1'49 cent brooms at Richmond Hill Hardware. f Frank M. Dunlon i4 spending a tort- night at "Pilgrim's Best" Sans Solici. Georgian Bay. Mrs. ltumble and the Misses Lillian and Betty were visiting in the country (being the week. Miss Mae Greene is to be congratu- lated on winning the scholarship at the recent entrance examinations here. Call at the Richmond Hill Hardware and cliotsc your August Victei Records. Don't miss them. Mr. and Mrs. liar-1'3"â€. Sterling. have. been entertaining visitors from paris during the past week. Miss Jessief lieu-m. and in. mum. ton. of Toronto were guestsof Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Mylks last week. Miss Davisou wlin llLLS..- been spend~ ing the summer with her aunt, Mrs. \V. H. Pugalry left Tuesday morning for a trip to Smith’s Falls, Out. Mr. \Valker Hall of the Bink of Mt‘gitreal Brantl'oid. who was speud« iug his holidays with his latln-rand mother. returned last. Tuesday. Mr. I. A. Heifer, a prominent Edgelev farmer, was a l'allel' on friends in the Hill the latter part of last week. Mr. and-Mrs. Bert Oke and little (laughter of 'l'hornhillare spending a week with Mr. Olie‘s patients at Flesherton. St. Mary‘s (Anglican) (‘hurch held a very successful picnic to Bond Lake on \Vednesday last. much to the enjoyâ€" ment of the youngsters. Mr. Kiikwood, Supervisor of the Stirling Bank Aurora, spent Wednes. day \\ill] the manager of the local branch here. / z The meeting of the. Dining Hall Cuiriniiltee that. was to have met at Mrs. Cook's t-n \Vednesday will he. held on Thursday, July ZS at 5.230 p. m. Colonel Marshall Vice-President the Sterling Bank and Mr. A. ll. \Valker the General Manager ofï¬cially visited the local Branch on Friday last. Richmond llill Field Day will be held on Monday August lst keep this date. There will be Horse races. Baseball ’l‘ournamrnt. Foot races and l :t Midway bigger and better than ever. I This is your day~August 1. \\'ill the ladies who are assisting in the dining hall and bOoths on Field Day call at Hill’s Garage. Saturday evening, July 30. and procure their badge for admission to grounds. Mr. and Mist. Burnaby, Mr. and Mrs. Legge, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Stirling and .Mr. arid Mrs. McL‘itchy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. West- woud on Tuesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Davies and Miss E. Orme of our local dry goods store, are leaving this evening. Thursday, July 28th for 1-. two months trip to England. Mrs. A. Collins will be in charge until their return in time for the fall millinery opening. The Annual Union Picnic of St. Luke’s Church Thornhill and St. Mary's Church Richmond Hill will be held at the Milne Farm (formerly the Abbey Farm) Stop it Langstait’ on Saturday July 30. Full programme or“ sports including. baseball, races. etc. Admission to Ground 25 cents. At the meeting of Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M. at Ottawa last Week, Richmond Hill was again honoured by the election of Wor. Bro. J. H. Dunlop to the office of District Deputy Grand Master for the Toronto Centre District 11 . In recognition of the efficient Serv- ices rendered by the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade at. the recent. fire which destroyed the barn at the Municipal Farm, Lnngstaff. the Board of Control of the City of Toronto has, voted SSH tO'the Brigade. Mrs. John H. Duhlup left on Friday evening for her hometown, Nashua, f son Earle. \\ hose remains had been forwarded by the l'. S. Government from France, supreme sacrifice. September 1918. in the cause of justice, honor and freedom. He was oire of the first Volunteers is the State. of New Hampshiie. after the U. S. entered the Great \Vai. â€"â€"â€".o.~ Special Oder Vâ€"-,â€"i The Richmond Hill Horticultural Society is oil’ering to it’s members five priz-as as follows. for well kept boulevards $3 for the best. then in order $4. $3. $2. $1. There must he at least, 7 competitors to ensure this prize. Get your neighbours to compete. Boulevards will be judged at Fall Exhibitionâ€"Saturday, Sept. 10. ,Saunders, Brill.nger â€"Saunders i The marriage took place in the , parsonage Richmond Hill, on \Viilnts- day, july ti, 1921, (it Miss lleleli Nellie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Saunders, ()ak Ridges to Mr. Hrirry Vear Brillirigr‘i' son of Mr. and Mrs. j. ll. Brillineer. Kettleby. ltev. A. McNeill oiliciaiiug. cooâ€"~â€" St. Mary’s Church (Anglican) lO'rii eriuv AFTER 'l‘iiisrrv Celebrationof the Holy Communion 8 a. 1]]. Morning Prayer. and Sermon ll :i. In. Sunday St‘lli'ul 5i p. in. Holy Baptism l.l5 p. in. livensoniz and Sermon R p. in. Choir Practice. in the t'buich Friday evening 8.30 p. in. ’l‘. W. BrrKLiaic, Piiest-in-Ghaige. i ~â€"â€"â€"â€"--~Q uo~ THORNHILI. Trinity Church Association are holding a garden party on Saturday. August (5, at. the Springs. Thornhill. connnenring at 3 p. in., in aid of W. A. and Building;. Fund of Trinity Ulllll't'll. Attendants iir native tostnine of liver couniiiienis will ol’l'vr the [)i'tit’lllt‘ls‘ oft all l'llldS for your refreshment and atl fl\'<‘\ti't‘l1it'l( tea. will be served. Races and other sports. Git-at Arr-her v Contest. Manyothei amusements and attractions. Concert and dance in the evening. 7 .LL.*oor.__-._ Married [a'y Bowlers Win 527‘“ On Tuesday eveningr lliu Min-ind Lrtdir-s won an easv victory over the i single men. winning: out ll-T. lt; ei‘idently appears as though the ladies w re in a class by themselves. The rink as follows. Married Ladies â€"â€"l\[rs. W. C. Savage. Mrs. A. G. Savage. Mrs. G. Glenn. Mrs. N. J. Glass. skip. Single Monâ€"A. E. Glass. L. Hill, G. Moodie, ll. Naughton, skip. -..__.._..__ Formerly of Richmond Hill Rev. (‘harles P. Macliautzhlin, D. D.. Pastor Fiht Lutheran Church, l’ittsburg, formerly a student of Rich- tnond Hill High Seliool from lFShlSST, and who matriculated from Toronto l'niiersitv iir July 1587 afterwards attending college in the Htatesjwas in town last Week Visiting former Tl ientls and ielatimrs. I'll: father. Alexander MacLiughlin was pastor of Zion Lutheran Church Vaughan during the period from 1531-1892. â€" â€"_â€".-‘a.~ “lt Pays to Advertise" Mr. G. A. M. Davison, who iecently beldva sale if used cars at l'nionville, wiites this oilice expressing his apple» ciation for the bent-lit lie deri\ed through advertising in this paper. lie I says. “\Ve sold i’\l-'l'_\‘ ear that was oii'ei'ed, at a good average. which in- niuch of the success \\';is due the pithâ€" 1licity got. iliiougli the medium of Tiiii thanks and apprr ciation. Oat Competition The winners in the above Standing Field Crop Competition in connection wrth the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society are as follows. I I‘llt‘d A. Clark “ Albert jones john Young, and Sons Noah Hoiles \Vui. \Vonds J. S. McNair where he made/(he: -‘lCaU"l-C£l \Vni. Oliver The above. will have the privilege of showing sheaf and grain at the Exhibition. of which they will doubt- less receive due notice. _-â€"-...â€"â€" Richmond Hill Field Day â€"â€"I dicates that it pays to advertise, and ‘ LIBERAL, for which please accept my . q l ling t On Civic Holiday. Monday. August 1. Richmond Hill will hold their 3rd Annual Field Day. the big event of the year. The committees in charge have revised the prize lists, amusements, races. etc, and are otfering you the biggest (lays outing ever staged in the local paik. Horse Races, Baseball Tournament. Foot Races, Band Con- cert, D.incing, and other amusements too numerous to mention. A grand : parade leaving the park at It) a.nr. will i start the day fl‘lluHVOd by the lst Base- l ball Match at 11 a. m. and the other big sitti'aCtions. .300. Children 25c. Autos 250. d l ‘ HCTORIA SflL'ARE i to Harvesting is the order of the day. has a fair yield. The young people spent Tuesday evening at Mr. Alex. Duncan‘s on the , fifth. The oecasion being the heat furnished by Mr. C. Sanderson instead of the usual (-haiivari. games, after which came ice-cream and ,cnke. Miss Margaret leanings, of Toronto, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Ida Brown is boating up at Lake Joe. Congratulations to those wlro passed ,the entrance from the siliools here. They are L‘. Read tht‘liOl‘s) Frank ,Brumwell. May FIaVelle. A. Moire: ghan, Craig Tupnle enjoying 1 Mrs]. Lever is visiting friends at‘ the Square. Mr. Ed. McKenzie spent Sunday l . with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dennie. Admission Adults, 1 There were ; the I l i l N. H.. to attend the funeral of llL’l' ' Alsike is being threshed. L. L. Nichols l l l l r l VVehl) Mrs. ‘ l gillllt' ladies and maimed ladies and single. was a win for the iiiaiiird iii both. In the play all between the married ladies and married Illt'll. \th mention tin- scoi e, Elliott. Miss h‘lnl'dlt' MissSwitzer. skip. Mrs. N. .l. Glass. skip, G. Miioilii‘. ll. Naiiizliton, skip. l . Announcement i )ll". \Viillt‘l' lt:_\‘t'i' UT Tirrlrnlu Innoiinees lite engagement of llvl‘ LuelLr to Mr. (‘ecil Toronto. only son of Mr. and \V. \Vi-bb, Thornton. irti'iiage to take place in August. .â€".â€"â€"~â€""O -ltlest (laughter, Th e i i l l l y l’owling Challenge Saturday evening it Challengel was played between single On ncu and muirii-d men. The l'Pstll‘L The ladies by a good margin, we won't The Single as t‘tvllowsw McLean. Miss rinks were latlieSâ€"â€"Mis~‘ Mariied ladiesâ€"Mrs. \V. (‘. Savage, Mrs. A. (l. Smagi‘. Mrs. G. (ilcnn. L. llill, Single menâ€"A. 14), Glass, Married menâ€"\V. ('omi.-k'_.'. l'}. Barker, A. (i. Savage, Mi'. l'illiO‘rt. skip. «I- Willowdale Field Day \Villowdele are holding a big Field Day at Stop 33, Yongt- Street. on Saturday August 13th. Tliev have prepared a good programme. consistâ€" of a baseball match between Richmond Hill and \Villowdale, a football lii;rlt'll between Thornhill and Oriole, also a lengthy programme of races, for both yonngand old; hrâ€" ‘sir’le; these attractions there will be a band in attendance, big lllltl\\’i',\'. Ilbincing pavilion, ll't' (‘l('.tlll booths, etc, Meals served on the grounds. A'lllllS-imi 25 t:t‘lil-‘, rhil lren. 15 (ent<, under 12 lice. Autos 1"in krd tree. ' ._._..._4.-‘7._. Waterworks Debentures The undersigned illllllOliY."(l to OTTL’l' for sale Village Debentures“) the amount of $05.00!) lor the Fur pose of constructing a system of \Vateiwoiks in l’iii liniond Hill. These Debentures hear interest at six per cent and :irerepayable in thirty annualinstalments of principal ai‘d interest, and will be sold in amounts to suit purchasers from $500 upward. The subscription lists are now open and llll' debentures may lreobtained at. the Clerk‘s Ofï¬ce or at the Standaid Bank. liiclimond Hill.A is ,I. HUME Village 'l'i ea-suret' Keeping? 9. Record with his BROWNIE He grow the pumpkin in his own gardenâ€"and hc's Little brother is looking forward mighty proud of it. to the time when he will grow one too. Brownies come at many prices, and taking pictures with a. Brownicnis as easy I Lct your boy come in and look as it; is economical. 0Vcr_our complete stock. Try our Printing and Developing. The Richmond Hill Hardware Co . FALL TERM OPENS AUGUST 1. shorthand, Typewriting, L'or- respondence. Spelling, Penman- ship. Rapid Calculation. Busi- ness English, General Otiitc Practice. BEGIN WITH THE NEW TERM Ask for particulars. rates, etc. Make your reservations now it ... j. possible. Success Stcnogiaphic Schools. Newmarket Branch Bank of Toronto Block. w l l o o 2 9 O 0 o o 0 9 3 e o o o g E t e i 0 e 6 9 o Your Harvest Expenses HAVE you sufficient ready money with which to meet the expense of harvesting your crop ? if not you are cordially invited to discuss your posi- tion with our local Manager. Standard Service always affords practical and help- ful accommodation. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ‘51 TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MlLLlONS Richmond Hill Branch: J. R. Herrington, Manager. FRUIT SEASON SPECIALS Fruit Season is here and with it comes the need for Special Kettles, etc. We have just what: you need Heavy Grey Granite Preserving Kettles, in all sizes from 40¢ to $1,256.21. Heavy Grey Roll Top Granite Dish Pars. Just what you need to do your herricsin from 70c to 85c. SPECIAL Heavy Grey Granite Dippers, reg. 30c. for 19c. Heavy Blue and White Granite Dippers reg. tile. for 23C. The very thing [or filling jars. PAROWAX The Sanitary, Airtight Scaling Wax in 1 lb. pkgs. at 20c. per 1b: Metal Screw Tops for Jars at SOC. pertloz. leavy Red Rubber Rings iDC. per (‘1 COME 1N OR PHONE '7 ~- WE DELIVER The Richmbnd Hill Hardware Co. PHONEIS MWOMOOMOMOWNOOOOMQ 90006060060609...†Filth LLli/li ACCIDENT SICKNESS AUTOMOBILli~lil lt’lf, THEFT, LIABILITY , H . . . . ~ lLAlL‘. (JLAbb BURGLARY 'l‘ai‘itl‘anr‘l Non 'l'ai'ii'.‘ Ratings and all I’oIEc't-s give tic proâ€" tection the}: are, intended for arid at. the minimum rates, "iet our rates before looking: elsewhere. Tl'e l‘oiill tllH‘dllOi] Life: A550. issues a new poliev “iilmut. iiietlical examination i'or $101.0. also a policy called the, Fairiii)’ l’olicy, \iliicli is striking; for its protection human and lii‘s'wii'e and nurnv good features, .\:l< lui‘ the pamphlet, which rxplainsall. This should appeal to all married rum and women. because. the ciqnpun)‘ carries a smazi \tii'c also, and cuts nothing. risk on the No medical exziiniuaticn l'cri‘ Clie wife is required, e. G. SAVAGE & soN Agent for Ail kinds of Insurance Office at the Post Office, Richmondr‘lill D0909â€OQQOMWQQQOWNOMOOQOOONQWM 66609“WMN wooeooonmwwoooomuwomomm ~. L... Vulcanizing Bring us your tires and tubes for repairs. Made as good as new by our Haywood Vulcanizer. Now is the time to have your tires put in good shape for the warm weather. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. TeetZâ€"eTâ€"BrOS. Implements, Garden Tools and Repairs Ladders Iron Postr, Gates \Vheelbarrows Vire liezce Hog Troughs Fiber Plaster Hydrated Lime Garden Toois Pumps Tongue Truck Supports Sprayers Ircnage Seeders C ockshutt and Bateman-VVilkinson Repairs Always in Stock. W. F. CARTER, BiohmondHill Massey-Harris,