the nearest branch of the Sterling Bank. Bills may be paid by chequeâ€"doing away with the need of keeping large sums of money about the houseâ€"and at the same time, your money will be earning interest at current rates. If you are not’in a position to come to town re- gularly, write our local Manager regarding the advantages of opening an account by mail. 32 FARMERS \\’ k 0 m ’omm that Shoemak m~h ’ellm he w II] “\Vt ltin 'pped nu \hnt, [In lhv muf lumhvl t with )IIK Ill [IS he I : Iiiuhmund} i'homhiil, Lam 111 the chief dis )1) that .shi ul- of lumlw d thv l’rrig him $14.65 lumhev is thv h YOnge f “unit are DGENG Ker u paid ht firm who hand made Ontar F all Rains ut lived in the m. ‘nnd heard )Pd (mill and ll] uil llldl X‘ifisll U( .shippegl th HVH HI] OF CANADA ) shaking 1 near, h: the wuth his pants than its That’s fun 1'68 m l 1ft [M in thing the Lots lll ut mg tllc fti 1d 1 it the )l‘ lml Newton Brook Tel. M. 3631 A. Cam Demon, Macdonald 6: Benton 1. KING ST. \VEST. BARRIBTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings 3'3 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple. Thursday zlft-ernnon. \Voodbridge, Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Current Rates C. Browne OFFICEâ€"SUITES]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST H. A. NICIâ€"IOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Ill Barrister, S Shaver Taylor 6: Rhodes HI] )mmi nner, Ur Insurance and RICHMOND HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION ssue-l' Barristers, Sr) :XDFOR [Single copies, 3 cts. WILLIAM COOK EARLE N E VVTON Queensvill \l)! MANNING S. SHEPHERD eron MacNaughton Ba rislcrs. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. Hamilton Solicit‘ TE Ph in NP Mm rings ,or, Notary, Etc. GORMLEY R [9 4741 ARCH); licml's A. M nnveynn MAPLE ORONTO '57 Queen St. West Toronto I R-‘iIA FOPR 1‘( D Thornhill N05 icenses 1nd lll